Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 62 Eighteen Wonderland

"What bridge?" Nima and Avril looked at each other when they heard the words and found a trace of curiosity in each other's eyes.

I can only see that this bridge, with its whole body is dark red and carved jade, standing on the sea of boiling magma fire, with a lot of momentum.

"This name is really strange and intriguing..." Nima sighed.

Unlike Nima's emotion, the knowledgeable Avril can immediately explain: "The word "howet" is quoted from Sanskrit, which means hell. However, in your Chinese mythological allusions, the bridge is a fairy bridge for punishing evil and crossing good and reincarnation for the world.

Speaking of this, Avril suddenly changed her tone and asked Ava doubtfully, "However, how can there be a bridge in such a place? Who built it? I don't think this was built by the Mayans for the Mother of the Earth, right?

Aiva smiled and said, "Otherwise, in fact, this bridge was built by the Mayans!" Moreover, this is the mother of the earth approved to build it! The first reason why this bridge is to build is to pass the prohibition of the sea of fire arranged by the sun god; the second is to test the warriors who want to break into the center of the earth, that is, us!"

"Do you remember? The first test test and level - ice knife and hamster, I think it is probably testing our reaction and agility; the second test test and level - mammoth and abyss, are testing our strength and wisdom; and this third test is to test our spiritual world!"

"Spiritual world?" Nima and Lavigne don't understand again. Andre waited quietly as if listening to the book of heaven. Anyway, he didn't understand at all, so he didn't say a word and began to study the changes in his body.

"Ha ha, the so-called spiritual world is the toughness of your heart. This bridge will test us. If we are qualified, we can pass it smoothly. If we are not qualified--" Eva said in a tone, just to attract enough attention.

She saw that everyone's attention, including Andre, was firmly attracted by herself, and Eva continued, "If you can't pass the test of this bridge, you will end up like Adam!"

"Hist~~" Nima Avril and Andre both gasped at the same time, but it was just a test, but the price of failure was so great that it was unbearable!

Like Adam's end, isn't it to fall into the sea of magma fire and touch the high-temperature purgatory with his own flesh and blood?

"Moreover, once the test of the bridge begins, it can't stop, and there is no turning back. Once you get on the Naihe Bridge, there are only two ways to choose from. Either go forward bravely, go through eighteen illusions, and finally lead to the underground palace to see the mother of the earth, or... hey! Don't say the second way! I think you can all guess it!"

"What is the second way?" The dull Andre couldn't guess.

"The second way, of course, is to fall into the sea of magma fire and instantly make you a roast suckling pig!" Avril said in a bad tone. To be honest, she was already a little scared.

seemed to see Lavigne's worry, and Eva said seriously, "How's it going? Are you scared? If you are afraid, there is still time to regret. After we enter the underground palace, we can find a way to send you out. Of course, if even we don't break through, then you can live for more hours, and you don't have to be afraid at any time to accept such a cruel death.

"Who said we were scared? As I said, even if there is a sea of knives and fire ahead, I will break through! Now, Daoshan has broken through. What can this small sea of fire do? Nima said with a firm face.

This boy is still the same as before, without any change, only admitting his reason. As long as he decides to do something, no matter how difficult and dangerous it is, he will not give up halfway, unless he doesn't want to do it.

And Andre also pretends to be indifferent. Let's not talk about what this neurotic guy thinks in his heart.

Needless to say, Ewa will be the successor of the mother of the earth and become the new mother god in charge of the earth in the future. If she gives up such a small test, will she fool around in the future?

Now, only Avril, who is usually witty and brave, has a trace of hesitation. After all, she is a daughter and has experienced few things since she was a child. This is why she is much more mature now. If she had put it in the past, she would definitely give up without saying a word.

At this time, Avril thought that she had broken here with everyone. If she gave up, her previous sins would be in vain? Moreover, after seeing the mother of the earth, she still has to accept her guidance and strengthen her strength, because the teacher she cares about most in her heart is still uncertain and needs her to rescue her!"

After a while, Avril gritted her teeth and raised her head resolutely. Obviously, she had made a decision. She said firmly, "No matter what happens next, I am willing to go with you without regret!"

Everyone was relieved when they heard it. They were waiting for Avril's words. Then, Nima patted her chest and said, "Don't worry, Vier. I will definitely protect your safety!"

Avril sneered at this and said to herself that there was nothing surprising about your three-legged cat kung fu. However, the bridge was said to be so dangerous by Ava. Maybe you will be overwhelmed by yourself at that time. How can you have time to protect me?

However, at this time, Avril didn't know that this time, thanks to Nima's rescue, otherwise her little life would have been ruined!

******* dividing line*****

When everyone came to the Nahe Bridge, they found that the bridge was actually divided into pieces, and there was a red barrier every few meters away.

Nima suddenly said, "Yes, Eva, what do you mean by saying that we were going through 18 illusions on this bridge?"

Awa pointed to the bridge in front of her and said, "Have you seen those red barriers? After each red cut, there is a deep fantasy. As long as people cross over, they will be deeply trapped in it. Until you all cross the 18 red barriers and go through 18 illusions, you can pass through this bridge.

"And when you are in a deep fantasy, everything you see is false, which is a false scene formed by this bridge from the depths of your brain. At this time, you have to make a choice. If you make the wrong choice, you will fall off this bridge. Therefore, only tenacious people can fall into a deep fantasy without being moved.

Now that everyone has a certain understanding of this bridge, and everyone is psychologically prepared, it should not be too late, and everyone immediately stepped on this bridge.

As soon as I stepped on the bridge, there was no movement in the illusion in my imagination. Nima Avril and Andrea stared at Eva with doubtful eyes.

Awa said helplessly, "How did you hear it before? I said that only after crossing the red barrier can the fantasy appear. Now we have just stepped on the bridge and have not crossed a red barrier, and the fantasy will definitely not appear! Of course, if any of you regret it now, it's still too late to go back. Otherwise, it's too late to regret it as soon as you cross the first red hurdle!"

"In addition, I suddenly remembered another thing. Although the previous 17 illusions include ancient and modern, we can basically make the right choice with our ability. But only the last fantasy is based on the most vulnerable link in your heart, so this is definitely the most dangerous. You must pay attention to it!

Moreover, if someone successfully survives the fantasy and wakes up from the fantasy first, you can choose to continue to walk forward or wait for others to wake up in place, but never disturb others! Otherwise, the consequence of disturbing others is that you will fall into his fantasy and accompany him through the barrier! And the difficulty of the fantasy will also increase exponentially.

The most horrible thing is that you will not appear in your own form in his fantasy, and you will become what he thinks according to his inner impression of you. So, in his fantasy, you may be a pig, a dog, or even a pen...

In this way, you may not only not be able to help him, but also increase the difficulty of the fantasy in vain, making both of you unable to get through. In the end, there is only one way to fail. And you must all know what failure means!"

Everyone nodded solemnly to show their understanding. Seeing this, Eva smiled and said, "Good luck!" With that, he took the lead in crossing the red barrier and entering the fantasy.

And everyone followed, crossing the red barrier one by one and entering the fantasy.

After only a minute, Nima finally went in, but the confused look in her eyes was the first to return to normal. Nima grinned and said disdainfully, "What do I think I? It's such a childish test!" It seems that it is not far from seeing the mother of the earth!"

After saying that, Nima looked around and found that the other three were still at a loss. Obviously, they were deeply immersed in the fantasy. Nima remembered what Eva had said before and did not dare to disturb them. She stood there quietly and waited. After a while, Eva woke up, followed by Andre and finally Avril.

Everyone looked at each other with a smile. It seems that this first fantasy is not difficult!

Nima said, "I saw a group of wolves rushing towards me from the front in the fantasy. Haha, I haven't been afraid of them for a long time! So he stood still waiting for them to come. However, after they ran to me, they all suddenly disappeared! I'm speechless!"

[I've been busy recently. I can only keep it at 8 o'clock every night, and nearly 3,000 words are updated. I hope your support will remain!!!]