Poison King

Chapter 16 The Big Ratio

Zhu Shaoyang, who had gone through shit luck, narrowly escaped the disaster. Under the cover of smoke and dust, his wings stretched and glides to the side, waiting for Wei Yi to arrive. He knew that if he didn't look for an opportunity to get close to Wei Yi, he could only be beaten passively in this game.

Wei Yi, whose brain is simple, was really fooled, and Zhu Shaoyang used his consistent style: kill with one blow.

The "pervert" Wei Yi jumped out of his teeth for a long time, but the strong Wei Yi would not admit that "our match is not over yet"

As he spoke, a light flashed between his fingers, and a long silver gun appeared in his hand. The gun was blood-red and full of domineering. The gun body lingered around the purple electric snake, and the sharp momentum spread in an instant. Zhu Shaoyang could clearly feel the terrible destructive power contained in the silver gun, and his coat was windless.

"The name of this gun: Silver Dragon is a gift from the teacher," Wei Yi introduced in a low voice.

"Yan Lie, the father's thing" Zhu Shaoyang called out Yan Lie at the same time. Now that he has the ability to poison, he can fully exert Yan Lie's power.

When Wei Yi shouted, "Look at the gun", the silver dragon stabbed straight, and his right hand trembled slightly. The tip of the gun suddenly became empty, and the gun was charming, and the purple electric snake could be faintly fluttering.

Zhu Shaoyang did not dare to neglect, be fierce or blocked or picky, and the jingling sound came into his ears crisply.

Wei Yi shouted angrily and turned a thorn into a smash. As soon as the silver dragon closed, it immediately hit Zhu Shaoyang, bringing a string of phantoms and falling through the sky. The tearing sound made Zhu Shaoyang frown.

He did not raise his sword to block, and quickly retreated. When he withdrew from the attack range of the silver dragon, Zhu Shaoyang's legs were slightly bent and relieved. His legs suddenly straightened. He jumped, and his body rose from the ground, and Yan fiercely swept. A curved moon-shaped red sword mixed with the momentum of breaking the wind and fell to the attack. At this time, the force continued. Wei Yi.

The latter supported the ground with a gun, half-fallen, rotated 360 degrees sideways to the right, and dangerously avoided the edge. The red sword fell to the ground, and the explosion sounded, setting off a burst of dust.

Then, several swords hit. Wei Yi waved a long gun and scattered the sword. At the same time, the silver dragon rotated in front of him, like a windmill, whining. The purple electric snake lingering around the gun body gathered at the center of the rotation at a speed discernible by the naked eye. For a moment, the purple light ball like a small sun appeared Now the center point is getting bigger and bigger, the color is getting darker and darker, and the sound is getting louder and louder.

Zhu Shaoyang had already stopped sweeping the sword spirit and stared closely at the strange purple light ball. The fighting spirit in his body was completely replaced by the poisonous fighting gas. The bright light was shining brightly and a little red.

"Dragon Spin Wave!"

With Wei Yi's roar, the purple light ball that had been suppressed for a long time was like a river, with bursts of roars, like a purple dragon, roaring away, the ground debris lifted up, and the place passed was black.

"Break it!" With the advantage of the immune attribute energy of poison gas, under the wave of Zhu Shaoyang, the long-standing Yan Lie swept and split vertically, and brazens of nearly dozens of cross-crossed cyan swords rushed to the purple energy wave to break it.

A shocking thing happened. When the first cross sword light collided with the purple energy wave, time seemed to solidify and stopped for a moment. With a soft sound, there was a layer of frost around the purple energy wave, which was blocked by the road, and then the remaining sword light hit the layer of frost one after another, frost It evolved into an inch thick ice. Through the ice, it can be seen that the purple energy wave is slowly melting.

However, the ice produced by the ice/poison did not completely melt the purple energy wave. At the moment when the cracking sounded, the magnificent momentum pressed on Zhu Shaoyang again.


With a crisp sound, the sharply reduced purple energy wave is like a cheetah, and it is about to approach Zhu Shaoyang in the blink of an eye.

"That little guy has a lot of unique tricks. Now I teach you a poisonous fighting skill, the 'poison light shield' of three stars. Protect yourself!"

"Damn!" Hearing that the poisonous beast was going to teach him fighting skills, Zhu Shaoyang was happy. When he heard it again, he turned out to be defensive. Naturally, he was a little unhappy. It was not as good as attacking fighting skills, but now is not the time to bargain.

The fighting skill of three-level fighting skills is a little difficult to use with the first-order cultivation of his fighter. When the poison light shield is formed, the fighting cyclone in Zhu Shaoyang's body has shrunk to the size of a thumb, and the rotation speed has also slowed down a lot. I'm afraid it can't support the next battle.

The three-color circulation, and the one-meter-long oval shield condensed in front, and the purple energy suddenly pressed. The strong thrust caused Zhu Shaoyang to slide a few meters behind the ground. The color of the poisonous light shield gradually weakened, and finally burst, and the residual momentum surged wildly. Zhu Shaoyang shouted in pain, and his body flew out like gravity, and then fell miserably. On the ground, a mouthful of blood spewed out, hurriedly took out the healing elixir from Xumi's ring, stuffed it into the mouth, and then his complexion improved.

And Wei Yi had also been exhausted at this time. He half knelt on the ground, holding a long gun in his hand, and his face was pale. The luster of the silver dragon gun was much fainter, and the lingering electric snake disappeared.

This dragon whirlwind is not small. It is a fighting skill created by Lei Xiang. It is completely released by the thunder attributes between heaven and earth. It is extremely powerful. Wei Yi only understands some fur. If it hadn't been for the pure thunder attribute attached to the silver dragon, he would not have successfully completed this attack. According to the ranking of fighting skills, the dragon spiral wave can definitely be called a mysterious star.

"Is it over so soon?" At this time, four figures appeared in the sight of the two. It was Thunder, the patriarch of Thunder, and beside him was Nangong Qin, who had a bad face, and Lan Xiyao, who had a complex look, always been cold and icy.

"Master, Master" Wei Yi was most afraid of Master Lei Xiang. He shouted timidly, stood up slowly, stood there, lowered his head, and did not move.

"Go back and don't be embarrassed here." Lei Xiang scolded angrily. Wei Yi glanced at Zhu Shaoyang, then retreated behind Lei Xiang and lowered his head without saying a word.

At this time, Zhu Shaoyang has also stood up, but due to excessive consumption and the collision just now, his situation is much worse than Wei Yi.

Lan Xiyao had an inexplicable pain in her heart, and her eyes looking at Zhu Shaoyang were full of worry and concern.

"Yang'er, are you all right!" Compared with Lei Xiang, Nangongqin is much gentler. After all, it was provoked by Wei Yi.

Zhu Shaoyang shook his head. After this battle, his desire for strength became stronger.


Half a month later.

After recuperation, Zhu Tian's body has basically recovered, but his mental state is much worse. It will take at least a year and a half to recover to the past.

During this period, Lu Hao, the patriarch of Fengxiao, also visited Nangong Qin, and the patriarchs of the four sects gathered together to discuss one thing, about the elite of the sect ten days later.

The so-called sect elite ratio is a rule that has been continued since the establishment of the four sects. Once a year, in order to stimulate the potential of the descendants and let them realize their shortcomings in the competition.

In addition, there are also rewards provided by the four major sects, which can be obtained by the top three. The rewards are different every year, but all of them are eye-catching treasures, which also improves the enthusiasm of the disciples of the sect.

The location of this year's big comparison is Shuimiao Sect. The disciples of all sects have rubbed their shoulders and are eager to try. Of course, because of the limited quota, those disciples with low strength can only sigh and cheer.

After Zhu Shaoyang's soft and hard bubble, Zhu Tian finally decided to give him a place in Huo Yanzong and let him participate in the elite comparison. First, to test the results of his practice this year, and second, to let him improve his knowledge.

Therefore, Zhu Shaoyang accompanied Zhu Tian back to Huo Yanzong. In addition to arranging candidates for the competition, he also asked Zhu Shaoyang to practice fire attribute skills.

And it was a bad news to welcome Zhu Shaoyang...

"How could this happen?" Zhu Shaoyang shouted in shock. Zhu Tian just told him that Sun Peng was killed and seriously injured, and he was afraid he could no longer walk on the ground.

Recalling the fat smiling face, Zhu Shaoyang felt sad. His first friend who was reborn in another world was Sun Peng. Although Sun Peng was lazy and playful, he was still very good to him. And it was Sun Peng, who made him feel the warmth of friendship. He had never felt this way in his previous life.

Suddenly heard that Sun Peng had become a useless person. In addition to shock, there was also a strong pain.

"Grandpa, what's going on? Who will be so cruel to Sun Peng?" Zhu Shaoyang tried his best to control his emotions, but the fists under his sleeves had been clenched.