Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 121 Lei Mingzhan on

Without saying anything, Nima casually bought something to eat outside, then carried a box full of money in one hand, held breakfast in the other, and swaggered back to the small hotel.

If he were an ordinary person, how could he be as bossy as he was with so much money? He even opened the box in front of many people, took out one of the many hundred-dollary bills, and handed it to the boss's wife to settle the early money.

As soon as she entered the room, Nima found that the sun was simply coming out from the west. Andre, who had always been active and couldn't stand loneliness, took the initiative to sit cross-legged **, surrounded by a black light. Looking at that, she was practicing!

I only saw the black earth elements on that day. At this time, they were constantly being put into the body by Andre, and then refined by Andre's own earth elements from the Danhai. Andre was practicing so much that Nima entered the house, but he hadn't noticed it.

It turned out that before, Andrea felt very depressed because he was in this cabin, so he went out for a walk alone. He didn't expect that he was always looked at by others with strange eyes. Those people looked at him as if they were looking at some monster, which made Andrea feel very unhappy. So in the end, he returned to the room more depressedly. When he had nothing to do, he naturally began to practice.

From morning to noon, it is worthy of the most abundant and pure elements between heaven and earth. At this time, Andre felt that under the attraction of Danhai, the surrounding earth elements kept pouring to his body, and finally all converged in Danhai. The abundance of energy made Andre feel very enjoyable. It seems that if you get up early every day and practice, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort!

Nima saw that Andre was practicing and it was not easy to disturb, so she ate it first. In the morning, it was steamed buns. In the end, Nima only ate three, but he bought more than a dozen...

When Nima finished eating, Andre just woke up from practice and seemed to be attracted by the fragrance of the steamed bun.

When Andre woke up, he saw steamed buns to eat. He didn't even say hello to Nima. He immediately opened his mouth, one by one. Before long, more than a dozen steamed buns had been eaten by him.

Even if he ate so much, Andre still seemed to be unsatisfied and not full. Nima was shocked and secretly thought that if he had known that this person could eat, he didn't expect to eat so much! No wonder he can grow into such a good body.

Seeing that there was still some time before noon and Xiaolan came to get the money, Nima also sat cross-legged. However, Nima was not to practice, but to study the smart board again.

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Last time, Nima was studying the smart board to a critical moment, but was suddenly interrupted by the arrival of Xiaolan. Nima knew that she went out with Situxuan in the afternoon because the dragon group found the branch of the magic soldiers and wanted to explore it together. At that time, there may be a fierce battle. So, if you learn the skills in this smart board as soon as possible, you can have more ways to kill the enemy and win early.

Because she already has one experience, Nima is even more familiar with operating the smart board this time. He put one palm on the smart board and then entered a trace of gold element. After a while, the hut in front of Nima quickly changed into an infinitely wide world.

And in mid-air, the four light curtains gradually floated out, just like last time, they are [Maya calendar], [Earth Era] [Mechanical Civilization] and the column with empty names [].

Nima ignored the first three columns this time, but directly focused on the fourth column. Why is there no name in this column? Nima thought that maybe the skills recorded in this smart board are going to be learned here.

And as for this learning method, it is nothing more than entering your own elements like the other three columns, which may activate this skill!

Thinking like this, Nima quickly stretched out her arms, mobilized the gold element in Danhai, and lost it into the empty column. At this time, he couldn't wait to know what the skill was!

The biggest advantage of my metallic element is defense. Is the skill in this smart board also a skill about defense? Nima thought unhately that if that were the case, it would not bring him much surprise.

I thought it was easy to learn this skill, but I didn't expect it to be implemented, but Nima found that things were not as simple as he thought. This blank column, although constantly absorbs a large amount of gold elements lost by Nima, still has no movement, no different from the original, and has not changed at all.

It's like Nima enters many elements into it, and this blank column is like a bottomless hole. Although the visitor does not refuse, it will always be dissatisfied and will never change.

In this way, Nima can't help but be a little anxious. Has it been a waste of time? Nima, who was unwilling, not only did not end the input of the elements, but gritted her teeth and made it more fierce and effortless, pouring out the gold elements in Danhai.

Finally, after Nima entered it crazily for a long time, he couldn't support it. He felt empty in the Danhai and his body was exhausted. When he wanted to give up, the blank name column finally changed.

This blank column gradually changed from the original [] shape to a dazzling golden whirlpool, and then there were no other changes.

No wonder I have to reach the fourth solidified reality before I can learn this skill. Just opening it has made me tired enough. Nima thought with some shame at this time.

After the appearance of the golden whirlpool, Nima was surprised to find that no matter how hard she tried, she could no longer enter half a gold element into it! Because whenever he tries to input the gold element into it in the original way, it will be immediately bounced away by the energy around the golden whirlpool, which is very strange.

So next, Nima didn't know what to do, because the only way he knew had failed at this time, so she had to stare at the golden whirlpool and anxiously thought about countermeasures.

Fortunately, just when Nima was helpless, the golden whirlpool increased a little in vain, and began to rotate clockwise quickly. While rotating, the whirlpool produced a strong suction, which made Nima suddenly feel that His "body" seems to be out of control and wants to fly to the golden whirlpool...

After a period of confusion, Nima was surprised to find that such a shocking world appeared in front of her eyes!

[Today I asked my editor why my collection rose so slowly. He told me that it was because the plot of my book was too young. I thought about it carefully and found that it was really like this! Originally, I thought that this book was too orthodox and I was afraid that everyone could not stand it, so I wanted to add a little humorous and relaxed element to it. Unexpectedly, it was self-defeating. Not to mention the slow rise in the collection, and I also received several black tickets one after another. Depressed! I will know how to write in the future, and it's better to maintain consistent orthodoxy...]