Animal World

Chapter 369 Don't be proud

Chapter 369 Don't be proud

At this time, Zhu Ming was suddenly shocked. He looked into the distance, and a familiar breath made him feel upset. He knew that these were the dragon security guards who had not yet reported.

He immediately took out the phone and went aside and dialed the phone with Shaoyu: "Young captain, have you found your person? Do you have any news about them now?

"The chief, I have been wandering around the mountain city for a long time and haven't found them, and they haven't contacted us. It seems that these people have really been thrown into the arms of others as you said. Don't worry, I will dig them out even if I have searched all over the mountain city. Now we are ready to expand the scope of investigation." Shaoyu's tired voice came from the other side of the phone. It seems that he is really a little worried.

"What's the situation on Xuejun's side? Has he contacted you yet? Zhu Ming asked again, he needs to make sure who these people are now? Whose brigade is it?

Shao Yuxin said, "He seems to have some clues through in front of me. Those people have moved to other cities and have not come back. He has been sure that something has happened to these people. He wants to persuade these soldiers back, but he doesn't know if his twelve soldiers can listen to him."

"Young team, I feel that there are many dragon warriors around us. I don't know which group they are. If you can't, come back and have a look and confirm these people first. Xuejun is too far away from here to come back. Let him continue to investigate. Zhu Ming knew that it was only a straight distance of more than 500 kilometers away from the mountain city. As long as there was a plane, it would come back soon, but he didn't know if he could get back.

"Yes, I'll bring someone back right away." Shao Yuxin promised to hang up the phone.

Zhu Ming walked back to the scene and shouted, "Assembly, all of them are arranged according to their own formations."

All the people immediately lined up in a multi-way formation, and even Professor Ouyangzi and his scientists consciously lined up and stood in a formation.

Zhu Ming walked to them and said, "Now there is an important situation. There are six teams in our country who did not return on time, and now they can't get in touch with them. These people are two teams in Shancheng, two teams in Chuncheng, and two teams in Liaoyang. But now some people have arrived near us but haven't contacted us. What does this mean? Some people want to break away from our Shenlong security guard without authorization, which can also be said to have been pulled in and corroded.

"The first day you entered the Shenlong Security, you received education is that you must be loyal to the Shenlong Group and the country, and obey the command of collective action. Remember, we are an enterprise. First of all, you must be loyal to the dragon. You can't do things that are harmful to the dragon, you can't do things that are harmful to the country, and no one can participate in the disputes of domestic forces. We took back your two brigades on this basis. Some people want to hit your ideas and use you to achieve their unspeakable goals. Some of our comrades-in-arms broke the oath of joining the dragon.

"Now the drums have been knocked outside our base, and they were almost attacked immediately. A unit has a long-range air raid into Xuancheng, ready to enter this base to forcibly find you. The first wave of attacks just now has been repelled by our Shenlong security guards, and a total of ten helicopters of a special brigade have been captured. , and our troops in Xuancheng are carrying out the order of the central government to confront them. If the situation is critical, we need to strengthen our belief. Now I announce that all the Shenlong security guards have entered the first-level alert. All of them will form a team to participate in the protection base to arrest anyone who dares to come in. When they are in danger, they can kill some commanders, but they can't kill ordinary soldiers innocently, let alone attack them. These people are also our compatriots. Now you captains will immediately form a headquarters to fight together. As for how to organize it, I don't care. It's up to you to do it yourself. This is also an opportunity to test you.

The security guard who heard the order immediately elected a commander by the captain. The commander was Shuike. He immediately turned the new and old teams into four action brigades, responsible for the defense of several directions. In just a while, the small square was much more empty.

Professor Ouyangzi ran over and said, "Zhu Ming, you see, we are also evolutionists now. Can we also participate in this battle? Please give us some weapons and let us stick to some places."

Zhu Ming walked to the more than 200 evolutionary scientists and said, "You are all our most precious talents. We can't let you take risks. Besides, you don't have protective clothing, so your task is to protect yourselves. As for the weapons, I don't have, and there are no weapons suitable for you. In fact, as long as you are trained, you can reach the level of those people. I believe you all know that your bodies are much stronger and strong. These are your advantages, and ordinary people can't beat you. Besides, it hasn't reached a very dangerous level outside, so you are now hiding in some bunkers waiting for our new order. Now enter the underground base behind you immediately.

"Yes, we will execute it immediately. Colleagues, we can't just hold a group of blood without learning martial arts. It will only drag them down here. Let's participate in this kind of battle when we have the opportunity to learn some tactics. Now let's follow the command and go down first. Professor Ouyangzi took the lead to the underground entrance after saluted Zhu Ming like a security guard.

At a glance, these scientists knew that they could not deal with soldiers who had not been trained, so they followed Ouyangzi.

Wang Yun walked to Zhu Ming and asked worriedly, "These people have let them go. There should be no problem in the base now, but I always feel that you seem to have something sad? Can you tell me?"

Zhu Ming nodded and said sadly, "I trained these soldiers and watched them grow up to contribute to the dragon and the country day by day. Now this kind of thing has happened again. The separation of these teams is too threatening the stability of the country. I must get rid of them. Now I have no one who can do is up to me. Do it yourself. They are like my children. I can't bear it!"

"Sep, you can leave this to me. I promise to complete this task. Give me their information, and I'll find them one by one and kill them. Wang Yun said firmly.

Zhu Ming smiled bitterly and said, "I don't have the information about these people now, but I feel that someone has arrived nearby, and there are at least four teams of 24 people. Don't you feel it?"

Wang Yun asked inexplicably astonished, "What do you feel? How do I know who they are? I haven't seen or known anyone. I don't understand what you're going to say? What the hell is going on?

"Your skills are excellent. I think you should be very familiar with the breath of these people around you." Zhu Ming reminded.

Wang Yun nodded proudly and said, "How do you know I have this function? That's why I'm better than ordinary people. As long as I know people within a few kilometers, I know where they are. This is something I've never told anyone. You have to keep it a secret for me. Tell me, what you need to do.

Zhu Ming smiled and said, "Look at your proud look, let me tell you, we evolved dragon warriors also have such a function. Their divine exploration distance ranges from hundreds of meters to one kilometer, but it's just not as horrible as you. You have to be careful and don't let them find out about you. Now you can observe the breath of these soldiers carefully and explore them in the distance.

As soon as Wang Yun heard this, she closed her eyes and scanned it carefully. After a while, she opened her eyes and said, "I feel that there are indeed more than 20 powerful breaths there two kilometers to the west, and they are big with the security guards here. Are they the people you are talking about? What are they doing there?

Zhu Ming sighed: "They didn't carry out my order, but now it's hidden outside the base. I sent the snow army away to avoid them from seeing these people's hearts softened. Now let the two of us go out to deal with them. Remember not to hurt their lives and catch them alive as much as possible. Let's Your own dragon security guard will come to judge them, so that they will feel better.

"Why are you so troublesome? If I slap to death, it will only be a disaster for such a person to stay. I have no problem catching these people. How can I bring them back now? Why don't you find some people to carry them back? Wang Yun asked incompretively.

"Although these people break their vows and deserve to die, if they kill them directly, it will have too much impact on other security guards. I will bring these back and give them to them to deal with and let everyone see the results of betrayal. Only in this way can they feel better, which is also an important part of stabilizing people's hearts." Zhu Ming said.

Wang Yun nodded repeatedly and said, "You are still thoughtful. I think we should do it. How should we act now? The key is how to get people back?"

Zhu Ming smiled and said, "I don't think there should be any problem with dealing with these people. Let's go and listen to what they say first? Then it's up to you to do it. I'll pay attention to them that they can't let people miss the net. There are also some ordinary soldiers around who leave some to make them lose their combat effectiveness, and then carry the captured traitorous dragon security guards back to these ordinary soldiers. Remember not to let them call the police. I also want the people behind them to have a thought, and we will take it out in the end. Now without these soldiers, they will have no confidence to confront us. This incident will naturally end.

"Og, I'll go first." Wang Yun said that a gust of wind disappeared.