Poison King

Chapter 85 Changes

The mountains are winding, the shadows of trees, the insects and birds in the mountains are singing, and the scenery is beautiful.

The waterfall flew straight down, magnificent, magnificent and spectacular. When it fell, it splashed countless splashes. Under the reflection of the sun, the gorgeous Hongqiao appeared.


The water prison in the village is dark and humid, emitting a smell of decay.

"This, where is this?" Zhu Shaoyang woke up from his sleep, but found himself standing in the pool. The water was more than two feet deep, turbid and smelly. His hands were also tied with chains and it was difficult to get out.

"Damn it, it stinks! What the hell! Is there anyone? Let's live."

"Bad boy, what's your name? Be honest with me." Someone shouted in the water cell.

"Damn, let me out, or I will kill you." Zhu Shaoyang couldn't stand the smell and shouted angrily.


Someone splashed a basin of dirty sewage. When he covered his head, Zhu Shaoyang suddenly became a drowned chicken.

"Haha... How dare you talk about it? How does it taste to wash your feet?"

"Bah! Pooh! Damn, I will repay today's humiliation ten times. Zhu Shaoyang was angry and hated.

"Brother Long, get me out quickly. I'm going to kill them all."

"What to kill? Don't be dry. Didn't you find the reaction of the gossip disk just now?" The sound of the poisonous beast sounded.

"Gossip Disk?" Zhu Shaoyang calmed down and recalled his previous experience.

"Wait, the bandit leader seems to have said something about 'wood to help the fire, the staff of the shadow', the staff of the shadow? Is it the walking stick of one of the eight sacred things?

"I think there is nothing wrong with the induction of the gossip disk." The poisonous beast said.

"But why did the sacred object fall into the hands of the bandits? Li Yingzhang is said to be the guardian of the Feng family, one of the five families. Is the Feng family a bandits? Zhu Shaoyang was puzzled.

"Let's wait and see what happens, and you can put up with it first!"

"Forbearance? How can I stand it? The smell in it makes me want to vomit!" Zhu Shaoyang's eyebrows were deeply locked and his abdomen was churning.

"The village owner is right here." At this time, a sound came.

"Toad's eyes, let your young master out and have the guts to fight with him." Zhu Shaoyang heard the human voice and shouted.

"Shut up to me. The owner of the village is this boy.

Zhu Shaoyang saw two people's figure vaguely. Because the light was too dark, he couldn't see their appearance clearly.

Huh? The gossip disk really reacted. Zhu Shaoyang noticed the change in the gossip disk in his body.

"Bring him up."

"Women's voice?" Zhu Shaoyang was a little stunned. He didn't expect that the bandit leader was a woman.

"What a beauty in the world!"

Zhu Shaoyang was taken out of the water prison. When he first saw the village owner, he was stunned and couldn't help sighing.

"Ky, dig out your eyes again." Chen Lu said viciously.

"What do you have to do with the Feng family?" Zhu Shaoyang stabilized his mind and asked directly.

"Feng family? What Feng family? What are you talking about?" Chen Lu obviously doesn't know the inside story.

The owner in front of him frowned and said in a low voice, "Who are you?"

"Four disciples, wish Shaoyang."

The beautiful village owner was obviously stunned and said indifferently, "Take him to groom and come to see me later."

After saying that, she turned around and left.

"Zhaizhu, this..." Chen Lu wanted to say something more, but the beautiful village owner had already gone far.

"You are lucky." Chen Lu was indignant, but he had no choice. He snorted angrily and left.

Several little guys took Zhu Shaoyang to a wooden house in the cottage. In order to prevent him from escaping, Chen Lu specially ordered his subordinates to imprison his ability before leaving.

With a cup of tea, Zhu Shaoyang finally got rid of the stench, changed into a clean dress, and went with a little man to meet the village owner.

"The owner of the village has been brought here." Xiaoluo took him to a house and reported respectfully.

"Let him in." The owner of the village said.

"Yes. Go in!" After saying that, Xiao Luo left by himself.

Zhu Shaoyang strode into the wooden house and stepped into it. A faint fragrance poured into his nose, making his consciousness appear in a trance for a second.

In the room, the layout was simple, with only a wooden table, a few wooden chairs and a wooden bed. At this time, the village owner was sitting at the wooden table drinking tea.

"I have seen the village owner." Zhu Shaoyang made a salute.

"Sit down!"

"Thank you, Zhaizhu." Zhu Shaoyang sat on a wooden chair and asked, "Zhaizhu, do you dare to ask if you have anything to do with the Feng family?"

"How do you know about Feng's family?" The owner of the village asked back.

"To tell you the truth, I came down the mountain for eight sacred objects. Just now, I saw the toad's eye use the shadow stick at the foot of the mountain, so I asked this question. Zhu Shaoyang said.

The village owner put down the teacup, pondered for a moment, and then slowly said, "You're right. I am indeed a descendant of the Feng family, but the Feng family has long disappeared."

"Then... how about the seniors walk with me and look for a few other sacred objects?" Feng Xiaodie, a descendant of the Feng family, is different from Li Teng. She is alone without the protection of family forces. Isn't it dangerous if she is found by the demons? That's why Zhu Shaoyang proposed to let her go with him, and one more person and one more effort.

Feng Xiaodie looked at Zhu Shaoyang with a pair of beautiful eyes and said, "What good can I do if I keep up with you?"

"This..." Zhu Shaoyang was speechless.

"My father once mentioned the story of eight sacred objects. Now that you go down the mountain to look for sacred objects, you must be the demons who are ready to move, right?" Feng Xiaodie said.

"Yes, and we also found that there are still remnants of demons in the world. They have also begun to take action. I'm worried that something will happen to the owner. Zhu Shaoyang answered truthfully.

"It seems that the world is really going to be chaotic... OK, I agree to your request, but I have a condition."

"What conditions?" Zhu Shaoyang asked.



Suddenly, the wooden house was in chaos and screamed endlessly.

"What's going on?" Feng Xiaodie changed her face and hurriedly got up and walked out. Zhu Shaoyang followed closely.

They stepped out of the wooden house, but they saw several black air flowing in the whole cottage, harvesting the lives of those bandits. They couldn't resist at all. In just a moment, ten people have fallen to the ground and died, and the number of dead people continues to increase.

"Zhaizhu, save me..."

"Ah... so uncomfortable..."


"No, it's a demon." The poisonous beast said.

"What?" Zhu Shaoyang frowned, "It seems that the toad's eye just now used a shadow stick and was felt by them."

"The village owner, they are the remnants of the demon clan." Zhu Shaoyang reminded Feng Xiaodie.

At this moment, a black gas burst into Feng Xiaodie's body, and her body changed greatly.

"It's not good." Zhu Shaoyang fought with gas and flew up.

"Are you Zhu Shaoyang?" Feng Xiaodie's face was cold, his eyes were murderous, and he stared at Zhu Shaoyang.

"How can there be so much nonsense? Leave quickly, or you can't blame me for being rude." Zhu Shaoyang sacrificed a gossip plate and shouted harshly.

"Haha...a boy who is not happy to talk, he is looking for death!" Feng Xiaodie snorted coldly, raised her arms flat, and her anger lingered around. A magic wand rose into the air, which was the shadow stick.

Roar! Roar!

Feng Xiaodie urged the shadow stick with all its strength. Suddenly, the dragon chanted and shook the sky, and a red dragon melted out of the shadow stick. It was more than a hundred feet long, swallowing clouds and spitting fire, the sky changed color, and the firelight covered the sky.

"It is worthy of being a sacred object. Gossip, suppress the fire dragon. The gossip plate was dark, hung up in the air, and flew out with a sw of fire dragon.

The gossip plate is useful for making sacred objects, so it can't be better for the shadow stick.

However, Zhu Shaoyang's cultivation is still too weak to exert the real power of the gossip disk, and it will not last long.

"Brother Long, your life is at stake. You should take action!" Zhu Shaoyang's forehead was hidden with sweat and a little exhausted.

"Don't panic, Master Long is here!" The poisonous beast shouted and flew out of Zhu Shaoyang's body and rushed to the fire dragon.

"My family's breath?" Feng Xiaodie muttered and couldn't help looking at the black dragon transformed by the poisonous beast.

Two giant dragons in the air are entangled, roaring and colliding, and the aftershocks involve the ground. The mountains shake, the huge stones roll down, and the gorgeous colors burst into their eyes.

"Kill!" Zhu Shaoyang did not stop and rushed to Feng Xiaodie with the gossip disk.

"The devil is in the world, and the evil law is lawless!"

Feng Xiaodie said in a low voice, and immediately, the magic spirit rose, the ghost cried and howled, and countless magic shadows floated across the world.

"Hmm! Gossip, suppress!" The gossip disk rose in the wind and instantly turned into the size of the grinding disc, blooming and suppressing demons.


Zhu Shaoyang is not Feng Xiaodie's opponent. Although he has the help of gossip, there are many shadows and can't be prevented. Zhu Shaoyang was secretly attacked and vomited blood.

"It's just that you still want to fight with this demon and die!" Feng Xiaodie roared and slapped Zhu Shaoyang.

" Shaoyang!" Although the poisonous beast found the situation on Zhu Shaoyang's side, it was entangled by the fire dragon and could not escape.


Zhu Shaoyang couldn't dodge. With a palm, he flew out and fell into the river under the waterfall. The water surged so fast that he disappeared in a short time.

" Shaoyang!" The poisonous beast was in a hurry to get rid of the fire dragon, turned into a black light, and flew downstream of the river.

"Leave it for me." Feng Xiaodie really wanted to find out the origin of the poisonous beast. She didn't want him to escape, perform magic, magically transform the boundary, and stop the way of the poisonous hand.

"Poisonous Dragon Diamond!" The poisonous beast was worried about the safety of Zhu Shaoyang. Despite the obstruction of the boundary, it forced action to use the original method to break the boundary and chase Zhu Shaoyang.

"Why do you want to help human beings when you are from our family? It's really unclear." Feng Xiaodie muttered to herself, and then turned into a stream of light and disappeared.

Poor the whole Fengxiang Village has never survived. The fire in the village is everywhere, the thick smoke is rolling, and it is no longer the scene of the past.

A few days later.

A primitive jungle.

A river runs through, and the sound of running water echoes through the mountains and forests.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the river, floating on the water, alive or alive.


At this time, a giant elephant more than two meters high stepped on its feet. This is a blue elephant of Warcraft. It is covered with cyan hair, huge ears, and two pairs of ivory in its mouth, white as jade, can be more than one meter long. More importantly, its nose is three meters long and flashing, and its nose is equivalent to a weapon of a green elephant. Under sweeping, the giant tree that needs three people to hold together will also collapse.

The green elephant obviously found the figure in the river. With a long roar, its nose stretched out and grew rapidly. It rolled out the man from the rapid river and threw it directly into its mouth.