Eastern Continent

Chapter 503, the divine consciousness changes again

After successfully reading the note in his hand, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and a stone in his heart finally landed.

For a few days, I was frightened and thought that something had happened to Tongtou and Zhi Chenggong. Now I was relieved. However, when I thought that they were in such a dangerous situation, I was also worried and secretly blamed myself for letting the two go deep into the enemy.

Turning to see Li Zhi, who was still sitting calmly, he said politely, "What does General Li have to say?"

Li Zhi stood up and said successfully to Zhi, "The last general thought that there was only a group of logistics soldiers left to defend the city, and they had no combat effectiveness. Even with their left army, it became a frightening bird. Our army can also be captured. Now that I think about it, it was a little light of the enemy at that time, which made them Several people are in danger."

He shook his hand and said, "It's not General Li's fault. At that time, I also thought that a city could be broken by raising his hands, otherwise I would not have agreed with them to enter the city. However, now, as long as it depends on how to save them or cooperate with them to make their success."

Li Zhi muttered, "There will be a way for the general to see if it is feasible!"

Zhi Chenggong was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Come and listen to it!"

Li Zhi said, "We might as well attack outside the city. When the bone spur army in the city is busy responding to the enemy, there will definitely be a little trouble, and they can take the opportunity to get into trouble."

After pondering for a long time, he slowly said, "This is the only way, but it's a pity that the brothers have just recuperated for a few days and have to work hard again. What does General Zhang think?

Zhang Heng shouted, "I have no problem with what the general says and what to do. As long as the general orders, I will be the first to fight."

The sharp face is calm and his spirit is highly concentrated. He is so obvious that he feels the power contained in Tanakahara's gun, which is stronger and sharper than before the fight, and full of a momentum that I will not return.

Meng Jian looked solemn, and slowly raised the long gun with both hands, as if the gun weighed tens of thousands of pounds, making people lift up little by little, but such a slow speed met Tanakahara's tragic shot in an instant. Two opposite phenomena can appear in one move, making everyone who has seen this gun produce a strange feeling.

When the gun was raised, the trajectory of the tip of the gun could be clearly seen. At this time, the gun seemed to be 18,000 miles away from Tanakahara, and everyone thought that it was absolutely impossible to stop it. However, Meng Jian's shot seemed to suddenly cross the 108,000 miles, suddenly appeared on the trajectory of Tanakahara's long gun and collided with Tanakahara's barrel.

This shot appeared so suddenly and caught people off guard.

"Bang!" There was a second sound of gunshots on the battlefield.

tian zhong yuan only felt that an internal strength poured into his body from his hands through the barrel of the gun. His chest seemed to have been hit by a hammer. The hard-pressed injury suddenly turned upside down, and it aggravated a little. The qi and blood surged, and blood spewed wildly from his mouth. He was no longer able to support it. The whole lay on the horse's back and fainted. Go, but one hand is still holding the gun barrel tightly, and the gun head is dragging on the ground.

The bone stabbing generals were shocked and rushed up, holding Tanakahara in the middle and running away. After seeing the sharp divine power, no one dared to challenge.

The soldiers from all over the world saw the awkward appearance of the bone-piercing army, where they were still polite. They chased and cut wildly in the back. The body of the bone-piercing man who could not escape was covered the whole mountain road. It was not until Meng Jian ordered the collection of the troops that they stopped the pursuit.

Meng Jian rode on the horse and watched all this quietly until the back of the bone-piercing country disappeared.

However, a mouthful of blood spewed out of Meng Jian's mouth, and his face faded in an instant, becoming as white as paper. His body shook and almost fell off the horse.

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly surrounded them to reach out to help.

Meng Jian shook his hand, straightened his waist on the horse's back, took a deep breath, and his face returned to normal a little. He put the long gun on the horse's back and said lightly, "Receive."

Although Meng Jian blocked Tanakahara's blow and hit Tanakahara into a serious injury and almost killed him, Tanakahara's counterattack power could not be underestimated, and Meng Jian's inner heart was also seriously injured. At that time, the morale of the four navy was high, and the pursuit was so strong that it was so strong that he endured The churning qi and blood couldn't stand it until the bone piercing disappeared, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

In this battle, the four navy took advantage of the power of the water, coupled with the ambush of strange soldiers, and destroyed almost all the bone spur army that far exceeded its own strength. Nearly 40,000 bone spur troops could eventually escape with Tanakahara, while the four navy had only a small number of more than 2,000 dead and injured, mostly with Tanakahara. The main army lost in the battle. It can be seen that although Ye Guoming and Meng Jian are invincible fierce generals, Tanakahara, the first master of the bone spur army, is not famous. Although he is in a desperate situation, the four navies have also suffered a lot of losses under the counterattack.

This battle is full of joy.

In the future, as long as the Bone Spur General hears the name of Ye Guoming and Meng Jian, he will escape and retreat from Sanshe!

Long Fei's prestige in the four navy has been even higher. From generals to pawns, he is regarded as a god and has great respect for him.

The Meng army led by Mengbo, as in a dream, could hardly believe that they could defeat the bone-piercing people and kill the bone-piercing people for dozens of miles, leaving them with corpses everywhere.

Mengbo not only admired Ye Guoming and Meng Jian's martial arts, but also admired Long Fei's scheme, and almost worshipped Long Fei as an immortal.

However, the bone spur army returned from defeat, and I don't know whose plan it was.

Since then, the four navy has emerged in all the troops fighting against the bone-piercing army of the fishman and become a major force. In the name of the invincible iron army, the bone-piercing people have to take a detour when they hear it.

Looking down from the cliff, the rough sea set off huge waves, slapped the rocks on the shore fiercely, and splashed snow-white waves. But he was smashed to pieces by hard rocks again and retreated to the sea, but immediately there was a second and third attack, like an indefatigable giant beast biting the coast and roaring like thunder.

The sea finally showed his ferocious side.

On the cliff, the strong sea breeze made his cheeks painful, blowing Long Fei's clothes to the back. Looking away, it seemed that a fairy who stayed here because of his infatuation with the beautiful scenery has a taste of elegance.

This is the fifth day after hitting the right-wing army. Due to the fatigue of the soldiers after the war, Long Fei had to order a rest for a period of time.

Because these generals are busy with military affairs, they have no time to pay attention to Long Fei. It may be because the bone spur army has been defeated and fled. No one here can be dignified to the safety of Long Fei. Even Ding Chajie, Long Fei's personal bodyguard, doesn't care much about him, or it may be because Ding Chajie thinks that there is a horror hidden beside Long Fei. The master doesn't have to worry about him anymore. Anyway, Long Fei has been very happy these days. He is busy in the camp, but he runs to this cliff almost every day.

The most important thing is that Long Fei wants to experience the last experience of the evolution of divine consciousness.

However, the strange thing is that except for that thrill that made the divine consciousness evolve, these days have been fruitless. This may be related to Long Fei's failure to let the divine consciousness too far away from the body after the last incident that almost made the divine consciousness leave the body. However, Long Fei tried several times in a row to absorb the spirit of heaven and earth around him, but he also got nothing, as if these spirits that were originally rich between heaven and earth had suddenly disappeared completely.

But Long Fei knew that this would definitely not be the case. It must be because of his own body that he could no longer absorb these essences. However, Long Fei has been standing on the cliff every day for the past few days, but he has achieved nothing.

Today, Long Fei assigned everything to others early, shook his hands, followed him alone, and came to the cliff again to carefully experience the essence of heaven and earth that had been searched for several days and got nothing.

However, today's weather doesn't seem to be beautiful. When I first left the gate of the camp, it was still a beautiful day, and the weather could only be for an outing. When the dragon flew to the cliff, it turned into a storm and waves, and heavy rain was about to overwhelm the building.

Looking at the gentle and calm as a lover, but now it is the waves, the waves are surging, the sea as dangerous as the snake mouth and the scorpion tail, and the dragon flying growing in the deep mountains since childhood. I have never seen such a wonderful scene. For a moment, I only felt that my heart was shaken and my mind was shaken.

The changes in nature have caused changes in the essence of heaven and earth, and the long-lost familiar feeling of the essence of heaven and earth has returned. Long Fei calmed down, stretched out his arms, carried out his skills, and his body began to absorb the essence of the whole world.

After the essence of heaven and earth entered Longfei's body, it began to rotate, forming a vortex in Dantian. The center point is the middle position of Dantian, which seems to become a black hole, guiding the cyclone to rotate systematically.

A few days ago, the still consciousness was affected by the essence of the inhalation of the body, and began to have the same movement as the previous time. First, he stretched out the waist that did not exist, and then opened his eyes. Long Fei only felt as if a flash of lightning had shot. The eyes of the consciousness were so bright that people's hearts were trembling. Then, the consciousness floated up as before. As Long Fei's consciousness went, his consciousness slowly drifted out of his body until he escaped from his body and hung above his head, like a person who had never seen the sun outside, looking greedily at the scenery outside.

After a while, the divine consciousness seemed to be full of the scenery, and the chaotic body also began to absorb the essence outside, and the essence was injected into the divine consciousness like rain.

The change of divine consciousness made Long Fei stunned. He did not expect that there was such a thing hidden in his body. In the past, the divine consciousness only absorbed the essence of heaven and earth through the body, and then indirectly absorbed it, but now, he can absorb the essence by himself, as if he were a person with his own consciousness. But Long Fei knew that the divine consciousness was still the same, closely connected with his body and listened to his own command.

Long Fei tried to contact the divine consciousness. The divine consciousness seemed to perceive Long Fei's call and suddenly stopped, and the essence gathered around the divine consciousness suddenly dissipated. Long Fei tried to touch the divine consciousness again, and with orders to make the divine consciousness begin to absorb the essence again.

The divine consciousness began to absorb the essence without complaint, and the abundant essence began to revolve around the divine consciousness and injected into the divine consciousness. Through the connection between the two, Long Fei saw that the essence also formed a small vortex in the chaotic body of divine consciousness.

The small vortex of divine consciousness and the big vortex of Long Fei's body are rotating in the opposite direction. The two are connected in a mysterious way, and the essence between the two is also complementing each other, as if another person is practicing with Long Fei, rather than the consciousness hidden in Long Fei's body.

Long Fei felt that the absorption of essence this time was different from the last time. The last time the essence entered the body, wisps of it was intermittently, but this time it rushed in, as if Long Fei's body was a dry sponge, and the essence of the world was like water, absorbing it crazily. It seems that all the acupuncture points of Long Fei's body have been opened, and these essences enter through the acupuncture points, and this time the essence is also different from the last time. Last time, it was wisps of trace, vaguely, but this time it rushed in like a strong wind and a flood *, which was extremely turbulent.

Long Fei knew that this was due to the bad changes in the weather, which led to changes in the essence of heaven and earth. Originally, there was a fog and a cloud rippled around him. Now, the essence gradually became barbaric under the strong wind. Not only has the speed of flow increased, but now the strength has also increased.

Affected by the wind, the essence gradually becomes wild, increasing the speed of entering the two vortices, and the two vortices rotate faster.

Long Fei doesn't know well. In this case, practicing divine consciousness will certainly have the effect of doing twice the result with half the effort, but the degree of danger also increases accordingly. It may be the same phenomenon as last time. The body is sucked by the increasingly rotating vortex and the internal collapses and cannot be stopped. It may be that the divine consciousness suddenly leaves the subject. Turn Long Fei into an unconscious walking corpse.

Therefore, after practicing for a while, Long Fei is ready to slow down the speed of absorbing essence and then slow down the rotation of the vortex until it stops.

However, a shocking scene appeared.

Whether it is the vortex in Longfei's body or the vortex in the divine consciousness, the two opposite vortices seem to produce forces. They use each other's power to promote themselves to rotate. Therefore, they do not stop because Longfei and the divine spirit stop absorbing, but because Longfei tries to make a certain spin. When the vortex stops, after the force makes the vortex tremble for a while, it rotates faster and drives another vortex to rotate faster.

Such a phenomenon makes Longfei hunter helpless and doesn't know what to do.

Because they did not dare to add force to the two vortexes, they could not stop, and they did not dare to speed them up again. Long Fei could only "look" like this, but there was helpless.

Long Fei felt as if he had been pushed into a big boat without sail and paddles. He could not control the direction and could only float along the water flow. When he got there, he might encounter an island or coast and be rescued, or he might encounter a sudden hurricane, setting off a huge wave covering the sky and hitting him from the top of the boat. Then we can only wait for the end of the ship's capit.

However, the two vortices not only showed no sign of stopping, but also rotated faster and absorbed more and more essence into it. With the increase of the essence called to enter, the two vores are also getting bigger and bigger. It seems that the wind has doubled at the beginning. According to this, sooner or later, they will rise and explode. The original body of the position.

Long Fei secretly complained. After the previous change in his divine consciousness, he ate the sweetness, thinking that as long as he controlled it properly, nothing would happen. Unexpectedly, the divine consciousness floating out of the body can absorb the essence of heaven and earth and echo its own body. The two support each other. If it goes on like this, sooner or later, they and the divine consciousness will be blown away by the two rotating vortex. If you want to stop them, it will only accelerate the speed of the rotation of these two vortexes and let them Absorb more essence of heaven and earth, and you will only die earlier.

The two vortexes are rotating faster and faster, so fast that Long Fei can hardly "see" clearly. He only feels as if two disks are quietly hanging in his body and consciousness. However, these two disks are getting bigger and bigger, like balloons that eat the wind, rising crazily.

The wind is bigger, the waves are higher. The sky darkened, as if the night had come early, and he could hardly see his fingers. In addition to the whirring wind, there is only the roar of huge waves hitting the coast.

There seems to be some huge change brewing between heaven and earth.

Everything seems to be quietly changing.


A sound that seemed to tear the sky from far to near until it exploded above Long Fei's head. The downpour finally fell from the sky.

Long Fei's body trembled with the consciousness hanging above his head. This huge sound seemed to have a supreme power, which made people feel scared from the heart.

The shock of thunder turned out to be like the consciousness of a playful child. Suddenly, there was a panic and faltering, and Long Fei could "see" the shocked expression on the face of the consciousness.

Seduced by the thunder, the two vortexes turned more rapidly, rising rapidly, and quickly approaching the limit. As if he had received the skin, Long Fei felt that his body and consciousness were faintly painful.

Suddenly, after the thunder, a flash of lightning tore through the sky and split down from the sky, shining as bright as day, visible at all. Lightning crossed the water like a long fire dragon, causing a series of sparks, sneering, and then crossing the coast and flying straight towards the dragon on the cliff.

In an instant, Long Fei still had time to react, which caused the lightning to grin the four fields to cross over Long Fei and disappear behind the stones.

Long Fei only felt that his body shot by lightning seemed to have been burned by fire, and his skin suddenly became scorched and dry, as black as charcoal ink, which only made his whole body tremble.

When the lightning hit the dragon flying, there was a kind of pressure pressing into the inside of the body. Long Fei felt that he didn't know what luck he had taken today. The cyclone in his body had risen so much that his body was extremely uncomfortable that he almost burst and died. Now, he was pressed by another force from outside his body. He had to collapse inside. Under the influence of these two forces, Long Fei suspected that he could not escape the end of being crushed to death this time.

However, the world is so strange. After the vortex that had risen to the limit in the body was under this pressure, it immediately burst out, generating an outward force. This force and the power of lightning just met on the surface of Long Fei's body. Under the collision of the two forces, they exploded and made Longfei The charred skin on the surface of his body exploded, and blood spewed out of the cracks. Suddenly, his charred skin was all red, and his upper and lower body were completely covered with blood everywhere, like a fierce ghost who had just escaped from the hell blood pool.

The support of the vortex lost in the body in the divine consciousness suddenly slowed down, and finally stopped slowly. Then, as if knowing that the body was at a dangerous moment, it quickly floated towards Long Fei's body and suddenly entered Long Fei's body.

Long Fei only had time to scold God's mother, and fainted in a low way.