Eastern Continent

Chapter 512, Anti-Encirclement War

The wind gently brushed the hills. The sun is emitting heat.

At a glance, a green mountain is refreshing. In spring, the earth is dressed in a new green dress.

Now, it is the season of spring. After a long and harsh winter, the fishman ushered in a mild and productive Spring Festival. Everything turned proudly, the plants spit out new buds, and the animals also woke up from a deep sleep. The whole earth is full of vitality.

The chaotic situation of Yuedao has unconsciously lasted for nearly a year. This year, the fishman clan has survived in continuous wars. The civil war with Xiuxingshan and his son, and the battle against the bone spur clan. Now, the war has also come to an end, and the last war with the bone spur clan is progressing in an orderly manner. It's okay.

This terrain where the plain and mountains are intertight, located in the Six God City in the lunar land, is originally surrounded by several plains and several mountains. In fact, it is just a flat and wide lowland between the two mountains. The Six Gods City is located on one of the plains.

Before the Six Gods City, there was a not too high hill more than ten miles away from the bone spur barracks. The mountains were dense and covered the sky and the sun.

Beyond the forest, there is a wide road. Obviously, this road is the main road from the Six Gods City to other places.

The bone spur army surrounded Ye Guoming. After being rushed out by him with his troops, he had to return to the camp. The leading bone stabbing generals, each of whom had an angry look on their faces. It was obvious that they were escaped by Ye Guoming. They were all unwilling, but they also had to admire Ye Guoming's correct judgment.

Ye Guoming did not turn around and break through to meet his army, but rushed forward and rushed to the direction of the bone-piercing army. It was indeed beyond the expectation of General Bone-piercing. They were caught off guard and escaped by Ye Guoming.

It was the next morning, the sun was shining, the breeze was blowing, and everything was so peaceful.

The bone spurs obviously did not know that on the mountains on the side of the road, in the dense forest, there was a giant beast, staring at these poor bone spurs.


Ye Guoming stood in front of the army, his face as usual, quietly listening to the return of the detective in front of him, but his eyes looked down the mountain on the road from time to time.

At this time, the leading force of the Bone Stinger Army just entered Ye Guoming's sight.

After Ye Guoming rushed out of the encirclement of the bone spur army, he did not immediately escape as far away, but immediately turned around and waited for the bone spur man to come to his door in the dense forest not far from the bone spur camp. Such courage and such a move are absolutely piercing.

"Hmm!" Ye Guoming hummed with satisfaction, then turned around and looked at the generals and soldiers standing silently behind him and said, "General Meng has chased behind the bone-piercing people and inform his brothers to be ready and follow the plan. General Ding, it's up to you to succeed!"

A slender, but thick young general beside Ye Guoming whispered and resolutely, "General, don't worry, if there is a bone spur soldier in the front team who can go back to rescue the back team, the general, Ding Hao, is the only one who asked." This person is the coolie leader that Tongtou and Zhi Chenggong knew in a city's coolie camp. He joined the army and became a partial general. This time, he followed Ye Guoming and Meng Jian as the vanguard.

Ye Guoming nodded and looked at the boiling road outside. More than half of the bones have passed.

"Fight!" Ye Guoming took a knife and rode the horse and rushed down first.

The bone spur general is a slightly chubby but strong man. At this moment, he is walking listlessly, with a downed face. After being escaped by the vanguard army of the fishman, he did not know how to explain to their leader, General Shenyou. This time, the god was ingenious and expected that the fishman must have a vanguard troops passing through here, let He led his army to ambush here first, but unexpectedly, before the ambush began, the enemy had run away. He could only follow behind to eat dust and smell nothing. I was worried. I didn't know what criminal law the general would punish them after he went back.


A burst of horseshoe sounded, and a fierce army suddenly rushed out of the woods on the roadside, instantly cutting the bone spur army on the road like a long dragon into two pieces. Then, the attacking troops were also divided into two teams. One team killed the front of the army, and the other team, towards the one behind The skeletal stabbing army was killed.

Ding Hao led 3,000 soldiers and desperately resisted the bone spur army swarming from the front. A silver-white halberd flew up and down, constantly picked up the bone spurs, and the yellow armor on his body was dyed red.

However, Ye Guoming, with another 4,000 soldiers, rushed back and stabbed into the bone stabbing army after being cut off.

The strong general of the bone-piercing army was not surprised but happy. He laughed and said, "I just let you escape. Why don't you run for your life quickly? How dare you send it to the door again? God has eyes. Let me go back without being punished by the gods." Turn the horse's head, take the front army back to kill, and at the same time order loudly: "Surround them and don't let them run away. If you kill one enemy, you will be rewarded with ten taels of silver. If you kill an enemy general, you will be rewarded with a hundred taels, and you will be promoted to one level."

The soldiers of the bone stabbing army responded loudly. Although they were suddenly attacked, they did not seem to be very flustered. The army behind rushed forward, while the front troops rushed back desperately. Suddenly, Ye Guoming and 7,000 soldiers were surrounded in the middle, as if the battlefield continued the ambush that the bone stabbing man had not completed yesterday. Let them finally fulfill their wish to surround the fishman army.

It's just that Ye Guoming can judge the situation on the battlefield in time, and the person who successfully escapes will be so stupid to drill into the bone-piercing encirclement again!

Unfortunately, the strong general of the Bone-piercing Army did not think of this. What he thought of was only God's eyes and finally asked him to go back without being punished by the general.


Another shocking horseshoe sounded. A unit ran out from the back of the mountain and quickly rushed to the back army with bone spurs. The first white armored general was Meng Jian.

The pointed long gun was waved, and the bone-piercing man was picked up and flew to both sides like straw. In the blink of an eye, the 3,000 soldiers led by Meng Jian had been inserted into the bone-piercing army like a powerful arrow.

The situation suddenly changed, and the bone spur army that originally wanted to surround Ye Guoming was surrounded.

This is a fierce battle. The soldiers on both sides are trying to take down each other. The four navy soldiers are desperate with the anger of being ambushed by others, while the bone-piercing soldiers are also competing for the anger of being escaped by the enemy by carelessness just now.

Ye Guoming and Meng Jian, like two sharp swords, with four naval soldiers in formation, went in and out of the bone spur army, several times, regarded this 10,000 bone spur army as a huge cattle, while Ye Guoming and Meng Jian's two sharp swords were like those in the hands. The sharp knife divides the cow's body in and out, harvesting the life of the rear army with bone spurs.

Under the prepared siege of the four navies, although the bone spur army also rose up to resist because of anger, it gradually defeated the division of Ye Guoming and Meng Jian. An hour later, under the division of the two sharp blades, the bone spur army was divided into several unlinked pieces, and could only fight separately and no longer care about other battles. Friends.

The thick bone spur general ignored the soldiers who were fighting, insticated the mount, passed through the battlefield, locked his eyes on Ding Hao, and held two huge hammers in his hands. He just gently took each of the four-sea soldiers who stopped him with a hammer, and the soldiers flew out. After falling to the ground, they were no longer powerless. .

When Ding Hao saw the courage of the strong general, he was also secretly surprised and took a cold breath. With such divine power, Ye Guoming, the number one fierce general in the four seas, was also slightly inferior to mention himself. However, thinking of the resounding promise he made in front of Ye Guoming, Ding Haoru could only bravely lead the horse to the thick general.

The two riders finally want to meet.

Ding Hao shouted, "Who is coming? I won't kill unknown people under the gun."

The stout general laughed ferociously and said, "Your name is Tian Yu, boy, remember, when you get to the nine springs, don't blame the wrong person."

Ding Hao shouted, "Tian Yu, a dog thief, take your life!" The long gun was swinging and picking it up to Tian Yu's chest.

Tian Yu smiled ferociously and blocked Ding Hao's long gun with a hammer in his right hand.


Ding Hao only felt a numbness in his hands and a sharp pain in the tiger's mouth. The long gun in his hand danged out and almost flew out of his hand. Seeing Tian Yu's left hammer hitting him again, he hurriedly lowered his body and shouted. He only saw the hammer roaring across the front and smashing Ding Hao's mount's head. As soon as the horse fell, Ding Hao turned over and fell off the horse and was almost crushed by the horse.

Tian Yu didn't want to let go of Ding Hao. He chased after him, raised the hammer in his hand at the same time, and smashed down at Ding Hao, who had just stood up.

Ding Hao just straightened up, and Tian Yu's huge hammers had reached the top of his head.


There was still a loud noise. Although he still hit the other party's weapon, Tian Yu was shocked. He only felt that the hammer in his hand seemed to hit a huge elastic iron bar. His two hammers actually bounced up and were pushed by a force to the side. The hammers ran to the side together and drove him at the same time. The body was almost loaded down from the horse.

When he fixed his eyes, Ye Guoming didn't know when he had run over and took this move on behalf of Ding Hao. Ye Guoming knew the weight of Tian Yu's hammer and didn't want to fight with him. When he fought, the handle of the knife was slanted. With the ingenuity of four or two thousand, he pushed Tian Yu's two huge hammers to the outside. This is equivalent to borrowing the power of Tian Yu's double hammer to push the hammer. The heavier the hammer, the stronger the force, the farther it will be pushed it. Ye Guoming did not take much effort. He was angry, but made Tian Yu almost fall off the horse.

Before Tian Yu came to recover from his surprise and sit down again, a weapon suddenly appeared on his chest, but it was Ye Guoming's handle. It turned out that Ye Guoming had no time to turn the big knife and could only use the knife handle back.


A dull sound came, and the end of the round and pointed knife handle went straight to Tian Yu's right chest, which had no time to dodge, and poked a hole. If Tian Yu hadn't dodged quickly, the pestle would have gone straight into his heart. Suddenly, blood poured out and dyed Tian Yu's chest bright red.

Tian Yu was also a fierce character. He threw away the hammer in his right hand, grabbed the handle of the knife just pulled out by Ye Guoming with his right hand, and then pulled it back. Ye Guoming was caught off guard and was pulled forward by him. Tian Yu clamped Ye Guoming's handle under his armpit, waved the left hammer, and hit Ye Guoming in the head.

Ye Guoming sneered and twisted his body immediately. His right hand was under the long knife. The long knife suddenly bounced up and greeted Tian Yu's left hand holding the hammer. Unexpectedly, he completely let go of the long knife.

With a bang, the hammer did not hit Ye Guoming, but hit the handle of Tian Yu's knife that was still clamped under his armpit without a long knife.

Tian Yu only felt a great pain in his right arm, and his right hand was broken by his strength, and then the long knife quickly fell.

Ye Guoming lowered his body on the back of the horse, stretched out his hand, held the long knife in his hand, and poked Tian Yu's abdomen with the handle of the knife. This time, because he poked from the bottom up, the force was stronger and the momentum was more urgent.

Tian Yu had not yet come back from the great pain of breaking his arm. Ye Guoming's handle arrived again. After only feeling a great pain in his abdomen, Tian Yu was forced to fall back by Ye Guoming this time and fell over.

Ye Guoming rode around Tian Yu's horse and killed Tian Yu with a knife.

After Tian Yu fell off his horse, he could not stand up for a while because he had to support the ground with one hand. Seeing Ye Guoming waving his knife again, he hurriedly rolled on the ground, rolled from one side of the horse to the other side, struggled to stand up, and even escaped and crawled back to the middle of his army.

Ye Guoming did not intend to let him go. He waved his long knife and chased Tian Yu like a wolf rushing into the sheep, killing him into the army of bone spurs.

Ding Hao opened his eyes wide, and his eyes almost fell to the ground. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe that there was such martial arts in the world. Ding Hao looked at Tian Yu, the Hercules, but he was smashed by him and fled. However, when Ye Guoming was against Tian Yu, he only killed him with a few easy moves and fled. He was almost desperate. He was almost effortless. His movements were easy, quick moves, quick response, and luck of strength. Ding Hao was amazed and envied. The distance between the two in martial arts is really not a little bit.

No matter what the leading generals think, they did not expect that Ye Guoming would return and kill immediately after escaping. They will only think that after Ye Guoming escapes the siege, they will definitely meet the army and then seek a decisive battle with the whole army with the bone spurs to determine the victory or defeat. Therefore, the whole army is a little scattered. Unexpectedly, they were originally ready to surround such a powerful and terrible general as Ye Guoming and Meng Jian. In the whole bone spur army, no one could walk through two moves in the hands of two people. When they met the bone spur army of the two, they would be injured without death, and no one could be intact. Among them, Ye Guoming was even more terrible. Not only did he split the black armor general in front of him with one knife, but also General Tian Yu, who was almost respected as a god. Ye Guoming also shot his weapon with one move, and then returned to the top with a knife handle and was seriously injured. He could only escape with the support of the general.

In this thousands of troops and horses, the two led thousands of soldiers, several times in and out, several times, as if entering no one's territory, wherever they went, they broke down the large team of nearly 20,000 people into pieces.

After a while, the army of bone spurs was divided into pieces and ignored each other. Now, there is only a struggle.

In fact, this was also caused by the carelessness, because they never expected that after Ye Guoming just escaped from the siege, he immediately turned his head to surround the bone stabbing army.

At this time, the collapse of the bone spur army will come sooner or later, just to see if their nerves are tough and how long they can last.

"Dongdong." A war drum sounded, followed by a thunderous sound of horseshoes. An army suddenly turned from the end of the road, on the other side of the hillside and rushed to the battlefield of the two armies like a whirlwind.

The bone spur soldiers cheered. Looking at the black armor, it was like a dark cloud covering the troops on the battlefield. Everyone knew that the bone spurs had arrived.


Ye Guoming suddenly roared, roaring loudly and excitedly, straight to the sky, resounding through the whole battlefield, like thunder and roaring. Not only was Tian Yu frightened to hear it, but other bone stabbing generals who had not fought with Ye Guoming but had seen his divine power were also shaken. Then, Ye Guoming suddenly turned the horse's head, waved his long knife, and abruptly killed a way. He went straight to the rear, but he ignored the enemy in front of him.

Ye Guoming's face was heavy and knew that the big thing was not good. Unexpectedly, the bone-piercing reinforcements came so quickly. He also regretted his impulse. After being ambushed, he actually wanted to get this tone back and think about the previous ambush, but after all, this was a war in front of other people's houses. As long as he saw a little movement, the rescuers came faster than Ye Guoming and others fled. Now the only way to save his life is to meet Meng Jian, so Ye Guoming no longer paid attention to the previous enemy and turned to kill him in the direction of Meng Jian. I just hope that before the Bone spur army rushes up, they will join with Meng Jian, so they still have the possibility of breaking through. Otherwise, Ye Guoming knows that the consequence of the two armies not being able to meet is the destruction of the whole army.

When soldiers from all over the world heard Ye Guoming's long roar and knew that this was a critical moment, they also turned around and followed Ye Guoming desperately to fight back.


Another roar sounded, and the roar was sharp, like a sudden explosion of a Thunderbolt, and everyone's ears and drums were stimulated to buzz. However, Meng Jian responded to Ye Guoming in the back array. A long gun kept rolling and stirring like a sea dragon. The bone spur was constantly picked up by him from the array and threw it out. He also wanted to kill in the direction of Ye Guoming. On his armor, he was bloody and could not distinguish the original color for a long time.

Ye Guoming and Meng Jian's two armies suddenly exerted their forces at the same time. The bone-piercing man sandwiched in the middle was suddenly killed crying and howling. The wolf ran away. At the beginning, they wanted to stop the two fishman troops from meeting, but unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, they were killed by the two fishmen departments with Ye Guoming and Meng Jian as arrows. The team was like cutting melons and cutting vegetables, and the corpses were everywhere, and they couldn't find the north and south.

The two armies finally converged, and the soldiers from all over the world quickly formed a large circle that looked at each other. This circle also circled Ye Guoming and Meng Jian in. The soldiers quickly set up their shields, and the long guns stretched out from the gap of the shield. Suddenly, in the encirclement of the Bones Army, it seemed that a strong The indestructible castle, regardless of the impact of the bone spur army, is still unwavering. The long gun sticking out from the circle makes the circle look like a round sickle with long teeth, constantly harvesting bone-piercing human life.

This is an extremely strong defensive formation at a disadvantage. At that time, Long Fei was created according to the Iron Art of War passed down to him by Tie Lao. When the army fell into the enemy's encirclement, it could play a huge role, just like erecting a flesh and blood body in the encirclement. A strong castle.

The bone spur army kept hitting this circle. Cavalry, infantry, long guns, short knives, took turns to fight, but they still could not shake at all. Occasionally, soldiers from all over the world fell down due to physical weakness or injuries. The comrades behind him immediately made up for it without hesitation and resisted the crumbling shield with their own bodies. Maintain the integrity of the formation, and even if they lose their lives as a result, they will never step back.

After half a day of attack, the flesh and blood castle has always been so strong that it has not wavered at all.

The soldiers on both sides are rapidly consuming, but they often stabbed people's lives with two bones in exchange for the co-defeat of a four-sea soldier.

The leading general of the bone spur is Shan Yijun, who is second only to Tanakahara in the bone spur army. This man has always been known for his ruthlessness. Every time he attacks the ground, he encouraged soldiers to rape, kill and loot. Even if he makes a mistake, he is also cruel to his soldiers, he will be severely punished. Every soldier who goes to war with him must go all out, and those who dare to retreat must be killed.

Seeing that the bone spur soldiers were cut down like grass by the strange round formation of the four sea soldiers, Shan Yijun smiled coldly and didn't care, but after seeing the bone spurs attack for half a day, the round formation of the four navy was not as hard as an iron barrel, without any sign of collapse, and his face became gloomy and terrible.

Tian Yu, who had bandaged the wound, stood beside Shan Yijun. Seeing Shan Yijun's face, he couldn't help sweating coldly.

Shan Yijun looked at Tian Yu coldly, his eyes coldly and ruthlessly, as if one was eating a poisonous snake, which made Tian Yu tremble in a frenzy, and then said coldly, "General Tian has been injured. Do you still have to rest first? You don't have to participate in this war."

Tian Yu looked at the coldness that Shan Yijun had seen all over his body, gritted his teeth, threw away his hammer, and suddenly picked up a long gun from the side. He held a gun in one hand and rushed to the circle of the four seas. He would rather try his best on the battlefield than face Shan Yijun's viper-like eyes. Tian Yu knew that Shan Yijun, who had always been lonely and famous, would not really let him go back safely. Maybe as soon as he turned around, Shan Yijun gave him a knife from behind, so that he didn't know how he died. Therefore, he would rather die than believe Shan Yijun's words.

Shan Yijun coldly liked the new and old Tian Yu rushed to the four navy*, with a face as expressionless as a stone sculpture, but suddenly said to the other generals around him, "Go, within a pillar of incense, rush away this formation."

Originally, they were still waiting outside the battlefield. After the soldiers rushed through the gap, the other generals of the bone spur army who rushed in and killed for a while. Hearing Shan Yijun's words, they pulled out their weapons one after another, roared, and rushed to the four sea soldiers in the middle of the encirclement.

Originally, the circular strange array of the four navy was still indestructible. After joining these martial arts, which were more than ordinary soldiers and were more powerful generals, the situation suddenly became precarious.