Poison King

Chapter 80 The Dry Position Test of the Eight Trigrams (Second Update)

Tusheng Li Hong appeared at the right time to stop a disaster, and the imperial city finally restored peace.

The residential streets near the imperial city are devastated, countless houses have collapsed, bricks and tiles are piled up like hills, deep pits can be seen everywhere, and the people who died tragically have also been arranged to return to the earth. This day is like a nightmare, haunting the hearts of the people and difficult to disperse.

Outside the imperial city.

"Dad, where have you been these days? I really miss you." Zhu Shaoyang burst into tears and cried with joy.

Mu Chunchun stroked his head, and only in front of Zhu Shaoyang would this cold and lonely poisonous master show a trace of tenderness.

"It was my father's fault that I didn't say goodbye at the beginning, but I really didn't want to see the sad scene of separation. Besides, you have your own way to go, and I can't be your tie. Now, I am also gratified to see you reborn and soaring in combat effectiveness.

"Dad!" Zhu Shaoyang rushed into Mu Chunchun's arms and cried like a child.

"I said, you two old men, don't cry like this, okay? It's like life and death." He Ze couldn't stand it anymore and got goose bumps all over his body.

Li Hao and Bing Tong looked at each other with a smile in their eyes.

"You stinky begling, if you say more, I will seal your mouth." Mu Chunchun swayed angrily.

"Okay, okay, you continue." He Ze is too lazy to argue with him.

"Senior, did you save someone outside Li Teng's mansion today?" Bingtong asked He Ze.

"You're talking about the long black and smelly boy!"

"Yes, senior, where is he now?"

"It has been put back by me." When He Ze said this, his eyes suddenly lit up, and then he laughed and said, "Why didn't I expect it! Great, I see what else you have to say this time.

"Senior, what are you?" Bingtong was shocked and couldn't help asking.

"Looking at this situation, I'm afraid I'll get sick again. Biko, did you forget to take medicine when you go out? Mu Chunchun smiled and said that he learned these words from his adopted son.

"Get out of here, the dog can't spit ivory out of his mouth." He Ze scolded.

"But to be honest, I have to thank you!" He Ze smiled and used to hug Mu Chunchun.

Mu Chunchun quickly dodged and said defensively, "What do you want to do? I'm not interested in you."

"I don't care about you this time, haha, I'm going to accept my adopted son." He Ze said with a proud smile.

"Receivation of children?" Mu Chunchun was stunned.

"Senior, you don't like that black charcoal head, do you?" Zhu Shaoyang tried to ask.

"Yes, I think that boy has anything else to say this time." He Ze looked like he was bound to win, but the people beside him didn't understand why.

"Shaoyang, senior sister." At this time, a carriage came from a distance, and Wei Yi sat on the carriage and waved to here.

However, when he saw He Ze with a smiling face, his smile froze.

"Why is he here?"

The carriage stopped in front of everyone, and Wei Yi tipped out of the car. He didn't dare to see He Ze for fear that the latter would haunt him again.

"What happened to the war just now?" Wei Yi asked Zhu Shaoyang.

"Come on, let the father tell you." He Ze pulled him and shamelessly claimed to be his father.

"Wait, wait, senior, when did you become my father? Although I don't agree to be your disciple, you can't do this! In case my parents know, the two of them won't quarrel. Wei Yi said bitterly.

"Bad boy, what are you talking about!" He Ze patted Wei Yi on the back of the head angrily and said, "Since you don't want to be my disciple, I won't embarrass you. However, I think you are talented and a piece of material, so I reluctantly accept you as your adopted son and kneel down and kowtow!"

"Are you begging me or am I begging you..." Wei Yi muttered in a low voice.

"Black charcoal head, it's a rare opportunity. After passing this village, there will be no this store." Zhu Shaoyang persuaded in his ear.

"But..." Before Wei Yi finished speaking, He Ze forcibly grabbed him, jumped up, threw down a sentence, and disappeared into the sky with Wei Yi.

"He is still too weak. I'll** him for a few days. I'll see you again."

"Wow! This senior is really... domineering!" Zhu Shaoyang twitched at the corners of his mouth and sighed.

"Yang'er, I'm going to leave as my father." At this time, Mu Chunchun said.

"Dad... can you stay a few more days?" Zhu Shaoyang lowered his head and choked his voice.

"I still have some things to deal with, and our father and son will have a chance to see each other again in the future." Mu Chunchun is also a little reluctant, but he can't stay.

"Dad, what hatred do you have with Xuanming Holy Land?" Zhu Shaoyang suddenly asked.

"If you don't mention old things, you must be more careful all the way. I suspect that the demons have begun to attack the forces that guard the sacred objects. Their strength is very strong and haunted. Don't act recklessly when you meet them. Mu Chunchun warned.

"Dad..." Zhu Shaoyang looked at Mu Chunchun reluctantly.

"Take good care of yourself. I'm leaving." After Mu Chunchun finished speaking, he no longer stopped, teleported and flew a hundred miles away.

"Let's go!" Zhu Shaoyang eased his mood, and the three of them got into the carriage and returned to Li Hao's mansion.

"Now that the dry air seal has been found, with Elder Li sitting in the battle, the remnants of those demons must not dare to invade again. It's time to go to the next stop, Meng's house. Zhu Shaoyang took out a map, which was given to him by Li Rende, with several rough marks on it, which was the place where the holy places of other families were located.

In fact, Li Rende can't be sure of its accuracy. After all, so many years have passed, and the three holy places of the five families are rarely related.

The holy name of Kunlun Tower guarded by the Meng family.

Returning to Li Hao's mansion, the three went back to their rooms to rest. Zhu Shaoyang suffered a minor injury when fighting with Li Teng and needed to recuperate.

Zhu Shaoyang returned to his room and sat directly on ** to recuperate from his injury. He wanted to leave as soon as possible to avoid change.

Who knows, when Zhu Shaoyang had just entered practice, the gossip disk floated out and flashed brilliantly.

"What's going on?" The poisonous beast was shocked and wanted to wake up Zhu Shaoyang, but found that he had lost contact with Zhu Shaoyang.

The gossip disk hung above Zhu Shaoyang's head and sprinkled with glory. At the same time, Zhu Shaoyang also entered a magical dream.

In the dream, a huge gossip disk is placed horizontally, and the golden light shoots out, emitting energy fluctuations. The yin and yang fish in the center slowly rotates, and the gossip disk blooms in eight directions, blooming in different colors.

At this time, Zhu Shaoyang stood on the yin and yang fish in the center of the gossip disk, at a loss. There was another person beside him, Li Teng, the predestined man with dry and empty seal.

"What's going on? His Royal Highness? Why are you here too?" Zhu Shaoyang said doubtfully.

"This is the gossip realm. If you want to awaken the sacred object, you must pass the test of the gossip realm, otherwise the sacred object will not be able to exert its due power." Li Teng explained that he seemed to have changed a person and no longer put on that high posture, but was much gentler.

Ah? There is still something to say! So what should we do now? Zhu Shaoyang continued to ask.

"The world will be in chaos, and all sacred things will come out. Children, welcome to the world of gossip." At this time, an old voice sounded in their ears, which was illusory and could not capture the direction.

"Senior, are you?" Zhu Shaoyang saluted the void and asked respectfully.

"I am the guardian of the gossip world, and I am also the guide who guides your test. You can call me an old man."

"However, I'm not a predestined person. Why do I also appear here?" Zhu Shaoyang asked questions.

"As long as you hold the gossip disk, you can enter the gossip realm and be tested. However, only if you pass the test can you leave the gossip realm." The old man explained patiently.

"Elder Jing, how should we stand the test?" Li Teng said.

There are eight directions of gossip, which are divided into: Qian, Kun, Kan, Li, Zhen, Gan, Xun and Du. You see, there are eight different color transmission arrays around here, which represent these eight directions. You have to be tested for dry position this time. Qian represents the sky, and the test of Qian's position is to challenge the thirty-six heavens.

"Thirty-six days?" Zhu Shaoyang and Li Teng looked at each other in consolence.

"You can see it when you go in."

At this time, the blue transmission array representing the dry position blooms and shines, the runes flow, and the energy is leaked out.

The two did not doubt him and walked towards the dry position transmission array.

The light flashed, and the two of them flashed in front of their eyes, and the next moment appeared in another place.

It is surrounded by the air, and the glow is falling, like a fairyland.

In front of Zhu Shaoyang and Li Teng, there is a white jade ladder with a total of 36 steps, spreading colorful and full of mystery.

"This ladder is named as a ladder, which is left over from ancient times. Each step is guarded by a Tianguan star. You must climb the steps and defeat Tianguan Star. Only by passing the test of 36 Tianguan stars can you get out of the gossip world, otherwise you will not be able to get out of here." The old man reminded.

"What? However, but our strength..." Zhu Shaoyang, is that a test handed down in ancient times!

"Don't worry, the test will not be too difficult, but you can't rely on any external force during the test. You can do it yourself."

"No, you can't use external forces yet... All right! It's hard." Zhu Shaoyang gritted his teeth, took a step and climbed the ladder.

As soon as the streamer turned, Zhu Shaoyang was teleported to an empty space. Far from in front of him stood a burly man in armor.

"This seat is one of the thirty-six heavenly stars. Only by defeating this seat can you climb to the next floor."

"Huh! Where is Your Highness?" Zhu Shaoyang looked left and right, but didn't see Li Teng.

"Your test is separate, not on the same plane." Tiankui Xing was expressionless and explained.

"What a trouble!" Zhu Shaoyang muttered.

"Fire Sword!"

Now, he can only face the reality and be tested.

The fierce sword was started, and the fighting spirit was running. Zhu Shaoyang suddenly took action, and the sword flowers were dancing. The fire poison burst out and extremely hot.