Fight the scorching sun

Chapter 182 Magic Fleet

When Nima came to the hall, she found that not only Andre and the two twin sisters had arrived here, but also Na Keaton was present at this time. Although Keaton is only in his thirties, as the leader of the African branch of the Dragon Group, his current strength has also reached the primary level of the third heavy sea, which can be regarded as a key figure cultivated by the Dragon Group.

Nima told Andre that the time was ripe, and then told him about his plan. Sure enough, this guy didn't respond at all. He looked like you, and Nima was angry. As for the two twin sisters, it can be considered that they have just joined the team of Nima. It is not easy to make any comments on such a major matter, so after a long time, Keaton can discuss with Nima.

For the colony of magic soldiers in the Bermuda Triangle, all the members of the Dragon Group know one or two, because they and an army sent by the Mayans have to compete with these magic soldiers in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle from time to time, so for the situation of the Bermuda Triangle, Kitten Binima Learn more about it.

At this time, Keaton said to Nima, "Our dragon group also has a base near the waters of the Bermuda Triangle. Therefore, according to our understanding of the enemy, if it is by you alone or a few people, no matter how strong you are, you will not be able to break into the Bermuda Triangle!" Because, not to mention how perfect the magic soldiers' defense of the Bermuda Triangle is, the frightening magic soldier queen alone is enough for you to deal with!"

"Queen of the Magic Soldier?" Nima said doubtfully, as if she had some impression of this word. After thinking for a while, Nima's eyes suddenly lit up, "Is this magic queen the supreme leader of the Bermuda Triangle now? I heard from Dongsheng Qinglong before, and it seems that I have mentioned some..."

"That's right, it's her! I heard that the queen of this magic soldier is very powerful. She is a very high-ranking person among the magic soldiers, and she is extremely cruel and her subordinates are executed on the spot. She treats the magic soldiers like this, not to mention us human beings! However, I don't know why this queen has disappeared for a long time. It seems that everything in the Bermuda Triangle is controlled by Northern Saint Xuanwu.

"If that's the case, it seems that I have to use some external forces!" After saying that, Nima lowered her head and thought for a while. The power he can use now is the dragon group! If she can contact the Mother of the Earth, maybe she can find a way to contact the Maya for help, but the help she may receive is extremely small, and everything depends on herself!

Thinking of this, Nima's eyes were firm. No matter how dangerous and difficult it was, even if she knew that there were many difficulties ahead and was a little careless, but Nima knew that she could not retreat a little, because what he was carrying on his shoulders at this time was the future of hundreds of millions of creatures!

Because the mother of the earth once said that this lightning ring is very useful. If it can be used correctly, it can control the magnetic field of the whole earth! It plays a vital role in the battle that is about to begin in 2012. So no matter what, this task must be completed!

"In this way, if I have something else to do, you can help me get in touch with Situ Xuan and tell him to do his best to transfer all the members of the Dragon Group to your base in the Bermuda Triangle, and you tell Situ Xuan that doing so is also the intention of the Long family. Si, he will understand!"

Keaton heard the words and nodded to show his understanding that he had already known Nima's identity and was a confidant sent by the "Long family". Since he said so, it must be the Long family who spoke, so there was no doubt.

In this way, after a short conversation, Keaton left, because he saw that Nima's current appearance obviously had something to do. Since there was nothing to do with him here, Keaton went back to contact Situ Xuan through special channels.

And Nima also said goodbye to Andre and others, returned to the house alone, opened the way home, and soon got in touch with the Mother of the Earth. In the holographic three-dimensional image, the mother of the earth is still sitting on the crystal chair with a sacred and elegant appearance, looking at Nima with a smile and saying, "Little guy, didn't you just finish talking a few days ago? Why did you suddenly remember to contact me again today?

This holographic three-dimensional image is very realistic, just like the mother of the earth really standing in front of Nima. Today's mother of the earth, her mental state has become better than before, because with the approach of 2012, the prohibition imposed by the sun god in the center of the earth has become more and weaker and weaker. Therefore, the mother of the earth has become better than before, because she can not only make a sensation within the scope of the altar, but also the whole blue underground palace. I believe that soon, the mother of the earth will be able to break the prohibition of the sun god and usher in the day to see the sun again!

"Lord Mother, I have good news for you!" After Nima finished speaking, she heard the mother of the earth smile and said, "Oh? What good news? Is it possible that you have completed the final breakthrough? Although it was expected, when the mother of the earth nodded heavily to show that it was true, the mother of the earth couldn't help smiling proudly.

Yes, it's pride! Because Nima and others are the mothers of the earth who witnessed their growth. It can be said that they have deep feelings, and they can make such great achievements in such a short time. Although it has something to do with talent, it is also inseparable from their own efforts. When those young people of the age of Nima are enjoying the world one by one, how can they know that there is a group of people fighting for their future...

"Lord Mother, now that I have met the requirements, let's start the task! However, I heard from the people of the Dragon Group that with their understanding of the magic soldier colony, it seems that even if they reach my level, it is still not enough!"

As soon as the mother of the earth saw that Nima completed the breakthrough, the first thing she thought of was to complete the task she had given to him, and her appreciation of Nima was even more. After listening to Nima's doubts, she smiled and said, "Of course, I will have arrangements for these! In fact, your task is just to find a way to 'take' the artifact out of the care of the magic soldiers, not that you need to face all the magic soldiers. As for those hateful guys, I will naturally send someone to deal with them!"

"Oh!" Nima finally breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the mother of the earth say this. He was not afraid, but because he was afraid that he could not complete the task and delay the big event. In that case, wouldn't Nima become the sinner of the earth?

"Yes! Mother God, how can we get close to the devil delta of the Bermuda Triangle? Nima suddenly thought of another question, yes! Under the strict protection of the enemy, how can you and others break through? You can't fly there directly, can you?

"Hehe, you don't know, in fact, as early as a few years ago, I started to arrange this matter. A few days ago, it was just completed! In fact, it was not in vain for me to ask Eva and the three of them to help Princess Julia. She promised me a condition!"

"Eh? What's the condition? Nima heard the mother of the earth mention this for the first time, so she couldn't help asking curiously.

"My condition is actually of great benefit to them, so Princess Yulia agreed almost quickly. My condition is that they can help me build the most advanced fleet to fight against those magic soldiers in the Bermuda Triangle within three years!"

"Fleet!?" Nima was already a little demented when he heard this. It's not that he didn't want to go by boat, but he never thought that he would kill with a vast fleet, and it was the kind of fleet that was the most advanced in technology for the Maya!

In addition, the members of this fleet are all cultivated human beings who have opened Dantian and are very powerful. What kind of horror will their strength be? Probably, only in this way can we and others have some hope to break into the Devil Delta!

Thinking of this, Nima asked excitedly, "Lord Mother, I don't know who will lead this fleet?" The mother of the earth smiled when she heard the words, and then moved slightly and said, "Who do you think will lead? Is it you who are not happy? Well, then I'll think about it and change my personal choice..."

"No! No! I just want to make sure! Great! Lord Mother, I don't know if this fleet has a name? Nima asked with twinkling eyes.

"Well, although the warship has been built, I haven't thought about the name yet. What, what do you think?" The mother of the earth stared at Nima and asked.

"Ye! Since this fleet is used to conquer demon soldiers, why don't you call it 'the demon fleet'!" I only heard Nima say excitedly. Somehow, Nima was extremely happy about the establishment of this fleet. Probably, the reason why Nima is like this is that this kind of thing is too new for Nima!

However, Nima, who has always been very self-evident, soon thought of a question and couldn't help asking the mother of the earth with a bitter face: "Lord, I grew up on land, and I can't even swim at all. As for this warship, or even the whole fleet, I won't command it!" What can I do about this?"