Animal World

Chapter 292 chilling

Chapter 292 is chilling

Sorry for the low tide these days, I always have no energy to write. There are only two more today.

As soon as Zhu Ming left Zhonghai, he went straight to the headquarters of Shenlong Group. On the way, he called Wen Yu first. Zhao Yuyue arranged a task for himself and had to take some opportunities to come and have a look. Now there are some strange phenomena in the headquarters of Shenlong Capital and asked him to help him take a look. Now he does bring his ID, but he doesn't want to So public appearance, just let Wen Yu quietly send someone to pick him up, and don't let others know.

Wen Yu is now the vice president of the Shenlong Group. The current position is what he struggled for. He shrewdly and decisively dealt with several conflicts between the Shenlong Group and the government and has been recognized by everyone. He is now responsible for the work of the capital headquarters.

A secretary sent by Wen Yu didn't know who he was going to pick up? After going downstairs, he looked everywhere for this unknown person. Wen Yu only told him that he was in his thirties and did not tell him his name. But as soon as Zhu Ming came in, he noticed that he immediately recognized Zhu Ming's identity. No wonder Wen Yu didn't tell him his name. It turned out that the chairman arrived quietly.

He quickly came forward and said, "Are you looking for Mr. Wen?" He knew that he could not reveal the identity of the chairman now, so he did not ask Zhu Ming's name but who he was looking for, so as to avoid revealing the identity of the guest.

Zhu Ming looked at him and nodded and said, "Take me to him immediately."

The secretary took him directly to the special elevator without talking, and the elevatorman immediately opened it and let them go up.

At this time, many people were surprised why the vice president's secretary picked up this person so mysteriously. This has never happened. Anyone who came here must go through strict registration before contacting which department can be approved before letting people go up. Some people want to remind Secretary Jin's behavior but dare not say it face to face. He opened his eyes and saw that he took people into the special elevator, which was not used by ordinary people. Although no one stopped Secretary Jin from taking people away, the people at the reception desk responded to the matter according to the rules. As for how to deal with it, it is not their business.

Secretary Jin took Zhu Ming to Wen Yu's office and knocked on the door and said, "Mr. Wen, I've picked him up."

The door opened, and Zhu Ming saw that Wen Yu, who was in good spirits, had changed. He was not as depressed when he saw it at that time. Now he is full of confidence. Although he is now a senior management of the Shenlong Group and Zhu Ming's cronies, Zhu Ming never saw him again after throwing him to the Shenlong Group. The two hugged first without saying anything, and then Zhu Ming entered his office and closed the door. Secretary Jin knew that he was not suitable to be here anymore and left.

After Zhu Ming entered the room, he punched Wen Yu and said, "I didn't expect that your ability was okay. Even Mr. Zhao admired you. It seems that I made the right choice at that time."

Wen Yu handed Zhu Ming a bottle of water and complained, "The boss is not as tossing as you, is he? You throw me here and leave me alone. In a good name, I will take care of your assets. Do you still need me to take care of your assets? Your wife held the family property to death and didn't let anyone touch her finger. Even his family didn't give face to let her rush back. I had no excuse to do it with my buttocks. Fortunately, I persisted.

Zhu Ming also heard Zhao Yuyue say what Wen Yu said that her family had changed two batches, and they all thought this was their own industry as if they were superior to point in some subordinate departments and drove Zhao Yuyue away.

"How are you now? Is there any situation here now? I said, is there any particular embarrassment to our Shenlong Group in the country? Zhu Ming wants to come and take a look at the actual business situation here. Anyway, there will be some subtle changes in some relations with the country in the future, and he has to master this first-hand information.

Hearing Zhu Ming ask Wenyu, he thought for a moment and said, "I haven't changed much here. Basically, it's still the same, but how do I feel that they seem to be a little too polite to us? It makes people feel unreal. I asked my stepfather, and he still mysteriously doesn't tell me that my current job is a little It's so easy that anyone can sit in my seat. Now we don't have to beg them at all. As long as you take a bite, they can do it for you.

"Let's talk about it in detail." Zhu Ming felt something was wrong and quickly asked.

Wen Yu's heart thumped, as if he found something wrong. At least Zhu Ming must have come for a purpose, so he quickly said, "I'm here because I have a lot of dealings and experience with the government. You also know that those people in the government department don't get any benefits. Don't want them to do things for you, although Shenlong Group However, there are also famous people *. Usually, there are some people who want to take up some oil and water, but they don't do things quite quickly. But now these people who take advantage are gone. They are very polite to us and let them agree quickly, and no one is looking for trouble. It can be said that they seem to have completely changed. Like a person. But we are always unsatisfactory. Several projects we have decided have not started for two months. Either there is a problem or there is a problem. Our people have fallen in five people for no reason. It seems that they are all our own problems, and the current projects are also delayed by us. Come down."

"Of course, we are not soft on these people, but even if one or two of them have problems, there will be problems, but we can't find the reason. Some of them also admitted their crimes. One of them had an accident delayed for a period of time, so the project was dragged down. Because Mr. Zhao was dissatisfied with me, he sent a supervisor to cooperate with me, but since yesterday, we have another key person who has not come and we don't know where he has gone. I saw that the Ministry of Love was wrong and reported it to Mr. Zhao. Now I will wait for the headquarters to send someone to investigate this matter.

Zhu Ming frowned and asked, "What kind of project is so difficult?" What is the reason why there is no way to construct the project because there is a problem with a person?

Wen Yu said with a heavy heart: "It is an important office in the capital, which can also be said to be one of our bases. You should also know that we have an airport in Xuancheng, but the airport passenger transportation there only reaches a few major domestic cities, and only cargo planes have access to more places. However, there are no foreign cities that they have access to so far. Some countries and our Dragon Group have put forward direct intentions, but the country has refused our request on security grounds. But the capital here is different. From here, we can reach major cities in the world. Because we also have a capital headquarters here, the freight and personnel of Shenlong Group mainly rely on the capital airport. Since then, there have been some problems. When our people come back, we have to receive them first. Some people have to live here if they are single. There are not many places in our headquarters to arrange to go to some hotels in the city, but there are always some people who are disobedient and cause something.

"For this reason, Shenlong Group has made a place similar to the establishment of a logistics base in the capital. People from all over the world have come from us, and people who come back from abroad have also been filed by us. After that, their itinerary has to be controlled by us, which is also to prevent An accident happened. In addition, our business volume here is also getting larger and larger, requiring this base to be built as quickly as possible.

"But someone has had problems since the beginning of the planning. His problem is that he burned everyone's painstaking planning materials. At that time, he drank with several colleagues and went crazy and ignited the information as waste paper. For this reason, we got another copy, but at this time, someone was killed at our construction site. The police sealed our site for half a month on the grounds of investigating the case, and finally caught the murderer, but the murderer was one of our staff members. Later, there were disturbances in the local farmers where we requisitioned land. They injured several of us, and we could not use force against them. The government immediately coordinated with them. Finally, the government agreed to some of their unreasonable demands. These governments borne them. In this way, not only happened one after another, but also solved the matter one by one. ."

"The construction site has everything and only needs to start construction, but this time they found that our people have sold cultural relics. After the police caught them, they confirmed that these people found the cultural relics under the foundation dug up on our construction site. Immediately, the cultural relics department closed and excavated them and found that it was a large historic site. This time, our project has been completely shut down. This place no longer allows us to build a logistics base. Justice allows us to re-select the place. Where should we choose the right place when the construction period is so tight? Others don't give us the places we like. Only far away have territory. Those places are about to leave the capital and go to other provinces. We build a logistics base here for convenience. What's the use of building so far away, but we really can't find a place nearby. I'm really useless. I can't even do this. Now I have to wait for Mr. Zhao to send someone to deal with it.

Zhu Ming understood the meaning when he heard this. To put it bluntly, the government was unwilling to let this base be built here. Thinking of this, Zhu Ming got angry, you didn't let Jian just say it, but now there are some gloomy things that make you busy for a long time and can't do anything. They show respect for you, but put a knife in the back. Who on earth did this? Thinking that Professor Wen Zizhong didn't say anything, he deliberately didn't tell Wen Yu. In the middle, he obviously wanted to tell Wen Yu something, but he couldn't tell him in his current position. After all, he represented the government. Thinking of this, Zhu Ming understood what was going on. Someone was worried that the Dragon Group would put such a base near the capital and let the Dragon Group out of their control. In short, the country now knows everything about the Dragon, so they are not worried about the Dragon Group to further intervene in the Dragon Group. It seems that it is time to make a decision. If it goes on like this, the Dragon Group will only be restrained, and if the opportunity is swallowed up.

Thinking of this, Zhu Ming stood up and said, "Well, I know about this. You don't have to think about it anymore? Just put down this base and never build it. The company will have major changes, and you are ready to leave here. Now I want to sleep for a while. Please find me a bed for me to lie down. I didn't sleep all night last night.

Wen Yu immediately opened a door and said, "This is my usual lounge. If your brother doesn't mind, you should rest here. I'll ask people to hold the door so as not to disturb you. You can sit together for a while when you wake up. I don't want you to appear and disappear again. I'll inform you now. People are no longer looking for a place.