Eastern Continent

Chapter 394, Assassin

"So, is this your room?"

"Yes, it's my room!"

"Sorry, I was dizzy at that time, so I went wrong! What's your name?"

"My name is Xiaoxiang, small, fragrant!"

"Hmm! Well, well, I don't think you're small, but you really smell it. I can smell it so far away!"

"Hee... I know, everyone says so!"

"Since I got on the boat, it seems that I have never seen you! To be precise, I haven't seen a woman on the boat yet.

"I haven't been out. Of course you can't see me!"


"I... I dare not go out!"

"Why? Do they bully you?"

"No, because...because...I dare not blow the wind!"


"Because...because... I will feel pain, cold, sweat, and even unconscious!"

"Pain! Coma! Why?"

"Because...because...I have a strange disease!"

"Strange disease! Don't dare to blow the wind, will it hurt? Will you be in a coma if the wind blows?"

"Yes! The elder brought me to the mainland to see if anyone could cure my strange disease, but unfortunately no one has been able to cure it!"

"Don't dare to blow the wind! This disease is really strange! I thought it was strange enough that I lost my martial arts by lightning. I didn't expect that your illness was worse than me!"

"Has the elder recovered? I mean, after you help the elder look at it.

"There is so fast there. He is seriously injured. I just help him eradicate the root cause, but there should be no patience. He should recover in a period of time!"

"Wow! Brother Longfei is so powerful that I don't know... I don't know... Can you help me see it!"

The above is the dialogue between the little girl Xiaoxiang and Long Fei. After saying that, the little girl looked at Long Fei eagerly, but her eyes were full of worry.

"This..." Long Fei shook his head and was dizzy. He didn't know anything about medicine at all. Otherwise, he would not prescribe medicine. After curing Meng Ting, the blind cat met a dead mouse. With his strange spiritual power that he didn't know where he came from, now his mental power is overused and his mind is still dizzy. , there are two shadows of everything. How can you help the little girl cure her? Even if you want to use your mental strength to explore her physical condition, you still can't do it.

However, she can't bear to say no directly. This little girl has been suffering from a strange disease. If she refuses again, the little girl knows how sad she will be.

"Long Fei... My brother may be tired today!" Before Long Fei opened his mouth, a look of disappointment flashed in the little girl's eyes, but she said with a smile, "It doesn't matter. It's not too late for Brother Long Fei to take care of me after enough rest. Anyway, I have been sick for so long, and it doesn't matter if I delay for a while!"

"Look at me!" Long Fei suddenly stared at the little girl.

"What?" The little girl felt strange and saw a pair of shining eyes as soon as she looked up, as if the nine heavenly stars suddenly fell into the eyes of Long Fei, deep and far away, sincere and innocent.

"Do you believe me?" Long Fei recovered a little mental strength and stared at Shou Xiaoxiang and said, "Do you believe me?"

"Believe!" A look of surprise flashed in Xiaoxiang's eyes: "I believe in Brother Longfei!"

"Good!" Long Fei said seriously, "I'm treating the elder today. I'm really overused. I'll take a break for two days and watch it for you after I recover. You think it's good!"

"Good!" Xiaoxiang smiled sweetly: "Then I'll wait for Brother Longfei to come back to help me see a doctor for two days!"

"How many doctors has Xiaoxiang seen!" Long Fei blinked, as if dark clouds had suddenly covered the sky. The stars of the nine days suddenly disappeared, only Long Fei's deep eyes.

"I've seen a lot, but I can't cure it!" After sitting in the chair, Xiaoxiang looked at the quiet and dignified appearance, not like a girl who was only thirteen or 14 years old, but like a middle-aged woman in 30 or 40 years old, and her tone was also faint, as if she was not talking about her own business or her own illness: "The most hateful thing is that those doctors still don't know how to pretend to understand and pretend to be models. It doesn't help to prescribe a little medicine at all!"

Long Fei smiled helplessly. Most of the doctors in the world are like this. He is always afraid that others will say that his medical skills are not high or refined. Even if he doesn't understand diseases, he has to pretend to look left and right, say something irrelevant, and then prescribe two pairs of medicine that can't be cured.

Occasionally, when the patient is cured, it is his own ability. He can boast everywhere. If he can't cure it, he can't even say that he can't cure himself, so others can't cure it, as if he can't wait for the patient to die like this.

Xiaoxiang may have been trapped in the room all day and had no one to accompany her. When talking to Long Fei, she talked endlessly. From her illness, she quickly talked about the situation of the Yuedao fish people, and then talked about what happened when she was a child.

Long Fei listened patiently. He really listened not to perfunctorily, and his face was always smiling. However, Long Fei also knew his current situation and where he was about to go from Xiaoxiang.

That is the Moon Island where the fish people live.

After chatting for about half a day, a fishman soldier on the boat brought food. When he saw Long Fei in the small incense room, he couldn't help but feel strange. However, as if he respected Xiaoxiang very much, he didn't ask, but his curious eyes turned around Long Fei and immediately lowered his head.

"Bear another copy!" Xiaoxiang didn't explain, but just ordered lightly.

Looking at her tone, it seems that her status in the fish people is not low, and it is natural to ask these soldiers to do things.

The soldier moved so fast that he almost brought the second meal in the blink of an eye. When he put the food down in front of Long Fei, his eyes turned around Long Fei again.

Long Fei smiled and didn't explain. Since Xiaoxiang didn't explain, it means there is no need to explain.

"Brother Longfei, let's eat!" Xiaoxiang smiled sweetly and looked at Long Fei.

"Good!" Long Fei was also polite. He lowered his head and began to eat. Anyway, he had not eaten anything in the morning. At this time, he had been hungry for a long time.

After lunch, Long Fei chatted with Xiaoxiang for a while. Seeing that Xiaoxiang was exhausted, he said goodbye.

At this time, it was still noon, which should be when the sun was hanging high in the sky, but when Long Fei stepped on the deck, he found that the sun had somehow got behind the clouds and hid. At this time, there were only thick clouds in the sky, like layers of thick gauze, covering the whole sky tightly. The sun can only occasionally leak a trace of light from the clouds, just like a shy girl putting down the veil that blocks her eyes, only making people faintly see a blurred face.

The sky darkened, as if the evening would come early.

It's windy.

The wind that blew up clothes or hair blew over the sea, set off waves, pounced around the boat, splashed drops of water and rolled on the deck. After converging into a small stream, it flowed out of the drainage channel of the deck.

Under the influence of wind and waves, the ship shakes violently like a fallen leaf floating on the water.

Long Fei came to the side of the ship's side and grasped the railing with both hands. The waves high on the side of the ship kept slapping on both sides of the ship. The sound of "pop" and the sound of water never stopped, and the three sails glided fast on the sea with the ship.

The people on board are busy, and there is an atmosphere where a storm is coming.

"Tip!" Long Fei came to the busy Meng Jian: "Why do you tie everything with a rope?"

"Brother Long." Meng Jian looked up at Long Fei and lowered his work: "If you tie it up, you won't be washed away by the huge waves!" For Meng Jian, every object on the ship seems to be his treasure. If he can keep one, he will naturally keep one.

Long Fei looked around the ship. Although the spray was very large, it sometimes hit the deck, but Long Fei didn't believe that such a little splash could wash away the things on the ship.

asked doubtfully, "Will there be a big storm?"

Meng Jian raised his head and looked at the dark sky and said, "The storm is coming soon. Brother Long should go back to the warehouse quickly."

"The storm is coming soon!" Speaking of sea knowledge, Long Fei knew that he was 108,000 miles away from Meng Jian. Meng Jian said that the storm was coming soon. He also looked up at the gloomy sky and said strangely, "If the storm comes, won't you enter the boathouse?"

Meng Jian said, "Most of them will hide in the boat barn!"

"Oh!" Although Long Fei felt that he should no longer stay on the deck, he wanted to see what the storm on the sea looked like and thought about it, so he decided to stand with Meng Jian for the time being. They could not only take care of each other, but also see what the sea storm that made Meng Jian talk about the tiger change color. Anyway, there is not much wind and rain now.

In the blink of an eye, the wind became strong, and the pouring rain suddenly fell from the sky. The wind hit Long Fei with a loud rainstorm, and it was still a little painful.

This huge Mengting sailing ship called Liuyun was like a real fallen leaf at this time. Suddenly, the waves rose and suddenly fell to the bottom of the valley. Together, it was still higher than the ship and the mast. Long Fei only felt as if he was in the sky, and suddenly reached the bottom of the sea again, between the rise and fall. It's all so sudden.

Long Fei, who had never seen such a scene, had already been stunned by this earth-shaking scene. He grabbed the stop with both hands tightly and forgot to go back to the warehouse to hide.

was another process of falling from the peak. Long Fei felt that his feet seemed to be suddenly empty. He was not standing on the deck, but his feet were in the air. In this way, he fell vertically. Below was a bottomless deep pool, which could never reach the bottom.

The "Fen" Liuyun fell to the bottom of the waves, and the sea water spilled down from overhead. Long Fei's clothes were all soaked.