Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 35 Climb to the Top of Everest

I was speechless all night, and time passed quickly. Early the next morning, as soon as it was dawn, Ewa woke everyone up, because she knew that time was tight and it was time to hurry up!

But Andre's body was so huge that the car was really full, so he had to wrong him and climb on the roof of the car to bask in the sun. In this way, it didn't take long for the red Hummer SUV to gallop on the vast grassland again.

This time, the destination that everyone wants to go to is very clear, pointing directly to the Himalayas - Mount Everest!

Mount Everest has a magnificent height and unique geographical environment, and the lowest temperature at the peak is 34℃ all year round. Some places on the mountain are covered with snow all year round, and glaciers, ice slopes and ice Tallinn can be seen everywhere. Mount Everest is in the shape of a huge pyramid, majestic, with extremely steep terrain and extremely complex environment.


After everyone arrived at the foot of Mount Everest, it was five or six days later. There are less than four days left before December 12th!

After a day's rest in the Everest base camp, Adam bought all kinds of mountaineering equipment, and the people immediately began to climb the mountain the next morning.

This mountaineering is not in the ordinary sense. You know, what they want to challenge this time is the highest peak in the world!

However, even so, Nima and others did not choose the relatively easy north slope to climb, but followed the south slope, a very steep rock wall (also known as a rock wall) with a length of 800 meters, straight into the top of Mount Everest!

This is a relatively difficult route, because it is very dangerous to dare to carry out "technical mountaineering" above 8 kilometers above sea level, that is, to climb steep rock walls. But Nima and others still resolutely chose to do this for no reason - just to be in a hurry!

It didn't take long to climb.

On both sides of the mountain peaks, cliffs and dangers are surrounded - those who see it shudder, and those who hear it change! Although Nima and others usually show disapproval of climbing Mount Everest, but when they are really immersive, they come from the depths of their hearts and are afraid of the magical power of nature.

Avril's little red face has long been frightened. How could she have had such an experience since she was a child? Although Eva is also a daughter, she can stand on this cliff without changing her face, which makes a hot-tempered man look at with new eyes.

At this time, I don't feel much, but I just think the scenery is good! After all, in terms of his physical quality, it would be more than enough to just climb Mount Everest. Adam didn't have much problem. At this time, his body was as hot as a stove and could easily resist the piercing temperature.

Among the three men, only Andre is a bitter black face. Yes, with his bloated figure, let alone climb, even if you let him go, I'm afraid he can't go up!

"The Mother of the Earth really gave us a big problem this time!" Nima suddenly felt it and sighed.

When Ava heard this, she turned her head and stared at Nima and said in a bad tone, "Why, this is just the beginning. Are you afraid?"

Before Nima could reply, Adam replied first: "We are not afraid! You think it doesn't matter to us. We should be able to go up, right? But look at them ( Avril, Andre), which is impossible at all! Maybe, you have to kill a few people in vain. You know, it's not a joke to climb the world's highest peak!"

"Hmm! I knew that you are the least courageous!" Speaking of this, Eva paused, lowered her head to play with something on her wrist, and then raised her head and said, "Don't worry! Very uncertain, the Mother of the Earth will not force you to do it! She had already expected this situation. Why did she ask me to bring this 'home'?

"The way home? Are you saying that this shabby thing that looks like a watch can help us climb the mountain? Adam asked disbelief.

When Eva heard this, she put on a look of faith and ignored Adam. Instead, she waved to Andrea sitting aside and said, "You, come here!"

Andre came quickly when he saw Eva calling him, of course without saying a word.

Only listen to Eva continue to solve her doubts: "This 'return journey' has four functions. One of them is that it can survey the number of units of various elements within thousands of miles. I just used this first function to find you one by one! As for the second function - it is that you can shrink any object first, and then return it to its original state without any damage!"

"Reduce any object?" Everyone was interested when they heard it.

"That's right, shrink any object! Including - people!"

"Ah! I see what you mean! Do you want to use the 'return route' to shrink us first, then take us to Mount Everest, and then enlarge us. In this way, it means that we have also climbed Mount Everest?

"It's still Avril smart!" Eva looked at Avril with an epiphany and sincerely appreciated it. Then, she thought about it and said a little depressedly, "Unfortunately, judging from the little energy left in this 'return journey', it is only enough to shrink and restore two people. No matter how much, it will not work!"

"Two people are also very good!" Nima couldn't help but say excitedly when she saw that things had finally turned around.

As everyone spoke, they saw that Eva had pointed something on Andrea's wrist. A red light flashed, and in an instant, Andre disappeared here.

Everyone opened their eyes and took a closer look, only to find that in the place where Andrea had originally stood, there was an extra little man with a palm. Not to mention, although Andrea is tall and thick, and usually looks fierce, he looks very solid and cute after shrinking. Otherwise, how could Andre be snatched by Avril and Ava and hold him in his arms?

In this scene, the other two men were envious and shouted that they were unreasonable.

In this way, Eva shrank Andrea and Lavigne with 'the way home', and then carried them by Nima, a group of five people, oh no, to be precise, it should be a group of three people, and began to really climb Mount Everest!


Three days later.

At this time, Nima and others finally stood down-to-earth at the top of Mount Everest. Avril and Andrea were also restored. Nima rubbed her hands and looked a little nervous. He asked Eva, "Now, what do we need to do?"

Awa frowned and looked a little nervous. She said excitedly, "Wait! What we have to do at this time is to wait! Waiting for a once-in-a-millennium opportunity to appear at noon!"