Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 67 The Whereabouts of Adam

There is a saying that blessing is not a curse, but a misfortune cannot be avoided. Since there is no other way, they have to wait for the little guy to recover by himself.

Fortunately, as the little saber-toothed tiger's long teeth turned golden, it moaned and gradually woke up. When it woke up, it stared at Nima with a pair of resentful eyes. Obviously, it was very dissatisfied with the latter's previous practice.

But immediately, the little guy closed his eyes again and fell asleep soon. After all, after absorbing so much medicine, the little saber-toothed tiger must be very tired at this time!

When everyone saw this, they knew that the little guy must be fine, so they were relieved. Then, Nima held it in her hand, stroked it with a little apology, and finally put it in her arms.

After a small storm, before Lavigne began to count herself, Nima quickly diverted the attention of the two women and said, "Eva, you'd better take us to see the Mother of the Earth!" After all, after fighting for so many days, I finally entered the center of the earth, but I didn't even see the face of the mother of the earth, which makes people feel a little frustrated!"

When Eva heard this, she felt the same, so she didn't say much. She took the crowd into the door in the middle of the hall of the Housheng Hall and turned into a dark corridor and disappeared.

——————————Let's use this as a dividing line in the future?————

Besides, after Adam fell into the magma that day, he not only did not die immediately and was burned by the sea of fire without even a slag, but on the contrary, he was blessed by misfortune and got great benefits!

As soon as he entered the molten pulp, the surface of Adam's whole body was immediately covered with a red film, and even the red film appeared on the body of the big bird that fell into the sea of fire with Adam, that is, the pterodactyl.

Then, this red film not only blocked the ten thousand degrees of high temperature in the sea of fire, but also transformed the violent energy contained in these magma into relatively soft fire elements, which was continuously absorbed into the body by Adam and the pterosaur.

In a short time, Adam felt that his whole body was full of fire elements, which made him feel death.

So, in order to relieve this pressure, Adam tried to consume some fire elements in his body according to the original method of releasing fireballs.

It doesn't matter if you don't try, but it almost caused bigger trouble.


Adam has found that he can look inside since he was a child. The so-called internal vision is to be able to see some situations inside your body with the naked eye. In fact, this principle is similar to that of a B-ultrasound machine. It is similar and has the effect of perspective.

Of course, Adam can only look at himself...

So, since he was very young, Adam, who could see inside, found that there were many unknown red substances accumulated in the three inches under his navel, that is, Dantian.

Once, Adam finally tried to mobilize these red substances with his mind under the trend of curiosity. To Adam's surprise, he succeeded!

That time, he kept draining these red substances along the meridians of his arm, and then something incredible happened - he found that he could fireball!

But after the event, Adam's arm was in pain, because Adam mobilized those fire elements by mistake and accidentally opened the meridians of his right arm!

Of course, the pain is only the first time, but when Adam releases the fireball in the future, his arm will not hurt.

Adam later learned from Eva that the so-called unknown red substance is one of the five elements - the fire element!


This time, Adam operated according to the original method. Not only did he not emit fireballs and drained some fire elements in his body, but on the contrary, he made more fire elements rush into the body along the meridians opened in his arm. In the end, they all gathered in Dantian!

Adam's Dantian burst at once because he couldn't withstand the influx of too many fire elements!

At the beginning, Adam saw that his Dantian burst, and his soul was about to fly out~~ Because you know, Dantian is very important for a person!

Dantian was destroyed, and he became a waste. He lay in ** as a vegetable for a lifetime. After playing with his life, he reported directly to the Lord of Hell!

However, the imaginary bad luck did not follow Dantian's burst. On the contrary, after Dantian burst, Adam suddenly felt that his body had become much easier!

It turned out that Adam's Dantian did not burst at all, but was sublimated due to sufficient fire element stimulation! From Dantian to Danhai, the area has expanded more than ten times!

The area of Dantian has increased, so naturally there are more fire elements that can be stored.

And Adam will not only release attacks like fireballs and other small tricks in the future!

Moreover, because the five elements carry more or less oxygen, Adam does not have to worry about suffocating in magma at this time...

In this way, Adam is really uncomfortable in this sea of slurry fire.

As for why this red film suddenly appeared, what exactly is this red film? Adam is also not clear.

Adam doesn't know that in fact, the power that supports this red film is his original element.

As mentioned above, the five Adams are the mother of the earth and the purest five elements collected from the universe by the Mayans.

And when all other elements touch this purest five-element element, they will be automatically absorbed by the latter. So after Adam falls into the magma, he will absorb a lot of fire elements.

Because he is the purest element of fire.


Somewhere after Adam fell into the magma.

A person who was closing his eyes to refresh himself suddenly opened his eyes and only heard her solemn face say, "Huh? Why did he rise to the small fire ahead of schedule!?"

Looking at its peerless cold beauty and charming face, this surprised "person" or god - the mother of the earth!

The ascension mentioned in the mother of the earth actually means similar to upgrading and upgrading!

In the universe, the mother of the earth, including the sun god, is known as the strongest power known as light power.

The light force is composed of five elements, namely gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Although the light power is composed of five elements: gold, wood, water, fire and earth, it cannot be said that these five elements are light power!

The light force is more powerful than these five elements!

However, the moving solar system only enters the photon belt once every 100 million years. Only after entering the photon belt can all organisms in the solar system absorb the light element force.

After absorbing the light force, the creature can reach the nine-fold state. These nine realms are--

One innate realm, double refining realm, triple sea realm, fourfold solidification realm, fivefold primary realm, sixfold return to the realm of light, sevenfold hundred virtual realm, eightfold heavenly realm, ninefold divine realm!

In this nine-fold realm, the first four realm only need to absorb the five elements to ascend, while the latter need to absorb the light element force to get the ascending realm.

Many other planets, including the earth and the sun itself, can also get great benefits after absorbing the light energy!

Regarding the benefits of light power to the planet, I won't elaborate here, and I will continue to mention it later...


After sensing that Adam ascended early, the mother of the earth was very surprised. She secretly said that without her own help, where did Adam find so many fire elements? Therefore, curiously, she couldn't help but get a trace of consciousness and looked for the past where Adam was and wanted to find out.

The so-called divine consciousness is actually a performance that can be released after the spiritual power reaches a certain strength. To put it bluntly, this divine exploration is somewhat similar to the appearance of the soul in ghost talk.

Not to mention how powerful the spiritual power of the Mother of the Earth is, whether she can release her divine consciousness, even if her body, the earth, can help her know anything that happens to her.


After Adam entered the magma, because he did not control his body, he continued to sink deeper into the magma with the pterosaur.

It was not until Adam's sea of knowledge was formed, and his body was no longer swollen and relaxed because of the fire element that Adam recovered from his inner vision.

As soon as his vision was restored, Adam couldn't help saying, "Where am I?" Obviously, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

Because at this time, around Adam, except red, it is red! Moreover, they are all the most disgusting scarlet and blood red!!

This color has been seen for a long time, and it really makes people feel dizzy and want to vomit.

Adam resisted the rolling in his stomach and was about to swim over the sea of fire when he suddenly found a white light flashing under his feet.

Curiosity has always been Adam's fatal shortcoming, and of course this time is no exception. Although Adam suffers a lot of losses in this regard, he just doesn't have a long memory and often causes a lot of trouble for himself and others.

Although this place makes Adam a little sick, where is this place? Molt slurry in the sea of fire! It's safe to swim around here. How awesome is it?

This place is so exciting that at this time, it is even more attractive to the white light, and there is no danger for Adam at present, so someone easily let Adam go, but he still doesn't leave!

So Adam swam over looking for the white light...

There is a saying called? It is most appropriate to describe Adam's personality, although it is a little unpleasant--

Can't you change the dog's eating shit?


[The setting has also been written! The highlights of the later period will be presented one after another! Xiaofeng asked all the giants for a red ticket! *^__^*)】