Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 140 Green Dragon Change Blood! On

The magic soldier branch is thousands of meters below the ground of the capital.

At the top of a dark hall, there is a metal room that looks like a ring from the outside, which is the blood room.

In the blood chamber, there are three areas isolated by "glass cover", which are full of various machine tools.

In the center of these three areas, there is a huge golden light board, and at this time, there are two "people" sitting on this light board.

These two people are none other than Paul the octopus and the beautiful snake Fengji!

As mentioned above, this light plate can absorb the elements between heaven and earth, thus providing power for the whole blood chamber. At this time, Paul and Fengji are inputting a large amount of elemental force into the light plate to accelerate the absorption of the light plate, thus accelerating the power of the blood chamber, producing that strange blood light, and finally accelerating the transformation from human to blood.

At this time, Paul took a look at the smallest cell in the middle of the opposite wall. There were originally the fewest human beings locked there, because only cultivated human beings were qualified to be locked there.

However, since Lord Dongsheng went out, he suddenly captured hundreds of cultivated human beings from nowhere and locked them there.

This time, the problem of a large number of blood sources has finally been solved!

So the magic soldiers in the blood room began to rush to the process day and night, because Dongsheng Qinglong said that he had really angered the dragon group by doing so, and I'm afraid that he would be attacked by the dragon group soon.

So in order to prevent the first one, this Jinhuang plan needs to be completed in advance!

Finally, through the hard work of several magic soldiers day and night in three days, Paul looked at the fewer and fewer human beings in the cell (just the cell of cultivating human beings) and knew that his mission was finally about to be completed!

Suddenly, there was a "ding-dong" sound next to Paul, and Paul knew that it was Fengji's intelligent brain message.

Feng Ji opened her intelligent brain and flicked the light with her fingers. Then, a holographic three-dimensional image appeared in front of them, carrying her hands and a seat in blue clothes, which was the Eastern Saint Qinglong!

"The blood pool has now met the requirements of two parts in terms of concentration and increase, and blood injection is no longer needed! You can stop the work now. Congratulations, the task has been completed! When I finish absorbing this blood, I will give you a reward!" Not only the image, but also the unique elegant voice of Qinglong can be transmitted here.

As soon as Qinglong's voice fell, he heard Feng Ji ask, "Your Excellency, since you no longer need human blood, how should you deal with these closed human beings? Let it go? Or--

"Although we have a way to erase their memories, we can't guarantee that the dragon group will have other ways to wake up or read their memories. The secret of the Jin Emperor's plan, except for some core personnel, other people, including magic soldiers, cannot let them know! What should I do? I think you should understand, right?

After the image of Dongsheng Qinglong disappeared, Paul turned his head and looked at Fengji and couldn't help asking, "What are you going to do with these human beings?"

At this point, if the number of human beings is still small, Paul will certainly not have this question and just kill them directly.

However, although the Jin Emperor's plan has been completed, the number of human beings is still hundreds of people. Most of them are the ordinary human beings originally captured. These days, most of them are cultivated human beings who have been converted by Paul and Fengji. For these ordinary people, they are lucky to live to now.

When Fengji heard the words, she glanced at Paul with her spare light, and then said disdainfully, "Don't you understand what Lord Dongsheng said before? Kill all these human beings without leaving one!"

Paul was shocked when he heard the words and thought that regardless of her appearance and characteristics, she looked like a woman, but her heart was absolutely first-class and fierce. In the future, it's better not to provoke such women!

Because that's hundreds of thousands of people! Fengji is not happy or angry, and her face is calm. If she says kills, she will kill...

................................................................................................ ......................

After notifying Paul and Fengji, after a while, human blood no longer flowed down the three huge cylinders.

The blood surface of the blood pool finally calmed down at this time.

Qinglong carried his hands on his back and looked at the blood pool from afar. His appearance seemed to be as calm as the blood surface, but in his heart, in fact, it had already set off thousands of waves--

On this day, I have been waiting with Xuanwu for thousands of years, and finally let my Qinglong take the lead!!!

Although Qinglong, White Tiger, Rosefinch and Xuanwu are the four saints of East, West, South and North, and they all want to be promoted to the War Emperor, but because their camps are different, they are not very harmonious with each other.

Take Qinglong and Xuanwu as an example, because they both belong to the queen's camp, so the relationship is naturally better. The white tiger and the rosefinch belong to the same camp of another war emperor. Because there is some hostility between the two emperors, the four saints naturally can't get too close.

This is the reason why Qinglong also prepared blood for Xuanwu, but did not prepare blood for the white tiger and rosefinch. Moreover, Paul came to turn to Qinglong, and Qinglong would help him, partly because Paul was the right-hand man of Beisheng Xuanwu.

At this time, North Saint Xuanwu was guarding the Devil Delta in the Bermuda Triangle. The Empress is now asleep, so it can't be without senior magic soldiers, so it can't get out of here.

But Qinglong still prepared two blood and did not enjoy it alone. From this point, it can also be seen that Dongsheng Qinglong is a person.

The blood pool is very large. On the left side of the three huge cylinders, it receives blood through underground dark grooves. Because it is full of sticky blood, you can't tell from the outside what material it is made of.

At this time, Qinglong moved his hands away from behind and raised them slightly. At this time, he saw that the blood pool was divided into two centers, but suddenly slowly rose a glass-like partition, dividing the whole blood pool into two.

Then Qinglong raised his hands flat and saw that something exactly the same as the previous glass partition suddenly appeared from around, sealing the opening of the whole blood pool.

Then, the blood in the blood pool suddenly began to boil and roll, and set off waves of shock waves, constantly hitting the "glass cover".

The fragile "glass mask" was not broken under the blow of this crazy blood. Gradually, it was seen that the blood was getting less and less and less, until finally, it could not raise any waves.

In the blood pool, two golden blood were flowing quietly. On the golden blood, some golden light arcs flashed by from time to time, which looked very strange.

Qinglong looked at the golden blood and looked ecstatic, because he knew that he had finally used the high temperature to convert this general blood into blood!

And what he has to do next is to change his blood!

After the blood exchange, Qinglong's body can be modified to the greatest extent. Whether it is the amount or quality of absorption of elements in the future, it will be greatly improved.

Moreover, after Qinglong's body reaches the demigod, that is to say, his original body fit has reached 70% to 80%, reaching the level of the War Emperor!

If this Qinglong can really change blood successfully this time, then the future mechanical civilization will not be in the situation of two emperors and four saints...

"Hahahaha!" Thinking of this, even the heart of the Eastern Saint Qinglong couldn't help laughing up to the sky. Then, a light flashed in his eyes. Do you want to change his blood now?

Although he has been waiting for so many years, his dream blood is in front of him at this time. How can Qinglong stand it and immediately advance to the Emperor of War**?

I saw that he first took out a dimension pen from his body. This time, the dimension space in the pen can not only hold solids and living bodies, but also **. However, that ** is floating in the air.

Qinglong waved and opened the "glass cover" above the blood pool and sucked half of the blood in the blood pool into this pen. Qinglong did so as to bring these blood back to Xuanwu so that he could advance to the War Emperor with him.

Next, Qinglong put away the dimensional pen, but took a few steps forward and suddenly lay down in the empty half of the blood pool. In doing so, he was ready to change his blood!

Qinglong lay down and thought about it, but did not start immediately. Instead, he contacted Paul and Fengji with the wisdom brain on his wrist, and let the two of them come quickly from the blood room.

After saying a few words before, Fengji and Paul were about to fight against those human beings, but suddenly received an urgent call from Qinglong. In the end, they had to close the human beings with a nickel-cadmium alloy door, and then followed Paul to the hall.

Not long after, Paul and Fengji saw the green dragon, but what puzzled them was that the green dragon at this time actually pierged the blood pool, and the original bright red blood next to it also turned into a golden **, which seemed very strange.

Qinglong and Fengji didn't notice at this time. Paul looked at the golden **, but a crazy look flashed in his eyes!!