Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 128 Dongsheng Qinglong

Ximen Qing has always been very unhappy to see Situ Xuan, and even said that he regarded it as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh, and he wanted to get rid of it quickly.

There are two reasons why he hates Situ Xuan so much.

One reason is that Situ Xuan, at the same age as him, has cultivated to the third heavy sea realm. Whether it is a family circle or a person in the dragon group, he is talking about this Situ Xuan when chatting, saying that he is the first person in the young generation and that he is a genius that has not been met for thousands of years, but when it comes to himself, he is always better than He bowed his head and became a thousand-year-old second.

Ximen Qing often asks himself this--

Didn't I try my best to practice? Is my qualification worse than his?

No! No! I still remember that when I was young, my cultivation talent, my combat level, and even my weapons and equipment were always higher than him, but...

But the reason why he was able to surpass me later was that he was lucky and was selected to be cultivated by some bullshit family!

The Long family! Damn it!

Ximen Qing often thought that the reason why the Long family chose Situ Xuan to cultivate instead of him was that Situ Xuan was lucky.

In fact, Situ Xuan's cultivation talent is not as high as him, but Situ Xuan's character cultivation is absolutely 100 times higher than him.

Second, Ximen Qing knew that because of Duguyue, he and Situxuan had formed an indivious hatred. Situ Xuan hated himself very much and couldn't wait to kill himself.

And Ximen Qing is the most afraid of death, so how can he not hate this Situ Xuan?

However, although Ximen Qing has always wanted to kill Situ Xuan secretly, it has never been implemented.

Because, not to mention how high Situ Xuan's own strength is, the identity of the leader of his dragon group alone has to make Ximen Qing worry: what should the Long family do if he kills the leader of the dragon group of Situ Xuan?

Therefore, although Ximen Qing could not kill Situ Xuan, he humiliated Situ Xuan with Dugu Yue's incident whenever he had a chance, because Ximen Qing's favorite thing to see was the painful and ferocious expression on Situ Xuan's face because of Dugu Yue's incident.

Ximenqing is in a good mood today.

Because when he went out with those fox friends and dog friends, he suddenly met Situ Xuan and humiliated him; then, he received a phone call and learned that the beautiful woman Yu, whom he had loved for a long time, finally agreed to "date" with him.

In fact, Ximen Qing knew in his heart that this so-called date was just because Yu Yu's brother Yu Zhan had also mysteriously disappeared recently, and Yu Yu begged for himself.

Because although the Yu family is also a family, it has only been passed down for decades and has only risen in recent years. In fact, the power is not even as good as the Situ family and the Dugu family. It is inferior. As the only successor of the Yu family in the future, as soon as it disappeared, the Yu family immediately plunged into a deep panic, but no matter how hard the Yu family tried, they still couldn't get any news about Yu Zhan.

Since they can't find this Yu Zhan by relying on their own strength, the Yu family still have to invite more powerful people to take action before they can have a glimmer of vitality.

Just these days, Ximenqing of the three families showed great meaning to Yu Yu Yu, so the owner of the Yu family had to wrong his daughter and stage a beauty trick.

Yu Yu did not agree, because no one in the family knew that Ximen Qing was ignorant and was a complete hooligan.

But later she couldn't stand her father's hardships, and she was indeed worried about her brother's safety, so she asked her to contact Ximen Qing to come out to see if she could ask the Ximen family behind him for help and save her brother.

Although Ximenqing knew that Yuyu saw himself, he only wanted to take advantage of himself. But he won't care about these.

Because in Ximenqing's opinion, as long as you meet this beautiful woman and find a place where there is no one, won't the rest of the matter be captured?

Thinking like this, Ximen Qing is no longer interested in playing with his fox friends and dog friends, because these services in the nightclub are even worse than the beautiful women.

He hurried out alone, started the car and left. What puzzled him was that he didn't know why the place where the beauty would meet was extremely remote, and she was almost in the suburbs outside the capital!

However, Ximen Qing didn't think much about it. He thought that he was only in his thirties and could reach the strength of the second refining situation. Who is his opponent among mortals?

Even if you meet some people from the world, you may not be able to do anything about yourself, because even if you don't look at the monk's face, you have to look at the Buddha's face. After all, behind him is the whole Ximen family!

However, Ximen Qing forgot that it was not safe for him to run out in the middle of the night during the recent noisy disappearance in the capital.

Maybe he thinks that with the Ximen family as the backer, others must not dare to attack him!

................................................................................................ ......................

The time is about ten. Since it is the twelfth lunar month, there are few pedestrians on the street.

Yu Yu is now standing alone on a dark street, looking forward to it, as if she is waiting for something.

From time to time, there are some pedestrians on the road, either looking back or looking sideways at Yu Yu, because she is really beautiful!

Although she came to see Ximenqing, Yu Yu still deliberately dressed up and decorated it: a water-green printed brocade cheongsam, surrounded by a red fox scarf, pedaling leather boots of the same color on her feet, a silver-white rabbit fur windbreaker, and a simple bun on her head, like a floating cloud.

The dim street lamp outlines a blur without loss. The delicate face exudes a faint soft light. In the meantime, the eyebrows frown, which only makes people feel that the jade face is hibiscus and the bright eyes are shining.

He was even more bold. He simply came over and laughed and talked to Yu Yu, but he was driven away by Yu Yu's words. Joking, no matter how bad Yu Yu is now, she is at least the daughter of a family. How can the ordinary hooligan be provoked?

Yu Yu knows that the situation she will face next may be the most dangerous time in her life, which is very unfavorable to her.

But even if she agrees to meet Ximen Qing, it does not mean that Yu Yu has compromised and will let Ximen Qing slaughter.

Because Yu Yu is not only good-looking, but also a very calculating woman.

Yu Yu knew that even if she really fell in love with Ximen Qing in the end, the Ximen family behind him may not really help him find his brother.

My father lost his due judgment because he was anxious, but he must not mess up again, because--

Everything next depends on yourself!