Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 95 Kissing Goodbye

After Ewa finished speaking, other people looked at each other in condescenuity, and the mother of the earth said so. What else can she have any objection? Then they all nodded.

Of course, Nima and Avril are the most uncomfortable in the five-person center! Although there has been no breakthrough in their relationship in the past two days, they are like glue. Every day is better, and they see that good things are about to be completed, but they didn't expect such a thing to happen at this juke.

In the end, Nima couldn't help asking the mother of the earth, "Lord, can't you let Avril stay?"

The mother of the earth seemed to have already guessed that Nima would have this question. She sighed and shook her head and said, "In my opinion, the things on the Mayans are even more important than taking back the thunder and magnetic ring! Although I sent Adam, who has the strongest combat effectiveness, even with the help of Eva, it still seems that the manpower is not enough! Avril is with you and Andre, but it doesn't help much, so..."

"Ye, I understand!" Nima interrupted her before the mother of the earth finished speaking. Nima didn't care much, but she was confused at this time.

The mother of the earth can see that Nima is very sad at this time, so she doesn't care too much about his rude behavior.

When Lavril saw that Nima's struggle was fruitless, she gave up. Then she suddenly opened her mouth to the mother of the earth and said, "Lord Mother, I have a request, and I hope you can agree!"

"Son, just tell me what's going on! I will try my best to meet your request..." Mother Earth said kindly.

"I, I want my teacher, to go with me, okay?" Avril looked at the mother of the earth with hope. She had just finally rescued the teacher, so she didn't want to separate from the teacher again so soon.

The mother of the earth smiled and said, "What do I think I am!" This human being can become your teacher, and he must also be a very intelligent person! When you get to the Maya, maybe you two masters and apprentices can get a lot of help! After all, Maya technology is not vegetarian... Well! I will allow you to take your teacher with you! However, you don't seem to have asked him for his opinion yet!"

After listening to the mother of the earth, Avril remembered that since they came out of the secret road, they have always forgotten the teacher and ignored it.

Other people can understand if they don't speak because it is difficult to communicate, but Avril can't help feeling very guilty when she thinks of this.

Thinking of this, Avril hurried to Hilaire and saw the teacher looking at herself with a smile. Avril clearly saw a look of pride from that smile!

Avill knew that the teacher was proud of her!

Because Hilaire couldn't understand what the crowd was saying, he simply didn't interrupt. He just stood silently behind and looked at the crowd and saw them suddenly turn around and staring at him, so he smiled sincerely at everyone.

A person is calm and not impatient. Only when he can have these demeanor and temperament can he be called a wise man!

"Teacher, I want to complete a very dangerous task with them, but I don't want to be separated from you all the time. Would you always want to go with me?"

After saying that, Avril stared at Hillel with a pair of big eyes, for fear that he would say nothing.

After listening to Avril's words, Hillier stroked her forehead with a pair of big hands. Avril has been pulling it up little by little since he was a child! Hilaire has never been married because of his work, and he is even childless, so in his heart, he has always regarded Avril as his own daughter!

Hiller thought that after he was caught in the M country this time, he would never see his precious apprentice again, but he didn't expect that Avril was so competitive that she really rescued herself from the claws of the giant country M!

Until now, Hiller still feels like a dream!

He heard Avril ask such a simple question and couldn't help answering her with a smile, "Vier, the teacher has never wanted anything since he lived at such an old age. Originally, he wanted to make some contributions to science and the country, but later, since I had you, I began to do something, because I hope that I can Make you happy! You asked me if I would like to go with you. What are you worried about? Worried that I'm afraid of danger? Ha ha, you saved my old man's life. Even if you take it right now, I won't mind, let alone..."

Wait for Hilaire to finish speaking, Avril interrupted him with an unhappy face and pouted, "Don't say that! So in this way, you agree?!"

Hilaire nodded when he heard the words and said no.

After solving her teacher's matter, Avril inadvertently bumped into Nima, who had been looking at him. Both of them were a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say for a moment.

And Eva's contact with the Mother of the Earth is also over. Finally, she heard from the Mother of the Earth that they should leave immediately and go to Egypt, where there is a Mayan transit station, and then they can send them to the moon.

"How long will it take for us to see each other again after you leave?" Nima asked with a melancholy face.

Aiwa also sighed when she heard this and said, "At least, it will take a few years!"

Nima was shocked when she heard the words and said, "For so long?" Then, as if he had made some kind of decision, he raised his head and looked at Avril with fiery eyes.

And Avril seemed to be aware of it, but she lowered her head shyly and said nothing.

Nima was a little disappointed when she saw this, but she still didn't give up. She saw him take a big step forward and came to Avril in an instant. Then, the boy picked up Avril's shy red face and found the bright red, which was a fierce kiss--

This kiss is not like the original two people. They leave as soon as they touch it. The water of this kiss is really deep...

Avril was caught off guard and suddenly let out a bang. Then she put her hands on Nima's chest and wanted to push him away. However, how can Nima let her go so easily?

With a little force on her hands, Nima held Avril in her arms and gradually roasted Avril with the hot temperature of her body. Avril had to fall into Nima's arms and let you taste...

Hilaire coughed twice and quickly looked elsewhere. Why are the young people nowadays so open?

But he thought about it again. This boy dares to act and is innocent. Haha, he deserves to be the person my precious apprentice likes - I like it!

Other people, especially Adam, had a bad smile on their faces. Although they looked at Nima and Avril, the afterglow swept Ewa from time to time.

Aiva seemed to have found something and turned her head and stared at Adam fiercely. The latter laughed twice, but did not dare to speak.

In this way, Nima and Lavigne had an affair for a while, but the time was limited, and the moment of parting would eventually come. Although everyone is extremely reluctant to give up with each other, they understand that the heavy responsibility they bear is not what they say they don't want to go.

Because even if they don't think about themselves, they should consider the mother of the earth and the world!