Poison King

Chapter 70 Downhill [Qiankong Seal]

"Ha ha, what would she look like if I let my senior sister know that you dislike her so much?" Lan Xiyao smiled badly and looked at Zhu Shaoyang maliciously.

"It's best for her to know. If she doesn't go with me, I will find a beautiful and gentle little sister in Shuimiaozong to go to the secular world and play in the mountains and rivers." Zhu Shaoyang looked intoxicated, but he didn't know that the beauty beside him had changed his face.

"Wong Shaoyang!" A year after the lion roared goodbye, it reappeared today, and the demeanor is still the same...

"Murdered her own husband..." Zhu Shaoyang cheered, stood up and ran away. Lan Xiyao repeatedly scolded and chased after him.

This is an unforgettable night, and tomorrow will be separated again, which is another kind of suffering for the two of them. Zhu Shaoyang only hopes to complete the task as soon as possible and come back to accompany Lan Xiyao.

The next day, Zhu Shaoyang officially set out, and it was Bingtong who went down the mountain with him. Although this cold beauty is beautiful, she is like a thousand years of ice. Standing beside her, she will feel a trace of coldness.

Now, Zhu Shaoyang can't change anything, so he can only accept this reality unwillingly. He dares not take the initiative to talk to Bingtong. The journey is doomed to be boring!

The main purpose of Bingtong's downhill this time is to protect Zhu Shaoyang. Although Zhu Shaoyang has many cards, most of them are not seen. With his strength, he is still too weak in the fighting field, so Nangong Qin let Bingtong follow, and the two also have a companion.

Their first stop is Guyun City, because they need mobility tools.

When he came to Guyun City for the second time, Zhu Shaoyang had a different feeling, as if he had been reborn, at least he didn't need to hide his true face.

Bingtong has been walking behind him, with a frosty face, white clothes and no words. In the words of Zhu Shaoyang, he is a veritable bodyguard.

"Sister Bingtong, are you hungry?" Zhu Shaoyang couldn't stand loneliness after all and took the initiative to talk to Bingtong.

"Didn't you just eat it when you left the sect?" Bingtong's tone was calm and without any emotion.

"Oh, I'm hungry again. How about this! You go and find a carriage for us. I'll go to dinner first. Do you think it's okay? Zhu Shaoyang said without pity.

"Good!" Bingtong finished speaking and left.

"Damn it, this woman..." Zhu Shaoyang was stunned and squeezed out such a sentence for a long time.

"I have a personality, I like it." The poisonous beast suddenly said.

"Damn, what's so good about such a royal sister? It's not as good as my little Lori."

"What is the royal sister?" The poisonous beast is puzzled.

"The difficult senior sister." Zhu Shaoyang replied casually.

"Oh... what is Lori?"

"It's the one who is my family's talkin."

"The difficult senior sister is called the royal sister, and the wordy woman is called Lori. Well, then I still like that royal sister."

"Royal sister?" This time it was Zhu Shaoyang's turn to be stunned.

"That beautiful woman must be younger than me. Naturally, she is a difficult sister."

"I'll go! Why don't you say that she is a difficult granddaughter!" Zhu Shaoyang was speechless. Who would have thought that his random explanation would make the poisonous beast come up with such an unexpected word: Royal sister...

"Well, if you say so, then you are still Yuzi."

"Your head." Zhu Shaoyang doesn't want to pester the poisonous beast anymore, otherwise he will really be crazy.

Zhu Shaoyang deliberately opened the ice and naturally did not want to eat. He planned to relax and calmly feel the local customs here.

"Oh!" After a few steps, Zhu Shaoyang saw an acquaintance, the rich man who had been taught a lesson by Wei Yi. His memory has always been very good and he recognized him at a glance.

But this is not the point. The point is that this rich man does not seem to be restrained, and still pretends that I am the king of heaven. He is extremely abominable to touch or kiss the girls who come and go.

"Damn it, is this guy born with a lack of cleaning and still doesn't repent." Zhu Shaoyang is the most unaccustomed to such a person. He was just about to teach him a lesson, but he was preempted.


A crisp and loud applause came, and the righteous man came up with a slap without mercy. The rich man turned three times before stabilizing his body, his nose was bleeding, and his right face was swollen.

"Get out of here!" It's a woman's voice.

Zhu Shaoyang took a few steps forward to see the woman's appearance.

slender figure, light green wavy hair, combed ponytail, white face, exquisite facial features, big eyes, at this time, a little angry, dressed in green clothes, like an elf, slender waist, well-proportioned, and a beautiful woman. And her beauty is like the empty valley orchid, fresh and free from vulgarity, which is easy to make people feel intimacy.

Suddenly, Zhu Shaoyang sensed a threat approaching.

The girl is in danger. This is his first reaction.

"Be careful!" Zhu Shaoyang subconsciously reminded that at the same time, his body moved, stepped on the trace of Naruto, and instantly stood in front of the girl and punched directly.



The visitor punched Zhu Shaoyang. Zhu Shaoyang did not move and his face did not change, but the visitor fell a few steps. His arm bone broke and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"You..." The visitor is the entourage of a rich man, and he is a fighter at the level of fighting spirit. This is also the reason why the rich man dares to be arrogant again.

But the first time I took action, I was really humiliated.

It is also to blame this person for being too unlucky to meet the physically perverted Zhu Shaoyang. If it were that girl or someone else, it would be really difficult to hurt him.

"Get out!" Zhu Shaoyang scolded angrily, "If I see you flirting with good women and bullying the weak again, I will take your life."

At this time, many disciples from the four sects gathered around. They all recognized Zhu Shaoyang and naturally shouted and scolded with him.

The rich son and his entourage left in confusion, and I'm afraid he will never dare to run rampant again.

"Your body is so strong!" The fresh girl was stunned that she was also a fighter.

"I'm flattered. The girl is chivalrous and courageous, which is admirable."

"Ha ha, my name is Zhang Xiaolu. Let's be a friend!" Zhang Xiaolu was very cheerful and stretched out her white and tender hand.

"Hello, Zhu Shaoyang." Zhu Shaoyang also has a good impression on Zhang Xiaolu.

"Are you also a fighter?"

"Well, the ninth level of the wooden attribute fighting king." After Zhang Xiaolu reported her cultivation, Zhu Shaoyang was shocked to see that Zhang Xiaolu was not old enough to reach the peak of Doujun. She was definitely a genius.

"Don't think too much about it. My cultivation is a shortcut, because I want to cooperate with my career." Zhang Xiaolu is very honest.

"Your career?" Zhu Shaoyang said doubtfully.

"Yes, I'm a doctor." Zhang Xiaolu said.

"Doctor?" Zhu Shaoyang's first entry into the secular world is not very clear about many things, but Zhang Xiaolu still patiently explained to him.

There are many fighters who don't like fighting, so they will use their ability to specialize in a profession.

Take Zhang Xiaolu as an example. She is a wooden attribute fighter, and the wood element itself is an extremely gentle special element that is close to nature and helps to recuperate the injury. It is rumored that the wood attribute fighter has reached a certain level, and can even make dead wood spring and make people rejuvenated. Therefore, it is natural for Zhang Xiaolu to become a doctor.

"Oh, I'm also new to the secular world, which makes you laugh." Zhu Shaoyang was embarrassed for a while.

"Ha ha, it's okay, so where are you going?"

"A friend and I are going to the Imperial City." The imperial city is the capital of the Holy Dragon Empire.

"Oh? I will also go in a few days.

"What a coincidence, why don't we go together!" I wish Shaoyang a frank invitation.

"Forget it. I still have something to do. You go first. If it's fate, we will meet." Zhang Xiaolu smiled.

"All right!"

After chatting a few more words, the two parted ways. Zhu Shaoyang was in a good mood. As soon as he went out, he met a beautiful woman.

"Who is that woman?" Zhu Shaoyang was immersed in joy, and someone next to him asked coldly, which shocked him.

"My senior sister, can you stop being so shocked and scare me to death?" Zhu Shaoyang stroked his chest with a dissatisfied face.

"That's your guilty heart." Bingtong glanced at him and reminded, "That woman is not simple. Be careful."

"You are the one I should be on guard!" Zhu Shaoyang couldn't help muttering that Bingtong turned a deaf ear and was too lazy to see him.

"Sister, where's the carriage?"

"Outside the city!"

After buying some necessities, the two walked out of the city and began a new journey.

"Sister, you fool me!" The two rushed outside the city. There was no carriage on the roadside, but two tall horses stood, with bright hair, bright eyes and strong limbs. At first glance, they were the best in the horse.

However, Zhu Shaoyang can't ride a horse. Originally, he planned to ride comfortably in the carriage, but unexpectedly Bingtong got two horses. What should he do?

"Let me ride in a carriage with you, don't even think about it." Bingtong said rudely.

"Then it's okay to buy two cars!"

"I have no money!"

"Damn it!" There is no money. Obviously, it's going to fix him.

"I can't ride a horse." Zhu Shaoyang said impatiently.

"I'll teach you."

"Oh my God! Please help me!"

Finally, in desperation, Zhu Shaoyang had to let Bingtong teach him to ride a horse. Unexpectedly, the horse was fierce and did not let Zhu Shaoyang, a layman, carry him on his back, and dropped him to the ground many times. Fortunately, Zhu Shaoyang was strong, otherwise he would be disabled by the horse before he learned to ride.

"Damn it, dead beast, if you are not honest, be careful that I eat horse meat raw!" Zhu Shaoyang was anxious and threatened viciously.

"The horse is also alive and wise. If you are good to it, it will naturally be good to you. You can never learn it like this." Bingtong looked on coldly and had no emotion at all.

"You talk a lot." Zhu Shaoyang said, but after listening to Bingtong's words, he immediately changed into a smiling face and said attentively, "Brother Ma, it's not easy for us to go out. You just take care of my younger brother and make him majestic."


The horse seems to be very useful.

After trying several times, Zhu Shaoyang finally surrendered the fierce horse, which was a pride.

The royal Li family, one of the five families, is the first goal of the two. The sacred object guarded by the Li family is called Qiankong Seal.