Eastern Continent

Chapter 466, internal chaos

At night, it is deeper and quieter. The sky and the earth are as dark as paint, and you can't see your fingers.

Perhaps because the night was too quiet, all the little things that liked to move at night also quietly hid and couldn't help saying anything, as if something earth-shaking was going to happen.

"Long! Long!"

A sensational sound woke Xiu Xuelin up, with a smile on his mouth when he fell asleep. He jumped up from ** and shouted, "My own soldier!"

The thin soldiers responded and entered very fast, but at this time, there was no flattering look on their faces. Instead, they were panicked. As soon as they entered the camp, they shouted: "General, general, it's not good, the enemy is attacking the camp!"

"What's the panic!" Xiu Xuelin's smile on his face restrained, jumped up and kicked over his own soldiers, and shouted angrily, "General Ben is here. The thief is rampant. Hurry up and change clothes for me and wait for me to kill them."

The thin soldier was kicked by Xiu Xuelin and turned over several times. Hearing Xiu Xuelin's words, he immediately got up from the ground and walked behind Xiu Xuelin to change clothes for him.

With the help of his own soldiers, Xiu Xuelin hurriedly put on his armor, picked up a long gun, walked out of the tent and pedaled his horse. As soon as he turned to another tent, he saw a big-faced general clapping his horse and waving a knife at him.

"What's your name!" Xiu Xuelin held a long gun in both hands, clapped his horse and rushed to the general, and shouted, "If you sign up, I will not kill unknown people under the gun!"

"Ye Guoming!"

Ye Guoming answered faintly, raised the long knife and cut it down fiercely.


The long gun collided with the knife. Xiu Xuelin only felt a force coming from the barrel of the gun, and then from the barrel to his hands. Then his hands were numb, the tiger's mouth was torn, and the long gun suddenly flew out of his hand, turned two somersaults in the air, and inserted vertically on the ground.

Xiu Xuelin's eyes were wide open in shock, inlaid on his face like two copper bells, and looked straight at the still shaking gun body. Xiu Xuelin only felt that his neck was cold. Then, he saw a strange phenomenon. His head actually stopped, and the war horse rushed over with his body.

Then, his expression froze.


The headless body fell off the horse's back after being taken about a dozen steps by the horse.

It's just the first round of meeting. I am full of confidence and feel that my martial arts are unmatched in the four seas.

Ye Guoming didn't look at the head that fell to the ground and rushed to the camp in the middle. This time, the vanguard who led the army was his goal.

Under the leadership of Ye Guoming, Meng Jian and Zhao Ke, the soldiers of Sihai City rushed into the camp like a tiger. When they saw people, they cut them. The blade in their hands seemed to be like a soul sickle stretched out from hell, and in the blink of an eye, they cut down a large number of soldiers surnamed Xiu.

Soldiers surnamed Xiu used to be domight and blessed, and also had the idea of investigating the beginning. They were only captured by the four seas city, but he never took it seriously. At this time, they suddenly encountered an attack and couldn't stand it. They became a mess. 4,000 soldiers from the four seas rushed into the camp like wolves into the sheep and saw the tents set fire, and some also The soldiers who slept in a muddle also lost their lives in this way, and some soldiers who woke up in a muddle were cut into two before they woke up.

The battle spread towards the Chinese army tent, and the fire also spread towards the Chinese army tent. At this time, all the four naval soldiers who rushed into the military camp held a torch and lit everything they saw along the way, whether it was tent or other hay or clothes, one by one, and the sky was dry. Coupled with the light autumn wind, the wind and the wind boosted the fire. In a blink of an eye, there was a fire in the whole camp of the Xiu army, rising to the sky and illuminating half the night sky.

Some soldiers who were sleeping sweetly in the tent woke up from the fire and rushed out of the tent with full of firelight. They shouted and rolled on the ground, but no one had time to save him or extinguish the fire. In the end, they were burned to death by the fire.

The firelight reflects the twisted face of every soldier. Whether it is a person who only wants to kill the enemy or a desperate resister, it is so ferocious and terrible.

Xiu must wake up from his sleep. When he rushed out of the army tent, he was also stunned by the scene in front of him. In the camp with fire, the shadows constantly shuttled back and forth, and the sound of horseshoes accompanied by the continuous screams of soldiers surnamed Xiu when he lost his life, which captured his consciousness like a demon.

It was not until the soldiers around him shouted that Xiu had to wake up from the nightmare and hurriedly jumped on the war horse and carried weapons, but instead of rushing to the front camp to save his soldiers, he turned around and ran to the back battalion and soon disappeared into the darkness.

As soon as Ye Guoming rushed to the middle camp, he saw Xiu's back and chased after him without hesitation.

Xiu must hear the sound of the horse's hoof behind him. He dared to stop and hurriedly kick the horse. Whether he could see the road clearly in the dark or not, his life was important. He let go of the horse's speed and run.

Although the sky is dark, it does not cause obstacles to Ye Guoming. His internal skills are as deep as he can see at a glance. Although it is not as clear and slender as during the day, the basic situation on the ground can still be distinguished, so it also closely follows the cultivation and is not relaxed at all.

Hearing the sound of the horse's hoofs stepping closely behind him like a ghost, he couldn't shake it down. Xiu must be scared to death. He beat the horse desperately. The painful horse tried his best to run up like flying, and gradually threw Ye Guoming away.

The commander actually fled by himself regardless of the soldiers. The will of Xiu's stubbornness was suddenly like ice in summer, and was gradually melted by the weapons that Ye Guoming and others kept flying over.

After the tip of the gun flew a few generals, the ice in summer was finally completely melted, and the soldier's stubborn heart was finally defeated. No matter what happened to the life and death of the comrades in front of them who were fighting with the enemy, they turned around and ran outside the camp. After arriving outside the camp, it was like water. He fled in all directions.

And some soldiers surnamed Xiu, who had no time to escape, also put down their weapons and knelt down to give their fate to the enemy once after hearing the slogan of surrender.

Zhen Qing stood on half of the hillside and looked at the firelight of the big camp below. He was in a dilemma and hesitated.

When I went to the rescue, I thought of Ye Guoming's big knife and pointed long gun, and my legs trembled. But if I didn't go down to the rescue, I would retreat like this, and I would definitely be punished if I went back.

Thinking of the horror of Xiu Bipay, I couldn't help but shed white sweat.

After thinking for a while, I saw that the war was about to end, checked and bit my teeth, and finally made up my mind to quietly retreat back with thousands of my soldiers. Except for some grain and fodder, I didn't want the tent.


Such a galloping in the dark is naturally a dangerous action, and the god of fate no longer cares about Xiu Binge. The horse's hoof finally stepped on a hole and only heard a "pop". After the sound of the horse's hoof breaking, the horse rushed forward like a stone and did not stop until it was ten feet away. The cultivation on the horse's back Like a sack with a heavy thing, it was lifted up from the back of a horse, like a diving bird, fell to the ground fiercely, turned over several times, and struggled to get up several times, but the left leg pressed by the war horse could not be pulled out.

Ye Guoming caught up and looked at the person and one horse who fell to the ground without saying anything. He turned the handle of the knife and knocked hard on Xiu's head. Before Xiu's begging for mercy could be said, he was knocked unconscious.

This battle is more brilliant than the first battle of investigation. Only about 10,000 soldiers escaped, more than 3,000 were killed, and more than 4,000 surrendered.

Zhen Qing was timid and afraid of death, and led thousands of soldiers surnamed him to withdraw. In fact, if he had joined the war with his army at that time, the soldiers of Sihai City would not have won so easily, and they might have been defeated by Xiu.

Although nearly 1,000 soldiers in Sihai City were also killed, this sacrifice is almost negligible for Hehe's achievements.

After this victory, a lot of materials were obtained, from food to use, and even a lot of weapons and armor used for war. It only took half a day to clean the battlefield. This was only because the detectives found that the army of Xiu must pay was about to arrive. Everyone was worried about being attacked by the army surnamed Xiu, so they shortened the cleaning of the battlefield. Time.

After the victory, although some relatives died among the people of Sihai City, there were always more smiles than sadness after the victory. Therefore, there were happy smiles everywhere in Sihai City, and laughter could be heard everywhere. Everyone looked as if they had just married a daughter-in-law.

However, without waiting for them to be happy, the army of Xiu Bifu intensified its march after receiving the failure of the forward army of Xiu Bihui. Finally, it arrived at the Sihai City in the evening of the second day. 100,000 troops were stationed separately and densely encircled the three sides of the Sihai City, only facing the south in the direction of the sea. Door.

Before the dark clouds of war dispelled, they gathered on the heads of the people of Sihai City.

If it hadn't been for the defeat of Long Fei's pioneers with little effort in the first two times, so that the generals of Sihai City were full of confidence, and when they saw Long Fei talking and laughing without care, and only looking at the dense camp outside the city, several times more enemies, everyone would have been so scared that they would almost abandon the city and escape.

On the sun, both sides sent troops to set up a position in front of the city gate, but neither side knew the details of the other side, so they were very cautious and dared not attack with all their strength. As a result, the two sides took the test as the side and ended in a draw.