Animal World

Chapter 244 Honesty (Five Volume Final)

Chapter 244 Honesty (End of Five Volumes)

The opportunity for these ambassadors to wait did not come. Early in the morning, Mingda went to the TV station for a public speech. He informed the people of the whole country that he had smashed a military coup last night and warned other ambitious people to recognize the situation. At the same time, it was announced that the army of Z had officially entered the Lajie military base. Through TV broadcast, hundreds of planes at the Lajie base were parked neatly at the airport, and a team of soldiers from Z were training.

At this time, Abdullah read the parliamentary amnesty on behalf of the Provisional Parliament. As long as the separatist action is no longer carried out, the management of the country is accepted, and the forces of the previous organization is dissolved, the Parliament will pardon all people. At the same time, the national amnesty pardoned all previous political prisoners. At the same time, the election of legislators at all levels began immediately across the country.

For a while, the whole country of Nia became boiling. Officials from all over the world put down their high airs to do some things that are close to the people and publicize how to solve the improvement of people's living standards after he takes office in the future.

Some troops originally planned to revolt, but were frightened by the enthusiasm of the people of the whole country and the high pressure of the army of Z. The original plan * no longer dared to implement it. They had to bow their heads and accept the king's proposal to hand over their military power. Some people took money and went abroad, and more people believed that the government's promise remained.

What Mingda didn't expect was that he took full control of the whole country's army in just one week, and local government departments began to operate efficiently. At this time, he regretted that he should not have given up the government so early.

Zhu Ming told him that only in this way can the Nia royal family survive and can no longer repent. The people can push you up or pull you down. Mingda listened to Zhu Ming's suggestion to continue the reform of the government's parliament.

At this time, some Western countries that supported the divided supported Mingda reform and promised economic assistance. At the same time, they had to provide legal and policy experts to help Nia improve the existing institutional reform.

Of course, Mingda refused these people. There is no free lunch in the world. This time, he rejected the proposal of any country and only let his country's people form a policy research group to study Nia's policy reform. Among them, there is an expert group sent by Shenlong Group, and now Shenlong is also Nia's enterprise.

Just as countries put forward some conditional assistance, the highest-level delegation of the government of Z visited the Kingdom of Nia under the leadership of Chairman Liu. The first press conference was held with a long meeting between Chairman Liu and King Mingda. There were senior officials of the government of Z and King Mingda. At that time, the speaker of the parliament also has representatives of the army.

"I would like to ask Chairman Liu that the army of Country Z has deployed a strong army in Nia. The presence of your army has made all African countries feel uneasy. How much more are your army going to increase next? The data I have now that your garrison has reached 30,000, and now the situation in Nia has calmed down. Do you think it's necessary to stay? A Western reporter asked the first question about the army of Country Z.

Chairman Liu smiled and said, "You and the information are not accurate. We only sent more than 10,000 soldiers here in total. We came here for two purposes, one is to stabilize the situation in Nia, and the other is a military exercise. We originally planned to evacuate in a week, but later in King Mingda was strong We stayed for another week at the request. We have said that as soon as the situation in Ninia calms down, we will withdraw immediately. In fact, we have begun to withdraw and will all withdraw today. If you don't believe that you can apply to our garrison headquarters after the meeting is dismissed. In the future, we will only leave only the 3,000 troops previously agreed with King Mingda, including There are 300 in the air force, 800 in the navy, 1,500 in the army, and the rest are some personnel in the headquarters, with a total of no more than 3,000.

A black reporter asked, "Chairman Liu, I would like to ask what is the intention of the Z government to send troops? What kind of tasks do they perform here? Will it have a serious impact on the political situation of the Kingdom of Nia?

Chairman Liu said: "Protect peace, protect enterprises in country Z from invasion in Africa, and protect ships from pirates. You also know that some extremist forces have been attacking some enterprises in our country during this period. For them, some local governments can't do anything about it, but our enterprises have signed contracts with the government to benefit the African people. As soon as our enterprises come to build roads and bridges for you in Africa, the government can't guarantee our enterprises. We are very worried about the safety of the industry, and we urgently need to build a base in Africa to fight against these forces, so our army is not aimed at a single country.

"For your other question, I assure all the people of Ninia that our troops will not intervene in any conflict in the Kingdom of Nia. Of course, we will consider sending troops unless the King of Nia or the Nia government asks us for help."

"Today, I want to ask King Mingda, have you really given up the king's power over the government? Did you make the decision when you were forced to make it at that time? What are you going to do in the future? Another Western reporter had prepared a lot of questions about Z, but he didn't expect that Chairman Liu simply admitted to crack down on some criminal acts in other countries, and there was nothing new about it, so he changed his question.

Mingda smiled bitterly and said, "You really can't open a pot. This is the most taboo thing in my heart. I don't have any pursuit of power, but my children will have no idea. I can see through this series of things that the quality of our kingdom depends on whether this king is good or bad. I am a bad king. I haven't made the kingdom well during this period, so I abolished this system and let the people Elect the government leaders they trust, and they will never be re-elected endlessly, which can eliminate corruption.

"Excuse me, Mr. President Prob, what is your understanding of the current parliament? Is the parliament the king's microphone? Do you have your own decision-making power? Are there any legal benefits in the decrees you have recently issued? Can it continue like this?" Another black reporter asked.

The speaker said, "My speaker is fake, and a temporary parliament will be established soon. It is a national temporary parliament. Our parliament was only formed at the request of the king in an emergency, and only some famous people in the capital participated. As soon as that parliament was established, we disappeared. Our parliament has only made some opinions on what is urgent now, but what I didn't expect is that the king approved all the plans we proposed, which was something that I didn't even dare to think of before. I feel that the democratic era of the Kingdom of Nia is really coming. And what you asked is whether it is the king's microphone. Let me tell you, this country is still the Kingdom of Nia. One of our parliament is to serve the people, and the other is to determine some things according to the direction proposed by the king. As for how to propose, it is our business, that is to say, within the framework of the Constitution, we can discuss any law.

"One more news is that our country still needs to establish a D-judge system, and our judiciary will gradually become independent from the government. At that time, our country will become a four-power. What is the four powers, that is, the king's right to determine the direction of policy, the independence of the judiciary, the power of parliament and the executive power of the prime minister of the government. It is necessary to mention the king's right to freedom of text. We also know that some countries are also very democratic. Elected leaders come to promote some of their own new policies, which often change greatly from their predecessors, which has too much impact on the country's policy coherence. This leads to the king's policy right. Under the premise that the king designates the policy direction, the government parliament works according to these policy directions, which is what we call the four powers. The king said that it can be tried for a while. If we are wrong, we will change it again. There is no need to formulate such a complete legal system to achieve real democracy and freedom.

"Wan," spontaneous warm applause from the stage.

"May I ask the commander-in-chief of the three armies? I heard that you jumped from the lowest officer to commander-in-chief just because you saved the king? Can soldiers be promoted like this in the future? How can the army be loyal to the king and the country in the future and no longer become someone's army?

Wickdore stood up and said seriously, "I didn't save the king. At that time, the captain of the guard monitored the king's conversation and eavesdropped on the king's conversation. At that time, the king asked who it was. I said that I only saw the captain of the guard into the room, and the king asked me to be the captain of the guard. Later, the prince came to protect the captain and was stopped by me. In this way, I gained the king's trust. Later, I completely carried out the king's order. Later, the king was really disappointed with the commander-in-chief. At this time, he couldn't think of any reliable soldiers and appointed me as commander-in-chief. This is just a rare example in an extraordinary period, and it is impossible for such a thing to happen again. Of course, the army should be loyal to the king and the government. In order to have another military coup in the future, the army should also decompose its power. The king is the future commander-in-chief, and the staff military committee is in charge of the army. As for me, I want to withdraw from the military after the army is stable. After all, my military qualification experience is much worse, and this position is not completely suitable for me. I want to go into politics, and I also want to be the prime minister who benefits the people.

"Wang," another burst of fierce applause, even more enthusiastic than that just now. Not only black people applauded, but more white people put down their cameras and applauded warmly. It seems that it is still welcome to tell these truths.

"May I ask the speaker, I would like to think about the organization of your local parliaments now. I'm a reporter from Berlin Daily in D.

"I'm a reporter from the M State Gazette. What are you going to do about the attack on the palace by the commandos of State F this time? Will Country F still have the opportunity to participate in the construction of the Kingdom of Nia in the future? How do you treat F-funded enterprises?

Volume 5