Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 145 Heart Demon![!]

This "Thunder Sword" seems to be unparalleled and beautiful, but only Nima herself knows how bad the situation in his body has become!

At this time, Nima felt bursts of emptiness in her body and had no strength. Even in the Danhai, there is no elemental power! Now Nima, that is to say, he has no power to tie the chicken, it's okay!

However, 90% of Nima's body fit is not vegetarian. You know, it's a divine body!

So for Nima, absorbing the elements of the day and earth to supplement it into her body is just a matter of a few minutes.

After a while, Nima felt that her body gradually became full again, and her whole body began to become energetic.

Nima thought, that is, she is talented, and the speed of element recovery has reached the level against the sky. If she were an ordinary person, who would dare to release this sword move?

Because if the opponent is not killed after this thunder swordsmanship is used, then the person who has used the thunder swordsmanship will fall into weakness. At that time, won't he be slaughtered by others?

After a moment, before all the elemental forces in Nima's body recovered, he couldn't wait to jump off the Black Devil Hall to help the human beings fighting below.

Because at this time, as the battle between the two sides has entered a white-hot stage, the number of human casualties has become larger and larger.

Even, many human beings who have only been injured and can get well with medical treatment have died because they have not been rescued for a long time.

So Nima wants to go down at this time and help human beings solve this battle as soon as possible. If it ends earlier, she can die less, because the dead are all his compatriots!

However, just as Nima was about to jump off the Black Devil's Hall to help human beings fight, his afterglow suddenly saw a small piece of blood red.

Nima is curious, why is this color so dazzling? Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked there.

Although the goal of Nima's previous sword was to destroy the light energy cannon, he didn't expect that the thunder sword was so awesome that even the top of the Dark Lord's Hall had been cut off.

And the top of the Black Devil Hall has no roof, and the scene inside is naturally exposed, and a small part of it is presented in front of Nima.

"What is this?" Nima seemed to have a doubt in her heart. In fact, she couldn't believe it in her heart, or she didn't want to believe it!

Only in front of Nima's eyes, at this time, it presents a hellish world--

There, the surroundings are full of a faint and strange blood light, and the ground is even more bloody and muddy. As for the top of those blood, it is covered with a dense layer of broken arms and limbs. Nima looked carefully and found that those broken arms and limbs were all human!

There are even some limbs with some clothes, but there are only half of the sleeves that have been soaked in blood and turned black, or trouser legs...

Seeing the end, Nima simply jumped directly from the incision into the magic hall. He wants to check it carefully, because he really can't believe that there is such a horrible and bloody hell on earth in this world!

Nima didn't know that what he saw at this time was the place called the blood room by the magic soldiers!

Really have a panoramic view of everything in front of him, which is a horrible scene like purgatory; from his nose, there is a strong smell of blood, and Nima can't help but want to vomit; especially his feet stepped on the metal floor of the magic hall at this time, and the soles of his feet are all stained. It's full of sticky blood, and it's sticky when you walk...

It was not until then that Nima really confirmed and believed that all this was true! He was dumbfounded, he was stunned, and then--

"Ah!!!" Nima's painful roar suddenly grabbed her bare head with both hands, and the blue veins burst out. Even a few blood marks were cut out on her forehead because he exerted too much force. Nima was unaware of it.

It seems that Nima thinks that if he can vent his inner anger by doing so; as if only by doing this can he temporarily forget everything in front of him!

"Why, why is it like this? Why did those magic soldiers of mechanical civilization do this? Why did human beings encounter such a tragic slaughter? Why? What the hell did they do wrong?

"Why...why..." Nima squatted down in pain and kept questioning herself over and over again in her heart, but no one could give him an answer.

If there is someone beside Nima at this time, you must be surprised to find that his originally clear and flawless eyes have become red at this time!

And his body also began to tremble at this time. If Nima immediately looked inward at this time, he would definitely find that the situation in his body had become a mess!

Because people are out of control of their emotions or are not strong, they will cause physical imbalance and chaotic vitality in the body, resulting in the reversal of Dantian and even Danhai!

Because such a situation is caused by human mental instability and confusion of spiritual power, this situation is generally called a heart demon by human beings.

And at this time, Nima fell into this demon! And the reason why he fell into the demon is that he can't accept the fact that human beings have been slaughtered crazily!

If no one immediately helps Nima recover immediately from this state of being trapped in the heart, then the result faced by Nima is likely to be that she will lose all her skills and become a useless person, and more seriously, she will die directly and die!

However, the world is unpredictable. At the moment when Nima was on the verge of danger and life and death, it was the magic soldier who finally helped him out of danger!

A few mechanical beasts, shaped like lions, streamlined with several bodies, similar to the low-level magic soldiers of pangolin beasts, suddenly pounced on Nima at an amazing speed from all directions!

They attacked Nima precisely because of their responsibilities, because they are the guards in this bloody room!

However, some advanced magic soldiers, such as third- or fourth-order machine-controlled people and mechanical beasts, did not come out together. At this time, they were still staying in the dark and observing the human.

Because they seem to notice that the human beings in front of them are somewhat different from other humans, but they can't tell where the specific difference is.

Therefore, those who dare not attack but are unwilling, they instruct those low-level magic soldiers, that is, mobile beasts and mecha beasts, to take the lead in rushing to test Nima's strength, while mobile beasts and mecha beasts are unconscious. They will do whatever their superiors ask them to do, so as soon as they receive the order to attack Nima, Then immediately put it into action!

At this time, Nima has fallen into the demon and ignores everything around her. As for the attack of those magic soldiers, he was more like not to see it.

You know, although these sphinx beasts and pangolin-shaped magic soldiers are only mobile beasts and mecha beasts in the first and second levels, and they are low-level magic soldiers, but their destructive power is amazing!

In this analogy, the first-order Sphinx Beast Magic Soldier is similar to the combat effectiveness of a state-of-the-art tank that fires a cannonball. Even if it is called destroying gold and jade, it is absolutely not an overdone; while the second-order pangolin beast magic soldier is better at defense, but with its If the class is higher than the mobile beast, how can the attack power be worse?

Even those human alliances outside today, the most encountered and most difficult guys at this time are these low-level magic soldiers!

At this time, Nima fell into the heart and was unconscious, so she seemed to be ready to use his flesh and blood to take the attack of the magic soldier. Can he get it?

Only listen to "Age Zheng Zheng!" The sound was endless. After those low-level magic soldiers attacked Nima, they actually made the sound of gold and iron after the metal collision!

It turned out that although Nima's consciousness fell into the heart demon, his body made the most primitive instinctive reaction when the danger came, automatically mobilizing some of the gold elements in the body, forming a defense. With the attack of those low-level magic soldiers, it will naturally be all invalid.

However, although they did not cause harm to Nima, they brought a huge thrust to Nima's body. Suddenly, Nima's body tilted down. Unfortunately, his forehead just touched a machine**!

Although the head hit the machine** fiercely, Nima still did not suffer any injury. Of course, it was the credit of the golden element for automatic defense.

Although it was not injured, the brain was violently collided, which made Nima's consciousness suddenly wake up from the previous state of being in a demon!