Be alone in the world

Chapter 106 Life, Life, Hammer and Death

At this time, Ye Xu had already been controlled by the anger of the tyrant ape elixir, and the desire to destroy in his heart was magnified countless times. He roared repeatedly, stared at Mao Kaifu's figure and fought all the way.

At this moment, Mao Kaifu was beaten with blood all over his body without the previous arrogance, and he was shocked: "How can it be? Even if he is the core disciple of the Five Poisons Religion, he can't have such a strong animalization elixir! And with his cultivation, he took such a powerful veterinary elixir, why didn't he explode and die?

The beast elixir is an elixir extracted from the soul of the monster and refined with dozens of rare medicinal materials. In the unique secret skill of the Five Poisons, it is rumored to use what level of the spirit of the demon soul to refine the elixir. After taking it, you can have the strength and cultivation of the monster!

However, the success rate of this elixir refining is extremely low, and the effect of the medicine is too strong. If a wizard with low cultivation take the animalized elixir, it is very likely to be blown up by the violent demon!

The safe range of taking veterinary elixir at a time can be at most a higher level than your own cultivation. If you exceed too much, you may explode and die!

There are many disciples of the Five Poisons to refine the animalized elixir, but most of the disciples use the animalized elixir to change their body shape. For example, if the disciples of the Five Poisons Religion want to cross the sea, they can take the ape elixir refined by the soul of the golden-haired water ape

If you fly, take the feather elixir refined by the bird goblin soul, carry two wings on your back, and flap your wings.

However, Ye Xu used the tyrannical ape elixir to fight, and this elixir is four major realms higher than his cultivation, with 32 small realms, crossing the Guyuan period, Rongyuan period and the three real realms, and raised his cultivation to the three true realms Haoyue period in one fell swoop!

Mao Kaifu just wanted to escape at this moment, but he was caught by Ye Xu, shoved on the ground, waved his mountain-like fist and hit him heavily on him!

The head of the eight major families in Qingzhou rushed over. Before he got close, he saw that the golden-haired ape couldn't help swinging his fist at Mao Kaifu. He said angrily, "I'll kill you! I'll beat you to death..."

One punch, two punches, three punches...

Every time the punch falls, the ground trembles violently!

"I can't let him fight any more. If he continues to fight, Mao Kaifu will be beaten to death by him. It's not easy to explain to the Ghost King!"

"Even if Mao Kaifu does not die, I'm afraid this golden-haired ape will set off a flood and flood Qingzhou!"

At this moment, several streets in Qingzhou have been submerged, all of which are where Ye Xu walked. The flood fell and crashed around!

One of the masters of the family rushed forward and shouted angrily. Zhenyuan turned into a big hand and grabbed Ye Xu!

Before the big hand was close to him, Ye Xu suddenly turned around, his eyes were as red as blood, and his fist was blown out. The huge waves were surging, and the water turned into a fist, banging at the big hand transformed by Zhenyuan, and suddenly the big hand was broken!

The fist of the water flow rampaged and hit the owner fiercely. He immediately flew him hundreds of meters, spit blood in his mouth, fell into the yard of a family, and smashed the ground into a deep pit!

"The owner of the Ding family is injured!"

"This golden-haired water ape has infinite power and is proficient in witchcraft. It hurts the owner of the Ding family with one blow. Be careful!"

The owner of the Ding family turned over and got into the air, wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and said harshly, "The Mao Kaifu of the Ghost King Sect has been hammered into meat sauce by him!"

This sentence suddenly became an uproar.

Why is Mao Kaifu's cultivation so high? It is comparable to their heads of the family, and it is also the master of the Ghost King Sect. There are thousands of witchcrafts in his chest, and the witch treasure in his hand is actually hammered to death by this golden-haired ape with his fist!

"It's not good for Mao Kaifu to provoke anyone, but he deserves to provoke this murderer!"

"Let's take action together and suppress him quickly, otherwise he will be ruthless and flood Qingzhou!"

The owners of the remaining seven families in Qingzhou rushed up to Ye Xu one after another and sacrificed their respective witch treasures from afar. Among them, the most conspicuous one was a black seal, flying into the air, getting bigger and bigger, like a dark coffin, smashing Ye Xu's forehead!

Other people's witch treasures were also different. They sacrificed one after another and roared at Ye Xu.

The violence in Ye Xu's heart became more and more fierce. He suddenly looked up to the sky and roared. His arms hit the ground heavily, and the earth shook. Suddenly, the ground cracked, and seven columns of water rose to the sky and shot dozens of feet, like seven angry dragons, opening their teeth and claws to meet seven witch treasures!

The water dragon exploded, and the seven witch treasures also turned over and fell back into the hands of the master.

Ye Xu roared, squatted on his knees, suddenly jumped up and jumped into the air. As soon as his body began to fall, he saw a column of water rising from the city and firmly supporting his body.

Ye Xu jumped in the air and chased after one of the family's owners. Every time his foot fell, a column of water was automatically born, and other columns of water scattered one after another, and the water in the city accumulated deeper!

"You can't make him rampant again, otherwise the more water accumulates in the city, the more he will be able to exert his strength!"

The golden-haired water ape is a water monster and the king of the water. The longer he rampage, the more water there will be in the city. When Qingzhou becomes a water country, it will be the time when the golden-haired water ape is completely fierce!

The seven masters stopped Ye Xu one after another, and even the owner of the Ding family could not care about the injury and joined hands with several others!

Liang Xuansong, the third son of Liang, saw this horrible situation and couldn't help but have a cold war. At this moment, he had not returned home. He had already seen the conflict between Ye Xu and Yao Chengxian, Mao Kaifu and others, but he cared about his life and did not come forward to stop him.

I caught a glimpse of Zhou Shiwen and others standing in front of the Jubaozhai Gate. Liang Xuansong hurried over and said in a trembling voice, "Brother Zhou, Brother Fang, how much wine did Brother Ye drink this time?"

Zhou Shiwen also withdrew his eyes, laughed dryly and said, "I don't drink much, only two taels."

"Two taels of wine is so ferocious. Brother Ye's drinking capacity is really shallow. If it's ten catties of strong wine..." Liang Xuansong was stunned and couldn't help shivering again.

Zhou Shiwen winled at Fang Chen. The two walked to the corner and muttered, "I didn't expect that the beast elixir had such power. Shaobao still has two, and he will get them back from him later."

"I never thought that I could have such power, even the strong in the three real realms can be killed! The value of this beast elixir is definitely above the witch treasure!"

"Unfortunately, there are only three..."

"It's a great blessing that we can escape from life! This time, the young guard has caused a great disaster, and we are afraid that we will inevitably be angry.

The two were discussing, and suddenly they shouted again: "The owner of the Lan family was also injured!"

"The owner of the Jiang family broke his legs with a punch!"

"Bad! The owner of the Ding family was poisoned by him again, and he didn't know whether to live or die!"

The two looked at each other in consterious ways: "Is the beast elixir so fierce? Shaobao injured so many family owners, even if he dies, it's worth it!"

With the exertion of the power of the tyrannosaurus elixir, and the accumulation of water in Qingzhou City, Ye Xu's strength has gradually climbed, and the power between hands is getting bigger and bigger, almost overwhelming!

The head of the eight major families in Qingzhou, the figure of the dominant side, can only be supported by his hands at this moment, which is dangerous.

Although these people are strong, they have not cultivated to the extent of Luan Tianhe. They have not sacrificed the alchemy tripod, and there is no way to collect the water generated by the golden-haired water ape's wave, which can only make Ye Xu fight more and more fierce!

Three more people rose to the sky in the palace of the king of Liang. One of them wore a crown, a yellow robe, and embroidered with three unicorns in his robe. He was not angry and arrogant. He was the king of Liang of the palace of Liang in Qingzhou.

The other person was a strong man like a black tower who had just been beaten down by the owner of the Hundred Flowers Palace. His eyes were like copper bells, staring at Ye Xu's figure, showing a look of eagerness.

The remaining one is a middle-aged man in a green shirt, a talented person, like a private student who reads poetry.

"Is this golden-haired ape a disciple of your religion?"

King Liang looked worried and said to the middle-aged man in green clothes, "Mr. Gu, please let the disciple of your religion receive the magic power of witchcraft, so as not to be ruined by the lives in Qingzhou."

The man in blue was named Gu Yanzhi. Hearing the words, he smiled gently and said, "King Liang didn't know that he took the beast elixir and turned his body into a monster, but he was not a magic power. Fortunately, the effect of the veterinary elixir is only a quarter of an hour, and after a quarter of an hour, the medicinal power will disappear.

He just came to Qingzhou, but he met Ye Xu fighting, incarnated as a demon ape, vandalizing, and even killed the ghost Wang Zongmao Kaifu, beating the head of the eight major families in Qingzhou to a mess. He also felt a burst of pleasure in his heart, and at the same time, he was a little Why don't I know that I have five poisons, and such talents..."

My headache is better, but my wife is still catching a cold and complains that I infected her... A