Animal World

Chapter 253 Carely Arrange

Chapter 253 Close Arrangement

Zhu Ming came forward and said, "Have you all seen me these days? But I don't know my name. Now I tell you that my name is Zhu Ming, the chairman of the Shenlong Group. I came here to see the so-called elites we recruited, but after reading it, I was very disappointed. At least many of you are not the kind of people I miss you. Most of them are brains. Flexible and good at drilling. I feel very, very disappointed about this."

"But some people have said that you are just ordinary security personnel, people at the bottom of the Shenlong Group, that is, to patrol the gate. No one looks up to you and can't be too strict with you. I want to say that there is no difference between noble and lowly in the Shenlong Group. As long as you work hard, you can get the dignity you deserve. Vice Minister Yang Shaolin around me, a demobilized soldier, once looked at the door, but he used his own efforts to get his current status. Now he is already a high-level figure of Shenlong. Who is still How dare you look down on him?"

"I don't want to investigate how you got in. What do I just need to say now? Now that you enter the dragon, you have to abide by the rules of the dragon. In the past, some bad habits in society have to be changed here. It happened that I caught a figure this time. A former standardist in the army actually bought an instructor captain with some extremely bad advantages. The captain gave him the green light and told him something he shouldn't know. I won't talk about this person. He will be judged by the law with the instructor.

"Now everyone may know something about the development of Shenlong, and also know why so many security personnel are recruited at once this time. Let me tell you the truth. The recruitment of you is to serve the overseas enterprises of Shenlong Group, and it is to prepare for you to go to Africa. There are many races and dangers there, and you may lose your life at any time. You are going to face these death threats to escort our Shenlong Group. Many people know this, but there are also many people who try to avoid going abroad with a fluke heart. I have heard the director of the base tell me that many people have greeted him and take care of someone. I want to say it again here that we Shenlong don't need such a person. If you leave at the beginning of the training, it will be too late. Once the training is over, you have to sign a life-and-death agreement to go to Africa, otherwise you will be severely punished. I tell you that all these people must stay in Africa for more than three years before they can consider being transferred back to China.

"I will give you three days to think about it. After three days, you will never be allowed to leave again. If anyone is afraid of death, we will put him in the most dangerous place and let him die. Our dragon resources will not be wasted on these people again."

"As for the issue of treatment, everyone may know that the treatment of everyone who goes abroad has been doubled and rewarded with merit. Yu's good year is more than ten times higher than the average domestic salary. Some of you come for ideals, and some of you come for money. I don't want to comment on these. Everyone has their own purpose in life and can't force them to be so noble.

"What I want to say is that the current situation in Africa is very dangerous. Some countries with ulterior motives have been causing us some troubles, and we have to resist these troubles. I'm telling you that some of you may not wait until the end of the training this time. Some of you will leave first. I I hope you can go out and bring our fine traditions and change some bad habits for me. You can't humiliate the people of Z when you go out.

"I would like to say to these people who are about to leave. The strength of the motherland requires us to expand our market and expand our influence. Shenlong Group took the risk to help the motherland get many minerals that some other countries are unwilling to give us. Our country can't really send troops to other countries. For the enterprise that protects Shenlong, we can only organize a paramilitary force to go there. So it can be said that you have changed another army, a unit that does not wear military uniforms but looks like soldiers. You are also soldiers who do not wear military uniforms. The interests of the motherland need to be protected by you.

"No matter how much I say, it's useless. You will know when you get there. I look forward to you all becoming heroes and all coming back. That's all I'm talking about today. Thank you for listening to me." Zhu Ming no longer appeared in public here, but the matter has attracted the attention of some people. It is impossible to completely keep this secret. It is better to come out generously, which can inspire the confidence of these people and help Yang Shaolin make an ambush when he is transferred in the future, which makes people suspicious. Where the hell have these people gone? What's more, these can't be hidden from the chairman. At that time, they can't find out how many people have been drawn to the country. As long as the people who evolved in the base will no longer let them go out to appear in public, saying that they have sacrificed, that is, the experiment has failed again, and let those senior cadres die. Help your own people evolve this heart.


Wu Ming accompanied Zhu Ming to the base and walked again. The Shenlong underground base is still the same base, but the outside has begun to expand again. Now several armed police engineering forces are stepping up construction, and it will take half a year to officially use.

But Zhu Ming can't wait. The news that M has successfully trained super warriors with genetic evolution has been confirmed. They have trained at least 50 people. Due to the high mortality rate, they have temporarily stopped, and these 50 people are not what Wang Fang can compete with. Chairman Liu has urged him several times for this. Second, Zhu Ming was required to train at least 50 people.

Considering the mortality rate, Zhu Ming has quietly recruited 60 people from the people recruited this time, and these people are recruited in two batches. In different names, 30 of them have arrived in Africa and secretly transferred them back. Sixty people were selected from the security personnel who performed particularly well in Shenlong Group, and these people were also divided into two groups. This 120 people are the people who need to evolve this time.

But Zhu Ming is not going to let these two groups evolve together, which requires four separate places to evolve these people. At present, there are only three floors of the underground base. Zhu Ming has been to the third floor, and only the second floor has not been seen, so his focus is to take a look at this floor.

Seeing Zhu Ming's doors open, Wu Ming sighed and said, "Zhu Ming, fortunately, I didn't really betray you last time. If so, I don't know how to die? I didn't expect that you had changed all the passwords. Were you already on my guard at that time?

Zhu Ming nodded and said, "Of course I have to beware of you. As an evolutionist, who knows what you will become? What if you become a demon? This is my first large-scale training, so I locked you all up. At that time, you and I didn't expect anything to happen. I just let Professor Xiao to open the key to you under your completely normal conditions. Now that I think of this, I'm still a little angry with you. You actually However, if you don't tell me, it seems that you are still a little shaken.

"Zhu Ming, I absolutely don't have this idea? Didn't you see that I insisted on modifying genes at that time? I just want to avenge this by myself. I know that you will be desperate to save my family once you know it, but I didn't expect you to have such a great ability. I would have told you if I had known it. Wu Ming explained with red eyes at this time.

Zhu Ming smiled and didn't say anything about this. He also specially read all the video materials later. Wu Ming really refused to come out as Professor Xiao said. It is normal for Wu Ming to be selfish and may not help making mistakes, but in the end, he did not really commit criminal actions and can continue to believe. Ren.

The first floor is still those rooms. There is nothing to see here. Zhu Ming pressed the down elevator and stopped after 50 meters. At this time, Wu Ming stepped forward and opened the door of the second floor, and the whole second floor appeared in front of Zhu Ming.

I didn't expect that the whole second floor is exactly five times more than the other two. There are more than 100 rooms, large and small, and the whole second floor is divided into four areas, and these four areas are divided into left and right regions, which are not connected to each other.

Wu Ming looked at Zhu Ming and asked, "Zhu Ming, what do you think of this place? Is it enough here? There is no problem in placing all these people. Can we get them ready to come in now? I can expect my subordinates to have a real team of super warriors, and these people will be the safety of our dragons.

Zhu Ming sighed and said, "No, we can't let all the country know about the recruits, so we separated when we recruited, so the four teams who came here only knew that there were 30 people in their group, which was the only 30 people this time. But the country should also think that we will also train some people for ourselves, so we will officially divide these people into four groups to cultivate, that is, the national team and the Dragon team on the surface, and the two teams secretly trained. In order to prevent individuals from controlling other teams, and also to prevent one person from sitting up, you can only take one of these four teams in the future. I'll give you the right to choose. Now you have figured out which batch you are going to take?

Wu Ming grinned and said, "Thank you for giving me this choice. I must have brought the team hidden by Shenlong. I have completely left Guoan and become a dragon man, so I will be his dragon man, so no one knows that there is such a team in my normal work, which is more secret. I can't say anything else by yourself.

Zhu Ming nodded and said, "That's what I mean. The other team of Shenlong will be led by Yang Shaolin. The two teams of the country can't be decided yet. We need to see if Chairman Liu has any arrangements in this regard? Even if he wants to arrange people, he has to agree. He must not hand over these people to those powerful families. Even the current Wang, Yu and Zhao families can't. Whoever gets these super combat forces can control other people, so we can't help but be defenses. Only three of us know about the four teams, and no one is allowed to leak it anymore. I think the two teams of 60 people on the surface are divided into two teams on both sides for genetic evolution. I can't let them know that there are other people here. So you have to change this gate for me, that is, the gate can correspond to two sides respectively. When you need to open, you can open which side. Do you think you can change it?