Animal World

Chapter 254 Begin Evolution

Chapter 254 Begins Evolution

Wu Ming smiled and said, "Zhu Ming, how did you come up with this method? Let me tell you that there is no need to change it now. The gate itself can be opened left and right. It can be opened to the right and left. The channel I saw can be automatically closed. No one can think that it can go anywhere else. This was already designed at the time of planning. The control of these channels is all at the gate. Control there. What else do you think these two places need? Does every room need to be equipped with a protective fence? Why do I think the protective fence is useless? Several of us who have evolved can still control our emotions by ourselves. Don't these people have to be like this?

"No, it is inevitable that there will be an accident with a large number of people this time. What if it gets out of control? Besides, we haven't been fully sure whether they have any problems or not, and we can't let them out until the last time of completion. Zhu Ming rejected Wu Ming's proposal and was more cautious.

"Well, I will immediately arrange for all the work technicians to be transformed and try to finish them all within five days. This is because I can't invite too many people for confidentiality, so it takes a long time." Wu Ming has considered what kind of person to invite to install these protective fences, but confidentiality is the biggest problem.

Zhu Ming shook his head and said, "No, let these people enter immediately and let them build their own cells. We will just design drawings for them. There will definitely be people among them who do this. If they can't do it, let them learn on the spot. When it is built, we will start genetic evolution. After they are built, we We will install the electronic door lock by ourselves. Is there any material reserves here now?

Wu Ming opened several warehouses and said, "There are also things here. The things here can be equipped with a battalion. What about these weapons? Whether it's transferred out or not, they can't use these things, and it's a waste to put them here.

"Set the highest command in the weapons warehouse, or put it here. Add some fresh food here to ensure that it is more than three months. Think about what else needs to be prepared for them. Now there is another important problem that can't be solved, that is, medical equipment. It is impossible for us to prepare them with a set of equipment. Such equipment will make people doubt our purpose. In addition, we also need some auxiliary personnel. When these personnel come in, they are never allowed to go out again. We have to guard against it. Stop them from staying for a long time and their temperament has changed and destroyed the equipment here. Zhu Ming still has some concerns.

Wu Ming said after a while, "This is indeed the biggest problem. Now our secret can't be known. Even if we send the best people to prevent them from going out, there will be problems. I don't think this will work. Don't we have robots? Just use robots instead. Anyway, ordinary supplies are prepared for their room. When they are normal, they just want to take care of them. As for medical equipment, we are making these devices active and installing electric self-propelled devices at the bottom, so that people can get them away, but you and Professor Xiao are going to be busy. But there are two teams here. What about the other two teams? I can only stay at the headquarters and can't go far away. Can I arrange another place for them?

Zhu Ming said, "The underground floor is our core area where people can't go. You can take people to the first floor, but there are some problems. Those people who go in and out will know that we can't expose everything to them? If you leave here, you will have to add more equipment. There are only five such equipments in the country. Once ordered, it will be noticed. If it really doesn't work, it can only be divided into two batches.

"I think it's okay. Let the following two teams run in together in Africa and examine whether they have any problems. Anyway, they have only been here for more than a month. No matter how urgent it is, there is no need to worry about this time, right? But how can we let these people come in unconsciously? You should know that although the relevant departments of the state do not take over here directly, they attach great importance to it. They have been secretly paying attention to our every move. We can't completely avoid their sight, so that your separation plan can't completely hide them, coupled with other hidden enemies. I'm worried about our secret. It can't be secretly protected." Wu Ming raised his own concerns, but he was the one who knew the situation outside and had to raise it.

Zhu Ming was shocked when he heard this. This is indeed the most critical thing. If it is not solved, it will cause a disaster. He thought for a long time before saying, "This matter really has to be paid attention to. As soon as our actions are made public, it will lead to a lot of unnecessary troubles. The country will try to get these people by all means, and the international community will carry out a large number of us. Genetic modification panicked and finally secretly prepared for each other to cause an arms race. The plan is to stop completely now, and arrange for all these people to go to Africa to test for a period of time, and then wait until we come up with a safe and effective method. During this period, you need to mobilize personnel frequently, organize a few teams of people from the school, and put them to a really dangerous place to let them see the blood. Only in this way can Let them really become real warriors. I think we can just establish a genetic test base here, with Professor Xiao in charge and carry out some other genetically modified experiments.


Although Zhu Ming's genetic evolution did not choose to be in the underground base in the end, this is mainly because the underground base has attracted too much attention, and all the people who go in and exit will be recorded. It is difficult to hide it again. In desperation, he chose the training base, because the training base was originally a large military base. The Shenlong Group only took advantage of the above-ground part, and the entire underground combat command tunnel did not make use of it. This was only until Yang Shaolin checked the distribution map of the base. When the base was handed over to the Shenlong Group, all the military equipment in the base had been moved, leaving only one building. There are more than a dozen exits to go out, and there are also independent tunnels. Zhu Ming chose such a tunnel, so that they secretly transformed the whole base without use.

Zhu Ming looked at Zhao Yuyue and Yu Mei trapped in the room. For the two of them, Zhu Ming did not choose the power-type genetic gene, but chose the gene of the agile spiritual ape, which has a strong foreboding and adaptability, which is an ideal evolutionary image of the gene. Of course, the two of them were not the first agile evolutionists, but Zhu Ming transformed their genes after the other group of people basically succeeded in their evolution.

Now although the two of them are imprisoned in this hall of more than 800 square meters, which is full of various obstacles, but now they can use their limbs to skillfully walk through these obstacles. It seems that they don't care about any obstacles. Traveling fast, not only on the ground, but also flying around from the air like a spiritual ape. Judging from the overall situation, the two of them are also successful. What Zhu Ming was most worried about was the physical changes. In the end, neither of them was as tall as Jinghua, but their muscles were much stronger.

Now that Zhu Ming and Professor Xiao Lingshan have cracked the secret of genetic modification and can evolve on a large scale. Because the evolutionary investment in these people is not very large, it is mainly in the construction of the base, Zhu Ming has closed each team of people in an area. These people can go out except for anything they can go out. , will never go out again, and these people have been brainwashed. They have forgotten their families and children and only know how to obey the orders of the state.

Due to the major breakthrough in genetic research and the large enough size of this base, Zhu Ming's group of people actually recruited 600 people. These 600 people were divided into ten teams, and now they have evolved a large group of groups for the murderers. The first one is power-type. These people are mainly protective attacks, and they are the most solid. This kind of nurse armor company ignores any direct-fire weapons and can produce them as a biological tank. The second type belongs to the comprehensive type of agility, which has the most people. They are equipped with light armor, which can defend and attack quickly, which is the main attack force. The third is agile people like Zhao Yuyue, who is suitable for sneak attacks, assassinations and guards. The fourth is diving type. These people wear special artificial respirators and wear special streamlined warm clothes and can stay in the deep sea for three days and three nights. Once they move, they can move freely like fish, even faster than ordinary fish.

Now these four kinds of human evolution are progressing. This time, Zhu Ming specially injected a relief agent, that is, the speed of human evolution is slower, that is, it has been delayed for half a month, so that the pain of those people has obviously alleviated a lot.

Professor Xiao Lingshan volunteered to stay here permanently with some old experts and no longer went out. Now they are conducting some other genetic research, taking into account the medical services for these 600 people. As for the other staff, they have chosen some volunteers not to go out for life.

Now these 600 people have all evolved except for a few others. They are training under the leadership of their respective captains. These captains Zhu Ming finally selected a captain from the previously evolved Zhao, Yu and Wang families. Wu Ming and Yang Shaolin led a team and selected two from the Shenlong security personnel. He chose two captains from the special forces in the army, plus Chen Libo, a total of ten captains. Chen Libo's one-month security personnel with a team of people in Africa selected three camps of extremist organizations without any casualties, so he was selected as the captain with the shortest qualifications. Zhu Ming, the captain of the two special forces, took a fancy to their command ability. Zhu Ming secretly contacted them in person. As soon as the two heard it, he immediately agreed. He immediately reported the transfer to his superiors. One approved it, and the other left the army directly without approval.

These people only know about their troops. They are required to be loyal to the country and loyal to the captain, and Zhu Ming is the image that all team members must be loyal to. Therefore, except for a few doctors, these people are most familiar with Zhu Ming, who is also their chief instructor and calls Zhu Ming the leader.

Now that Zhao Yuyue and Yumei have basically completed the training courses, which are not related to the training courses. The key is that Zhu Ming doesn't understand these, but let them practice by themselves. They didn't expect that they would succeed without a teacher.

"Woo, woo, woo," the signal on Zhu Ming's collar rang.