Animal World

Chapter 353 Expectations of Little People

Chapter 353 Expectations of Little People

Seeing the tall Martin who came in, all the important people in M were shocked. They didn't expect that he, a hero, had become like this now, and they didn't expect that the former hero was no longer a waste, a man who even trembled to walk. Is this really Martin Bharat?

Zhu Ming said, "Martin, I have just reached an agreement with your current president. In view of the great use of the problems you have given to eliminate the remaining mutants, President Heimlar has decided to grant you a special amnesty. In the future, you have some freedom, but you can't be in country M, but you are not away from M. The distant original Sona base is the current station of our Shenlong security guard. You can take your daughter together at that time. Now your president and vice president need to ask you something. You can rest assured to answer.

Zhu Ming said to President Heimlar again, "I know you need to ask him something else, so I won't bother. You can ask yourself. You can't hurt Martin anymore. I hope you keep your promise."

After Zhu Ming finished speaking, he went out with Wu Ming, leaving only the guests full of words.

Sanchez still doesn't believe that he is Martin and asked, "Are you really Martin?" Martin Bharat, the hero of the past.

Martin said with a blank face, "I'm the Martin Ballat you mentioned. He was a hero and now he is a horrible criminal. I don't need your sympathy. If you have anything, just ask."

General Madelee asked eagerly, "What happened back then?" Why did they sentence you to life in prison? Why do you still participate in the criminal activities of these terrorists? In my image, you are a truly patriotic hero. How can you fight against these terrorists?

"This used to be a hero, but the honor of a hero cannot be eaten, let alone offset the crimes I have committed. My sin is that I am unwilling to carry out your plans to exterminate humanity. I no longer want to act as your killing machine. Your M government turned black and white for some of its own self-interest. Supporting terrorists, of course I don't want to carry out such actions again. Do you want to know why I participated in the actions of these mutants? Do you know how many people were destroyed by an immature experiment? Nearly 2,000 people have only survived the experiment. If it hadn't been for my strong will, I would have died. This is also the reason why the remaining mutants are particularly strong and angry. We have to retaliate against the injustice of the M government and the M government for its use of our infiltration to other countries. We I want to force you to change these policies.

"As for why I acted with them and tell you, I want to live. I can't let my daughter live without a father, let alone my parents without a son. Those mutants who don't want to participate are all dead. If you want to live, you have to work with everyone, which is why I participated in the attack. Reason. If you have anything else, just ask quickly. I don't have time to talk to you all the time, and I believe you don't have time to know more about me.

Martin told the truth of the matter. He knew that he was guilty. Now was not the time to take everything to himself, so he only said it lightly and did not say that he was the main envoy of these people.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Martin, I don't know this. I apologize to you for the military's sentencing. I hope you don't mention it again. I won't let such a thing happen again in the future. I also hope you can cheer up and live a new life. I am now the new president of M. I hope You can persuade Mr. Zhu Ming to let you return to China to play. Country M needs you. As for your previous crimes, I don't think it's necessary to plead guilty at all. Our government has treated you badly. There is a reason for this behavior that we are not going to hold you accountable, so you don't have any amnesty. You have no crime at all and what else is pardoned? All your previous stains are gone. You can be openly with your daughter without worrying about others accusing you. What do you think? President Hemlar said.

Martin shook his head after thinking for a while and said, "This may not work. At that time, Mr. Zhu Ming had confirmed the bottom line for me when he captured me, that is, he must live under their supervision. My skills have been abolished now, and it actually has no effect on you and me. Of course, I thank you for re-evaluating my previous achievements. If you had done this, those people around me would not have had to sacrificed meaninglessly, and you wouldn't have to invite outsiders to deal with us with such a large fanfare, and we could eliminate those al-Qaeda members ourselves.

President Sanchez said worriedly, "Will the destruction of your skills affect the life of the axe? Is there any possibility of recovery? What did you and Zhu Ming say at that time? Can you tell us?"

Martin smiled bitterly and said, "Mr. Zhu Ming didn't let me meet you before. He didn't believe you. Now that he asked you to see me, it means that he has agreed that I can talk casually, and I didn't say much to him? It's just that I provided the information about the remaining mutants. He was responsible for secretly sending me out of Country M to protect me, and he also promised to protect my daughter, that's all. As for whether I can recover my skills, I can only ask Mr. Zhu Ming. He is the most powerful mutant. I can't show my powerful skills in front of him at all. I have asked him that he evolved by himself and his evolution is not dangerous, so they can cultivate so many mutant evolution warriors. I think he will lift the closure of my power when I am not in danger.

"What are you talking about? Is Zhu Ming himself an evolutionary warrior? How can this be? Isn't he crazy? I don't believe it. You must have read it wrong. Vice President Sanchez said with a surprised face.

"Do you believe it or not? This time, several of us who escaped from Washington were attacked by two women. I have never seen such a crazy woman, nor did I expect that our people were surrounded and killed by two women. And these two women are obviously not as good as me, but they have strange skills. I can't beat them with all my strength. Although I have never seen their faces, judging from their figure, they must be two beautiful women. When I hit them, I felt something was wrong. It was not until later that I found that Zhu Ming was hiding outside. He just asked those two women to practice with us.

Martin said dejectedly that he still thought the battle was suffothed. He asked Zhu Ming, but Zhu Ming did not tell him who the two women were. What he now wants to know most is the identity of these two women.

Sanchez turned his eyes and said in disbelief, "No way? Zhu Ming has never been with ordinary women. He is only often with his two girlfriends Zhao Yuyue and Yu Mei. The three of them are the largest shareholders of Shenlong Group. Zhu Ming usually dares not be with other women. These two women are big jealous and do not allow Zhu Ming to have an affair. Are those two the two of them? His women have become super warriors. It would be terrible if it were true.

Martin said, "If you say so, I believe it. These two women should be the two women I met, so I advise you never to play with Zhu Ming again. Since he can cultivate mutants on such a large scale, there must be a way to avoid your sight and hide another one. Team, our country will have further mutual trust with Country Z and don't threaten each other. In this way, Zhu Ming will not further expand the team of Shenlong Security, because once the team expands to the extreme, I believe that even Mr. Zhu Ming may not be able to completely control these people. At that time, it will be really the world. The biggest disaster."

President Heimlar patted Martin on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I'm going to do this, but I don't know if I can reach this level in this long term. After all, we have been in opposition to the social system and living habits of country Z and the so-called camp for too long, and all this is a little difficult to change. "

At this time, Ailian suddenly said, "If you can't change it, you have to change it. You have to look for such an opportunity. You must never become a policeman who pulls off the frame, and you can't create contradictions and troubles everywhere for the benefit of some enterprises. Our money is not free. Why do we have to give so much support to those protecting countries every year? What? I think the last time you implement should break the impact of enterprises on the government, reorganize the parliament, and let some laws and regulations that are beneficial to the people be passed. Only in this way will it not lead to an idea and a policy for each president.

Martin also said excitedly at this time: "Yes, although I don't know her identity, she said it very well. Some senior officials in our government often go to some large enterprises as so-called consultants after resigning. This is the biggest corruption in itself. They use their tenure to fight desperately for these Enterprises seek benefits and gain benefits when they retire. In this way, you can't sanction them. This situation has to change. Only by changing step can the people have more confidence in you. Other countries have some practices that government employees are not allowed to enter the enterprise. You should also refer to it. One moment."

Heimlar sighed and said, "It's difficult! I also want to do this, but my term of office is only more than a year, and there is no way to implement it. Even if I want to implement it, I have to pass the parliament. The people in the parliament have taken these people's money. It is difficult for me to change the world alone. If you give me another term, I promise that the situation will change greatly. Now There is no time."