Animal World

Chapter 90 Meditation

Chapter 90 Meditation

"Zhu Ming, do you understand what I mean?" Wang Yun's current identity has changed, and she also called Zhu Ming's name. Otherwise, it's hard to say that he will always call him the leader. Now changing his name to Zhu Ming is to let him understand his current identity.

Zhu Ming opened his eyes and said, "The general outline is still a little clear, but I don't know the oral decision. I didn't hear what you mean after reciting so many decisions at once. Can you express it with your body, that is, when you read the oral decision, you can use it with the action of martial arts, so that I can better combine theory and practice. Come on, the understanding is also stronger. Do you think this is okay?

"You, you are too greedy. You want to connect theory with reality without memorizing the oral decision. Even if I show you the martial arts exercise, I can't get in touch with you. I tell you that you can't practice martial arts without memorizing oral decision. Practicing martial arts is also very dangerous and harmful. All the oral decisions seem to be connected with one action, but all The whole decision is integrated. The lack of any sentence is incomplete, which will make this set of martial arts defective. Only when I show it to you after all of them are memorized, which is more convincing. I'm not alarmist. It's the biggest gain of our family over the years, so you have to memorize it all first.

Wang Yun didn't expect that he only read Zhu Ming once and asked to see the action. One was his distrust of his martial arts, and the other was so ambitious that he wanted to become a big fat man in one bite. Wang Yun knew that Zhu Ming was the latter kind of person. She must completely give up his aggressive idea and let him step by step.

At this time, Zhu Ming did not say that he had memorized it. He didn't know how much he could remember tomorrow, so he didn't dare to boast, but he would suffer any more. So he said, "I don't understand what you said. Even if you memorize it, it's useless. You let me what is useless. How to understand memorization? Wouldn't it be better if you explain the meaning of these words with action? You may be able to understand some things that you can't explain clearly after I read the action. We should also learn and apply them. When I was in school, I was not good at ancient literature. The words on it are very different. It would be better to teach me if you connect your own modern language. There is no need to remember these things that you don't understand.

Wang Yun's face turned blue at this time. She said hatefully, "Okay, I'll give you a live rehearsal. As you said in combination with modern language, I will only practice for you now. It's your business whether you remember it or not. Don't remember me for corporal punishment until the moment you can remember. "

After saying that, Wang Yun walked out, and Zhu Ming could only keep up. There was no way to expand this lounge at all, only the outside was bigger.

Wang Yun looked at Zhu Ming and said, "I will make a gesture for you now. The first sentence has no distractions, that is, he doesn't think about anything else. The second sentence means to think of yourself as an eye object. When you see the grass, you have to think about how the grass grows and how it resists the influence of foreign forces on you, such as What do they do when they encounter the wind? What do they do when they are trampled under their feet? How do they grow up? At this time, our human bodies should also be able to float with the wind like grass, and make better use of everything that can be used. The third sentence,,,,,,

At this time, Wang Yun said and explained every sentence in the most common language. Zhu Ming could fully understand it by this time.

However, Wang Yun was very tired to explain. Of course, she understood the meaning of these oral decisions. This is what she recited thoroughly after ten days. After reciting it, she practiced martial arts every day. It can be said that she can now understand the meaning of every word. However, now she is asked to explain in ordinary and easy-to-understand words and cooperate with her movements, which makes it difficult for her, but she has promised Zhu Ming that it is not easy to repent, so she slowly explains each sentence, but she is also unskilled while practicing. Often she has to do several actions to express her skills. The meaning of the law.

But in this way, Zhu Ming saw more clearly, and the complicated ancient texts had been greatly simplified. Zhu Ming slowly understood that these seemingly words actually represented the meaning of a sentence, and he slowly dissolved the action and decision.

Wang Yun's oral decision of more than 200 sentences lasted for six hours.

After teaching, she also sat on the ground tiredly and said, "I didn't expect it to be so difficult to explain. I have explained it to you now. You can understand the rest slowly. I will come to test you tomorrow. You must recite 50 sentences for me every day and strive to recite them all in five days. If you can't recite them, you will be punished with 100 kilograms. Run 50 kilometers. You are here today. This is also a small punishment for your carelessness. You can understand as much as you can do today. Think about it yourself and I'll go back to rest. After saying that, Wang Yun went straight out.

Zhu Ming also sat on the ground at this time. Although he did not practice martial arts, he was uncomfortable standing for hours. Wang Yun asked him to stand and he did not even dare to move. He was afraid that Wang Yun would be blamed. Now that she has left, he has no scruples.

After a break, Zhu Ming began to sit in the lounge and think about Wang Yun's movements. Although there was no reference to attack objects in her movements, Zhu Ming still saw the power of this skill from her fists and feet. To put it bluntly, this set of skills is to use his advantages to flexibly attack the opponent. This set of skills It is the cooperation of body method, how to maintain the balance of the body after exerting strength, and how to use the advantages of the body to suddenly hit the opponent. I believe that few people can withstand this kind of magic with their natural magic power.

Zhu Ming sat and did not move. His mind had been analyzing what follow-up means might be after this skill was used, and he could use these means to make those changes. His mind has never stopped thinking.

Wang Yun finally came back. She covered her mouth in surprise and looked at Zhu Ming still sitting like this. She had no reaction to her arrival. It seemed that she had entered a state of meditation, which was a state that ordinary people could not enter at all? Now only Grandpa can accidentally enter this state among Wang Yun's family. Every time he enters, he has a great understanding. It can be said that people who can reach this level can only understand it after decades of cultivation, but how can Zhu Ming reach this level in only a few hours?

Wang Yun gently put the food he brought on the table, and then quietly sat on the ground and looked at Zhu Ming. She must not wake him up now. She must wait for him to wake up, otherwise it will affect him for life.

After Zhu Ming analyzed and absorbed all the movements taught by Wang Yun, he also tried to practice in his heart. At first, he couldn't get used to it completely. After practicing five times in his heart, he was able to practice all the sets of skills fluently. He was relieved and finally woke up from his bitter meditation.

"Why are you here? Didn't you go back? Won't I sit like this all night?" Zhu Ming opened his eyes and saw that Wang Yun was also sitting opposite him. He didn't understand why Wang Yun didn't call himself when he came. Didn't she let herself recite 50 words the next day? Why is she so talkative now? He forgot that it was night when he came here. Wang Yun taught him all night. It was already day when she went back.

Wang Yun said with a wry smile, "Do you still think you have been sitting for a while? After thinking about it, you have been sitting here for more than 60 hours. I really didn't expect that you could enter the realm of meditation for the first time. Can you tell me whether you have entered the realm of meditation or not?

"I don't know if it's the bitter meditation you said? I was just thinking about the skills you taught me. I compared the oral decisions you said with your physical skills one by one, and then practiced them several times in my heart. Is this the hard thinking you said? Does this happen often?" Zhu Ming doesn't understand.

Wang Yun suddenly jumped up and asked in surprise, "What are you talking about?" Have you learned everything I taught you? How can you remember all those decisions? Is this impossible? It took me ten days to remember it. Why did you remember it all at once? Is this impossible? No one can remember so many sentences at once. At the beginning, you didn't understand a single sentence. Why did you remember them all at once? Are you a genius?

Zhu Ming stood up and moved his body before saying, "What can't you remember?" I completely remembered the first time you told me at that time, but I didn't understand some of the reasons, and there was no way to connect it with martial arts. Later, you gave me a detailed exercise. It's so slow and careful that I can't remember that it's really stupid. We don't have to recite these decisions today, do we?

Wang Yun shook his head and looked at him in disbelief, "I still doubt if you really remembered it. You said remember it. You can recite it for me now. I'll see if you have any omissions."

Zhu Ming knew that she still didn't believe it, so he recited Wang Yun's oral decision from beginning to end, and then explained and analyzed each sentence with each other, which made Wang Yun completely believe it.

Wang Yun took a deep breath and said, "Then you have understood. I think you should also have some images, right?" Just try to give me a drill, don't ask how good the drill is, as long as you play it correctly.

Zhu Ming also knew that no matter what he said, it was not as convincing as he did. He began to dodge the attack without saying anything. In fact, how to dodge the attack and master his center of gravity so as not to be unbalanced by the action. At the beginning, he slowly used his moves. The more he got behind, the more proficient he became. Almost already Fasting to the level of stormy, his body was as light as a swallow, and the phantom hit by his fist unexpectedly brought up the wind, which stunned Wang Yun's pale face.