Animal World

Chapter 186 Successful Escape

Chapter 186 Successful Escape

Of course, Zhu Ming will not foolishly get on the boat or plane and leave, so that the M Army has no worries and can find ways to keep them, because there is no longer their advantage at sea or in the air. At that time, they just need to take down the plane and the boat. They have seen the marina, and here has also been It was occupied by the M army, but there used to be many private yachts here, and now no one dares to sail. Therefore, the M people who are very good at enjoying this place regard this place for their leisure and relaxation. These unclaimed yachts have now become leisure tools for the M army. As long as they are not on a mission, they can drive for a while.

Zhu Ming and Takeda disguised themselves as M troops and lurked near the dock that night. With their skills, there was really no way to find them. After checking the yachts here, they found that they could still use them, but most of the yachts were small yachts, and they could not put too many items on the ship. Zhu Ming and others Next, when you go to sea, you have to run hundreds of thousands of miles. These ordinary yachts can't meet the needs of smuggling, so you have to think of some more ways.

Kungfu pays off. After careful investigation, they saw two large yachts in a closed dock, but there were only a lot of fancy useless things on them, which were not useless, but the things on the ship were for enjoyment. There was a small swimming pool, which was not at all There are no requirements for long-distance navigation, and there are no necessary facilities for long-distance navigation. If you use it to go to sea, you must make some modifications, throw out some useless things, and prepare more oil and food. As for navigation, you also need it.

Zhu Ming and others don't know who is using this cruise ship and dare not change it easily. They can only investigate whether there are any other boats available. The two searched several times and sadly found that there were no other ships available except for some large speedboats in the M military base next to them. There should be no problem for them to grab a speedboat by the means of two people, but how can they let the speedboat drive out unconsciously? You know that the speedboat is also a small warship. Its actions are bound to be known by the M army, and the speedboat has no right to go out to sea, letting them know that the speedboat has a problem and only needs to send a few planes to solve the problem.

They had no choice but to think about the two large yachts. The yachts could not be driven out at night. Although the dock was not as strict as the military base, there were two soldiers watching and must not alarm them if they wanted to leave here.

Now you can't drive out to prepare for some work. This dock may be specially served for these two luxury yachts. There are many things that can be used on the yacht. They put all the oil in the big oil barrels into the yacht, and finally loaded everything they thought they could use. When they finished work with satisfaction, they found that too many yachts were about to enter the water, so the two reluctantly took out more than half of some less important things until they were about to reach the mark.

The two people lurked again. It was dawn, and there was still no one to come here. Indeed, no one went out to play at dawn when they were full. Zhu Ming was a little anxious. It was not until 11 o'clock that several people began to come one after another. The guards station at the gate only care about the people who entered. As for who got on the boat and went out, they didn't care. After adding fuel to the yacht, the people who came went to sea in groups.

Zhu Ming has been worried that someone would come to drive the boat he prepared. He didn't expect that no one would look here. Finally, he heard a few soldiers' comments and he knew that the two boats could only be driven by the guests arranged by the command department. By noon, there were more people. Come on, there are not many yachts at this time.

At this time, Zhu Ming was worried that the ship would be in trouble if someone had the idea of hitting the ship. The two of them didn't think so much. He opened the door of the dock and jumped on a large yacht and set off. On this yacht, they had already installed a full set of life-saving equipment, got a few guns, and placed no less than two tons of fire. The oil was a little heavy. Their clumsy driving caused the laughter of other M soldiers who played. Those M soldiers provocatively drove by them in small yachts and said some obstrate words from time to time. Zhu Ming's hat was very low and did not have the same experience as them. Gradually, these people lost I went to play by myself while I was interested. Zhu Ming drove the boat and gradually deviated from the area of these yachts. He had been slowly driving in the southwest direction. Gradually, the other yachts disappeared. At this time, Zhu Ming looked at the nearby and slowly drove to the sea without paying attention, and no one bothered him.

Zhu Ming dares not expose it now. Anyway, this should be the inland sea of RB. The warships moored at the mouth of the alley should kill the yacht without even firing directly, let alone using planes.

This alley just faces the west, and the opposite is Country Z thousands of miles away. I don't know whether the oil on this yacht is enough, but it should not be too far away. Now the armies of several countries are just fighting on RB land. There is no danger at sea now. Now it depends on whether this yacht can be done. Withstood the test of wind and waves.

Zhu Ming and the others went out and let the helicopter patrolling the nearby coast find it. A helicopter came over and saw the plane coming. Zhu Ming and the two of them were nervous. Did they find the problem? At this time, the yacht is simply the rake of the plane, and there is no place to escape. Fortunately, the plane only warned Zhu Ming with a horn that the ship would never go forward again, otherwise it would not come back. Zhu Mingling actually used the caller on the yacht to tell them that they had gone to a reef dozens of miles ahead. When a patrol boat came to pick them up, there were good things there. I will bring you some back later. The people on the helicopter went on patrol after saying OK repeatedly.

After arriving at the high sea, Zhu Ming and the others drove for another three hours. It was about to get dark, and there were more than 100 nautical miles away from the coast. At this time, he felt that he should leave the coast of the M Army for reconnaissance. Even if their radar found it, it could be seen that it was a small boat. Such a boat generally did not attract their attention. After all, it is not a time of war, and they can't monitor every ship. So Zhu Ming put two engines on the yacht. At this time, the yacht drove west at high speed. At this time, he detected that the speed had reached 40 nautical miles per hour, which was equivalent to more than 60 kilometers per hour. At this time, it was about to get dark. No one would find that they didn't turn on the lights, as long as they didn't meet the M Army. There is nothing wrong with the patrol plane. Even if they meet the M Army, they may not care about it. This is a civilian yacht, and they are concerned about warships from other countries.

At first, Takeda was still worried that the M army would find out, but he was not too worried when he saw Zhu Ming's calm face. As he became farther and farther away from RB Island, his heart was finally relieved. He took the rudder from Zhu Ming's hand and opened it like Zhu Ming. Zhu Ming saw Wu Tian Xue looked good, and then he checked that there was nothing wrong with the engine before taking a rest. In between, he got up and added oil to the engine several times, and Takeda drove until dawn.

At this time, Zhu Ming actually saw the RB ship. They were chased by the H warships. From time to time, some shells fell near these RB fishing boats. Now the arrogance of H is also becoming more and more arrogant, and they dared to fire at the RB fishing boat, which was impossible before.

When they saw Zhu Ming's cruise ship, those RB fishmen had no hope. The yacht was not as strong as the fish boat. These fish boats greeted Zhu Ming and asked them to leave quickly, and they had nothing for Zhu Ming and them.

Takeda looked at these fishing boats and wanted to help, at least send them some food, or find a way to teach these arrogant H warships a lesson. He looked at Zhu Ming to see what he said?

Zhu Ming doesn't want to sympathize with these fishing boats and has no way to sympathize with him. He can only shake his head and drive his yacht away at high speed. In the face of warships, he doesn't want to suffer this loss. This should be the coast of country H. If he is far away from the territory of country H, he can deal with them. They drove at high speed for another day. At this time, there was only one-third of the oil on the yacht. In fact, they only walked about half of the road now. This amount of fuel is not enough. Zhu Ming came up with the idea of passing ships at this time. Some ships were in the wrong direction, and he could not do it when he saw the M national ship. At most, he didn't want to make trouble near H country. After letting it go, he finally found a cargo ship to country Z.

Now that every ship is equipped with weapons during the war, the Chinese cargo ship fired a gun warning when it saw Zhu Ming's yacht coming from far away. It is very difficult to lean on it during the day, so it can only think of a way at night.

He also drove the yacht about 30 miles in front of the freighter at a high speed. By this time, it had begun to be dark. Zhu Ming took out an inflatable kayak from the yacht, recharging it, took off a plug-in engine from the yacht, took some food and water, and left the yacht, because the yacht was easy Let the radar on the cargo ship be found, so you can't use the yacht to approach the cargo ship. The yacht that accompanied them for more than 30 hours gave up.

They drove their kayaks away from some directions to the cargo ship. Sure enough, they didn't hear any gunfire when they arrived at the freighter. They went to the side of the ship and quietly climbed up the freighter along the ladder of the string. They found a cargo bag and the two people began to take turns to rest. In this way, the two stowaways unconsciously I went to the west by boat, but I don't know where to get off the ship?


Volume 4