Eastern Continent

Chapter 501, Wonderful Plan Next

Seeing such a scene, Guan Xing, who had been waiting for a long time, was still polite. He waved his hand and chased the retreating bone spur army first.

Seeing the powerful enemies of the generation holding their heads like bereaved dogs in front of him, the soldiers from all over the world shouted excitedly and their eyes were red. The happiness in their hearts was far from pen and ink. The weapons in their hands were waved out, and there was no more war millet when they were just against the bone-piercing people.

The bone-piercing magic machine general who is still standing on the highlands on the other side of the river. He is the general of the left army who led the attack on the moon this time. Originally, he thought that this time, taking advantage of the internal chaos of the fish fairy, the bone spur army would attack in three ways, which would destroy the great hatred of the fishman generation, achieve the final victory, and also repay his father's death at the hands of the fishman. Hatred, but unexpectedly, he was caught in the scheme of the cunning fishman and put his army in danger. Looking at the bone spur soldiers who were chased and killed by the fishman like cutting melons and vegetables on the other side, he was so angry that he was red, as if he was about to spit out fire. His teeth clucked and he couldn't wait to fly across the river, but he could look at the plain in front of him. It's meek and gentle, but now it's a roaring river, and I can only ask God for mercy so that the bone-piercing soldiers can escape this disaster

General Shenji's face muscles tremble, frequently **, like a stroke, and there is a ferocious expression on his face and helplessness. However, when he thinks of the huge waves, he still has a lingering heart. Looking at the place that has now become the original camp of Ze Kingdom, if he doesn't see the opportunity quickly and take the soldiers to move, now the company These soldiers may have been left without bones.

There are more than 30,000 soldiers on the left. The two sides have not officially fought and have lost half of them. Since they led the army, they have never suffered such a great defeat. For a moment, they were so angry that they almost fainted

The defeat has been decided, and the only thing left is how to retreat so that the whole army will not be chased and eaten by the fishman army. This task is also extremely difficult. He thinks that the person who can think of this scheme among the fishman is also a simple person. He can't guarantee that he can bring these people back to the bone spurs safely and without danger. Fortunately, this attack was carried out in three ways. Even if he failed this way, there were two other ways to contain the enemy.

General Shenji's face was uncertain. After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't find a safe way to retreat.


Before he led the retreat, a shout of killing suddenly sounded from the high-top dense forest behind him. The martial arts general turned around and saw a pout rushing out of the forest behind him and killing the bone stabbing people. They all gritted their teeth and sprayed fire like wolves and tigers, as if they had hated enemies for dozens of generations.

As the first general, he sat down with a yellow high-headed horse, holding a long knife and an electric vision. He tightly locked the magic general standing in front of the team and killed him all the way.

It was Ye Guoming and his 8,000 elite soldiers who ambushed here in advance on Long Fei's order.

In the last bone-piercing white-faced general saw Ye Guoming killing his master general and hurriedly patted the horse to meet him. The long gun in his hand danced into layers of gun flowers, dazzlingly stabbing Ye Guoming.

Ye Guoming looked calmly at the long gun stabbed in his face. He waved the long knife and hit it straight away, but he didn't pay any attention to the long gun stabbed in front of him.

The white-faced general is overjoyed. Although he is not the first master in the bone spur army, he has always said that few people in the whole army are faster than himself. Now the fishman general is faster than himself. That's not looking for his own death. His hands are strengthened, and the long gun brings out a sneer. The sound pierced Ye Guoming's chest like a flash.

Suddenly, a scene made the white-faced bone spur general open his eyes wide and almost thought he was wrong.

Ye Guoming's body suddenly seemed to have broken a bone, twisting to the right, almost a week, and the long knife in his hand had been changed to a straight stab, and he used a long knife to use a gun that was faster than his own long gun.


A dull voice sounded, and the long knife pierced the white-faced general's neck like a gun, but made a long opening.

In the eyes of the soldiers on both sides, the white-faced general's face turned red and struggled for a while. Finally, he spit out the breath in his throat, but also spit out his life, shook on the horse's back and fell to the ground.

The magic general was secretly shocked. The white-faced general was one of the few people in his army, and he was not the enemy of Ye Guoming's move. Looking around his many subordinates, no one is his opponent.

Ye Guoming was unrelenting. After the white-faced general fell, he waved a long knife and rushed into the bone spur army first, blowing left and right, killing a bloody road and rushing towards the magic general.

When the four-sea army saw Ye Guoming's divine power, they were all very excited. The weapons waved, like a group of hungry wolves who saw sheep, and shouted and rushed into the bone spur army that had become a frightened bird.

Another black-faced general in front of the magic general saw Ye Guoming's power. He was not afraid, but aroused a huge fighting spirit. His face was full of excitement. He dragged a huge mace in his hand and rushed to Ye Guoming. The soldiers from all over the worlds encountered along the way were blown down by him. It was not a broken skin. Blood flowed.

Ye Guoming sneered, deliberately adding a smile to the heart that the bone-piercing person was about to collapse, and also patted the horse to greet the black-faced general.

The black face smiled at the cracked teeth, raised the mace in his hand and hit Ye Guoming on the head. With this stick, the black-faced general's natural divine power, coupled with the power of increasing horse speed, faintly produced the sound of wind and thunder, and a gust of wind pierced Ye Guoming's face first.

Ye Guoming narrowed his eyes, and the hard long knife in his hand seemed to turn into a soft long whip. Suddenly, he trembled and shook out a little knife shadow to meet the mace.

"When" only heard a loud noise in everyone's ears, the black-faced general had a powerful move, as if he had hardened the hard mountain wall and threw it away far above.

The black-faced general's face was earthy and his heart was shocked. He felt as if countless big knives had hit his mace. Others heard that the two weapons were just handed over, but the black-faced general knew that Ye Guoming's long knife had been clicked on his weapon countless times, and every time there was a strange force. Qi, dissolved his power focused on the mace. In the end, he not only dissolved all the power, but also threw the mace up, which was faster than he raised the mace with all his strength.

Then, the black general felt a chill between his face and abdomen, and then a great pain. The strength of his whole body seemed to disappear with this great pain. The heavy mace could no longer be grasped and threw it far away, but he followed the momentum of the mace. And fell to the horse.

The Bone Spurs Army only felt as if the end was coming. In addition to the magic machine general in his army, the second dog general in martial arts was just a move to fight with others. Such a horrible martial arts, it seems that only the magic machine general, who is known as the first martial arts in the army, can fight with one, but it is as easy as the other party to kill the general. The Bone Spur Army has no confidence in the martial arts of the magic general on his side.

General Tanakahara was furious, and his face turned red like red, as if the blood of his whole body rushed to his head: this man beheaded his two first-class subordinates without any effort. In the blink of an eye, he had rushed to not far away from him.

tian zhong yuan has been practicing martial arts since childhood. He is full of great power and often suffers from finding opponents. How can he let go of this opportunity? Besides, if he doesn't kill this person, how can he be worthy of his two subordinates? After handing over the retreat to other generals, regardless of the dissuasion of his subordinates, he patted horses and guns, he squeezed a channel from the battlefield and rushed to Ye Guoming. Go, his eyes are cold and firmly covering Ye Guoming.

Ye Guoming raised a long knife in his right hand and patted the horse with his left hand. The yellow horse raised his four hooves and rushed to Tanakahara. Ye Guoming's eyes were slightly closed, and a trace of divine light shot out, tightly locked Tanakahara's body.

The two's eyes met, like a flash of lightning from the sky. All the soldiers who came into contact with their eyes couldn't help but feel a burst of frightening, their legs were weak, and they almost knelt down. Although they were silent, they seemed to hear a rolling thunder in their ears, from far to near, until they explode in their ears.

All the soldiers who stood in front of the two people along the way felt their hearts trembling and their legs were weak, and they couldn't help but stop their hands and hurriedly avoid both sides.

After the soldiers avoided, Tanakahara fell into Ye Guoming's eyes. A pair of slender eyes on his slender face, the cold light between opening and closing, awe-sting and majestic, the bridge of his nose was straight, and his thin lips were slightly bent down. His whole body looked cold and ruthless, looking at life like grass.

After completely seeing Ye Guoming, Tanakahara smiled coldly, holding a gun and pedaling his feet, jumped directly from the horse and rushed down to Ye Guoming in the air. The long gun shook, and the tip of the gun actually made a sneering sound. A gun handle reflected the sunlight in the air, which was like a spark bursting from the fire. The stars covered Ye Guoming.

This is one of Tanakahara's pride: ten thousand stars. As soon as this move came out, there seemed to be tens of thousands of guns reflecting the strong sunlight, and at the same time sprinkled them on their opponents.

Such a stunt made his opponent dizzy and weaker before the match.

Ye Guoming gently clamped the horse's abdomen with his legs, and the horse accelerated in vain. Unexpectedly, he jumped over the distance of five feet between the two. Such a riding skill can only be described as amazing. The long knife shrank back, only revealing a bright knife head at his waist, reflecting the sun and majestic.