Animal World

Chapter 17 scramble to join

Chapter 17 scramble to join

Zhu Ming said at this time, "You can finish reading it first. Xiaohua, Xiaobai, you can take your weapons and practice again to let everyone see how your skills are?"

At this time, the puppy pig actually grabbed a wooden sword with their clumsy claws, and then fought against each other. They supported it with their hind legs, and a pair of front paws held the wooden swords to attack each other. Although there were defensive mistakes, their clumsy expressions made the whole audience laugh. Laugh.

Zhu Ming said again at this time, "Okay, the performance is over. Now you can eat, but be more civilized and don't let our guests laugh anymore."

Xiaobai and Xiaohua jumped on a table and sat on their buttocks. First, they wrapped a scarf around their neck and hung them, then picked up the knife and fork to divide the meat on it, and then put it into their mouth with a fork. At this time, they began to chew without shape, which caused another burst underneath. When they laughed, people completely believed that Zhu Ming had changed the genes of animals.

Zhu Ming was eaten by Xiaobai and Xiaohua. He turned to Eni and said, "You have also seen that these animals can be changed. I injected some genes into them from the first place they were born, and then they became like this through continuous training. They are now able to imitate the actions on TV and movies by themselves. After learning, they can still understand some simple languages. Due to the limitations of their voices, they can't learn to speak for the time being. This is some of my future work. I don't think it's time to disclose these results you just now. I'm still in the preliminary research stage. I don't know if this change will be harmful to them, so I can't promote them in large quantities. In addition, I'm worried about being destroyed by some others, so I can't disclose these secrets to you. Please forgive me, but some of my future research and development will be announced to the outside world in time. You can wait for the good news. I now have an animal protection base, a pharmaceutical factory and an animal experiment base. I will invite some world-renowned zoologists to experiment together later. I wonder if you will give me this face?

At this time, Aini excitedly came forward and grabbed Zhu Ming and said, "I'm one. I'll sign up now. I'm the vice chairman of the National Animal Association or a professor of medical zoology. I'm sure I can help you. Can you accept me?"

The black man also came forward and said, "My name is Mingda. I am a medical professor in the Kingdom of K and a crown prince. We have a large animal reserve there. I hope you have time to visit us. I also apply to join your team. Please consider me first. I will support on behalf of our kingdom. Hold on, the animal reserves of our whole kingdom are your experimental base.

"Hey, both of you have signed up and can't stay with us. Professor Zhu Ming, you can accept us. This is my student, Professor Singh. He is the deputy dean of YD's largest hospital. I am a professor of medical zoology at Oxford University. I think we should be qualified to stay." The speaker was Smith, a native of Y, who directly took Singh with him.

Zhu Ming nodded and said, "Well, I welcome you, but my experimental base has not been fully built. I have to wait for a while. It seems that my base has to be expanded a little more, otherwise I can't accommodate so many of you. Well, I'll investigate later. How about your information? Anyway, we are also conducting the most advanced experimental research in the world. I can't easily promise you. I want to thoroughly investigate some of your previous things. I want to build the base into a place with no politics, which you can understand. ?"

Aini nodded quickly and said, "I can understand that science itself should be borderless, but now many people use science as a political tool to deter others. I agree with you to censor me and block some people with ulterior motives, which is my lifelong ideal."

At this time, Professor Wang Shan also came to the stage and said, "Zhu Ming, I think it's a little political for you to put your base in the capital. It's better to move all to our Xuancheng. We have an animal college here, and there is also a unique dragon primitive forest. This primitive forest can directly become an animal reserve. I believe in the country I will also agree that our college will fully support the construction of your base and bring more zoological talents to our college. Why don't you kill two birds with one stone?

"Yes, Professor Zhu Ming, I think you can build an animal base here. There are unique natural resources and the Dragon Animal College. While we study, we can also teach students. I can raise some funds from our Animal Protection Society for the construction of protected areas." Aini said excitedly.

At this time, many people under the stage also stood up and shouted, "Professor Zhu Ming, we also asked to join your team. Please give us a chance."

Some people want to come on the stage, but they are all blocked by security guards.

Zhu Ming pressed down and said, "Friends, my current base construction is still in the initial stage, and there is no way to recruit so many people. However, with the needs of the base construction, we will expand the recruitment of staff at any time. If any of you are interested, you can leave your address resume. We will I will inform you as needed. You can register with the organizing committee of this conference later.

At this time, a person under the stage suddenly said loudly, "Professor Zhu Ming, I heard that you have developed several special drugs. Can you provide us with some? We will help you do clinical trials. Many people there can't afford to see a doctor. It's better to use your medicine than to die. Just give us a chance. ?"

Zhu Ming said seriously at this time: "I'm sorry, I can't bring you clinical trials casually. Although your people are very poor, we can't joke about their lives, but I can consider your suggestion. At that time, I will give insurance funds to those who are willing to conduct the trial to ensure that if something happens to them happens. When there are adverse reactions, there are follow-up funds for their treatment. At that time, I will send an expert group to be responsible for this matter. You can also go to our organizing committee for the record and registration.

At this time, Smith stood in front of the microphone and said, "I think you all saw that Professor Zhu Ming's paper has a certain theoretical basis. The doubts in your hearts have been solved. I don't think there is any need to continue this debate. If you have any suggestions, please give them to the special organizing committee, Zhu Professor Ming's time is very precious. We don't need to waste his precious time any more. I suggest that this thesis debate can be ended.

Zhu Ming also said at this time: "Yes, I just came up with some of my own ideas. I also need your support. At the same time, you can also conduct some experiments in this regard. Some of our achievements will be revealed to you regularly, and we can also organize It becomes a world institution for the co-evolution of a person and animals, and regularly holds some academic seminars. These things can't be settled at once. I think everyone will think about how to do it later. This is the end of today's debate. Please contact my organizing committee if you need anything.

After Zhu Ming waved to the two animals, Xiaobai and Xiaohua immediately jumped off the table and got into the cage by themselves, and then they closed the door of the cage by themselves. These actions caused another burst of applause from the stage.

At this time, some staff came up and took away these cage tables, and Zhu Ming left the venue with warm applause.

When Zhu Ming's team sat in the small conference room of Shenlong Hotel together, Zhao Yuyue asked excitedly, "Zhu Ming, your speech today is so wonderful. How many more do you have that we don't know?" Give your two little animals to me later. They are so cute. I promise to teach them new things every day. When I go out, I will just let them accompany them.

Professor Wang also said excitedly: "It seems that your evolution of animals has reached a very high level now, and I hope to get a little light on you. By the way, do you have any suggestions for my proposal just now?"

Zhu Ming nodded and said, "I think your proposal just now is very good, but Zhao Yuyue and others have built a pharmaceutical factory and research base in the capital. Can't they abandon it? Is this tens of millions of yuan? Let's think about it again."

"There is no problem with that pharmaceutical factory and base. You have developed several drugs now. It is impossible for these drugs to be produced by a pharmaceutical factory alone. You can expand that base into a pharmaceutical factory and put the research base here. I think the State Food and Drug Administration will issue them to you soon. The drug license will be obtained, and then you will know. Professor Wang knows a lot about this situation.

Yu Mei also said happily, "You just need to give us two pharmaceutical factories in Beijing, so that you don't have to run around. We just need to invest more to build the two factories together. Do you think it's Yuyue?"

Zhu Ming smiled and said, "If you have included all these things, then I have no objection. It's just that it's a big investment to expand the pharmaceutical factory now. Can you afford it?"

Zhao Yuyue waved her hand and said, "There is no problem with this, don't you know? I invested in your drug production line, but my father and others are so jealous that they have to participate in my shares. I have enough money now, and I don't need them to invest at all. It can be said that you only stand high and say that you have no money, and a large number of investors will come to you soon. What you are worried about now is not money. But how to deal with these people, I think you'd better hide. You'll leave the matter of the base and the pharmaceutical factory here to us. I promise to satisfy you.