Animal World

Chapter 260 Reverse Black and White

Chapter 260 Upside Down Black and White

At the gate of the National Convention Center, some people are walking back and forth anxiously. Among them are Z people and foreigners, but those foreigners are more anxious than Z people.

In a break at the conference center, some senior officials of State M kept calling. They were busy asking why the President of State Z did not come to the confirmed meeting today. This was agreed for a long time, but they didn't know what happened? This situation is generally rare. Only when there are major events can such things happen, but now this has not happened in Country Z.

After hearing a news, he immediately walked into time and said, "I heard that Chairman Liu is at the capital headquarters of Shenlong Group. I don't know what he has talked about with Shenlong Group. Are we going to reschedule today? The people of Z are too rude. I suggest suspending today's meeting."

Secretary of State Hashim, who is in his 60s, thought for a moment and said, "No, it's not the time for us to fight. Besides, we don't have time to fight. Let's continue to wait. I think they will always give us an explanation."

"Mr. Secretary of State, do you think our protest this time is a little too reluctant? It was our own business. Now we warn them whether they will provoke them. After all, they are not involved in this matter." The ambassador sitting next to him said worriedly that he was a little worried about the mission of the delegation of the M government to come here. After all, these high-ranking leaders are not as good as themselves.

Hassim sighed and said, "Now there is nothing we can do. Those people have now warned us to go to the world to make trouble. We will be in trouble if we don't bite back. Now we push them to the world and let other countries in the world bear this blow. We still Can't tell the truth. Besides, who in the world can subdue them now? As for what they will say in the future, we will not recognize them. Anyway, no one can confirm that they are from our country. Now we have no choice but to preempt and frame the terrorist organizations they sent. They must deny it in every way. We will take the opportunity to make some benefits and forgive them. After that, some people really came to their country to make trouble, and they were also dumb and suffered. In the future, no one could figure out where these terrorists came from, as if Pandora's box had been opened.

The ambassador said coldly, "These are all the results you have thought of, but now the government of Z has carried out a lot of reforms, and some hardliners have the upper hand. Now they no longer have the feeling of delay as before, and they don't have to consider the cause and effect. I'm afraid of your action this time. It will really anger them. The current Z country is no longer a country that we wanted to sanction before. I just want to remind you not to do anything.

"Mr. Jerryson, I remember that this was not the situation when you first became an ambassador. You vowed to control State Z in your hands. Why did you be so frustrated in just three years? What's going on?" Hashim said easily that he knew that this task was difficult, but now he had to shoot arrows on the bow, and the situation in M country could not be controlled by him.

"Mr. Secretary of State, the President of State Z has arrived at the door. Shall we go out to greet him?" A man came in and said.

Hashim stood up silently and walked out, and the others followed him to the door. At this time, he saw that Chairman Liu had strode in. He laughed and said, "I'm sorry that I have a very important thing to delay. I apologize to you. Now let's go to the conference room. I want to know you. What's the matter with you so eager to see me?"

Hashim came forward and held Chairman Liu's hand and said seriously, "I do have a very important thing to discuss with you now. It can be said that it has reached an extremely dangerous situation. Let's go to the conference room without being polite. I will tell you the beginning and end of this matter in detail."

The two sides did not delay and directly entered the prepared conference room. Since Ambassador M had previously told us that some general issues were discussed today, the heads of State Z of the military security and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs came, and everyone sat opposite the table on behalf of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and ambassadors of State M.

Hashim did not politely ask the entourage to put some information in front of each Z before saying, "I'm here to inform you about some investigations of the series of terrorist incidents in our country M. At the same time, I also issue a solemn warning to you on behalf of our Ml government. If you don't solve these fears again. Terrorist forces continue to commit crimes in our country, and we will take extreme measures to avoid the further expansion of our losses. The most important aspects include the expulsion of all Z people who we think are suspected of terrorism. Please take a look at the materials first.

Chairman Liu said happily, "Okay, I don't think we need to talk about this matter. You expel them quickly now. We have also been asking you to expel these people, such as * elements, Z independents, and the organization of this conference. Aren't these organizations that carry out terrorist activities in Z country with you? As long as you expel them and see how they survive, I urgently hope that you will take these measures immediately, and we will actively cooperate with you to investigate their criminal facts, and maybe we can immediately calm down the terrorist incidents in your country?

Hashim looked at Chairman Liu in surprise and didn't expect that he was talking about this matter. This is completely wrong, but how can he refute it? What he said is also reasonable. These people are indeed wanted by the government of Z. Can you say that they are not terrorists now? How to say that?

While Hashim was thinking about what to say, Wood, the director of the Intelligence Bureau of M, sneered and said, "You'd better take a look at these materials first. We have mastered some of the criminal facts of your H people in M. They plotted to use violence to overthrow our democratic society. Some people used this terrorist incident to hold high their independence. No, joke, when did Country M make these people so rampant? The main thing is some of you H people. We will discuss this matter with you. It's not for the sake that our relationship is okay. We have taken action.

Chairman Liu laughed and said, "Yes, you can expel them casually. I don't have any opinion. Since they have violated your criminal law, you can deal with them at will. Besides, when you dealt with some such incidents before. When did you consider our opinion? When did you give us any face? We have no face for a long time. If you don't say that I forgot, we have also prepared some crimes of M people supporting terrorists in Z country and are going to treat them. We are not going to give you this face. Since you are here, I will say hello to you, so that you don't blame us for not telling you. Minister Yu, show them some of the information investigated by your public security first. As for the information of Guoan, you can act directly. There is no need to think about giving face to these people. We don't have face and they have no face. If you inform them, we will arrest them now.

Yu Junwu, the Minister of Security, immediately stood up and replied, "It's the chief. I will arrange someone to execute it immediately and try to arrest all before the end of the meeting."

Yu Junwu sat down again, signed a document and handed it to the entourage behind him and said, "Execute it immediately, arrest the whole country together, and act quickly."

The change in the situation stunned all the people of M. They didn't expect that the situation would deteriorate like this. They just threatened it casually. The government of Z was so fearless to take action against M. Don't they consider what the consequences will be? Do they really have to take advantage of this incident to get something out? What if Z and M are completely opposed now?

Hashim quickly laughed and said, "You have some misunderstanding. We are only targeting some H people with criminal facts, not all H people. Just now, there may be some mistakes in your understanding. I want to inform you of the current situation of our country and strive for your support, as well as some terrorists. Let me inform you of the new situation and let everyone beware.

At this time, Foreign Minister Chang Jie, who had never spoken, threw the information on the second table and said angrily, "Joke, you are only talking about some people with criminal facts, but what about it? Did even the people who participated in an anti-terrorism march appear on your list of terrorists? Is there such a terrorist in the world? You said that these people are all supporters of terrorists, but have you noticed the picture above? What are you talking about? This is exactly the same as the picture you publicly reported on TV a few days ago, but why is the content of the slogan they raised is completely opposite? Is there such a similar but completely opposite scene in the world? Do you need me to replay the TV footage you sent to us again? You can make it real even if you want to fake it, okay? I always feel shy for you. Do you have this ability now?

Chairman Liu's face changed and stood up and asked, "Is everything you said true?"

Chang Jie separated some photos and said, "These scenes can be found as long as we play the news broadcast on our TV again. The scenes are exactly the same, but the meaning of the slogans is different, that is to say, these hateful M people use the most despicable methods to turn the content of the slogan into the mouths to support terrorists. No, who dares to carry out a demonstration in support of terrorism in M country now? There is also such a big scene behind them, so that people can know where it happened as soon as they check it.

Chairman Liu said seriously to Hashim: "Your conspiracy has gone bankrupt. In view of the fact that your country has seriously distorted the facts to bite us and almost caused us heavy losses, on behalf of the government of Z, I announced the comprehensive downgrade of relations with Country M to *, and we announce the recall of the ambassador. At the same time, we will report today's events to everyone so that everyone can see your face clearly. After he finished speaking, he strode away.