Eastern Continent

Chapter 392, under the island


It was like a fierce beast roaring, so loud that it almost broke the ear drum. The short pirate leader didn't look at Ye Guoming's long knife. He lowered his head and rushed, and the brass stick stabbed Ye Guoming's lower abdomen.

This is a completely defeated play. Of course, Ye Guoming can cut him, but his long stick will definitely stab Ye Guoming in the lower abdomen. With the power of this warrior, if Ye Guoming's lower abdomen is stabbed, he will definitely be seriously injured.

At this time, Fang already had an advantage. Naturally, Ye Guoming would not fight with him. The long knife quickly turned over, took it back in an instant, and split it hard at the brass stick.


There was a loud noise, and the sound in the empty place outside was not so loud, but it was another feeling in the room. Several pirates standing near the pirate's head only felt as if a thunder was about to ring in their ears. There was a buzz in their ears, and they could not hear any sound for the time.

After a sound, Ye Guoming and the pirate leader took a step back. Unfortunately, the loud noise just now not only seemed to deafen the pirate's ears near the pirate leader, but also slowed down the reaction. For Ye Guoming's door after being forced back, he did not take the opportunity to rush out.


The pirate leader retreated and kept screaming. The brass stick was raised high and rushed towards Ye Guoming.

"Gone him out!" The sound of the copper head sounded at the right time. At this time, all the pirates outside had been eliminated. The copper head aimed its eyes at the pirates in the room. After seeing the fierce pirate leader, the copper head couldn't help itching and asked Ye Guoming to release him.

As soon as the copper-headed voice fell, Ye Guoming flashed to one side and avoided the stick of the pirate leader.

In fact, the pirate leader's stick even used the power to breastfeed. He thought that this time, he would smash the bastard who suddenly appeared and blocked his door for no reason, and forced him to let him out of the door so that he could take the group trapped in the house behind him. Companion rushes out. But no matter how he thought about it, he absolutely didn't expect that Ye Guoming would flash aside and automatically give up the door. As a result, he pounded a heavy stick in the air, and his hands were almost dislocated because of this. The force of milk staggered him and staggered out of the door unconsciously.

As soon as the pirate leader walked out of the house, he saw a spear trembling and stabbing his chest.


The short and strong pirate leader shouted again, and his face looked ferocious. He stood firm. The brass stick swept away and swept towards the bronze-headed spear.


The copper head only felt a shock in his hands, and the spear shook for a while. He was about to get out of his hand and was forced to withdraw three steps back.

The pirate leader's face turned red and pale, but he did not retreat for half a step. He turned the long stick and smashed at Ye Guoming. If he wanted all the pirates in the room to come out, he could only repel the blockade of Ye Guoming and Tongtou to the door.


Ye Guoming did not want to retreat, but the pirate leader wanted to force Ye Guoming to retreat, so both of them fought hard. Under the intersection of knives and sticks, there was another loud noise. Ye Guoming was forced to retreat a few steps by the fierce blow of the pirate leader.

The pirate leader's slightly black face turned red and spit out a mouthful of bright red, and his whole body was still strong and did not retreat.

Under the desperate efforts of the pirate leader, Ye Guoming and Tongtou were forced to leave the door and finally gave up the position at the door.

The pirates who had been waiting impatiently in the house naturally seized the opportunity and rushed out of the house one after another, holding high their weapons and screaming at the crowd.

However, before the joy of these pirates passed, their faces immediately turned gray. Song Chunbing, who had already prepared, formed an encirclement under the leadership of Ye Guoming and Tongtou, and surrounded the nearly ten pirates who rushed out of the house, including the pirate leaders, at the door.

The life-and-death battle of this battle is a tough battle. In the battle of survival in this battle, both sides did not hesitate and used 12 points of strength to attack.

Originally, pirates were afraid of death. Although they were strong and terrible, they all seemed to be evil. That's just for ordinary civilians. If they met regular soldiers, these pirates fled faster than anyone else. Although they dared to take risks, it was only because of the ** of wealth, not that they dared to fight desperately.

Therefore, if Ye Guoming, Tongtou and others could have let go of a way to live, they would have fled long ago, leaving the green mountains to burn firewood, and their lives to grab the property next time.

However, no one on Ye Guoming's side will let the pirates go. Whether it is the previous hatred or the current pirates, there are only three small boats left. If the pirates are allowed to leave, will they and others be trapped on this island? Zhang Heng and others feel that they are not in such a high level, so they can only Pirates are desperate.

Fortunately, more than a dozen pirates were destroyed by their own side at the beginning. Fortunately, all the pirates were blocked in the house, and even if they came up with it, they could not get out.

Just now, these dozen people were deliberately released by Ye Guoming and Tongtou. They always locked the mad dogs in a cage, and the two could only form a confrontation. If they want to eliminate them, they must also be released.

Therefore, more than a dozen pirates rushed out of the door. However, after these dozen pirates rushed out of the door, Song Chun's soldiers immediately surrounded them and pressed them tightly so that they could not leave the door.

This is a more fierce and cruel war than on the ordinary battlefield. Song Chun's soldiers are desperately blocking the pirates and never let a pirate escape. After the pirates finally see no hope of escape, they also rushed to Song Chun's soldiers regardless of their lives. Often you cut people, and I also want to After stabbing you with a sword and escaping hopelessly, the pirates are also forced to fight desperately.

These bone-piercing people who joined the pirate gang and came to the mainland* were already strong in their bones. It was only because of their desire for wealth that they became a little afraid of death. At this time, they desperately made Song Chun's soldiers feel great pressure in an instant. If it weren't for the mutual care of Ye Guoming and the copper head and the death of the pirate head Son, if he doesn't give him a chance to attack others, the encirclement may have been broken long ago.

However, after the pirates' desperate attack, the encirclement of Song Chun's soldiers was finally broken. The pirates who saw the vitality of the line escaped from this gap one after another.

What surprised Ye Guoming and Tongtou was that the pirate leader did not run for his life first, but withstood the attack of Ye Guoming and Tongtou with one person, and let the pirates trapped in the house rush out.

So far, the war has become a state of melee. However, because Song Chun first eliminated more than a dozen pirates and cut down several when other pirates rushed out, the number of people on both sides has been flat, and even the number of Song Chun's side is even several more than pirates.

The pirate leader forced Ye Guoming and Tongtou away and released the pirates in the room. At this time, Ye Guoming and Tongtou were also fierce. They also simply entangled the pirate leader, while the other pirates handed them over to Song Chun soldiers led by Zhang Heng and Li Zhi.

The martial arts of this short pirate may be in the realm of heaven, but one of Ye Tong is also in the realm of heaven. Although the other is only a big day, he is born with divine power. How can the pirate leader withstand the attack of the two? When he just guarded the door and released the pirates in the house, the pirate leader was already scarred. Tired, at this time, he was attacked by Ye Tong again, and even the realm of chemical essence may not be able to stand it.

As a result, there were more and more scars on the short pirate leader's body, and his clothes were dyed red by his own blood, and his movements gradually slowed down.

Maybe the pirate leader knew that he was in trouble and knew his fate, and became more and more desperate. His moves were often hurt by both sides. However, although it was the first time for Ye Guoming and Tongtou to fight against the enemy, they also cooperated very well. They often attacked and defended one by one. Although the pirate leader wanted to hurt both sides, his moves Shi was always blocked by one of Ye Guoming or the copper head, and the other took the opportunity to add a wound to his body.

If you are injured, the master will also become a low hand, and the strong will gradually become weak. The pirate leader will bleed more and more, and his movements are slower. They are forced all the way to the sea by Ye Guoming and the copper head, and their actions in the water are getting slower and slower. In the end, they just watch the bronze head stabbed with a spear and stabbing from their chest. Enter.

A sharp pain came, and the short pirate only felt that his eyes were dark. He looked down at the spear inserted in front of his chest. His eyes looked from fear to disbelief. In the end, everything became lighter and lighter. Finally, his eyes lost their color. They slowly slipped from the spear, slowly fell back and fell into the water.

From there, he went back there. I don't know how many civilians were killed from the sea, and how many strong merchants were poisoned by him, and finally returned to the sea.

Until he fell, the short pirate may still feel aggrieved. From beginning to end, his weapons were not even touched by the enemy's clothes, but he was killed so many holes by the enemy.

After losing the leader, the morale collapsed in an instant. From trying to resist, it became scattered and fled in an instant, and most of them ran towards the three boats parked in the port.

The island is not big. They also know that even if they escape, they can't escape there. Sooner or later, Song Chun's soldiers will find them. Only by fleeing to the sea can they really escape.

However, Ye Guoming and others besieged and killed pirates. In addition to the unresolved hatred in the past, the purpose was that the three boats would not let the pirates sail away again, so they all accelerated to encircle the pirates, hoping to stop the pirates before they entered the sea.

However, after these pirates knew that they were hopeless to escape, they also launched a fierce attack and fought with Song Chun's soldiers.

This time, it was really desperate. The pirates completely ignored the weapons that Song Chun soldiers stabbed on their bodies, but desperately pressed them against Song Chun soldiers and stabbed their weapons into Song Chun's bodies as much as possible.

The war is going on, tragic and cruel.

However, in the end, due to the low morale of the pirates, they lost the leader of the short pirates, and their combat effectiveness was reduced by a second level. Finally, they were all destroyed by the Song Chun soldiers led by Ye Guoming and Copper Head.

Although this battle won a complete victory and destroyed all the pirates, Song Chun's soldiers also lost several people. As long as the pirates were desperate, several soldiers were assassinated by the enemy's weapons because they could not dodge.

Even among the remaining nearly 20 soldiers, most of them were injured, and even Zhang Heng and Li Zhi were injured to varying degrees. Among them, only Ye Guoming and his bronze head were intact, and they did not even hurt their fingernails.

However, it is always happy to win the battle, and it has also captured a lot of food and three small boats.

However, when everyone got on the boat happily, their faces suddenly changed, and they all wanted to cry without tears--the three boats were chiseled through the bottom of the ship. The sea was pouring into the boat, and the warehouse was almost full. Next to each ship's hole was a suicidal pirate. The knife cut a big blood hole in his abdomen, and the blood mixed with the sea water, becoming a disgusting dark red.