Eastern Continent

Chapter 510, The Power of the Dragon and Tiger

"What?" The copper head screamed, "Isn't it the second move of beauty looking back?"

Ye Guoming smiled and said unfathomably, "Did I say that you must come in order?"

The copper head choked and I didn't know how to deal with it.

Long Fei laughed a long time ago and shook his head and said, "Big man, be careful. Big brother is angry. Be careful to squeeze out all your eggs."

The copper head laughed and said, "Come on, let's see who was squeezed out first."

Ye Guoming smiled, and the big knife held in his hands suddenly withdrew back, only revealing the tip of the knife at his waist, as if the whole knife had been hidden, and Ye Guoming's original thick momentum suddenly disappeared, as if it had been hidden.

The copper head was stunned, looked at Ye Guoming's cold tip of the knife shining around his waist, and asked, "This is the dragon trapped shoal." Although this is only a small tip of the knife exposed, the copper head intuitively knows that this move is more powerful and powerful than the previous move.

Ye Guoming nodded and said, "This is the dragon trapped shoal, and the next is the dragon ten days."

Bronze head wondered, "The third move is composed of two moves?"

Ye Guoming said, "That's right. If you feel that you can't catch it, you should speak out earlier."

Bronze-tou sneered and said, "There's nothing you can't catch. Just come here and see if I hit you all over the ground!"

Ye Guoming smiled and said, "That's what you said. Don't blame me."

The copper head's eyes lit up and he said excitedly, "Hurry up, I can't wait. My hands are very itchy."

Long Fei laughed and said, "Brother, the second brother is itchy. Hurry up and do it!"

Ye Guoming said, "Well, that's it." A momentum suddenly rushed to the copper head. It was a majestic, huge wave-like momentum, as if the copper head was not facing Ye Guoming himself, but a dragon that was gaining momentum. The heavy pressure made the copper head almost breathless.

When I saw such a powerful momentum in the audience, I couldn't help but be moved and almost collapsed, all of which showed a shocking look.

The copper head narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Guoming's knife tip exposed at his waist. His expression was extremely solemn. In the handshake of the spear, it was also an irreparable momentum rising to the sky, resisting Ye Guoming's gradually increasing momentum.

Suddenly, everyone only felt a flower in front of them. Ye Guoming's long knife stretched out from his waist like lightning, like a soaring dragon finally poked out its huge head and rushed to the copper head.

I don't know when the spear in the hand of the copper head has also come out, and the tip of the spear stirred and turns into layers of wave barriers, facing Ye Guoming's long knife.

"Puff, puff, puff." With several continuous sounds like breaking through the film, Ye Guoming's long knife continuously broke through the layers of defense of the spear tip and reached his chest.

The copper head turned sharply, and the spear danced more quickly. The phantom spear shadow changed from a wave-like protective layer to a thick wall, which could finally be blocked before Ye Guoming stabbed his chest with the tip of his knife.

As soon as the knives and spears intersect, Ye Guoming withdrew his knife and retreated quickly. The long knife kept swinging, laying layers of invisible protective energy, so that the copper head did not dare to chase it.

The audience cheered loudly, and it was a rare opportunity to watch such a wonderful match carefully and experience the gains. Everyone was fascinated by the two people's strong martial arts and wonderful attack and defense.

Ye Guoming retreated to the place where he began to attack again, took the distance from the copper head, and stared at the copper head with his eyes, and said word, "The fourth move: the wind blows the willows." After saying that, the whole person suddenly calmed down.

The copper head was in his heart. This time, his face was really serious. Looking at the tall image of Ye Guoming standing with a knife, the copper head lost his sense of Ye Guoming in an instant, as if Ye Guoming integrated with this world at this moment, for the inseparable part of the world, and the whole person became nothing. Get up.

The audience was even more shocked, even more unbearable than the copper head. In their induction, Ye Guoming seemed to disappear out of thin air. Although he could still see Ye Guoming standing there alive, but in their feelings, there seemed to be a piece of wood, a bamboo, a tree, or a gust of wind. If it is at night, no one can sense the existence of Ye Guoming.

This mysterious feeling makes the audience feel that they don't know how to attack Ye Guoming. They are all a little surprised how the copper head will deal with Ye Guoming's wonderful move that fits with heaven and earth.

Long Fei also muttered in his heart. He didn't expect that Ye Guoming's martial arts had progressed to such a situation under his own nose, but he had no idea. It seemed that Ye Guoming's progress during this period was thousands of miles a day.

Looking at the copper head again, he suddenly stepped back two steps, closed his eyes, held spears in both hands and pointed straight to Ye Guoming. His whole momentum also rose with Ye Guoming.

Everyone was shocked. In the case of not being able to feel Ye Guoming's breath, their eyes were the only five ways to respond to the enemy, but the copper head closed their eyes instead. Everyone did not understand why the copper head was no different from seeking a short circuit. Looking left and right, the copper head doesn't look like a person who can't live!

His pointed eyes suddenly opened wide, staring at the field like two small lanterns. Every action and every move of the two was unexpected and gave him great inspiration. At this time, when he saw the copper head closing his eyes to respond to the enemy, he realized something.

Among the audience, only Long Fei fully understood the meaning of the copper head. Although Long Fei has no martial arts, he has the foundation of martial arts. What he came into contact with is the Secret of the Sky, which can be called the first strange book in the world, and he used to be a master who thought was good. Now after practicing his divine consciousness, his eyesight is sharp and his sharpness are even more unmatched, and he has reached a brand-new Realm. Under the protection of divine consciousness, you can carefully observe the actions of the two people, and you can feel the changes of breath on the field through divine consciousness. You can know the strength of the momentum of the two people in the field.

Bronze head knows that Ye Guoming's move is the creation of the world. Once this move comes out, it will shock the world and cry. If you can't use the gas machine to sell Ye Guoming, you will definitely be deceived by many illusions. You don't have to have to deal with it, you will know how to win or lose. Therefore, he simply closed his eyes and only relied on his keen feeling to feel the changes in the breath around him. He could react first to the direction pointed by Ye Guoming's weapon. The outstret spear is the tentacle that the copper head feels stretched out. Through the spear, the range of copper head perception is more than doubled.

As soon as I closed my eyes, a wonderful phenomenon appeared in the mind of the copper head. I saw a breeze where Ye Guoming stood in front of me, as if there was suddenly a breeze, and this breeze was a precursor to a powerful hurricane, slowly blowing towards the copper head.

The copper head clearly revealed that this move is also composed of at least two moves, integrating into the surrounding breeze, which is just the starting style of this move, and then immediately comes a stormy attack.

Although Ye Guoming's move was acquired, Long Xi found that the spirit of the world around him was ready to move through the perception of divine consciousness. Ye Guoming's move actually borrowed a trace of innate spirit of heaven and earth.


As if a gust of wind blew, Ye Guoming made a move. I don't know when the long knife had cut out. Looking at the momentum of the knife flying up and down, it was so powerful and covered with a wide range. It had not been since the two fought. It seemed that a hurricane that destroyed the city and pulled out the village came, and everything would be razed to the ground, including the bronze head standing opposite the hurricane. .

And the copper head still stood firmly with his eyes closed and spears in his hands.

In an instant, this hurricane has enveloped the copper head. The whirling hurricane kept turning around the copper head.

The wind came and went quickly, but in the blink of an eye, the hurricane had stopped and appeared a bronze head, still on the original standing position, not moving at all.

Everyone must open their eyes. The long knife and spear are together, and the two are standing motionless.

Although Ye Guoming's knife is as indestructible as a hurricane, the copper head seems to have turned into a towering huge mountain. The earth is rooted in the earth. No matter how wind blows and rain, it is still, and it is still, hard against Ye Guoming's huge power that can destroy heaven and earth.

It turns out that although Ye Guoming's move is powerful and overwhelming, the copper head knows from the feeling that this move is actually a large vortex composed of countless small vortexes of airflows. Every time Ye Guoming's knife moves, it will produce a small vortex of airflow. This small vortex converges into the big vortex, and the vortex continues to be strong. On the other hand, in front of the copper head, it turned into a super-large vortex, like a huge hurricane, which sucked all the dust in the yard and gathered it into the vortex. The place where the two fought was actually a dark sun and the moon. Such a strange move was seen by everyone, but felt moved. All were shocked.

The copper head's eyes have not been opened, but they know the size of the vortex that comes to the face clearly. Although the big vortex is powerful, these small vortices that have not yet been integrated into the vortex are also first-class and terrible. If you let it stick to the body, although it will not damage your life, it must be bleeding all over the body and have no skin. In this way, it is equivalent to losing. When the vortex reached the reach of the weapon, the spear suddenly came out. The flexible spear was like a venomous snake, stretching out at lightning speed. Every time it was provoked, a small vortex was broken by him. The spear that kept provocative broke the small vortex that Ye Guoming kept producing until it finally picked up the largest In the vortex, the weapons of the two finally fought together.

Such a strange move, there is also such a strange method!

For a long time, only a few jingles were heard, and their weapons broke up at the same time and fell to the ground. The two threw away the weapons at the same time and laughed. Ye Guoming patted the copper head on the shoulder, pulled the bronze head and walked out of the field, saying, "I didn't expect that my second brother has progressed so fast that even I am no match for you."

The copper head rarely said modestly, "There, there, or the big brother is powerful. Can't we compare?"

Ye Guoming laughed and said, "The weapons have been destroyed. How can they be compared?"

The copper head said, "Let others send it again. I haven't enjoyed it yet. Why did I stop?"

Ye Guoming laughed and said, "My second brother is still heroic, but my back move is desperately used with the enemy, which is not easy to use with my second brother."

The bronze head said, "I haven't seen that beautiful look back yet."

Long Fei stood up from his seat and shouted, "Big man, that move is still immature. I think it should still be brewing, so I don't want to try the knife on you, so as not to hurt you."

The copper head made a "h" and turned his head to look at Ye Guoming and said, "Really?"

Ye Guoming nodded and said, "Hmm!" But in his heart, it was strange that Long Fei had never seen him practice martial arts, and he had never told him the situation. Why did he conclude that his move was not perfect? Was it just based on a beginning he had justposed?

When the copper head saw Ye Guoming's eyes staring at Long Fei, his eyes were full of incredible look, which could make Ye Guoming, who had always been stable, have such a gaffe. Could it be that there was something wrong with Long Fei, but he looked left and right on Long Fei, but he couldn't see any changes that were different from the past. He couldn't help patting Ye Guoming on the shoulder and said strangely, "What are you doing? Is there a long horn on that boy's head?"

Ye Guoming ignored the bronze head and looked at Long Fei and said, "How did the third brother see that my trick was not perfect?"

The copper head widened his eyes and looked at Ye Guoming and said, "Didn't you tell him?"

Ye Guoming shook his head and said doubtfully, "I have never told my third brother about this."

The copper head stared at Long Fei and said in a strange voice, "How do you know? Come quickly from the real way, or the punishment will be served."

Long Fei smiled and said lightly, with no pride on his face. In fact, you can know one or two by listening to the name given by the eldest brother for this move. The beauty should be restrained and elegant, such as the gentle elegance of the beauty, but looking at the momentum of the eldest brother just now, it is flamboyant and unrestrained, not only without the tenderness of the beauty, but more Wufu's blood was excited, and it was obvious that the eldest brother's internal strength was still running and blocked in this move. The internal strength failed to fully follow his own requirements, so that he escaped from the body due to the reaction of the air machine and oppressed the enemy, forming a publicity momentum. This move should have been like a beast ready to be hit, but due to the leakage of momentum, it not only weakened the power of some moves, but also revealed its foundation and prepared the enemy. In fact, when the eldest brother uses this move, he does not have to cooperate with the move, but uses the move to cooperate with the internal strength, which may have an unexpected effect."

Ye Guoming was creepy and moved, and he sincerely said to Long Fei, "Thank you for your advice. I already know this move. Unexpectedly, although the third brother has no martial arts skills, his vision is so sharp, and his views on martial arts are also extremely clever. I am far inferior!"

Everyone is shocked. In their eyes, Long Feiyi is really a talented and intelligent figure who regards war as a game, but he is also a weak person who needs their protection at any time. He has never seen him perform a move or heard of his views on martial arts. Therefore, They all admire Long Fei's intelligence, but they have always despised Long Fei's martial arts. Now, they know that they are very wrong. Long Fei's views on martial arts are not below them, but smarter than them. In terms of martial arts views, Long Fei seems to be standing at the top of the tower, but they can only stand under the tower and look up at Long Fei, who is alone high.

The person who can guide Ye Guoming, the first master in their minds, is no different from a fairy.

Among these people, only Meng Jian has a deep understanding of it. At the beginning, he was just a small water name and operated on ambush like Meng Ting's car. Although he also taught him one or two, it was just that he had the capital to protect himself when he met pirates. After meeting Long Fei, Long Fei combined his experience of learning martial arts from "The Secret of the Sky" and customized a set of martial arts for Meng Jian, which made his martial arts short. During the time, it has made rapid progress, coupled with the training in the war during this period, and the height of Meng Jian's martial arts skills. In the fishman Legion, except Ye Guoming and Tongtou, no one is their enemy, and they have become fierce generals that frightened the enemy.

From an ordinary sailor to a single-sided general, the changes before and after can be described as earth-shaking, and this bar is all because of the dragon, so it is not too much to say that Longfei is a sharp master.

Even after Ding Chajie was appointed to follow Long Fei, the whole thing has also undergone obvious changes, which can be seen from his calm temperament, sharp eyes and agile reactions.

Long Fei saw that everyone was looking at himself with a monster, and suddenly felt uncomfortable. He touched his nose and said with a bitter smile, "Guys, it seems that all the bone-piercing people have not yet left the Moon Island. Our task is still very heavy. Do you want to discuss how the next war should be carried out!"

Zhao Ke first laughed and shouted, "The military division wants to see our jokes, isn't it? Is there a battle that needs us to scratch our brains? As long as the military division moves a little, the bone-piercing man will roll up his tail and run away."

Meng Bo also felt the same way and said, "Well, the left and right bone spur armies have been defeated by us, leaving only one middle army. What else can we do? It's not the face in the hands of the military division, and the flat circle is pinched by us."

In the first year of copper, the dragon flew and said in a strange voice, "I can't see that you have become a fairy now. You have such great ability. So many people rely on you!"

Long Fei stared at the bronze head and said lightly, "Don't be careless. Among the three-way army, the one I am most afraid of is the army in the middle. The left and right roads are just the flanks of the two guards. The combat effectiveness is not very large, and the middle road is the real main force of the bone spur man's invasion of Moon Island this time."

People never understand and look at Long Fei. Ye Guoming wondered, "The middle road is the main force. What did the third brother say?"

Long Fei said, "You may not have noticed that among the three-way army of bone spurs, only the middle army has been marching all the way and hitting the Six Gods City, which is almost inland of Moon Island, suppressing the tens of thousands of Wu surnamed legions guarded by Liushencheng to be unable to move at all, and being forced to send people to ask for help from us, compared with being Don't you think the offensive power of the middle army is very sharp?

Bronzetou said carelessly, "So what about sharpness? We have occupied their rear now. They have become a lonely army deep into the hinterland of our army. What's the fear of a lonely army!"

Long Fei said seriously, "The second brother should not underestimate the enemy. If I expect it well, the general of the Bone spur army must be the main figure in the Bone spur army. Only one end can be seen from the fact that he has been controlling the bone spur water army swimming upstream on the sea."

Everyone was even more confused. Long Fei knew from there that the bony navy was under the control of the Middle Route Army, and looked at him one after another, waiting for himself to speak out.

Long Fei smiled, unconsciously touched his nose and said, "Don't you think it's a little easy for us to win the battle between the left and right armies of the bone spurs?"

Ye Guoming was inspired and understood a little and said, "Yes! The combat effectiveness of these two armies is not very good. They are defeated with one blow, and few troops have resisted to the end.

Long Fei shook his head and said, "Big brother said, I also think that most of the left and right armies seem to be newly recruited. I don't know how the war came back. Moreover, we all know that the fishman army has changed their colors when they raised the bone spurs, but this time they fought with the left and right bone spurs. You have seen him. Have our navy supported these two armies?

"No!" Zhao Ke answered the fastest and said, "Except for occasionally seeing a navy carrying grain, I have never seen a navy participate in the life-and-death confrontation on the battlefield."

Long Fei said, "Therefore, I suspect that the bony navy must be controlled by General Shenyou in the middle of the road, but I don't know why they don't let the navy support the left and right armies."

Ye Guoming was worried and said, "Isn't it necessary to beware of their raids when we fight with the Bones Middle Road Army?"

Long Fei nodded and said, "It's very possible that General Shenyou of the Middle Road Army must also be a powerful figure. If we are a little careless, maybe we will really suffer a big loss and export the money we have won hard during this period, so we must be fully prepared to wave the six gods of the army. City."

Directly said, "According to the military opinion, when is the best time for us to set off?"