Animal World

Chapter 1 Crazy Paper

Chapter 1 Crazy Paper

"Come and have a look at the poster. Zhu Ming, a mad zoologist, will come to Shenlong Zoological College a month later to read his academic report on the common evolution of humans and animals. At the same time, he also accepts the academic debate of this proposal. He welcomes scholars from all over the world to participate in the academic debate. Come and have a look."

The person who shouts is a teenager. Seeing that he is about a middle school student, he is probably a student who uses weekends to work and study.

At the same time, many such children appeared in many places in Xuancheng. They were excited to hand out a leaflet to passers-by one by one. Can they not be excited? There is a commission for every leaflet handed out.

"What is evolution? Why haven't I heard of it?

"You don't know that, do you? The theory of evolution was put forward by a man. He said that we are all monkeys, so you should treat monkeys better in the future.

"Nonsense, do you think I look like a monkey? I think it's the monkey who has become, otherwise why do you have a sharp-mouthed monkey's cheek?

"You don't know, do you? Evolution theory is something that has been learned in school. You returned it to the teacher so quickly. It means that we humans have been evolving, and animals are also evolving. Now we see that animals and people are very different from ancient times. Some people say that all animals have changed from those fish in the sea. I now Imagine what kind of animals your ancestors were. I guess it may be crabs, right? Otherwise, how can you be domineering in society every day?"

"You boy turned around and scolded us, brother, let's beat him together."

This is what a group of social gangsters are talking about.

"What is it? After learning a little veterinary knowledge, they came here arrogantly to talk about animal evolution. Where are we here? This is the world-famous animal college, Professor Wang. Is this the student you teach? He only graduated a few years ago and wanted to open up a new field of discipline. Isn't this going to suppress you all? I don't know why the school still hired him as a visiting professor, and why did it allow him to invite him to give a worldwide academic speech? No, I have to prepare for it. When the debate comes, I will refute him endlessly and let him lose face and dare not mention this matter again. Why did the school ask me to organize this academic speech? It really pissed me off."

It was an old man in his 60s who angrily turned on the computer to check some information on the Internet.

Professor Wang, another person in the office, looked at him contemptfully and said, "Come on, Associate Professor Liu, it must be reasonable for him to give a speech in the school. Although our school is a famous zoology institution in the world, if no new academic achievements come out, it will be caught up by other colleges. Zhu Ming's The bill itself is very novel. In addition, he is also a graduate from our school. If you don't let him preach here, will you still let him go to the West? Has there been less talent lost in our country over the years? I think it's the appearance of people who are jealous of talents like you that makes them have no foothold. I think the biggest mistake is that the college sent you to our speech committee.

"Do you think Zhu Ming opened up a new field? Do you know how many papers he has published in the six years since graduation? He has published more papers in the past six years than you have published in your life. Do you know how many zoological problems he has solved in the past six years? Aren't you jealous of him just because he said that you lectured on some empty theories? Do you still have to prepare for the debate? Do you have the nerve to take out your knowledge? Can you argue more than Zhu Ming? I think you are going to find it for yourself. Professor Wang was angry.

"Okay, don't quarrel. The leaders of the college unanimously agreed that Zhu Ming would give a speech at the college. This is a new topic, which in itself will further improve the popularity of our school. At that time, zoologists from all over the world will come here to debate the evolution of society freely. Is there no problem even if there are shortcomings? Isn't it that you are not familiar with everything and finally mastery? Originally, evolution theory is a topic studied by various countries. This is the first time that Zhu Ming has combined humans and animals to talk about it. This is an innovation in itself. Why doesn't the college support him? When it comes to you, Liu Fei, I think it is the biggest mistake for the college to ask you to come to our organizing committee. I will report to the college that you are transferred out of our organizing committee. With you, we can't concentrate on our work.

Zhang Tianmin, the head of the department, said seriously.

Liu Fei sentry immediately changed his face and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, director, I said something wrong. I won't say that again. I will try my best to help you work. I beg you not to kick me out? If you kick me out, I will no longer have the face to see anyone. Everyone knows that I have been excluded by several other professors. Now it's finally time to evaluate professors. If you kick me out, I won't be promoted to a professor in my life. I beg you. It's all the trouble of my stinky mouth. I finally asked this time. He didn't give me this opportunity until the dean.

"Haha, you came here through the back door, which shows that your purpose here is not pure, so I can't forgive you. Director Zhang, please report to the college and transfer him out of here. As long as he is here, I will leave. Anyway, there is no me. It's up to you. Professor Wang stood up and slammed the door angrily.

Director Zhang scolded, "I think your stinky mouth is stinky. What should I do now? You have no choice but to find another dean now. How can you tell the matter of finding the dean? Zhu Ming is Professor Wang's most proud student. Now the dean has to respect his opinion. You'd better be ready to leave.

Only then did Liu Fei know that he had said something wrong again. It was useless to say anything else, so he still thought about going to some other department.

Zhu Ming's new motion on co-evolution between humans and animals suddenly caused a worldwide sensation. Various animal anthropologists have reflected everything. For a time, newspapers around the world have almost become a comment tool for these scholars. Some support Zhu Ming's arguments, but there are more oppositions. Everyone can't study some of the two. Arguments that can co-evolve together are published in academic magazines and newspapers, and those that can't be published in ordinary newspapers. Those believers in Western countries can't tolerate Zhu Ming's co-evolution of humans and animals together, which seriously blasphemes Western teachings, which they absolutely can't tolerate, so there are many Some people stated that they did not come to the meeting at the academic defense meeting.

However, some other countries still responded positively to participate in this meeting. From the perspective of the countries that attended and did not attend the meeting, they were obviously divided into two camps, one is the countries that believe in that doctrine, and the other is some poorer countries in the third world, who are more He is eager to find some ways to solve the living conditions of their citizens. Usually, they are inferior people who are despised by others, and they also hope to change it through some evolution.

The outside world quarreled, but Zhu Ming, the person concerned, still treated those animals in his Xuancheng Shenzhi Animal Hospital, was not affected by public opinion outside, and still conscientiously did his daily work.

Zhu Ming is a 30-year-old man, 1.7 meters tall, very thin and energetic, and has a Chinese face. He is not married yet. It is not that his conditions are not enough, but that woman is willing to talk to a person who can't talk about amorous feelings with animals all day long. This animal hospital was opened in the second year after graduation. Now It is already the most famous animal hospital in the country.

This is mainly his credit. His superb medical skills can be said to have been eliminated. After becoming famous, his business has greatly increased, and he has also recruited several colleagues. Now he only takes the cases he is interested in, and the rest is handed over to his colleagues in his hospital. Only after they encounter difficult and miscellaneous diseases, he will go to help them.

That's it. There are still many people who come here to see animals. Of course, it's mainly some rich people. While Zhu Ming sees animals, he didn't forget to beat these people hard. Therefore, he is also a multimillionaire now.

After the spread of his thesis defense this time, there were a lot of rich people who flew here to treat animals, so he was very busy and made a lot of money.

That day, he was studying the genetic changes of a medical case in the laboratory. The door opened, and a 20*-year-old man came in and said, "Zhu Ming, your business is coming again. This time, a princess of the richest man in the capital brought a puppy to ask you to see her dog, saying that you can do anything, just want you to treat it. Others What do you think should happen if you can't do it? This is a good opportunity to knock her. I don't want to miss it."

This person is Xiao Mingyan, Zhu Ming's college classmate. Now he is the vice president here. Zhu Ming is usually responsible for some things in the hospital.

Zhu Ming frowned and said, "Just tell her that we promise to cure her dog. The money can be less. I don't have time to receive her now."

Xiao Ming smiled and said, "This doesn't work. That's what we said, but she designated that you must receive it. She has raised the medical fee to 5 million. I wanted to refuse, but now is the time when your animal protection base needs money. With this money, you can't solve many problems. ? If not, why don't you go out and have a look?"

Zhu Ming sighed and said, "This is all caused by money. Nothing can be done without money. Now there is too much money needed for animal protection. I can't support it. Well, I'll go to meet this rich princess for money."

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