Eastern Continent

Chapter 461, Shocking Conspiracy

Autumn nights, no moon, wind.

From the evening, the wind gradually became strong. When it passed through two ears, it sounded, as if the sound from hell made people chill.

After giving Meng Ting to Fu Ben's care, all four people slipped out of the basement and hung their whole bodies, with all kinds of night walking tools.

The four people were like four beasts out of the cage, with their teeth and claws, and rushed to the Chafu aggressively.

Since the Xiufu is as defensive as a copper wall and an iron wall and can't do it, let's take the investigation. There is no way that the Xiufu will defend like the Xiufu. First of all, they don't have so many masters, but they are also in the Xiufu, so they will not be obliged to help Cha Yunnan guard the door.

He successfully led the way in front, followed by Li Zhi and Zhang Heng. The four people ran high and low, crossed the streets and alleys, and went straight to the investigation.

The Chafu is not too far away. After the four people turned a few big corners and walked through a long street, the gate of the Chafu was already looking.

After observing outside the house for a long time, I finally chose an inconspicuous low wall and carefully climbed into the house.

When I climbed into the house, I knew that the defense of the house was no less than that of the repair house. The whole house was brightly lit, five steps and one post, three steps and one whistle, bright and dark whistles, coupled with the soldiers patrolling from time to time, almost like a trap, and the four suddenly felt that it was difficult to move.

As soon as the four entered the courtyard, they divided into two ways and successfully took the copper head to the main room, while Zhang Heng and Li Zhi ran away.

Zhi Chenggong and Copper Head carefully avoided the soldiers who stood guard and kept patrolling. They came to the side of the Chafu Hall, but they saw that the whole hall was still brightly lit. There were two guard soldiers standing in front of the door, and two more soldiers standing not far away, extending far, and two rows of soldiers were distributed side by side at the gate. Both sides.

Each of them opened a small hole in the paper window and looked closer.

In the middle of the hall sat Cha Yunnan, under which sat the second son to investigate, and on the other side sat a man in black with a square face, a collapsed nose, and his mouth almost cracked behind his ears.

The flawed face looks like killing.

There are three people sitting in the wide hall.

"Brother Gou" Cha Dian turned his eyes to the man in black and said respectfully, "Do you think you are sure to let the trial clear lead the troops to fight this time? There should be no danger in the trial, right?"

"Don't worry about the leader!" The man in black smiled and said, "Mr. Shenqing is just a pioneer. There are tens of thousands of troops behind him, with more than 40,000 people to attack the Sihai City, where only more than 10,000 people are stationed. That's not a matter."

Zha Yunnan nodded and said, "That's right, with two-to-one, or even three-to-one, such a strong force under the city, there is an unbreakable reason."

The man in black seemed to believe that the investigation and review must be able to win. His mind was not on this. Looking at Cha Dian, he turned the topic and said, "Zhu leader has heard of other surnames in this Jiuzhou City, and he is constantly sneaking on important places."

He looked at Tongtou and was secretly surprised. Originally, he thought that he was the only one in Jiuzhou City who was against Xiu Xingshan, but he didn't expect other people. It seemed that I was not alone. Thinking of Meng Ting, I knew that the man in black in the hall was true.

Zha Yunnan sighed and said, "After all, this is the first city of the whole fish race. There are people living here by various surnames. Now I don't know who is a friend and who is the enemy."

The man in black smiled and said, "Actually, the elder and the leader of the investigation are soft-hearted. In my opinion, they should rather kill mistakes than let them go and arrest all those who are suspicious."

Zha Dian smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Gou made a joke. The city is full of people of the fish people, and the elders are also a taboo weapon!"

The man in black laughed and said, "Since the elders dare to rebel against Wu Shangqiang and the whole fishman clan, and join hands with the sworn enemy of the fishman clan, what are there any scruples about?"

Zha Dian sighed and said, "I think the elder has made a mistake. The bone spur clan is the sworn enemy of our clan. If they are introduced to the island, it will be a disaster for the people of the fish people!"

Both copper head and straight success are in their hearts. Neither of them expected that Xiu Xingshan would dare to be so brave to collude with the bone spur clan. Fighting for the position of patriarch is just an internal struggle. If they collude with the bone spur clan, it will be a rebellion against the fish people.

Exicing to know the inside story, the two held their breath and listened.

The man in black looked quite disapproving. He smiled and said, "I think it's because the leader doesn't know the elders well enough, so he doesn't know what the elders mean."

Zha Dian was stunned and hurriedly asked, "Brother Gou, what does this mean?"

The man in black took a look outside the hall, and then looked at the audit, and then whispered, "Actually, the elder's move is a few strokes. Can't the investigation leader see it?"

Zha Dian's face turned straight and said to the man in black: "Brother Gou, please give me some advice!"

The audit also came close to his ears and listened carefully.

The man's voice was a little lower, but the copper head that had cultivated a good hearing in the forest since he was a child still heard it very clearly. He only heard the man in black talking: "First, you can use the bone spurs to contain all the forces against him, such as the straight legion, the Wu legion and the Meng legion. In addition, even if the elder really becomes the patriarch, this son will be unstable for a day. This is something that can be seen by obvious people. However, as long as the bone spur clan invades, the most important thing is not to fight against the elders, but to resist the invasion of foreigners. In this case, the elders want to take back again. Sihai City is not as easy as a palm. Besides, several other legions must have been worn out in the war with the Bone Spurs. At that time, they would not be the opponents of the Xiu Legion.

Zha Dian suddenly realized that even if the investigation was clear, his eyes were shining. He looked at the man in black with admiration: "Mr. Gou is really a magic trick. These schemes are even more insightful. What's the second thing? Please give me some advice."

Brondoo and Zhisong turned their heads and looked at each other and saw the shock and anger in their eyes. No matter how they thought about it, they didn't expect Xiuxing Mountain to be like this, which was equivalent to selling the whole mermaid race to the bone spur clan. Hearing the man in black say the second point, the two suppressed their anger and listened carefully.

Although the man in black was praised by the investigation and review, he did not look proudly. His dark face was still as usual and said, "Second, if he doesn't say anything about such a collusion with the bone spur clan, no one will know it. Everyone only thinks that the bone spur clan received the wind and knew that the internal chaos of the fishman clan, and took advantage of the situation. Criminal, if the elders shout at a long time, and the patriarch and other high-level officials of the fish people are in their hands and take the emperor to life, they are not the responders. Even if they don't want to, but when it comes to the crisis of the whole clan, they will also come, and they will fight with the bone spur clan first and are willing to serve as the cannon fodder of war, while the Xiu's legion can follow. , take the opportunity to eliminate the exhausted bone spur invasion army and take the opportunity to annex various legions. At that time, the elders could not only get fame and benefits.

So far, not only did the Dian father and son nod repeatedly, but suddenly realized that they praised the people in black, even the copper head and Zhi Chenggong also understood. At the same time, they were anxious and couldn't wait to tell the leaders of each legion about this situation.

"Actually, the third point is the most important." The man in black didn't care whether the father and son of the Cha family were stunned or whether the two were anxious, and then said that this was even more shocking. Seeing that the father and son of the Cha family couldn't take their eyes off themselves, their faces were still expressionless, as if such a situation had happened countless times, saying: "The elders can mix with the bone spur clan. In the war, he killed all the original high-level officials of the fishman clan, and then pushed all the sins to the bone-piercing people. If he took revenge as the slogan, he would be more appealing. Whether he can repel the bone-piercing man or not, his position as the new patriarch of the fishman clan is a certain fact, and it is also just right!"

The two copper-headed men were secretly wary of the intelligence of the people in black, because the father and son of the Cha family would never know that they were coming, and they cooperated with the man in black to play this play for the two of them.

Zha Dian recruited such a person from there, who could analyze Xiu Xingshan's conspiracy plan so clearly, as if he had heard Xiu Xingshan say to him with his own ears. It seems that this person is also a talented man.

"Excuse me, brother!" Cha Dian humbly asked the man in black, "Then how should I deal with the current situation now?"

The man in black: "Wait!"

Zhu Yunnan was unknown and wondered, "Wait?"

The man in black nodded and said, "Shit down and watch the tiger fight, keep your strength and wait for the opportunity!"

Zha Dian hesitated and said, "But the trial...?"

The man in black smiled and said, "Well, this is also a sign that the leader and the elders advance and retreat together. If they don't do anything at all, they will be questioned. Besides, there should be no danger for the eldest son to go here."

Although he is extremely intelligent, he did not expect that there was such a person as Long Fei, and he could defeat 10,000 soldiers and horses without any effort.

When Tongzhi heard this, they could still stay there and didn't want to listen any more. They hurriedly withdrew from the original place.

But as soon as I moved my steps, it suddenly lit up in the southeast corner of the backyard of the Chafu, and the red half-night sky, and then the sound of horses' hoofs came, like thousands of horses galloping on the battlefield, and they were running this way. It seemed that Zhang Heng and Li Zhi not only burned the stables in the Cha's house. And all the horses in the stable were released.

The two dared to hesitate and hurriedly turned around and ran back to the house along the way. When they came, they were full of ambition to show the people related to Xiuxing Mountain a little color, but now they are just thinking about how to escape from the house without being discovered by others.