Eastern Continent

Chapter 448, Confrontation

"Fight!" Guan Xing is also a decisive person and has not thought about it for a long time. Since he has completely turned against Xiu Bisheng, he must have no scruples. Otherwise, a few other surnamed generals will still look down on themselves and throw themselves into each other. Therefore, Guan Xing also wants to take the opportunity to stand up, wave his hand down, and shouted loudly to his own soldiers: "offence The upper staff is thirty, what are you waiting for?"

"Who dares?" Xiu Bisheng waved his hand and surrounded the soldiers behind him. He surrounded Guan Xing, Long Fei and others in the middle, and put their hands on the weapons on his back.

The momentum of the scene is imminent!

Long Fei turned his head and gave Ye Guoming a wink. Ye Guoming knew it. He walked out of his own soldiers and walked towards the guard who had been pressed to the ground. He took the walking stick from the hands of his own soldiers. He didn't see that Xiu must win, so he beat the guards hard.

"Up!" Xiu Bisheng's face turned red with anger, and his eyes seemed to be about to spit out fire. Looking at Guan Xing and others' eyes as if they could kill people, he shouted to his own soldiers, "Take him down and kill him if you resist."

The three victorious soldiers walked out of the queue and rushed to Ye Guoming, saying that they were arresting people. In fact, the places where the bright weapons in their hands greeted were all some key points on Ye Guoming's body.

The execution stick in Ye Guoming's hand did not stop, but was harder. He beat down like lightning. The guard had changed from the beginning to hum at this time. After these times, the two guards turned their eyes and simply fainted, and they could not even hear the sound of humming.

At this time, the three soldiers also rushed to Ye Guoming's side. The soldiers in front of them picked up the long knife and picked up to Ye Guoming's lower abdomen. The two soldiers behind raised their long guns at the same time and stabbed Ye Guoming's back and neck respectively. The moves were vicious and deadly.

Ye Guoming didn't look at it. He took a step back and avoided a big knife picked up on the face. He picked up the rod in his hand and flew up the long gun in a soldier's hand. Then the stick took the opportunity and took out a heavy blow on the soldier's chest. The soldier immediately flew back until ten steps away. , with a "meal" sound, he fell to the ground, his face was pale, his eyes were closed, and he did not know whether to live or die.

After flying the second soldier, Ye Guoming turned back and turned to face the third soldier. He smiled coldly and stretched out his right hand. He didn't know how to shake it. He actually grabbed the long gun in his hand and pulled it in his direction.

The soldier only felt a strong force coming. Because he was still rushing forward at this time, he was afraid that the speed of the gun would not be fast, and even his strength to breastfeed was used. Ye Guoming grabbed the barrel and pulled it in his own direction, which was equivalent to the joint action of the two. As a result, he rushed to Ye Guoming like an arrow and had not yet turned around. Ye Guoming's knee has been fiercely on the lower abdomen of the third soldier.

The attacked soldier immediately bowed and rushed to the sky like a shrimp. It was not until about two feet high that he fell to the ground with a bang. It turned out to be straight up and down, and his position was not biased at all. When everyone looked at it, they only saw that he was bleeding and his eyes were wide open. He was full of breath. .

At this time, the big knife of the soldier in front of him who attacked again could cut Ye Guoming's back.

Ye Guoming didn't see any posture. He just gently stepped forward, and the soldier's fierce knife was half an inch away. Ye Guoming retreated as soon as he retreated, but took a big step back. Before the soldiers could react, he had bullied the soldier's arms, and everyone only heard a sound of fracture. When it rang, the soldier was already bleeding in his mouth, and he fell back at the same time.

In fact, although these writings are long, but in the eyes of everyone nearby, it is just a blink of an eye. The three soldiers who rushed to Ye Guoming have flown out in three directions and lie on the ground, both dead or injured.

Ye Guoming's fierce hand was not only unexpected, but also suppressed other soldiers. Xiu Bifu probably didn't expect that Ye Guoming dared to kill his soldier in full view of the public. This was no longer an ordinary confrontation, but a deliberate provocation, and Xiu Bisheng did not expect Ye Guoming Wu. The work was so powerful, and the action was so vicious. Between his hands and feet, he folded three people without blinking.

Xiu Bisheng's face was blue, looking at Ye Guoming's eyes as if he was about to speot fire, and then looked at the dozens of soldiers around him. He bit his teeth and shouted, "What are you doing? Take them all down." He pulled out his sword, jumped and rushed to Guan Xing.

Xiu Bisheng knew that if Guan Xing was not taken down, no one would listen to his orders in the four seas now. Even if he was a general surnamed Xiu, he could not all stand on Guanxing's side, but there must be a large number of people who would disobey their orders and even no longer listen to their orders. How can I be alone, worthy of the entrustment that must be paid, and how can I keep the four seas of cities?

Guan Xing's own soldiers also pulled out their weapons one after another and surrounded Guan Xing and Long Fei in the middle.

"Everyone, stop!"

When the atmosphere at the scene was on the verge of breaking out, a voice came from the council chamber, and then a short middle-aged man came out of the council chamber. Several people behind him seemed to know that it was the leaders of the surnames preparing for the meeting in the council chamber.

The short middle-aged man saluted both sides with his fists and said, "Why are General Xiu and General Guan? Everyone is not only a compatriot brother, but also a general under the command of a senior elder. Why don't you have to fight for life and death? Why don't you two look at me and stop?

Guan Xing's eyes spit out fire and also returned his fists to the short middle-aged man, but his eyes still looked at Xiu Bisheng and said, "I dare not, thank you for the kindness of the leader Zheng. For the sake of their own interests, Xiu Xingshan and his son did not hesitate to lead me to rebel against the whole family and drag the whole family into the vortex of war. How dare someone join the army with General Xiu?"

This short and strong man was Zheng Chong, the leader surnamed Zheng. He only heard him laugh and said, "General Guan is so angry! However, it may be the wrong object. As far as I know, there is no such thing. The elder has always been loyal to the fish and the elders of the clan. How can he rebel? This must be a villain to provoke discord. The general Guan is an upright person, a gentleman's temperament, and he doesn't know the villain's tricks. Maybe it is also very likely to be blinded by other people's words without noticing it for a moment. ."

Guan Xing said angrily, "Xu Bisheng has admitted to himself that this matter is fake. Don't be deceived by him!"

Some of the leaders behind Zheng Chong were stunned, and obviously did not know about the rebellion of Xiu Xingshan's father and son; some were still and their thoughts were not revealed at all; some were stunned and looked at Guan Xing coldly, with murder hidden in their fierce eyes.

Zheng Chong said solemnly, "Maybe General Guan has misunderstood. This kind of rebellious thing will never be done as a senior elder. How could General Xiu Bisheng be so confused to say such a murderous thing!"

Guan Xing said coldly, "Maybe it's because Xiu Bisheng feels that the victory is in hand, so he is unscrupulous."

Zheng Chong laughed and said, "General Guan is really joking, but he was dissatisfied with General Xiu's gathering of the leaders today and didn't report it to you, so he joked with General Xiu."

This man is so eloquous that such a big thing can be fooled away in a few words.

Guan Xing blushed with anger and stared at Zheng Chongdao and shouted: "Is Guan such a stingy person? Why did Chief Zheng protect Xiu's surname so much? Is it because Xiu Xingshan and his son promised you any benefits?

Zheng Chong sneered and said, "Although General Guan is bloody, Zheng doesn't have the same experience as you."

Guan Xing trembled with anger, but there was nothing to live.

Long Fei took two steps from Guan Xing's side, with a smiley expression on the corners of his mouth. His eyes flashed at Zheng Chong. His deep and clear eyes seemed to have been looking into the bottom of Zheng Chong's heart, which made him only feel a throbbing in his heart. It seemed that some sad and touching past touched a certain string in his heart, and there was a feeling of confusion and sadness. The love surged up for no reason, and tears almost flowed out.

Zheng Chong is also a strong-minded person. As soon as his heart moved, he immediately came to his senses and hurriedly turned his eyes away. He dared not look at Long Fei again and said coldly, "Kid, what kind of magic are you doing?"

Long Fei smiled and said, "I have never had any magic, but the leader Zheng is ashamed, so he dares not look at each other directly."

Zheng Chong said angrily, "Zheng can sit upright and be frank. How can he be ashamed of himself!"

Long Fei sneered and said, "The leader Zheng is indeed loyal to Xiu Xingshan and his son. At this time, he still said good words for him. In order for Xiu Xingshan and his son, he did not hesitate to fight against the whole fish people, but he just wanted to cover it."

Zheng Chong said coldly, "Who are you that dares to sow discord between the various surnames of our clan."

Long Fei sneered and said, "Didn't Chief Zheng say that he would sit upright? Don't be afraid of other people's words!"

Zheng Chong was furious, and a cold light flashed in his eyes. He jumped down the stairs at the door of the council hall and shouted, "The treacherous villain from there, others disdain to do it. For the sake of the fish people, Zheng is not afraid of being laughed at and bully the small. Come on!"

Guan Xing said angrily, "Zheng Chong, if you have the ability, just come to me. Brother Long has no martial arts skills. How can he be your enemy?"

Zheng Chong knew that his martial arts were invincible to Guan Xing and did not dare to fight. His face changed color and said harshly, "Brother Guan really doesn't hesitate to be an enemy of us for such villains!"

Ye Guoming came out and looked at Zheng Chong and said, "What is the status of the leader? How can he fight with you and others? Let me teach you a lesson!"

Xiu Bisheng saw that Ye Guoming came out and was shocked. At the beginning, Ye Guoming's vigorous skills and fierce style made him shudder when he remembered it now. He hurriedly shouted, "Who are you? Chief Zheng is the head of a surname. How can you be qualified to compete with Chief Zheng?

Zheng Chong had never seen Ye Guoming's skills. He thought it was the blind boy who hit his gunpoint, so he waved his hand to stop Xiu Bisheng and said coldly, "In order to get rid of the big harm of the fish people, I, Zheng, don't hesitate to be laughed at and bully the little one. Boy, let me see you. What ability do you have to teach me a lesson?

Ye Guoming's face remained motionless and said lightly, "Lead Zheng will know soon."

Zheng Chong looked at Ye Guoming's big look that he didn't put himself in his eyes at all, and his indifferent and understated tone, he couldn't help but feel so angry that his lungs were about to explode. At this time, he couldn't help but take care of the temperament of being a surname leader. He jumped at Ye Guoming and shouted, "Kid, die!"

Ye Guoming did not dodge because Zheng Chong was about to jump down. Instead, he faced him forward. As he moved, he stood at the position where Zheng Chong fell to the ground at the end of the momentum. He looked up and stared at Zheng Chong, who was dancing in mid-air.

At this time, it seemed that Zheng Chong sent him up to let Ye Guoming practice boxing, instead of Zheng Chong rushing to Ye Guoming.

Zheng Chong was shocked and shocked that he was indescribable. At this time, he also knew that he had just made a mistake in his estimation, but at this time, the momentum was in a hurry and it was impossible to get it back. In desperation, he had to try his best to turn his body to the left, hoping that it would be next to Ye Guoming instead of the front when he landed, then it was fine. Avoiding Ye Guoming's fiercest fight, he tried his best to stretch his legs. He tried to touch the ground as soon as possible, and his palms were also blocked near his lower abdomen like a knife.

However, Ye Guoming did not want to give him a second chance to attack. He took a small step forward and to the right side at the same time. His long-standing right fist quickly bombarded Zheng Chong, who rushed to the top of his head. Although the fist was fast, it did not bring any wind. This punch actually restrained the wind around the fist, became loose and open inside, and the stamina was very strong.


The two finally met, but there was no loud sound that everyone wanted to hear.

Ye Guoming's fist seemed to have a kind of stickiness. Zheng Chong paused strangely in mid-air, and then fell back with a somersault. The speed was not much slower than before, but Ye Guoming was still still in place. Only the careful man found that he was a little shorter than the original, and his feet had fallen to the ground until his ankle. Set.


Zheng Chong turned back several times and fell to the ground until he fell more than ten steps away. His whole body was like a leather dog being thrown to the ground. His limbs were twisted and his body bent unnaturally.

Everyone was shocked, especially those who stood behind Zheng Chong, who were obviously the leaders of the surname. Although Zheng Chong's martial arts were not the top among them, they were also in the top. Unexpectedly, they were beaten like this with just one punch. Everyone couldn't help but be frightened. If they went up by themselves, How about it! It can also be imagined.

Even Guan Xing was stunned. He just knew that Ye Guoming's martial arts skills might be high, and he would be between him, but he didn't expect that Ye Guoming's martial arts skills would be so strong that he would defeat Zheng Chong with one punch. Guan Xing asked himself that he did not have this ability.

I couldn't help looking at Ye Guoming again. Even Long Fei couldn't see through it.

The shock in Xiu Bisheng's heart is simply indescribable. When he saw these people in Guanxing Mansion, he just thought they were ordinary summoners. Unexpectedly, he was such a horrible martial arts master. Following him, the general with the surname of Meng was even more powerful.

His eyes turned around, but he didn't find the figure of Meng Jian and Ding Chajie, and he hesitated for a moment.

After Ye Guoming defeated Zheng Chong, he didn't have any proud expression, but looked at the people with plain eyes: "Guys, it's not that I'm stubborn, but because I hate this kind of person who works for a tiger and ignores justice. If there is any offensive to you, please forgive me." The vision of the demonstration turned twice on Xiu Bisheng's face.

Xiu Bisheng's face turned pale and shouted to the other leaders, "What are you waiting for? Why don't you arrest them? Before General Xiu left, he handed over Sihai City to you. Do you condone the rebels like this? How will you face General Xiu in the future? With a wave of his hand, nearly a hundred soldiers surnamed and soldiers surnamed Zheng around him gathered around again.