Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 111 It's not hard, who wants to do it? On

When Nima tirelessly studied the information in the smart board, he didn't know it. At the same time, the small hotel downstairs became lively.

The glass door of the hotel was pushed open, and suddenly, more than a dozen fashionable and exposed girls came in. These girls seemed to be about 30 years old. For their industry, they were already old. Although they were wearing heavy makeup, they could not hide it. They began to become Declined face.

That's right. If it weren't for the passing of youth, how could they come to work in such a small hotel? At least it has to be a nightclub or something.

After these girls entered the hotel, they were not in a hurry to find the boss's wife, but gathered in twos and threes to talk about some women's topics.

Among them, there is only one little girl who looks ten* years old, very simple and beautiful. She stands alone and has never spoken to anyone here.

Then, as if he heard the movement outside, the door of the room near the left of the hotel was opened from the inside, and the hotel owner in her forties was twisting her male waist comparable to an old sow and dragging out.

"Beauty, why did you come to work so early today? Huh, who is this little girl? I don't introduce it!" The boss's wife laughed, and then pointed to the young girl who didn't talk to anyone before and asked doubtfully.

After listening to the boss's wife's words, there was an exposed girl who came out of the pile of people and sighed and said to the boss's wife, "Sister matchmaker, this is Xiaolan in our village. This child is suffering!"

"Oh? What's the matter?" The boss's wife named Matchmaker frowned and said. The boss's wife was not a matchmaker, and there was no matchmaker in her name, but she had to let people call her matchmaker sister. As if in this, she was a matchmaker, not an old madam who was secretly Chencang.

"When Xiaolan's mother was seven years old, she passed away and left her. As a result, my father fell ill and lay in bed. The only brother is still in school. The family relies on her to farm alone to make a living. A few days ago, Xiaolan's younger brother was very competitive. Although he studied a few years earlier than his peers, he still was admitted to a famous university with his efforts. However, he urgently needed tens of thousands of yuan in tuition.

"Tens of thousands of yuan may not be a big deal for ordinary families, but for Xiaolan, it is simply an astronomical figure! With her family conditions, where can she raise such a sum of money? Xiaolan moved from east to gather and beg her grandfather to tell her grandmother. With the help of the villagers, she finally collected 8,000 yuan, but she still seemed to be a drop in the bucket.

"For this reason, her brother quarreled and said that he would not go to school and wanted to go to the city to work. Xiaolan heard this urgent and was also very sick. I think this child is pitiful. Although it is not a serious profession to do our profession, at least it can make some money, and it is not too tiring. Therefore, I brought Xiaolan here. Sister Matchmaker, can you let her work with you for a period of time? Although she is young, only when she has experience can I introduce her to those bigger nightclubs. At that time, she can earn more money, not to mention safety..."

The matchmaker frowned when she heard the words, but she looked a little unhappy. Although the older sister in front of her is relatively watery, she doesn't know how to dress up, and she must have no experience in that matter. If she serves guests, the service will not be thoughtful, but it will affect herself. "Reputation"!

The girl who introduced looked at the boss's wife hesitated and said quickly, "Sister Matchmaker, Xiaolan is still a young girl!"

"What?" The boss's wife was cheered up as soon as she heard it, and her eyes lit up and said, "Is this true?"

The girl smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Hearing this, a smile immediately piled up on the matchmaker's face and waved enthusiastically, "Come on, Xiaolan, come here!" After saying that, he stared carefully at the girl named Xiaolan. When Xiaolan saw the boss's wife talking to her, she knew whether she could do today's business or not, and whether her brother could go to college in the future depended on her to decide, so she immediately went to the boss's wife.

The matchmaker stared and carefully observed Xiaolan's every move, for fear of falling a little detail. With her years of experience, she didn't feel like it was fake, and she immediately smiled even more: "I don't know how long are you going to work, Miss Lan?"

"When I save enough tuition for my brother, I won't do it!" Xiaolan flashed with a pair of big watery eyes, which seemed a little timid, but she affirmed and said firmly.

"Oh? Are you going to do it all the time?" The matchmaker frowned. Although Xiaolan is very young, she is still not very optimistic, because she knows better than anyone what type her guests like. Those rude guys like more Menglang women. I can't be interested in this kind of pure Lori.

"Wherever you are! As long as you can make money!" Xiaolan said with some stubbornness.

"Okay, you can do it with me first in the next few days, and then do it for a while!" The boss's wife dared to agree to this matter when she heard what Xiaolan said, because Lan Lai didn't leave with her. Where would she cry then?



It's still the cabin on the left side of the small hotel. At this time, the TV in the room is very loud, and some love soap operas are playing. The owner of this small hotel, the fat woman named Matchmaker. It is here.

At this time, she stared at the TV screen without squinting, holding a lot of snacks in one hand, holding the glasses that always slipped down from the bridge of her nose from time to time, and humming antique songs of unknown ages in her mouth. She seemed to be in a good mood.

That's right. Today, all the rooms in the hotel are full of people, and they also killed the little monk. In addition, there is a new country girl today, with beautiful eyebrows, ignorant, and even like a child! The boss's wife thought that she would definitely be able to make a few money from her for a while.

Before, because Xiaolan came out to do it for the first time, the boss's wife thought about it again and again when choosing guests for him--

Most of the people who come to live today are drivers, and there is no oil and water on their bodies. Even if they finally know that the little girl is a young child, I'm afraid they won't pay much.

and those other wild men, let alone! Not even the driver.

The boss's wife continued to think about it. After thinking about it, she felt that there was a young man who could live in all aspects, but he came with his girlfriend and couldn't...

Thinking of this, the boss's wife sighed regretously. Did she really want to arrange this little girl's first time for those rough drivers?

The boss's wife thought about it not because of how good her heart was, but because she calculated how to use the little girl's first time to make more money for her.

Suddenly, a bald head flashed through her mind, right! Isn't there another monk coming to live in his store today? And he is also quite generous. Although he pretends to be poor, he wants to lie to my matchmaker. You little bald donkey is still short of waiting!

Who doesn't know that the monks in the temple are very rich now. Besides, what about the monk? Mones also have seven emotions and six desires, and monks are also human beings! Maybe this monk has been there for a long time, and his desire is stronger than ordinary people!

Moreover, the little monk's kind-looking and pleasing eyes were also very pleasing. They were a good match when they were together. Therefore, the boss's wife finally asked the girl named Xiaolan to go to Room 205.

And Room 205 is the room where Nima and Andre live!

................................................................................................ ......................

After reading the third column [Mechanical Civilization], Nima finally had a certain understanding of her enemy magic soldiers. But just as he looked down and was about to continue to study the empty column with the name, suddenly, there was a sound of "stomping" in his ears.

Is someone knocking on the door?

Although the world in front of Nima has changed because of the smart board, in fact, he has been staying in the small room of less than dozens of square meters. There is someone knocking on the door outside, and he can naturally hear it.

Nima thought, if she is not familiar with this place, who will disturb him in the middle of the night?

So, Nima, who couldn't figure it out, took her left hand from the smart board. In an instant, the boundless world in front of her faded like a tide, and the light suddenly dimmed. Nima knew that what she saw at this time and became the scene in the cabin again.

Nima put the smart board on her way home and stood up from the corner of the bed. The knock on the door was still the same, as if Nima would keep knocking down if she didn't open the door today.

So Nima quickly walked to the door, pulled out the plug in the door, and opened the door to find out who came from.

As soon as the door opened, Nima felt that it seemed that a hot object suddenly fell on her body. Because it was already midnight, the room was very dark. Although the light was not turned on, Nima immediately judged that the fallen object was a person based on the sound of breathing.

So, Nima quickly stretched out her hands to pick it up. As a result, the person was caught by him, but Nima's palm suddenly touched the softer place.

Nima's heart thumped. He, who had had one experience in an avalanche before, immediately realized what he was holding in his hand at this time...