Be alone in the world

Chapter 20 A Good Horse Like a Dragon

The next morning, the whole city of Liuzhou was lively. The streets were crowded and bustling. Many famous girl monks opened the window of the attic and looked down. They saw the children of the three major families in groups of three or two, all of whom were magnificent, freshly dressed, carrying swords, carrying long bows, and galloping across the The sound of horses' hoofs.

"Look, look! Those are several young masters of the Fang family. Mr. Fang Hong is also in it, and Mr. Fangdu! Wow, the young masters of the Ye family have also come out!"

"Fangfang, you are crazy again. How can the young masters of these families like us? They have long been famous for a long time. They either married the families of other states or got married early. If it weren't for the Hunting Festival, it would be difficult to see them at ordinary times. I heard that these maids are more expensive than us..."

"Cut, they don't have nymphomaniac, they are just a little greedy. I think if you want to become the young grandmother of the three major families, you have to start with the baby... Wow, the young master of the Zhou family has also come out... It's strange that the young master of the Zhou family looks so mature, Are you in your fifties?

When Zhou Shiwen heard the words, he looked up at the attic and glared at him. He spit out a mouthful of phlegm and cursed, "I'm only fifteen years old this year, not fifty!"

The girl upstairs stuck out her tongue and shouted excitedly: "Look, Mr. Fang Chen is here. He is so handsome! Mr. Chen San!" The pink handkerchief in the girl's hand fell from the attic and slid across the cheek of a young man in white.

The young man in white rode a white horse. His skin was fair and he was a little strangely handsome. Even the woman was jealous of his appearance. He smiled, took the handkerchief, put it on his nose and sniffed it, and sent it into his arms. It was unrestrained.

The girl in the attic squealed and fainted with excitement.

This young man in white is Fang Chen, the third young master of the Fang family, the leader of the younger generation. In Liuzhou City, Zhou Shiwen of the Zhou family, and Ye Xu of the Ye family are all genius figures!

Zhou Shiwen glanced at Fang Chen, spat at thick phlegm, and cursed in a low voice: "Little white face! What I hate most is other people's faces, which are whiter than my face!"

"It's not Fang's white face, but Brother Zhou's face is too dark."

Fang Chen listened to his ear and didn't care. He waved the folding fan in his hand and smiled, "I'm afraid that the whole city of Liuzhou can no longer find anyone darker than Brother Zhou's face."

Zhou Shiwen was angry and angry. He said angrily, "Is it very hot? Waving a fan all day long, pretending to be a slut! Don't fan the smell of urine on me!"

Fang Chen laughed and said, "The weather is not hot, but my little brother has practiced the Jiuyang Fire God Kungfu to the ninth peak. The real spirit is as fierce as fire. Even if it is the cold winter, you have to fan a fan to enjoy the cool."

Zhou Shiwen's eyes lit up, rubbed his hands, and said with a smile, "Little white face, are you about to step into martial arts? Why don't you compete with grandpa? Let's see if your Fang family's Jiuyang fire magic power is powerful, or my Zhou family's Houtu hegemonic magic power is stronger!"

A cold light flashed in Fang Chen's eyes, and a strong fighting spirit arose spontaneously. He smiled and said, "Fight? On Baiman Mountain, you and I have a lot of opportunities! However, I heard that Brother Zhou was defeated by Ye Shaobao again and again. Compared with Brother Zhou, I prefer to fight with Ye Shaobao! What makes me feel sorry is that I have achieved great success, but Ye Shaobao, who is as famous as me, has become a useless person. It's a pity that I didn't see Ye Shaobao's demeanor at the Hunting Festival..."

Zhou Shiwen snorted coldly, despisedly, and said, "Little white face, why don't you dare to say this before Ye Shaobao was abolished? I am indeed not his opponent, but I dare to stand in front of him and challenge him! And you will only say sarcastic things after he is abolished, shameless villain!"

Fang Chen was furious, but he remained calm and shook the folding fan in his hand slightly.

"I'm afraid that the two brothers will forget that in addition to Ye Shaobao, there are also three heroes in the Ye family!"

Two horses came one after another. Ye Bin and Ye Feng sat on the horse and rushed to the front of them to strangle the horses.

Ye Feng smiled proudly and said, "Both of you, Ye Xu has become a waste, a horse slave who cleans the stables! But there are many talented people in the Ye family, and I don't know how many people are better than him! In this hunting festival, my two brothers will be the opponents of the two brothers!"

"It's just up to you two?"

Zhou Shiwen curled his lips, twisted his head aside, and said, "You don't deserve it. It's almost enough to ask your eldest brother Ye Qin to come out!"

Fang Chen's eyes swept over Ye Bin and Ye Feng, and his face was like a spring breeze. He nod and smiled, "Two brothers, Brother Zhou is right. You really don't deserve it."

Ye Bin and Ye Feng looked pale and sat on the horse and didn't know what to say.

Zhou Shiwen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he saw a bad horse slowly coming from the end of the street. A young man in blue clothes sat on the horse and slowly rushed forward.

Zhou Shiwen's mount is a top-class horse charcoal colt in the Western Regions. His body is as red as fire. Fang Chen**'s steed is also a good seed. His name is Zhaoye Yu Qilin, which is extremely precious.

And Ye Bin and Ye Feng's mounts are also first-class horses, without any miscellaneous hairs.

Only the blue-shirted young man's horse is mixed, dry and thin, and sick. It seems that a gust of wind can blow people and horses into the sky.

"Ye Shaobao!"

Zhou Shiwen's eyes condensed and stared at the blue-shirted teenager.

Fang Chen also tightened his pupils, licked his dry lips, and his nails were white, as if facing a big enemy. He exhaled a long breath and said word by word, "Ye! Xu!"

Ye Xu slowly came to the two of them, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, and arched his hand and said, "Two brothers."

Zhou Shiwen suddenly laughed: "Shaobao, you are really here. I thought you would become a wasteful waste after you become a waste!"

"As long as my Ye Xu's name is still on the Ye family tree, I will definitely participate in this hunting festival!" Ye Xu said indifferently.

Fang Chen waved a fan and said with a sneer, "Brother Ye's horse is quite unique and excellent!"

"Brother Fang smiled."

Ye Xu shrugged his shoulders and was quite helpless. Although he lived in Ye's racecourse, the horses in the racecourse were picked away by the other children of the Ye family, leaving only the bad horse.

He originally did not intend to ride a horse, but Ma Sanbao told him that the horse seemed to be inferior, but in fact it was a rare alien species, and there was a very loud name called "Dried Firewood Jiao".

It is said that Jiaolong nature**, no matter what race the other party is, as long as it is a mother, Jiaolong will forcibly take the other party away**. This skinny horse is the result of the dragon and the mare**!

The three of them drove side by side and walked out of the city. Although the "dry firewood dragonfly" was dry and thin, it was very fierce. The horse of Fang Chen and Zhou Shiwen grinned and sniffed. Only the skinned horse's face was left, which looked more ferocious and ferocious.

Unlike other horses, this guy has small steel teeth and is sharp. He doesn't look like a horse, but like a hungry wolf!

Zhou Shiwen couldn't help laughing: "Shaobao, your horse has a good temper, and it's really excellent!"

Ye Xu couldn't help laughing and said with a smile, "My horse only eats meat and doesn't eat grass. I eat 50 catties of first-class veal every day. The inferior beef doesn't even smell it. It's really a little fierce."

Zhou Shiwen was shocked: "This bastard eats more than me!"

Ye Bin and Ye Feng were left in place, trembling with anger. Obviously, Ye Xu has become a "waste", but Zhou Shiwen and Fang Chen still attach great importance to him. For themselves, the so-called three heroes of Yefu, didn't even look at them!

What a humiliation is this?

Ye Bin and Ye Feng looked at each other and shared the same mind. They immediately ran forward and went straight to Ye Xu!

When they rushed to Ye Xu's side, the two of them turned their horses and bumped into Ye Xu!

Ye Feng said viciously in his heart, "Smash your horse to death in the street and make you ugly. Let's see how arrogant you are!"

Before the two steeds approached, the "dry firewood dragonfly" suddenly exploded, and the horse's head sided angrily. The two hilts turned over and kicked the belly of the two steeds fiercely!

Ye Bin and Ye Feng's horses soared into the air and crashed into the houses on both sides of the street. The doors and windows were cracked, and the house collapsed. Even the two people on horseback were lifted off and fell to disgraced!

Fang Chen and Zhou Shiwen couldn't help showing surprise. They looked at the seemingly inferior thin horse in a daze and were extremely surprised. Even their ** charcoal horse and Zhaoye Yuqilin quietly took a step back and did not dare to keep pace with the thin horse.

Zhou Shiwen ate and said, "Shaobao, your horse is very exciting!"

Ye Xu was also surprised. Ma Sanbao said that this dry firewood dragon was born to a mare. He thought it was a joke, but now it seems that it is somewhat possible!

Fang Chen sneered and said, "What's the use of being strong? Whether it's a good horse or not, the most important thing is to look at the foot strength! Two brothers, do you dare to compare the foot strength of the mount to see who will go to the ancestral altar of heaven outside the city first?

"Compare with me, I'm afraid you won't make it? Ha!"

Zhou Shiwen clamped the horse's stomach with his legs and rushed out of the city like an arrow from the string. Fang Chen secretly scolded a bitch and hurriedly chased after him.

There are still a few recommended tickets left for a thousand, and when there are a thousand tickets, it must be updated!