Animal World

Chapter 183 The Origin of the Mysterious Man

Chapter 183 The Origin of the Mysterious Man

The fourth volume of Animal World is coming to an end. I thank you for enjoying my work. I will continue to publish the next fifth volume continuously. I hope you can give me a little applause after reading it every day. You won't even have a word of appreciation, right?

The old man stared at Zhu Ming for a while, and his eyes suddenly softened. Finally, he sighed and said, "I didn't expect you to do anything for me? What else do I need to do at my age? The Dongshan group trained me to be a master, and I can't watch them destroy this Dongshan group. Although I have some opinions on their deeds, they are all my benefactors, so I want to avenge them, but I can do nothing and need someone to inherit my skills. I don't want this skill to disappear like this. But you are the most promising heir, but I have to find out your background. You should understand that I can't pass on my skills to a person of unknown origin.

Zhu Ming also said seriously at this time, "The question you asked is also the question I want to ask. Who are you? Do you have any family? How old are you this year? Where did you learn your skills? Are there any masters in Dongshan Group? I can only answer some of your questions if I figure it out, especially what you are going to let me do, so that I won't let me kill my parents and I do everything, right?

The old man thought for a moment and then said, "It's okay to tell you something. Now the Dongshan group is over. The situation of the remaining few old guys is similar to mine. We can only avenge the Dongshan group now. It's impossible to restore the Dongshan group. I just want to kill a few more M devils with ease now. I am lonely. My father went to sea to fish and was swallowed up by the wind and waves and never came back. My mother gave birth to me to death, so I have been relying on my grandfather for life. When I was five years old, my grandfather was worried that no one would protect me and I would not live long, so he asked my grandmother to borrow a sum of money before sending me to the Dongshan group, and then the organization sent me Trained me to become a top master. That's about my situation. Now it's your turn.

When Zhu Ming heard that he had no parents now, what could he remember as a child who entered the Dongshan group at the age of five? Does the five-year-old child still need to be so focused on training by the Dongshan Group? This shows that there is absolutely something wrong with his background. Thinking of this, he took out a dozen photos from his pocket and carefully compared them with him. The more he looked at it, the more he was convinced of the relationship between them. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of two old people were also reflected in this mysterious old man.

"What are you looking at? Is it a photo? Don't waste your time. I really don't have any relatives. I have looked for my relatives who either died in war or disaster. I have found fortune-telling. Those fortune-tellers say that my life has killed other people, so I can only live alone in the world in my life. My relatives are the Dongshan Group. I have also killed them now. Why didn't I die early? Why do I still live in this world? The old man sat on the ground sadly with tears in his face and cried.

Zhu Ming saw that he was still sad about this matter. It seems that the task he asked him to complete must also be related to revenge. Now the broken fantasy let him know that the reality is not what he thought. Now he can tell him something, and I don't know if he can twist it. Turn his mind?

"Hey, is everything you said true? I also tell fortunes, but why can't I see that you killed your parents? What can you know as a child who joined the Dongshan group at the age of five? What you know is only from other people's mouths. Do you remember your parents? Do you remember the grandfather who brought you up? Do you remember what happened before you joined the Dongshan group?

At this time, the old man suddenly jumped up and pointed to Zhu Ming and scolded, "You little animal, aren't you still laughing at me? Who have you heard that a child can still remember what happened when he was a child? I didn't know that I was brought up by my grandfather, right? Although I joined the Dongshan Group at the age of five, my grandfather has been accompanying me in the Dongshan Group until I was 12 years old, so I know everything about my parents. He also died later, and I sent him away in person, but he is also the last relative in the world. How can I not believe his words? Don't talk nonsense here anymore. If it weren't for the sake of killing those M people together, I would have killed you now.

Zhu Ming saw a small coffee table and sat up: "Haha, I finally understand that a poor old man borrowed a lot of money to send you to the Dongshan Group to train you. This poor old man still accompanied you through his last journey. Isn't this all of your life? Let me ask you, will the Dongshan group take in a five-year-old child for no reason? Will the Dongshan group still take in your poor grandfather at the same time as the children? You have been in the Dongshan Group for almost all your life. When have you seen them so kind? Did they really take you in for a sum of money? Is there such a kind-hearted gang in the world? Think about it from beginning to end."

"But I'm a poor boy with nothing. What can they do? What's worth planning on me? Is it worth their conspiracy to do this? You are definitely the opposite of our Dongshan Group. Let me think about it, you must have been sent by the Yamaguchi Group, right? You want to catch us all so that you can monopolize the world and tell you that it is impossible. As long as I am still alive, it is impossible. You will die!" The old man's last few words were almost roaring, and it seemed that he had a deep hatred for the Yamaguchi group.

Zhu Ming patted the photo on his hand and said, "On the surface, there is nothing worth their conspiracy, but have you thought about it from another perspective? What is your real identity as the son of a very powerful man? Is it a person with a special role? Is it a person worth their spending to raise? Maybe they raised you to threaten your parents or someone? If so, it's normal for them to find a grandfather or parents for you.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. If you stop talking, my heart will be confused if you continue to say it. You go. You don't have to care about your affairs anymore. I'll take revenge myself. Even if you die on the battlefield, you will die. The old man said with a pale face, and he was even a little desperate. He obviously didn't want to hear anything?

Zhu Ming came to him and said, "It seems that you don't want to face the reality. I also know that after so many years of their training for you, you don't want to think about it from your heart, and they are still kind to you. Even if they do something wrong to you, you I don't want to pursue it. Tell me, are you really going to live such a muddle-headed way?

The old man suddenly raised his head and shouted angrily, "What if they just stole me from others? Can my relatives make him reach this level? Do you know how much energy and money they spent to cultivate me? If it weren't for training me, how could they have been pressed down by your Yamaguchi group and never turned over? Everything is for me. Do you know how many opportunities the Dongshan group has given up to cultivate me? No matter how wrong they are, I'm not going to pursue them. Go. I don't want to see you anymore. I never want to see you again. Next time we meet, we will be the enemy, so don't want to impress me anymore.

Zhu Ming threw a photo in front of him and said, "I don't want to deal with a guy who doesn't know what kindness is and hate you anymore. You don't want your relatives, but they have been looking for you for decades. You idiot, Dongshan Group has cheated you for decades. Do you really think you are the person they focus on training? If you are not here, you are either a senior official or a super master ten times more powerful than you are now. You don't need to cultivate anything to achieve your current skills. It's ridiculous that you are still here complacent and grateful to your enemies. You are the stupidest person in the world. You have never seen such a stupid person. Since you don't want to see me again, I don't want to see you. I'll tell your relatives that you are dead and let them completely break this idea. You'd better continue to avenge your Dongshan group. The next time I see you, you're not going to kill me. The first one I'll kill is you. Goodbye. Zhu Ming is about to go out after saying that.

"Wait," the old man took the photo and looked carefully. The person in the photo is indeed very similar to himself, which makes people think it is his photo, but he is much younger in age.

He waved the photo with his trembling hand and said, "How did you find this man? Who is he? Where do you live? Why are you so similar to me?"

Zhu Ming sneered and said, "Don't you need relatives? I don't know who this person is. You don't want to recognize relatives, and they don't want to recognize a person casually. I don't know this person either. A friend asked me to find someone. I saw that you were like me. I guess you are not the person they are looking for. The man disappeared two months after his birth. It can be said that his family used the strength of a country to find a body, a body in the clothes his family made for him when he was born. This photo is the distant view of your photo I took and see that you are very similar to the person in their family, and your current age is the same as the age of their missing family, so they asked me to find you.

The old man looked at the photo and said excitedly with tears in his eyes, "Can you give me their contact address?" I have time to recognize the door, but I can just look at it from afar if I don't go back. At least I still have some relatives now.

Zhu Ming grabbed the photo and laughed, "Who do you think you are?" You recognize it, but if you don't want to admit it, don't you? You don't want to think about whether they recognize you or not. Do you think they are so easily deceived? Let me tell you, now that the science has developed, whether the family has to use genes to determine whether or not. If you want to recognize them first give me something like your blood and hair, I will use it to identify whether you are related to their family. Only when all of them are confirmed can we know whether they recognize you or not.