Animal World

Chapter 177 Peak Battle 2

Chapter 177 Peak Battle [II]

These three people surrounded Zhu Ming in the middle, which made Zhu Mington's pressure double. He had to fight with them. These people should also belong to superhumans. Once their fists and feet hit themselves, they don't know whether their bodies can withstand it, but now they absolutely can't be close to them. Fortunately, those people with his wonderful body can't lock in his course of action, but it's hard to say after a while. Once people crack his body, it's over.

These seem to have specially practiced a formation. They just attacked around Zhu Ming and compressed Zhu Ming's activity space little by little. No matter which direction Zhu Ming rushed, one person blocked his route out, and they had to beware of the attack of the two people behind him, which made Zhu Ming miserable for a while.

At this time, the mysterious old man smiled and said, "You don't have me, do you? Boy, don't forget the agreement just now?"

After saying that, the old man rushed up and punched the black man and flew out. The injury will not be light.

The pressure of receiving the old man's assistance from Zhu Ming was light, and finally had a chance to fight back. The previous man did not dare to fight again, and the other person was not worry. He rushed to slap the other party three times in a row and forced the other party back ten steps.

At this time, the old man also slapped the other party and also took five steps back, which made the old man even more excited. He kept shouting long live the emperor and hit the man with one move. The M native thought that his skills could be cheaper than Zhu Ming, but he didn't expect that there would be another person more powerful than him. At this time, he no longer dares to underestimate the enemy.

Although the old man's skills are better than that man's, he is not as good as his opponent's. Now he has a lot of strength, but he can't use it. The more he hits him, the more annoyed he becomes.

The black man who was knocked down by the old man just now unexpectedly got up. Unexpectedly, he was slapped so hard by the old man and everything was all right? However, he no longer dared to fight with the old man, so he surrounded Zhu Ming with another person. Although Zhu Ming is strange, his skills are not very strong, and he does not dare to work too hard. In this case, if he is injured and falls to the ground, the old man will never be able to support it. He has to be cautious and find their weaknesses and attack again.

However, after fighting for a while, the two sides found that there was no way to kill the other party. The old man's opponent did not fight with him at all now, but just dodged. Once the old man wanted to help Zhu Ming attack him from behind, the old man had no choice but to do anything about him.

Zhu Ming's opponent's physical skills are far worse than his. His skills are similar to those of the other party, but his physical skills make the other party untouchable, but once they fight, the other party can find weaknesses. Besides, he may not be able to hurt the other party with one slap. In this case, it is dangerous to let another person hit him.

At this time, Zhu Ming has already started his studies and can't go on like this. If he can deal with the old man's opponents, he can't do it with two opponents similar to him. If he can't, he has to let the old man help himself.

He shouted in a hurry, "Senior, you can't deal with that person and I can't deal with these two people. Why don't we change it and let me deal with you? You come and kill these two people first. I'll drag your person for a while and then what do you think?"

The old man was annoyed. As soon as he heard it, he said, "Okay, let's slowly lead the two sides together to exchange. Boy, I'll give you my life. You can't fall into the pit!"

"That's it. I also gave my back to you. Don't worry about that I won't let him hurt you before I die." Zhu Ming retreated a few steps back, and the two people who attacked him pressed up. The two battlefields are more than 50 meters apart. After a while, both sides are close.

Suddenly, the old man shouted, "Hil long live the emperor." Taking advantage of the opportunity of the other party to turn around and attack Zhu Ming's opponent, the black man, because he knew the black man better. The previous attack was a little short of him from death. This time, he would never be given another chance. The black man was kicked out again without accident.

Zhu Ming quickly met the old man's opponent. At this time, he no longer thought about slapping his opponent, but this time Zhu Ming flew out. After landing, he felt that he was not injured, but his forearm was a little numb. Now he had some confidence that as long as he had nothing to do, he could exert his strength. A little more, so he rushed up and slapped the man three times.

This man avoided fighting when he fought with the old man. He didn't have this concern about Zhu Ming. He had no way to avoid Zhu Ming, because Zhu Ming's body was more flexible than him. It's useless for him to think about his two people now. If he really want to help those two people, he had to kill Zhu Ming first, but he He didn't expect that Zhu Ming, a man who seemed to belong to a small man in his country, was so beaten. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with so many palms, which made him worry about the fate of the two people he brought.

The old man really lived up to Zhu Ming's expectations. After knocking down the black man, he came forward and added a slap. This black man should have no hope of coming back to life. The remaining person did not dare to fight with him at all. He wanted to rush to join Zhu Ming's opponent, but found that Zhu Ming was also waiting for him to come with bad intentions, so he lost confidence and rushed out directly, but the old man followed.

Zhu Ming, who is not dangerous, will no longer fight with his opponent's palm at this time. He beat around the opponent's palm and blocked all the opponent's escape routes. As long as he drags down this man, the balance of victory will come to his side. I believe that the old man can at least seriously injure another person.

Suddenly, Zhu Ming was surprised to find that the old man ran over from afar, with one foot of the person who ran away in his hand. Looking at the scene of the man, he was afraid he would die. Can't the old man kill two people and deal with it alone? Now there are no worries at all. Zhu Ming decided to use his whole body to fight for the last time. Anyway, he has to try how capable he is.

When Zhu Ming's opponent also saw this situation, he no longer had the previous sense of self-confidence. He knew that once the old man merged with his opponent, his fate would be the same as that of the two companions. So he suddenly raised his power to the highest crazy continuous call to Zhu Ming. What he didn't expect was that Zhu Ming did not hide and hit his palm this time. This was a peak duel, a duel in which two people died together.

heard a "bang," and with the sound of air bursting during the confrontation between the two palms, only one person flew straight out of more than 100 meters and fell down. The place where he fell was right in front of the old man. The old man quickly flashed his hands and was ready to hit it down again, but he saw this The man's arm doesn't even have half of his chest. This is the opponent of M who has been fighting with him for so long. The person who can't clean up for so long actually made Zhu Ming kill him with one slap.

The old man looked at Zhu Ming who rushed over and asked in surprise, "What other skills have you not done? If you had been like this, wouldn't I have been defeated by you?"

Zhu Ming looked at his opponent first. This person can't die now. Zhu Ming has felt that this person's internal organs have been shattered by himself. Didn't he expect that his full blow could achieve this effect?

Of course, he can't show it yet: "I just had an idea and thought of a new idea. I lost this bet. I'll do something for you at any time, but I can't do it now. Didn't you see those shrimps coming up again?"

"Let's leave the shrimp to you to deal with. I don't want to fight. Remember yours, who is the little girl who helped you suffer? It won't be your little lover, will it? Is he the companion who killed everywhere with you? Why is she so inadveable? You'd better take her body away first, and I'll cover you."

At this time, Zhu Ming remembered Wang Yun, who was still lying down. He quickly ran to Wang Yun and said, "You have to tell me a place. Where can I find you in the future?"

Wang Yun was still lying like that. Zhu Ming checked and found that she was still angry. He immediately flew up and rushed out. The old man glanced and then flew away, only a few times and disappeared from everyone's sight. This relieved the people who were still alive in the square.

Zhu Ming was running, but the old man suddenly rushed out of the side and said with a smile, "You don't want to repudiate the debt, do you? Don't run away. I already remember your breath. Even if I go to the ends of the earth, I can find you again and tell you that I live in Dongshan. Come to me when you bury this little girl's body. I look forward to fighting again.

After saying that, the old man disappeared. Zhu Ming didn't bother to pester him anymore and quickly rushed into a residential area and disappeared. Now he needs a quiet place to check Wang Yun, and he also needs some medicine. These things are only available in M Military Hospital. First, he has to get out of people's sight, and then he can go smoothly. It's beneficial to find a place with conditions.

Seeing the scene here, Lieutenant General Jones said to the phone, "President, as you can see, it's not that we are incompetent, but that the enemy is too strong. We still have fewer such enemies. I suggest canceling the plan to find them."

"Agree, stop this plan for the time being and wait until we study it." The beautiful president on the phone said feebly. She originally wanted to take some opportunities to catch all the super masters of RB, but she didn't expect that her three had not yet beaten two people. If this video was released, M would have been humiliated. Now it's not to hit each other again, but how to take these people into her own hands. Next, if it succeeds, what other countries in the world dare to fight against M?