Animal World

Chapter 230 Angry People

Chapter 230 Angry People

After Mingda announced the end of the meeting, those journalists were brought around the whole palace in an orderly manner, and the news broadcast car also followed the real-time broadcast. For a moment, all the people in front of the TV were stunned. The TV picture clearly showed that the carved wall of the outer wall of the palace was full of bullet holes, which had already The scenery was completely destroyed, and the damaged armored tanks at the two gaps seemed to tell people about the intensity of last night's battle. Before these scenes were finished, people everywhere spontaneously rose up and marched. They demonstrated in front of the governments of various cities under the banner of supporting the king, and some people even toured around the barracks. OK, publicized to the soldiers in support for the king's reform, and for a while, the king's prestige reached the extreme.

At this time, Mingda did not know about this matter. He gathered some officers who could be notified and the newly appointed ministers of the provisional government. Some of these people attended the king's square meeting today and were still calm. Most of them were anxiously waiting for King Mingda's reception.

At this time, Mingda was sitting in a small conference room with Zhu Ming. Mingda personally made a cup of coffee for Zhu Ming and said, "I didn't expect it to be solved like this? With you around me, I have full confidence. I can't think I can say this. Looking at the situation at that time, even if I don't promise to reform, they will gradually let me control it. Didn't I revolutionize myself when I reformed?

Zhu Ming said with a smile, "If you don't have these reform plans, can you have the confidence today? Do you want to be a powerful king or choose the Kingdom of Nia? You haven't seen several Western countries that have been passed down for hundreds of years, and Africa used to be their colonies without even any background. Now when you shout that there are still people worship you, you can't try another king. Now The whole society has developed towards democracy and freedom, and no one can stop this wheel of history. You have made those Western countries have no excuse to interfere in your internal affairs, right? I don't think it's easy for those people to fuck you again this time.

"Zhu Ming, don't you think we are playing a little big today? I said that only the two of us can discuss ways to scare them about sending troops from Country Z. What if the government of Country Z opposes it? They don't know anything? Do you want to communicate with them now? They really don't want to send troops to that base, and the base can also deter the opponents here. Mingda is deeply worried that the government of Country Z will deny this matter.

"Haha, you can rest assured in this regard. It's okay if they don't send troops. We have organized the security personnel of the Shenlong Group here, and there are some other troops. If Country Z doesn't send people, we just let these people stationed at the base. If not, our Shenlong Group will fund to help you organize a quick The reaction force, a unit that is really loyal to you, can rest assured when you use them in the future.

Zhu Ming did not tell Mingda that so many special forces had been sent here. Today, the rapid response team headquarters of the Ministry of the Interior was destroyed by the special forces of Z, but the credit was on the bearded Wickdo. Others did not know about this, which made Wicktor's prestige become the first person in the army.

Mingda believed that Zhu Ming did what he said, and he was no longer worried about this. He asked, "How can I arrange the members of the new government later?" There are also military officers of various troops. These people are not easily subdued. In addition, they all have real power and will have an accident if they are not careful. How can they arrange it?

Zhu Ming thought for a moment and said, "This is indeed a little troublesome. The new minister you appointed is actually a close associate of the dismissed minister. In theory, they should not be used. But you don't know who is available now? You have to use them first, but these people may also have their own ideas and are not exactly the same as those people. This requires you to use the method of radish and sticking. They do a good job and we don't say anything. They can promise to let them join the new government in the future. If they are still stubborn and continue to hook up with former officials, then you Tell them that you still have a veto in the future, and no one with any more stains is allowed to work in government departments, and it is impossible to even want to be a member of parliament. Think about it, these people have been politicians all their lives. What else can they do without politics? It can be said that one sentence determines their lifelong fate. Who else can he listen to if he doesn't listen to you?

"Even the army is a little complicated. Officers are raised at the first level. These people are much closer to each other, and you can't impress them in one word. Besides, they are all real guys in their hands. If anyone can't figure it out, they can give it to you. Therefore, this time, the senior officers who were really plotted by the prince were asked to leave for retirement, and then bring up some people loyal to you from the next-level officers. You can't mention them too quickly. If it will cause dissatisfaction to others too quickly, they will be promoted to two levels at most. In this regard, it is cheaper for Wicker. He was a lieutenant a day ago. After saying a word for him, he became a lieutenant colonel. One day later, he became a lieutenant general for guarding the palace. It can be said that he got on the rocket. Originally, I had to use him for a transition. I didn't expect that he would really have to suppress those people. Forget it, let him continue to be the present. But you have to remember that you can't let him cultivate too much of his own power. If the situation is stable in two years, he will replace him. In the future, the commander-in-chief will be yourself and get a chief of general staff in other aspects. That's all right, and these positions can't be held for more than one term, lest the army is too powerful.

Mingda nodded and said, "I have also considered this matter. I have to think of a way to restrict them. It's easy to talk to you. You can solve my headache in a few words. Now they should all arrive. Would you like to meet me and give me some advice?

"If you don't go, I can't be here forever. You have to solve the future problems by yourself. If you can't solve them, find a think tank to solve them. You have to grow up. Don't just ask others about everything. You have to have your own opinions."

Mingda stood up and said, "Well, I'll meet them first. If you're hungry, let them eat. I may not have time to eat with you."

Zhu Ming nodded to say that he knew, and then Mingda went out to recruit people for a meeting.

Zhu Ming went out and saw that Wang Fang and Wu Ming were at the door. He asked, "Have you contacted each other in China? What's the international reaction now?

Wu Ming entered the conference room behind Zhu Ming and said, "The chairman asked you to call him immediately when you have time. He is waiting to talk to you."

Zhu Ming took the satellite phone in Wang Fang's hand and dialed it. Zhu Ming said, "I'm Zhu Ming. Please listen to the phone."

"Zhu Ming, can't you let me know the situation in advance? You make me very passive, you know? Where do you have to make a big deal for me? Now other countries in the world are asking me about the sending troops to Z. How do you want me to answer? Aren't you testing my adaptability? I don't care. You can mobilize the army by yourself immediately, and you will be the chairman of the military commission in the future. The phone was actually answered by Chairman Liu in person. It seems that Zhu Ming's phone call is too important to him.

Zhu Ming: "Hey, I just mentioned this matter to Mingda two minutes before the meeting, which made him think about borrowing the face of Z country. I didn't expect him to say it so seriously. I'm still thinking about how to deal with this matter now. Now that the words have been said, it is impossible to take them back. Our country has always adhered to the position of non-interference with other countries and does not set up military bases outside. He said this and embarrassed your leaders, so I'm going to organize the security personnel in the name of the Shenlong Group to control the base first and hire some mercenaries to support the base's face. I believe that with these international mercenaries, it is also a deterrent to other forces in the Kingdom of Nia. I will immediately let people out. Go to the mercenaries and try to make up the number within three days.

"Well, it's good that you still think about this. I'm worried that you won't care after you finish saying a sentence. All right, don't worry about this matter. You just need to give us the base. Just now, we held a meeting of the Politburo and decided to change our previous decision not to establish military bases outside. Now the international situation is becoming more and more complex, and our country's investment in Africa is also getting larger and larger. If our country has to protect these investments, it must have some force and deterrence. Our country was too far from Africa. We are powerless. Now you have just created this opportunity for us. The soldiers we sent to Nia are not to interfere in internal affairs but to protect the Z-funded enterprises at your request. We don't care who governs, as long as we keep this base. And the location of this Lajie base is simply very good. It is located in central Africa, and there is also a military port and an airport. We can use this base to deter the whole Africa. You can talk to them later. We have rented this base for 100 years, and you can decide how much it will cost.

Chairman Liu finally said the resolution of the government of State Z. When Country Z received the news, all the bigwigs were overjoyed. Zhu Ming solved this problem around the country's leaders for many years. At that time, there was no meeting at all. As soon as everyone asked the chairman to confirm this matter again, the gang of the Military Commission People have begun to prepare to transfer personnel to organize the base.

Zhu Ming was shocked and didn't expect that he would become like this as soon as he said it casually. Mingda was eager to hand over the base to Country Z, and he was eager to take over the base in China. Is there such a good thing in the world? Mingda will definitely agree that those soldiers may not be. Anyway, it is they who are threatened by the troops stationed in the base. Once these people convince Mingda not to let the garrison, they will be in trouble. Now they have to put some more pressure on them before they have decided to go.

Thinking of this, Zhu Ming said, "Chairman, there is nothing wrong with the king himself, but now the army is a big problem. I guess they will oppose our garrison. Now they are in a meeting. I'll go and check the situation immediately. You can wait for my news. I'll try my best. Convince them."

"Okay, you can do it. If it doesn't work, just make some concessions and don't let them feel threatened. I'll wait for your call." Chairman Liu hung up the phone.