Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 30 Humanoid Tank

In the northern part of Tibet, south of Kunlun Mountain and Kexili Mountain, there is a vast and inaccessible area, which is no man's land in northern Tibet.

The area of the no man's land in northern Tibet is more than 600,000 square kilometers, with an average altitude of more than 5,000 meters. The climate here is dry, humid and cold, and it is called the "forbidden area of life" by the outside world.

Three days have passed since the day Nima and others met Adam.

At this time, it was dusk, and the sunset was about to recede, dyeing half of the sky, which was very beautiful. Suddenly, two dusts rose from afar on the endless grassland.

I saw the latest Hummer H3 red off-road vehicle, like a jumping flame elf, flying by on it. Some small animals that usually inhabit here were shocked like arched birds for a while and fled in a hurry.

Afar away, you can faintly hear the American heavy metal rock music from the car. This kind of music full of shock and roar adds some wild atmosphere to the red SUV.

"Adam! Let me say it again, turn off this music quickly! Otherwise..." Sitting in this bumpy iron shell for the first time, and had to endure the destruction of this kind of garbage music, Eva was about to be driven crazy at this time!

But although she was hoarse and almost broke her voice, she still couldn't cover the extremely violent music.

"What? What are you talking about?!" Adam held the steering wheel in one hand and covered his ear with the other to listen. In fact, even if he couldn't hear it, he knew what Eva wanted to express, but he refused to turn off the music and even insidiously turned up the volume a little.

Eva sat in the front row with Adam, who was driving, because she wanted to show her the way. Nima and Avril, sitting in the back row, are also very disgusted with the music, but they can barely bear it, so the two still seem relatively normal, not as fiercely as Eva's reaction, as if they are about to collapse.

Adam did this, probably to take a little revenge on Eva, so as to save his lost face the other day!


After enduring nearly two hours of destruction, Eva finally saw the dawn again.

The "watch" on her wrist suddenly flashed a frightening red light, and Adam, who was driving beside her, immediately found the situation. He quickly turned off the music and tilted his head to look at Ava and said, "What's wrong? What's going on?"

Awa stared at Adam, but ignored him. Instead, she turned around and said to Nima and Lavigne, "Just now, the 'return' showed that the last person in the five elements was near here. We are here!"

The so-called 'return' is actually the instrument worn on Eva's wrist, which is similar to a watch. This thing was given to her by the Mother of the Earth. It is very useful. It is many times stronger than the most advanced computer in the 21st century. Anyway, in the past two days, the instrument has helped them a lot.

Since they have arrived near the man, Adam gradually slowed down, because although the 'return' can find out the general location of the man, it is not very accurate, so they still need to look carefully in this area...


Andre is extremely depressed at this time, because he is not only cold and hungry now, but also the worst thing is that he is lost! In this desolate place where there is no village in front of you and no shop in the back, getting lost is to some extent - indicating death!

"It's all because of the timid Tibetan at the beginning. If he hadn't pointed the wrong way, how could I have fallen into such a situation? If you can meet him again, you must teach him a good lesson!" Andre thought resentfully, but he didn't know that his fierce appearance, his big and three thick body, coupled with his fierce attitude, would be scared to anyone.

Therefore, when Andre grabbed a Tibetan and thought he was "friendly" to ask for directions, the Tibetan was so scared that his fingers trembled and made him embark on a road of no return. Finally, he accidentally broke into this no man's land in the north of Tibet, called Tiantian should not, the ground is not good, and there is no way to survive.

Although Andrea is just an adult this year, he doesn't look like a young man who has just turned 18 at all. He has a broad forehead and a broad face, with black charcoal skin, a tiger's back and a bear's waist. No wonder Andre's former friends called it a 'human-shaped tank'!

Andre is a black man who grew up in South Africa and came to Tibet for some special reasons. But he didn't expect that not only did he not do it this time, but one of his own lives would be put in! Whenever Andre thought of this, he sighed and beat his chest and looked annoyed.

The sky was already a little dark. Just as Andre was hungry and worried about food, a huge shadow, which was also dark, appeared by the pond not far from him.

It was a single wild yak. At this time, it was drinking water by the pond.

Wild yaks often live near snowy mountains and are extremely cold-resistant. They are the largest of the three animal families in no man's land. They are no different from domestic yaks, but they are much more burly and strong, two or three times as yaks.

Adult wild yaks weigh more than 1,000 catties, and their hair color is mostly black-brown or light ink. It is unruly by nature and deserves to be a powerful man, with few opponents in no man's land. Its two thick horns are irresistible sharp weapons. If there is an enemy, they will lower their heads, stare angrily, put on a fighting posture, and attack the enemy with horns.

Moreover, the skin of the wild yak is extremely thick, the thickest part can reach two inches, and it is extremely tough. Even ordinary pistols and rifle bullets hit its skin can't penetrate at all. At most, it is a small eye bite.

So this wild yak is not only excellent in attack, but also in defense. It is really not easy to provoke.

But Andre didn't care so much. At this time, as soon as he saw that there was a living thing, his face immediately changed from black to green. Regardless of whether it was a big and three thick giant, he rushed to the wild yak.

It's like the wild yak, which is already in his bag and the meal on the plate.

And the wild yak, who had been drinking water with its head down, also raised its head after hearing Andrea's heavy footsteps. When it saw clearly that the other party was also a tiger-backed bear waist and a fierce lord, there was a trace of vigilance in its heart, lowered its head outward, and pretended that he was ready to fight desperately at any time.

After Andre came less than 20 meters away from the wild yak, the wild yak began to keep making a "hum" sound. Probably, it was a final warning to Andrea - don't come any closer!

But will Andrea listen? He is about to starve to death at this time! Not to mention a yak, even an elephant, Andre dares to fight!

The wild yak saw that Andre's speed was still the same and did not mean to stop at all. He couldn't help but be a little angry. In this vast no man's land, no creature has ever dared to challenge its majesty like this!

"Wo--!" Hearing the wild yak raise its long cry and stare at its back hoof, it rushed towards Andrea...