Animal World

Chapter 301 Live-fire competition

Chapter 301 Live Bomb competition

Zhu Ming can only say, "Sorry, Mr. President, it seems that we still need to wait a little longer. Please sit down first. They can start right away, and I won't accompany you."

At this time, Zhu Ming saw that this stand was actually a high platform. There was an open area in front of him, surrounded by walls, which belonged to a closed training ground. Some of Sanchez took pictures from time to time with cameras, and no one took care of them. It seems that the government of Z let them watch it to their heart's content this time, but I don't know how they will feel after watching today's martial arts competition?

In addition to these M people Zhu Ming, there are also several E people, who are also from the E country embassy, which will also shock them this time. Today's martial arts competition is passed back, and it is estimated that a large delegation from E will come to Z soon.

At this time, Wu Ming waved his hand after saying a few words to the walkie-talkie, and saw 40 people behind him immediately move separately. Some people followed the entrance, some people looked for hidden places and others stood under the steps.

At this time, there was a roar outside, and only an armored vehicle rushed into the training ground at high speed, and the armored vehicle actually crashed directly with security guards standing there. At this time, the two people guarding the door suddenly moved. One of them rushed to one side, and the other jumped up directly and lay on the roof of the armored car. He turned over and stabilized his body and directly hit the top of the armored car with his fist. The other man followed behind the armored car and smashed the back door of the loaded car open. When the armored car struggled to come to the stands, it completely stalled.

At this time, all the spectators stood up in shock. The steel armored vehicle could defend against the bullets of the anti-aircraft machine gun, but it was already scarred under the blow of these two people. The shell of the armored car has been covered with deep fist marks and has been deformed. All the weapons and equipment have been dismantled and thrown by these two people along the way. Only the machine gun has become a twist without being removed.

At this time, several soldiers in the armored car couldn't even stand up after rolling down. They looked frightened and didn't know what happened?

The two security guards who participated in the attack on the armored vehicle stood motionless next to the armored vehicle. No one can see anything from their faces?

Wu Ming saluted all the spectators and shouted, "The first competition is over. Please ask the chief and foreign guests to check the results."

So many people immediately went down and circled around the armored vehicles, and those M people were even more active. Someone tapped the steel plate on the car with his hand. A black man punched it with a fierce punch and heard another scream after hearing a crisp sound. It turned out that the black man thought that the car was suspected of fraud. He wanted to make a fool of Country Z. He didn't expect that the steel plate was real and his hand bones were completely smashed.

The other M country still didn't believe that he asked the two security guards standing next to him to fight in front of them again. The two security guards did not hesitate: "Bang, sang." Two more deep pits appeared on the armored vehicle.

At this time, everyone believed the matter. Zhu Ming waved his hand and immediately came to a trailer and a jeep. The trailer towed the armored car away, and the jeep took away the frightened soldiers.

Wu Ming issued another order. At this time, another car rushed in from the gate of the base. This time, their target was six people in the front field. At this time, the machine gun on the armored car suddenly opened fire, and the bullets hit the six people and stirred up a burst of dust. Those people dodged left and right. They fell to the ground for a while and jumped for a while, but the machine gun bullet I can't beat anyone.

This shocked everyone again. No one expected to use live ammunition this time. Seeing that the armored car was still chasing these six people, the direction was changing from time to time. What if the bullet hit the stage? At this time, people found that the remaining 30 Shenlong security guards had stood next to them separately, each holding a thick board, and they didn't know what they were doing with these. Is they able to protect everyone? How can they protect more than 100 people here? What if it can't be protected? At this time, everyone knows that there may be danger, and some timid people have begun to trembling.

Everyone has such an idea that the fact has appeared, and they heard bullets roaring. At this time, they only saw a security guard move the thick board in his hand and heard "dang,dang,dang,dang." With four sounds, only four large holes appeared in front of the board, but the back was still intact.

Only then did people know that the security guard actually knew the trajectory of the bullets and could completely block the bullets. It seemed that these security guards did have the ability. Everyone's panic gradually put down. After that, bullets kept flying at high speed and were caught by the security guards around them. Everyone had a kind of It's a wonderful feeling that as long as these security guards are present, they will not be afraid of any such bullets, and then everyone began to watch the battle in the scene again.

At this time, the battle in the field has become white-hot, and the six security guards in the field have been completely separated far and near. The armored car chased one person and still opened fire fiercely, but they can't hit one person, and the others picked up something and hit the armored car. Such a long distance is still left on the armored vehicle. Pits one by one soon made the machine gun dumb. At this time, six security guards rushed down the mountain like a tiger, and the armored car hurriedly turned to escape from here. I don't know how the six people made the nearly ten-ton armor and could no longer move.

At this time, Wu Ming saluted everyone and said, "Report that the second stage of the competition is over. Please accept and check it."

At this time, all the people stood up excitedly. Some ran to the armored vehicles, and more people asked to watch the thick boards in the hands of the security guards.

At Wu Ming's sign, these security guards put the thick plates on the ground. Someone immediately wanted to pick them up and watch them. At this time, they found that these thick plates were extremely heavy, weighing 60 or 70 kilograms. The front of the thick plates was some splash-proof materials, and the back was a steel plate up to 10 mm thick. It turned out that it was specially designed to block bullets.

At this time, people looked at the security gates admirably, and these security guards stood back under the steps. They were not excited or proud at all, nor did they show their power to the gate, as if these things were very common.

The person who ran to the armored car also found that the car was almost as well as the one just now. There were only three intact eight wheels left. The machine gun barrel was broken into two pieces, and all the observation holes were blocked. At this time, a security guard went up to be fooled. He punched the back door in the face, and the two soldiers inside shrank into a group in horror and looked at the people outside who dared not move. It seemed that they were completely scared.

At this time, several cars came. Several officers came forward and helped the two soldiers down and sent them to an ambulance. The armored car was lifted by a crane and trailer away from the training ground. The people watching on the field returned to the stands.

At this time, Wu Ming gave instructions to the outside again, and everyone saw another armored car coming. The armored car stopped in front of the stands, and the door opened. Inside were various guns and ammunition, as well as rockets*.

At this time, Wu Ming said to the distinguished guests, "This time it is a one-way attack. Our security guards charge here from a distance of 500 meters. You can use these weapons to attack them at will, and as long as they rush here, they will win. Now you can choose a few people by yourself."

After watching the martial arts competition just now, the people present were no longer confident. The machine gun chased and did not hurt these people at all. It is estimated that these weapons may not be effective. Naturally, the generals of the State Z present did not want to lose this person, but on the contrary, the people of M were very active. Four of them came out, and they went up. Let's start checking the ammunition and make sure that there is no problem with the ammunition. Wang Haitao had no choice but to appoint four generals to carry out this task, and said that it didn't matter if they failed. These four generals came up bravely.

Due to the distance now, eight people coincidentally chose machine guns. Two of them set up a machine gun, one shot and one provided ammunition. Several temporary machine gun positions were arranged, waiting for Wu Ming's people to appear.

Wu Ming waved his hand again at this time, and four security guards immediately ran to the distance in front of the stage and stopped about 500 meters.

Zhu Ming ordered four machine guns, "Start shooting."

Four machine guns suddenly hit the four people in the distance, and the four people bent down and rushed directly without holding the shield. They did not walk in a straight line, left and right and quickly rushed over more than 100 meters. Seeing this scene, the four generals of Z immediately picked up the rocket and shot out the previously loaded rocket. Drag the flames straight to those people. Unexpectedly, one of them directly changed the direction of the rocket hand, and the rocket exploded far away. The four people continued to rush this way, and the other general opened * and launched it directly, but he did not expect that this * had just flown more than 200 meters and was blown up by one stone by one of the other party. As soon as the explosion disappeared, he saw that the four people had rushed to the explosion point.

At this time, the rest of the people were no longer full of luck and shot crazily with their own guns. The other party formed an arrow formation and rushed straight over. The shield in their hands kept waving against the flying bullets, but no single bullet could hit them. In this way, they rushed to several machine gun positions and grabbed the guns and danced. The machine guns turned into a scrap iron like noodles, and the eight gunmen stood there pale without saying a word.