Eastern Continent

Chapter 440, Fish Civil Disturbance

After setting out from the border, he ran to Jiuzhou City day and night, encountering mountains and crossing mountains along the way, encountering water, and never stopping.

Fortunately, there was nothing else that delayed their trip along the way.

On the fifth day, they finally came to Jiuzhou City, but everyone had reached the limit of physical fitness. If they hadn't been worried about what happened in Jiuzhou City, they would have fallen down and slept immediately.

Looking at the open gate of Jiuzhou City, they were stunned instead.

Jiuzhou City was not as flustered and noisy as they thought. Everyone fled for their lives. Instead, it was calm and indifferent as if nothing had happened.

Zhi Chenggong held the reins in his left hand and held a sword in his right hand. He looked at the door of Jiuzhou City and said to the copper head, "How about it go in or not?"

With a huge copper head, he sat firmly on his tall yellow horse and smiled and said, "Since we have arrived at the gate, there is a reason not to enter. Even if it is the Longtan tiger's den, we have to go in and break through!"

Zhi Chenggong laughed and said, "The copper-headed brother is so proud that someone will go in with you to see who can help us." He turned his head and said to Zhang Heng and others, "Two people, the others stay outside the city, look for a place to camp, and wait for our news, so as not to scare the people."

Zhang Heng and Li Zhi came out and smiled and said, "Let's accompany you to break into this Dragon Pool Tiger Cave."

Straight success and four people rode slowly into Jiuzhou City from the gate. They saw the hurried crowds and the same prosperous streets. Due to the occasional pirate attacks or bone spurs, small-scale wars often occur, so people riding horses in the city are often seen. Everyone was not surprised, and no one looked up at these people.

Not far away, the copper head seemed to be sitting on the stove, moving his body on the horse from time to time, and said, "I feel a little bad."

He was shocked and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

The copper head moved its body and muttered, "It seems that someone is looking at us. This person is very dangerous and makes my hair stand upright!"

He was shocked. Although he had been in contact with the copper head for a short time, he also knew that the copper head had an almost beast-like intuition, and it was strangely accurate. As soon as the four of them entered the city, they were followed by someone. When he looked around, they only saw people who were still running around for life, and they did not see anything dazzling. People.

The copper head shook his head and said, "It's not on both sides, it seems to be behind the back."

Under the shock, he resisted the action of turning his head and whispered, "What is the approximate position behind him?"

"To the left direction."

His eyes quickly swept in the back left direction, and quickly caught a pair of eyes looking at them from behind the window of a pub. The owner of the eyes was a blue-shirted man with thin cheeks, and his deep eyes were looking at the four copper-headed people without cover.

The copper head whispered, "Who is this?"

He shook his head successfully and said, "I've never seen it!"

"If the character has never seen it, it must be an outsider!" A smile suddenly appeared on Tongtou's face and said to Zhi Chenggong, "Why don't you say hello to your old friends?" Turn the horse's head and walk to the pub.

A few people didn't know what the copper head was going to do, so they hurriedly turned the horse's head to follow.

The copper head galloped straight to the door of the pub before getting off the horse. He cast the horse rope at will and did not stop. He directly entered the pub. Several people also hurriedly got off the horse to follow up.

As soon as they entered the pub, several people saw the blue-shirted man peeping at them. They were sitting at a table by the window and drinking by themselves.

The copper head did not stop, went straight to the front, sat down on the stool rudely, and smiled, "It's better to have fun alone than to have fun together. I'll accompany you for a few drinks. Xiao Er, bring a glass."

I took the wine glass from the second hand, and the copper head did not care about the green shirt man. He poured a glass of wine from the wine pot, raised his neck and drank it all. At this time, he put down the glass and looked at the thin cheeks of the green shirt man and said, "My name is Copper Head. Who is your Excellency?"

Jian Cheng and several people only couldn't see it, but secretly praised it. This copper head does things casually and doesn't care about planning or anything like that.

The green man just silently watched the copper head coming to the wine glass, and then poured wine from his wine pot, and did not say anything from beginning to end.

At this time, when I walked closer, I saw that the green shirt man was no longer young. There was a little gray in the black hair on his head, and the long beard under the jaw was floating, but the skin on his face was still as young and smooth as a baby, and his eyes were deep and bright.

The green shirt man still stared straight at the copper head and did not make a sound.

The copper head touched his nose - this habit was learned from Long Fei, and he didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, he laughed and said, "I don't have any flowers on my face. You don't have to look so carefully. You don't want to say your name. Why don't we drink?" After saying that, he poured out another cup from the wine pot and finished it.

"Mu San." At this time, the green man whispered his name.

It is said that among the four ancient clans in the mainland, the strength of the Mu family ranks first. The Mu family is divided into the inner hall and the outer hall. The outer hall is in charge of foreign affairs, and the inner hall is in charge of the internal affairs of the clan. There are three stews in this outer hall. Long Fei injured the second and third two stewents, but he is also injured as a result, but the big stewir has not seen them. The inner hall is managed by three deacons. Outsiders don't know the names of these three people, but only call them one, two and three respectively. This wooden three is the third deacon.

Although the voice was soft, the copper head and Zhi Chenggong seemed to hear a thunder in their ears. The bronze head looked at the calm face of the green shirt man and said in a low voice, "Mujia Neitang Mu San Deacon."

The green shirt nodded and whispered, "This name doesn't sound good. I don't think there is a second person to call it."

The copper head suddenly felt that his head was as big as a bucket. As soon as he returned to the city, he met the masters of Xiuxing Mountain. It seemed that this Jiuzhou City had indeed fallen into the hands of Xiu's surname.

Although the inner hall and the outer hall of the wooden family belong to the same wooden family, their status and kung fu are not the same. The outer hall is only a disciple of the clan. Although the martial arts are also extremely powerful, they are not as good as the authentic martial arts of the wooden family learned by the inner hall, and the inner hall is almost not a director. Usually, they only practice, and all martial arts are extremely powerful. Only the people of the other three families or the descendants of the three miracles can resist it.

Although Tongtou is a descendant of the Tianshen Ladder, the time to learn martial arts is still short. How can it be the opponent of this deacon of the wooden family who has been immersed in martial arts for decades? Even if they are three deacons, they can only look forward to it.

It seems that several of them are more and less auspicious today, but they don't expect that Mu San knew the time when they were going back to the city and had waited for them here first.

When Zhang Heng and Li Zhi heard that this man was Mu San, they subconsciously put them on the knife handle on their waist, opened the frame, and stared at him nervously.

Mu San smiled and waved his left hand out. Zhang Heng and Li Zhi only felt a strong surge, and involuntarily stepped back more than ten steps. The weapon hanging on his waist somehow arrived in Mu San's hand. Mu San gently put the weapon on the table. When the weapon touched the table, there was no sound. He said lightly, "Those who want to fight, get out of here. Don't ruin my Yaxing."

The pupils shrank in vain, staring at Mu San like a needle, and were shocked and inexplicably. It is not surprising that Zhang Heng and Li Zhi can push out more than a dozen steps with a push. Although Mu San has been famous for decades, although it is not a work of raising hands, it is not difficult to take things from the air. The taker is still unconscious under his concentration, which is really awesome. After thinking about it, no one else on the island may be able to do it except Meng Ting and Wu Shangqiang.

This wooden three's martial arts skills are high. If it is not the Jieyuan level, it is at least two realms behind the Hualing level.

Such martial arts are just the three stewants of the inner hall of the Mu family, Mu Da, Mu Er, and even Mu Zhaorong, the owner of the Mu family, who have not yet appeared, and the legendary ancestors of the Mu family. How powerful are these?

I can't help but shudder when I think about it. The accumulation of a thousand-year-old family is so terrible.

However, he was frightened, but he didn't want to be too timid. He said in a low voice, "Why is Elder Mu waiting for the younger generation here?"

Mu San raised his eyes and gave a straight look and said lightly, "I'm not waiting for you!"

Although Mu San's eyes were plain, he still felt that his heart couldn't help but jump. In his feeling, he seemed to be stared at by a fierce beast, and his hair stood up. It was not until Mu San lowered his eyes again that he was subconsciously relieved.

Copper head was not afraid at all because he heard Mu San's name. He still sat on the stool opposite Mu San and drank by himself. Mu San didn't do anything to him. It was just that at this time, when he heard Mu San say that the people he wanted to wait were not them, so he looked up at Mu San and said lightly, "You're waiting for Long Fei!"

Mu Sanhuo looked up and stared at the copper head like a sharp sword and said, "Do you know?"

Jion Chenggong and others were swept away by this look. They only felt cold and broke out in a cold sweat.

The copper head was not afraid at all, pointed to his head, and suddenly smiled and said, "Intuition!"

Mu San's eyes gradually condensed, staring at the smiling face of the copper head like substance, and said lightly, "Then can you tell me where Long Fei is?"

The smile on Tongtou's face remained unchanged, but said flatly, "To tell the truth, if I hadn't been with him, I didn't know he would be there. This man has always been haunted. Maybe he is already in the city now."

Mu San looked at the copper head for a while, but he couldn't see the slightest fear from his smiling face. He secretly praised himself and couldn't help saying, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

The copper head was stunned, and the smile on his face condensed. It was obvious that he didn't expect that Mu San would ask such a question, but he immediately smiled and said, "I'm scared to death. Your old martial arts is a palace-level figure. I'm just a nobody. How can I not be afraid? But I'm afraid of death, and I'm not afraid of death. Then I'm still not afraid. Why do I look like a bear!"

This time, Mu Sanyi was stunned, and then a smile appeared from the corners of his mouth and eyes. The copper head did not expect that Mu San looked gloomy and cold when he was cold, but when he laughed, his expression was so vivid and amiable.

In the stunned expression of Tongtou and others, Mu San pushed away the stool, slowly stood up, cut his back with his hands behind him, walked to the door of the pub, and said leisurely, "For the sake of you letting Xiaowen go, this time I will let you go. Long Fei, I will go to him, but this Jiuzhou City has fallen into Xiu Xingshan is in his hands. If you want to live, run away quickly.