Eastern Continent

Chapter 516, Long Fei was assassinated

The sound is like a bell fighting a bull, leaping like a dragon standing on the root.

Fishman soldiers are exercising enthusiastically!

Day by day, spring is coming to an end, and the summer of moxibustion is approaching.

Looking at the tall green grass on Baipeng, Long Fei couldn't help taking a long breath. Since taking over all the army, Long Fei can no longer be a shopkeeper. He devoted himself to military affairs and finally discussed a way to rectify the army together with other generals.

All the fishman army is divided into four armies, namely: sailors, infantry, cavalry and archers.

Water army leader: Zhi Pengfei, deputy leader: Qian Chengli; foot army leader: Meng Hongzhi, deputy leader: bronze head; cavalry leader: straight success, deputy leader: direct contribution, Meng Jian; bow and arrow team leader: Ye Guoming, deputy leader: Wu Shangqi, Zhao Ke is the grain officer, quartermaster: Meng Bo.

Ding Chajie is still the leader of the scout team and Longfei's personal bodyguard as before.

These people reported directly to Long Fei. Under Long Fei, there are two deputy positions, namely Meng Hongzhi and Zhi Pengfei. Meng Hongzhi is in charge of the foot army and cavalry, and Zhi Pengfei is in charge of sailors and archers.

In fact, Long Fei only had to put Ye Guoming and Tongtou, Meng Jian and others with strong martial arts because he wanted to take care of the leaders of the previous legion. Zhang Heng, Li Zhi and others were beside Long Fei. Since he met Long Fei, under the arrangement of Ye Guoming, Zhang Heng and Li Zhi and ten The surviving Sergeant Song Chun became Long Fei's personal bodyguard team, and Ding Chajie was just like a guide following the bodyguard team.

After becoming several armies, many generals have clear responsibilities and responsibilities, and have devoted themselves to intense training. Now, without those twittering generals around him, Long Fei has become free. Therefore, he often slips behind the barracks and looks at the overgrown grass on the grassland, or looks at the blue Blue Sky, one stop for most of the day. Li Zhi, Zhang Heng and others, as his bodyguard, naturally followed.

"Military, let's go back! You have been here for a long time. Li Zhi also called Long Fei a military division like others. He looked at Long Fei like a brother. They came to Yuedao because of Long Fei. When they saw the bronze head, they thought Long Fei would also be a teenager with strong martial arts skills, but unexpectedly, he didn't even have any martial arts skills, just a chicken without a hand. Before they woke up from their surprise, they immediately heard Long Fei's deeds on Moon Island.

Long Fei's hand turned over on the battlefield and turned his hand into rain. The bone spur army, which had defeated the fishman, was defeated by Long Fei in less than half a year. Such military talent is really rare in the world. From a prisoner who was captured to the island, he jumped to the highest leader of the fishman army. Li Zhi and others couldn't believe it when they thought about it.

"Go back first. I want to stand a little longer." Long Fei said, "You have also worked hard these days. For the sake of the war, you should also take a break."

"But..." Zhang Heng said hurriedly.

"General Zhang, don't worry." Long Fei said lightly, "This is still the fishman's barracks. No one can control me."

Zhang Heng wanted to say more, but Li Zhi pulled him and said, "In this case, let's all stand with the military division for a while!"

"No!" Long Fei, who was originally pleasant, suddenly shouted with a solid face, "For the sake of the upcoming war, I order you to go back to rest now."

"This..." Zhang Heng looked at Long Fei's stiff face and didn't know what to do. He turned to look at Li Zhi and said urgently, "Come and persuade the military division."

Long Fei smiled faintly and said, "General Li doesn't need to worry. This is the fishman barracks. Will there be another person who eats the courage of the bear heart and leopard come here to die? The battle is imminent, so you'd better take a rest quickly to cope with the continuous wars in the future."

Li Zhi took Zhang Heng's hand, took a step back and saluted Long Fei, "Since the military division has the order, let's go back to rest and take care of ourselves."

Long Fei also saluted, "General Li, don't worry, I'm fine."

Li Zhi bowed down and then saluted Long Fei, and forced Zhang Heng, who was about to speak, to walk to the camp.

Until he walked far away, Zhang Heng finally couldn't help saying, "Brother Li, let's come back. What if something happens to the military division?"

Li Zhixiao said, "How important the military division is. It is our responsibility to protect the military division. How dare we stay away?"

Zhang Heng woke up and smiled, "Brother Li means that we will come back later?"

Li Zhi smiled and said, "Exactly! After getting out of the line of sight of the military division, you can turn back and do it now.

Zhang Heng and Li Zhi hurriedly turned around and walked gently to the position where Long Fei stood. At the corner, both of them hid their bodies behind and quietly poked out their heads. Suddenly, both of them were stunned as if they had won the method of set their bodies. In front of it is an endless wide grassland, and the taller wormwood grass is covered with half of the grassland.

And Long Fei is gone!

The shock of the two was not small. Rulongfei made any mistake. Neither of them knew how to go back to see everyone. Without being scolded by others, they had the intention to commit suicide first. In anxiety, he shouted loudly and rushed to the grassland at the same time. The only thing that can make Long Fei disappear in an instant is this plain with tall wormwood.

But the two shouted through their throats, but there was no response. They hurriedly rushed and thought that they had walked a farther distance than Long Fei, who had no martial arts, but they still didn't see Long Fei's figure. In this wide plain, a person got into this, just like a needle falling from the sea. Long Fei If you deliberately hide, you can't find many more people.

The two looked for a while. After seeing that there was no hope of finding Long Fei, they hurriedly asked Zhang Heng to go back to report, while Li Zhi climbed onto the watchtower of the barracks, opened his eyes and looked at the whole plain, praying for God's blessing and let Long Fei appear.

After a while, the bustling voice appeared. Li Zhi glanced at it and only saw that Ye Guoming, Copper Head, Meng Jian, Meng Hongzhi, Zhi Chenggong and the ten Song Chun soldiers followed Zhang Heng. They hurriedly ran to the back camp. Zhi Pengfei was not in the barracks because he was guarding against the bone-piercing sailors on the ship.

Long Fei was tied to tens of thousands of fishmen, and his life and death were tied to Long Fei. How could they not be in a hurry? After hearing Zhang Heng's report, all the generals left their hands and rushed to the back of the barracks.

Zhang Heng originally only wanted to inform Long Fei of all the bodyguards and Ding Chajie, the local snake, but because of the big deal, Ding Chajie did not dare to hide it. He also notified Ye Guoming, and Ye Guoming also dared not hide it, so he also informed the generals.

Seeing Li Zhi, Ye Guoming hurriedly asked, "How about seeing the military division?"

Li Zhi shook his head and said shyly, "I have been staring at the grassland, but I don't see anyone going in."

Bronze head said, "Don't you see any movement in the grass?"

Li Zhi looked at the long grass swaying left and right by the wind and said with a wry smile, "The long grass is shaking all the time. I don't know that those are abnormal movements."

Meng Hongzhi said, "No matter how much it is, go ahead and look for it. Divide it into several areas to find it. After half a day, whether you can find it or not, come back here to report the situation." After Meng Hongzhi handed over his military power, his heart became relaxed, no longer worried about gains and losses, and his mind was much more flexible, and he broke things faster.

Ye Guoming nodded and said, "At present, it has to be like this. Every two people enter separately. Captain Li, you still stand on the watchtower with the two of you. There are strange conditions to support there."

Li Zhi nodded and looked at Ye Guoming, ashamed and said, "I am incompetent and entrusted to the general."

Ye Guoming shook his hand and said, "Let's not talk about this now. If the third brother wants to walk away alone, you are also helpless. Now the important thing is to find him quickly. I hope nothing will happen to him."

Looking at the backs of Ye Guoming, Meng Hongzhi, Tongtou, Zhicheng and others, Li Zhi sighed that Long Fei was so important in everyone's mind!

In fact, Long Fei is in this plain. At this moment, he is sitting quietly cross-legged in the long grass, motion.

It turned out that since the divine consciousness was hit by lightning last time, it has undergone a considerable mutation. After the escape of protection when Ye Guoming appeared in the bronze-headed two martial arts competition and the two uses to heal the wounds of Wu Shang Yong, now the divine consciousness seems to have become a little angry and does not listen to Long Fei's orders, although it is not lost. To control it, but Long Fei felt that his mood had always been irritable for no reason recently, and there was always an inexplicable anger in his heart to burn himself and others.

Before, Longfei was busy fighting with bone-piercing people and had no time to pay attention to it. Now, Longfei dares not be careless, so he has always wanted to find an opportunity to carefully explore what has changed in the divine consciousness. Now it is the best time to be idle, and this wide plain is also the best. In the place of cultivation, the essence of the heaven and earth in the plain is very abundant. Even in the barracks, Long Fei can feel that the essence of heaven and earth is rushing towards him like waves. However, Ding Chajie used to stick to his side, but now Zhang Heng and Li Zhi stick to his side. The matter of practicing divine consciousness is not easy to be watched by others. Therefore, Long Fei plotted to let them go away.

Long Fei calmed down and began to summon his consciousness.

The divine consciousness in sleep was summoned by Long Fei and woke up again. This time, what surprised Long Fei was that the divine consciousness's eyes were blood red, like a ghost coming out of the hell of Shura, revealing a gloomy and terrible breath.

In this situation, Long Fei scared the three souls to disappear from the two souls, and just stared at the appearance of the divine consciousness. Even if he had never practiced the divine consciousness, he knew that the divine consciousness must have undergone a bad mutation.

In fact, the risk for the cultivation of divine knowledge has always been greater than that of martial arts. When martial arts practitioners go crazy, there is only one of the 100,000 people who will explode and die, and most of them are self-injured, go crazy, and even transitioned just by personal perseverance. However, the cultivation of divine consciousness is not so lucky. When practicing, you must be careful. If there is a slight mistake, the divine consciousness will mutate, and the serious injury will die due to the removal of the divine consciousness. However, the light one will become a cruel and crazy murderer, and the lightest one will become a mentally ill person, and finally commit suicide.

Longfei's current phenomenon is the precursor of the beginning of the mutation of divine consciousness, and it is a relatively serious one. This is because Longfei's cultivation speed is too fast. When absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, it will also fill too much turbidity between heaven and earth. The evil qi is inhaled into the body together. Under the indistinguishable divine consciousness, all of them are collected according to the list. Especially after being hit by lightning, a large amount of evil gas entered with the power of lightning, causing the divine consciousness to finally mutate.

However, under no guidance, Long Fei did not know how to correct this situation. Unable, Long Fei stretched out his hands, took a deep breath, and began to absorb the essence of heaven and earth. Suddenly, the thick essence of heaven and earth on the plain poured into Longfei's body from Long Fei's mouth and nose and pores like a sponge, and quickly drowned into his consciousness.

The divine consciousness meets the essence, just like dry wood meets fire. The two quickly combine. Without the traction of the divine consciousness, the essence automatically rotates around the divine consciousness and opens into a small vortex in the shape of a cyclone.

This vortex is getting bigger and bigger, gradually expanding outward, and gradually having an explosive momentum.

Actually, Long Fei is drinking doves to quench his thirst!

After the divine consciousness constantly absorbs the essence of heaven and earth, some of the evil spirits and turbid gas also rush into the divine consciousness. While the divine consciousness continues to grow, the mutation will become more and more serious, and there will even be the whole spiritual consciousness that devouring Long Fei, making Long Fei a crazy person who only knows how to kill with divine consciousness. .

The air vortex is rotating, and the god has become thick and dense from the original sparse air vortex. Looking at the air vortex around the divine consciousness like a physical circle, Long Feifa felt that he did not know how to stop it.

After the mutation of divine consciousness, Long Fei was so scared that he forgot the last lesson. The last time it was because the rotation of the air vortex could not stop, which almost killed the body of Long Fei. As a result, after being hit by lightning, he cut off the connection between the two air vores and dispersed the cyclone in Long Fei's body before stopping.

However, a phenomenon that stunned Long Fei appeared. The divine consciousness slowly rose with the vortex and gradually escaped out of his body and hung above Long Fei's head.

In Long Fei's body, it became empty, which was an empty shell of consciousness.

This is also the consequence of the mutation of divine consciousness. After the mutation of divine consciousness, there is an independent consciousness. At this time, the divine consciousness will cultivate independently and resist the enemy independently without the order of the ontology.

The air vortex is getting bigger and bigger, as big as a chessboard, but I don't know when it will stop. Long Fei looked at it as if a gray sun was hanging above his head.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in Long Fei's vision and was quietly touching from under the grass to the place where Long Fei was sitting quietly. Although it was in broad daylight, the man was also wearing gray clothes and a cloth scarf, covering his head and face, revealing only a pair of flickering eyes like a fox.

Seeing Long Fei sitting with his hands open and cross-legged, in a strange posture, he appeared to be practicing a strange skill and was at a critical juncture.

He saw the divine consciousness and cyclone hanging above Long Fei's head.

A burst of joy flashed in the eyes of the masked man, almost laughing, accelerated his pace, and quickly rushed to the back of Long Fei. He turned his hands, put together into two palms, and hit Long Fei's back. He wears a long sword instead, which is obviously discovered because he is worried that the sword reflects the sun.


The masked man hit his palms, but he did not hit Long Fei's back, but seemed to be a strong elastic cloud. He urged him to move several times, but he found that his palms were still a little far from Long Fei's body, but he could not be true.


A fierce cry sounded, and the masked man only felt a cold breath coming in from his hands and quickly rushed to his head. The cold airflow passed through the meridians like a sharp nail, which made the masked man almost faint in pain. After the airflow rushed into his head, the extreme coldness would make his whole brain. The bag was frozen into a ball, and the pain was very painful. The masked man was afraid of being discovered by others and gritted his teeth desperately to endure it, but in the blink of an eye, he suddenly jumped up with his head in his hands, like a rabbit hit by an arrow, and quickly ran to the depths of the long grass. He ran extremely fast, and the screams kept following all the way. It was not until half a cup of tea that it stopped abruptly, just like the sudden cry just now, and the stop was so suddenly.

The four fields are quiet, as if they are scared by this extremely horrible scream.

It turned out that when Long Fei saw the masked man appearing behind him, he knew that something was wrong. After seeing his palms hit his back, he no longer cared about three seventy-one and twenty-one. He hurriedly ordered his consciousness to move behind his back with a cyclones, and finally blocked his back before the masked man's palms.

The masked man's palms just hit the rotating vortex. Long Fei only felt his mind shake, as if a hammer hit his head heavily. A mouthful of blood spewed out and fainted.

What the masked man hit was not Long Fei's back, nor Long Fei's consciousness, but the air vortex spinning around the consciousness. After being hit by this powerful impact, the air vortex suddenly dispersed and turned into countless fine currents. It rushed into his body along the hands of the masked man, and the divine consciousness was squeezed by this force and shook, secreted a dark and cold airflow. Following this fine flow, it rushed into the body of the masked man. .

These cold airflows were originally impurities that caused the mutation of Longfei's divine consciousness. When Longfei inhaled the essence of heaven and earth, he also followed the evil spirit into the body. Because Longfei has never had any knowledge about the cultivation of divine consciousness and did not know how to filter the evil spirit, he hoarded a lot of evil spirit in his body, which led to the mutation of the divine consciousness. Now, this evil spirit is vigorously pressed out like milking and entering the masked man's rest. After spitting out this cold airflow, the divine consciousness was also crumbling and quickly landed in Longfei's body.

The swhetling sounded, but the generals who heard the screams rushed to the place where the screams stopped. However, there was another person running in the direction of the cry. That's Long Fei's sworn brother Ye Guoming. He saw everyone skimming over there and knew that even if there were enemies, he didn't have to worry. Instead, he wanted to see what could make people scream so painful.

As soon as the scream sounded, Ye Guoming had already swept this way. Before the scream stopped, he had arrived at Long Fei's side.

However, the scene in front of him was very different from Ye Guoming's imagination. He saw the blood spots on Long Fei's body, and his whole body lay on the ground in a strange posture, as if he was sitting cross-legged and was pushed hard from behind. As a result, his upper body was lying on the ground, while his feet were kneeling across each other. In the underground.

Ye Guoming was so scared that he roared hard and hurriedly picked up Long Fei. He tried his breath with his hand and found that Long Fei's breathing was stable and his pulse was stable, so he was relieved.