Eastern Continent

Chapter 490, during the funeral

Long Fei's voice was ached and said, "Today is special. It's not appropriate to sit. The general and the generals should stand for a moment."

Wang Feng said angrily, "How can the status of the general be equivalent to you, you..."

"General Wang!" Meng Hongzhi suddenly interrupted Wang Feng and said, "Since the military division said he wanted to stand, he has his own reason to stand. I'll wait to stand."

Wang Feng was stunned. Meng Hongzhi had always trusted him. He rarely had such a fierce face. He was angry and looked at Long Fei with hatred. His eyes were resentful and retreated behind Meng Hongzhi.

In the Meng Legion, Wang Feng has no talent, but he has the skill of flapping horses. Although he is a military counselor, he has always been favored by Meng Hongzhi's flattery. On the contrary, his status is higher than Meng Bo, the deputy commander of the legion. Therefore, all the generals have always regarded him as an eye thorn, but because Meng Hongzhi treats him Everyone was helpless about him. At this time, when they saw him suffocated, they were all secretly happy.

Zhao Ke doesn't care who Wang Feng is. As long as he can't see it, he immediately looks at Wang Feng coldly. Yin*: "The sons of my fish people who have sacrificed their lives for the cause of peace are still lying there. Even General Wang Zhen lost his life because of this. How dare you sit!"

Wang Feng's face changed and his face turned pale, but he knew that what Zhao Ke said was true and did not dare to return it. He only stared at Zhao Ke like a poisonous snake and couldn't wait to rush up and take a bite.

After Zhao Ke said it, he didn't even look at him and walked away.

Meng Hongzhi stared at Wang Feng and said to Long Fei, "I don't know anything. Please forgive me."

Long Fei said lightly, "The general has such loyal subordinates, and we can only envy him, and we will not be surprised."

Meng Hongzhi said, "Today is a special day. Presumably, the military division will have to preside over the ceremony, but there is no need to waste time for me to wait."

Long Fei nodded, called Ding Chajie, and said, "Thank you for your understanding, General. Please forgive me for your offending. General Ding was originally a subordinate of his father, so how about he greet the general?

Meng Hongzhi said happily, "The military division is well arranged. Thank you very much."

Long Fei said to Ding Chajie, "Just say hello to the general and his party for me."

Ding Chajie said respectfully to Long Fei, "I obey."

Long Fei saluted Meng Hongzhi again and said, "Well, I'm leaving."

After Long Fei left, Ding Chajie turned to salute Meng Hongzhi and said, "I have seen the master."

Meng Hongzhi didn't expect that Ding Chajie did not treat himself as soldiers from all over the world, but came down to get along with him as his original identity. He was also a little surprised. He hesitated for a moment, took a step forward, held Ding Chajie's hands, and said sincerely, "At that time, I didn't know. I thought General Ding had turned to the old thief, so Please forgive me for the misunderstanding that led to the loss of many brothers from all over the world.

D Chajie did not expect that Meng Hongzhi would apologize to him. When they met last time, he was arrogant and arrogant. Now he is not only calm, but also apologizes to others in a low voice. The distance is very different and he can't react for a moment. He said, "No, I'm not surprised."

When Meng Hongzhi saw Ding Chajie's appearance, he smiled in his heart, held Ding Chajie's hand, pulled him to his side, and said, "No wonder. Brother Ding turned out to be the person who has followed his father for the longest time. He should know how the Han family treats his family."

Ding Chajie was stunned and said, " Elder Meng's kindness to me is as heavy as a mountain, and I can't repay it in my life."

Meng Hongzhi said, "In this case, why should General Ding turn to the four seas? When he comes to the eight cities, I will not treat you badly!"

At this point, Ding Chajie finally understood what Meng Hongzhi meant by letting himself leave Long Fei and transfer it to his account. He said, "Thank you for your kindness. In fact, my subordinates have not left the Meng family. Some time ago, the pirates were rampant. The elder sent me to assist the military division to eliminate the pirates, and then followed the military division to the four seas for various reasons. It may be due to the sudden rebellion of the Xiu family, and the elder still had time to tell the general, so the general misunderstood. "

Meng Hongzhi said happily, "In this case, General Ding will come to Tianbacheng tomorrow. Now that the pirates have been destroyed, General Ding's mission has been completely completed. There is no need to follow Long Fei!"

Ding Chajie politely refused: "General, please forgive me. I may not be able to join the general now, because the rebellion of the Xiu family has not yet subsided, and the Bone spurs have not been expelled from Peng Island. The task has not been completed. I must still be under the leadership of the military division to complete this task, so my subordinates can't return to the Meng family for the time being."

Wang Feng shouted, "What do you mean? Do you think that there is no intelligent person in the whole fish clan? Can't the general lead us to expel the Bone Spur from Moon Island?

Meng Hongzhi shouted to Wang Feng, "Wang Feng should not be unreasonable. For the future of the fishman race, even if Long Fei comes to lead us, we can do it."

Wang Feng took a step back and said annoidly, "I'm not abhorred that he raised Long Fei so high, even above the general."

Meng Hongzhi said modestly, "General Ding also made the decision after having a deep understanding of Longfei's military division. This is not a question of high or low, but a question of who can take this responsibility. General Ding, am I right?

Ding Chajie nodded and said gratefully, "Thank you for your understanding. That's indeed the case." However, what he thought at the same time was Meng Hongzhi's work, which was several times higher than Long Fei.

Direct powered 5,000 soldiers to enter and rushed left and right in the array. Because the new force joined, the bone spur soldiers under the long battle could not be stopped. Several encirclements were scattered by Zhicheng Gong, and several scattered the scattered groups of fishmen soldiers who were divided and surrounded, and Li Zhi and Zhang Heng were also released from the siege. He joined the large army and gradually gathered most of the soldiers.

Under the leadership of Zhi Chenggong, more than 10,000 soldiers fought desperately to kill the center of the camp to rescue other soldiers of the fish people surrounded in the middle.

Because the bone spur soldiers are almost twice as many as the fishmen, although Zhi Chenggong has successfully gathered Xu Cong's soldiers together, it is not easy to get out of the siege.

What's more, they are still surrounded by bronze heads, so Zhi Chenggong did not take more than 10,000 soldiers to break out of the battlefield, but rushed in the direction of the fish and human soldiers surrounded by bone spur soldiers.

The commander of the bone spur army originally thought that after they successfully rescued Zhang Li and the two, they would fight desperately to escape. They were ready to chase after them, but they did not escape, but instead killed them straight to the center of the battlefield and approached in the direction of copper head.

As long as Zhi Chenggong and the copper head are combined, the idea of the Bonebones to completely annihilate troops will become an unrealistic joke, and they are likely to be defeated by the Fishman team.


Seeing that the handsome flag had fallen and the black armored general had also been shot, the bronze head roared in vain, and the sound went straight up from the battlefield and penetrated through the sky, as if a huge thunder exploded out of thin air. The bone-piercing soldiers only felt buzzing in their ears and their hearts were shocked.

Several bone spur soldiers standing opposite the copper head were shocked by the sound and only felt a sound wave coming. They were so scared that they couldn't help taking a few steps back.


The copper head roared again, and its voice was louder than before. It shook like heaven and earth. He waved the spear in his hand and picked up several bone spur soldiers who could not avoid in fear. After several rolls, he fell into the bone spur array, smashing more soldiers to fracture and seriously injured.


The third roar of the copper head seemed to be a landslide, and the rivers were turbulent, which made the bone-bone soldiers in front of him dizzy and earthy, and their hearts were retreating for the first time.


The fish-man soldiers who closely followed the bronze head saw the heroic posture of the bronze head. Their blood was boiling, and they also roared in unison. Their voices were loud, like thousands of beasts singing together. Tens of thousands of thunder rolled. The fish-man soldiers rushed to the bone-bone army in front of them regardless of them. The weapons waved, and blood and flesh flew across the battlefield. Bones The soldiers of the clan fell under the weapons of the fish-man soldiers in fear.

Since the battle, the bone spur soldiers have never seen the rainbow-like momentum of the fishman soldiers. For a moment, they were so scared that their legs were weak and staggered back.

Looking at the strength of the bronze head and fishman soldiers, and then looking at the holy handsome flag that used to fly in the wind on the battlefield, it disappeared. At the same time, they were the generals who were commanding the war. At this time, they were no longer given any instructions. I thought the situation was not good.

At this time, on the battlefield, it had fallen into a clueless melee. The bone spur army could no longer form an effective encirclement of the fishman soldiers. Instead, it was hit by the siege by the fishman army, full of flaws, and there was a faint image of the collapse of the whole army.

After a while, the situation on the battlefield became more unfavorable to the bone spur army. The originally solid formation, under the impact of copper heads, has been scattered, can no longer form a connection, and gradually becomes chaotic.

The soldiers of the bone spurs began to think of running away! Resistance is no longer as desperate as it was at the beginning, and the firm steps gradually retreated. The vision has quietly been firm in the war, but the hope of escape.

The bronze-headed spear danced and suddenly found that the bone spur soldiers in front of him had become much less. It turned out that layers were stacked in front of him. The spear waved casually, and there were several fractured skins, but now it has become empty and open. It is often a few steps to chase the spear to pick one.

For a while, as long as it was the place where the copper head attacked and the arrow was directed, the bone spur soldiers retreated one after another.

As long as the first soldier retreats, there will be a second, third, or even more, gradually forming a wind of escape. In order to survive, the bone spur soldiers have withdrawn their feet and run up. Not only can they no longer form a prestige for the fishman army. In the escape, if they are a little slow, they may be taken away. Life.

Seeing such an opportunity, they didn't know the opportunity. Li Zhi first took the lead in shouting: "The enemy commander is dead, the flag has fallen, and the enemy has escaped. Please chase it."

Other soldiers also shouted: "The enemy has escaped, everyone chase!" The voice spread far above the battlefield, so that every bone spur soldier who was still resisting with a fluke finally lost his last fighting spirit. No matter whether there was a military order or not, they turned around and fled one after another.

For a while, the whole battlefield was full of fleeing bone spur soldiers, and black bone spur soldiers could be seen all over the mountain.

Li Zhi and the others said they wanted to chase and kill, but after the bone spur soldiers completely disappeared, Zhang Heng first sat down on the ground and didn't even have the strength to stand up. Day by day's fighting, the iron people couldn't stand it. What's more, their flesh and blood bodies, in addition to the strength to breathe, they moved a finger together. There is no more quantity.