Eastern Continent

Chapter 402, Goodbye Xiaoxiang

Long Fei followed Lao Huang into Meng Ting's room.

Meng Ting was sitting in **. Seeing Long Fei coming in, he nodded to Long Fei with a smile. Seeing that he was kind and energetic, he knew that he was in a good mood. The storm survived and the pain survived. At this time, he was in a bad mood. How long will he wait?

Through the light shining through the window, you can also see that his face has returned to some vitality and rosy, no longer as pale and gray as before.

Long Fei strode forward, bowed to Meng, and said gratefully, "Thank you for your help!"

" Sit down!" After two days of not seeing you, Meng Ting's spirit is much better. The light in his eyes flashed. It can be seen that with the recovery of the internal injury, the internal strength has also recovered a part. Looking at Long Fei's eyes with a smile and a trace of hidden excitement, he said lightly, "Long Fei is not polite. It's just because the ship is broken and doesn't sail fast, so that you can catch up."

"I haven't seen you for a few days. What do you think of the elder?" Long Fei was also polite. He sat down on a chair in front of Meng Ting's bed and asked with concern, "Is the injury good?"

"Isn't Long Fei the most clear?" Meng Ting looked at Long Fei and smiled, "Don't Long Fei have confidence in his medical skills?"

It seems that Meng Ting is just like what Long Fei saw. He was really in a good mood, otherwise he would not have joked with Long Fei. However, since Long Fei saw him, he had always had a straight face and a serious and cool expression. Long Fei thought he would not laugh. This sudden laugh made Long Fei stunned. When he got up, it was as if he saw a statue suddenly smiling at himself, more frightened than happy.

Meng seemed to know that his smile was abrupt and scary, or he said with a faint smile, "I heard Lao Huang say that Long Fei was caught up by a fish?"

"Haha..." Long Fei still had lingering palpitation: "That's the boy's luck. He was saved by this fish when he fell into the sea, otherwise he wouldn't see you!"

"This fish is big and long, screaming like a baby!" Meng's face suddenly became solemn, and there was a hint of excitement.

"Exactly, how did the elder know?" Long Fei said strangely that Meng Ting was not on the deck at that time, but how he knew.

"I didn't expect Long Fei to be so lucky that he had to help you get out of trouble." Meng Ting laughed again.

"The mackerel!" Long Fei said strangely, "I haven't seen Meng Lao. How do you know it's a dragonfly?"

"Maybe the little brother is really not a person who lives by the sea and doesn't know the dragonfish." Meng Ting laughed, but this time he laughed.

"You have asked me before. I did come from Montenegro, but I just happened to arrive at Song Chun." Long Fei smiled bitterly: "But is there any difference between Jiao fish and other fish? Why did the elder know that it was Jiaoyu who saved me as soon as he heard it?

Meng Ting looked solemn and sang in a long voice: "The wind and clouds rise, the god king appears, pity the world, the fish comes out, save the disaster, become a dragon!" After a pause, he explained to Longfei: "According to ancient legend, when there is a storm on the sea, the god king will appear and send dragonfish to rescue the people who fall into the water. After asking for the people who fell into the water, these dragons will take off their bodies and become swimming dragons flying in the sky."

"Of course, this is just a legend, but the real one is that there is a kind of big-headed and long dragonfly on the sea. This fish is huge and sounds like a baby. It likes to travel to the bottom of the sea in a storm. If someone falls into the water, it will be saved. It's just that for so long, and no one has seen it. Unexpectedly, it was killed by the dragon. Fei met.

Long Fei said strangely, "Why has no one experienced it? Hasn't anyone been saved by falling into the water during the storm?"

Meng Ting said, "It's not that no one fell into the water, but in this kind of weather, everyone is overwhelmed. Who will notice whether others have fallen into the sea? Besides, if the person who fell into the water is not rescued immediately, a wave will also be drowned. However, saving people in this weather is tantamount to fantasy. My brother must have deeply understood that as soon as he fell into the water, a wave came over, and people didn't know where to save him.

Long Fei thought that it was true. As soon as he fell into the sea, he was hit a few feet away from the ship by two waves in an instant. He couldn't see the boat. At this time, even if someone wanted to save him, he might be powerless. I'm afraid it would be difficult to protect himself if anyone could save people a few feet away from the upstream of this stormy sea.

What's more, the third wave immediately came and hit itself to the bottom of the water, and it has not floated in the future. If it hadn't changed from external breathing to internal breathing, it might have been upturned long ago, and there was still waiting for the dragonfly to be rescued.

In addition, in this environment, where can the dragonfly save people? There are strong winds and waves everywhere. Maybe as soon as the dragonfly raised a person to the water, it was immediately hit by the waves.

Therefore, although there is an ancient legend that dragonfly saves people, there are only a few people who fall in this kind of weather, and there are fewer people who can be rescued by dragons, or even none. Therefore, the legend can only be legendary.

Of course, except for Longfei, Longfei was rescued by the dragonfish.

"What the elder said is true that in this weather, falling into the sea is equivalent to a dead end." Long Fei still had a lingering palpit when he thought about it.

"I didn't expect that the little brother could support the dragonfly underwater to save it." Meng Ting stared at Long Fei, and something seemed to flash in his eyes, but his tone said lightly, "I didn't expect that although Long Fei was young, he had learned how to breathe inside!"

Long Fei was stunned. He didn't expect that although Meng Ting was old and trapped in the room due to injury, he saw it with his own eyes. He guessed that he was not bad at all. He did inadvertently learn the method of internal breathing, otherwise he would really be drowned by water.

"The elder's eyes are like a torch!" Long Fei admired it. After all, he ate more salt than the rice he ate.

However, if Long Fei knew Meng Ting's thoughts at this time, he might not have that admiration for Meng Ting.

Meng Ting stared at Long Fei, and his surprise was getting heavier and heavier. The Long Fei he captured was just a half-talion. There were so many magical things on his body. He just seemed to know something about him, but he was immediately shocked by another abnormality that flashed on him. On Long Fei It's like a mysterious light, and a magical aura emerges all the time.

"Long Fei was frightened and cold at sea for two days, and he may be tired. I dare not take up too much of your time. You can go back to rest now!" Meng Ting suddenly waved his hand gently to Long Fei.

"Didn't the elder ask me to come and heal the elders?" Long Fei was very surprised.

"Ha ha..." Meng Ting smiled and said, "This matter is not urgent. After Long Fei's last treatment, the old man feels much better. It's not too late to wait for Long Fei to rest and recover his spirit and help the old man to have a look!"

"All right! The boy went back to rest and came back tomorrow!" Long Fei was also polite and immediately stood up to say goodbye to Meng Ting. He knew that during his time at sea, he was afraid every day, and his physical strength and spirit were greatly depleted, and it was really not appropriate to heal his wounds today.

After Long Fei walked out of the Mengting cabin, he did not follow himself this time. After staggering a few steps in the passage and looking at no one around him, he hurriedly took a few steps to reach a door and gently knock on the door.


Just a shout, the door was opened from the inside. Long Fei did not dare to stay, and immediately flashed in.

I just entered this dark room from a sunny place outside, and my eyes were still a little uncomfortable. When I gradually saw the clear situation in the room, I saw Xiaoxiang standing in front of me, curiously and caring about myself with a pair of big round eyes, and her small lips bloomed with a lovely smile.

"Xiaoxiang!" Long Fei couldn't help smiling and said, "I'm coming again!"

"Brother Longfei!" Xiaoxiang's eyes showed a heartfelt smile and shouted happily.

"These are for you!" Long Fei put his hand into his pocket and took them out for a long time. He took out a few unique shells and stuffed them into Xiaoxiang's hand. They were picked by Long Fei when he had nothing to do on the desert island. Each of them had a unique shape. At that time, he just felt that he had never seen these shells before, so he picked them up.

When I returned to the ship, these shells happened to be a gift for Xiaoxiang.

"Thank you, Brother Longfei!" Xiaoxiang took over her hands and held them in the palms of her hands like a baby. She looked excited, and there was a trace of trembling in her voice.

Long Fei touched his nose and said shyly, "These little things were picked up at the seaside. People like you who live by the seaside should be able to see them often."

"Other children can often see it, but I can't see it!" Xiaoxiang's voice sounds a little sad.

Long Fei suddenly remembered the strange disease suffered by Xiaoxiang. Because he could not be blown by the wind, he could only stay in an almost closed room all day, which was really more painful than going to prison, and he could see the scene outside.

It's really pitiful to think about it. A flowery girl is suffering from such a strange disease. God is really blind. Until now, it is not easy for her to keep a pure childlike innocence.

Long Fei said curiously, "Are you the only one living in this room? Is there no one else following you?"

Xiaoxiang said, "I don't want others to follow me. There are people there who are willing to follow a person who hides in the room like a prison all day."

Long Fei felt pity in his heart and said to Xiaoxiang, "Can you let me see your illness again?"

Xiaoxiang originally wanted to persuade Long Fei not to do this, but she thought that Long Fei was also a good intention, so she stretched out her hand.

Long Fei stretched out his hand and gently held Xiaoxiang's little hand, as if he was afraid of pinching pain and did not dare to force it.

Concerned his mind. Although he was tired, Long Fei still let his spiritual power gushed out of his brain.

After these two days of disaster, the spiritual power seemed to strengthen a little. As soon as Long Fei's brain ordered, the spiritual power immediately gushed out of his brain and poured into Xiaoxiang's body with Long Fei's hand and Xiaoxiang's hand as the channel.

Xiaoxiang only felt a chill all over her body, as if something was pressing deep in her brain, and her whole body became a little confused.

It's just that this feeling came quickly and retreated quickly. Xiaoxiang felt as if she had had an unreal dream and woke up in an instant.

Because Long Fei is not proficient in the use of mental power, and now knows that mental power will oppress other people's mental power, which may affect their mental activities. Like Xiaoxiang, the mental power of a little girl who is almost like a blank piece of paper is even more fragile, so Long Fei's mental strength is only in Xiaoxiang's body. It can be collected as soon as it is scanned, and I dare not stay for too long.

Although the diagnosis was short, after regaining his mental strength, Long Fei fell into meditation and forgot to let go of Xiaoxiang's hand.

"Brother Longfei." Xiaoxiang waited for a long time and felt strange when she saw that Long Fei had not spoken yet.

"Oh, oh..." Long Fei woke up a few times and suddenly let go of Xiaoxiang's little hand and said solemnly, "Xiaoxiang, don't worry. I think I already know the cause of your disease. I'll wait for a way to come out."

"Xiaoxiang is not worried!" Xiaoxiang was surprised and said, "Brother Longfei, take your time!"

"Okay!" Long Fei touched Xiaoxiang's little head lovingly and said, "Now I'm going back to rest and recover. When I recover my strength, I will come to you after I help the elder see a doctor again tomorrow!"

"Good!" Xiaoxiang nodded obediently: "I'll wait for Brother Longfei!"