Be alone in the world

Chapter 117 Lingtian Baimu

Ye Xu thought for a moment and couldn't find a way to subdue this guy for the time being. If he practiced to the three real realms, he could indeed fight hard and beat this guy convincingly.

"Xiong Yan, if you don't obey me, I will lock you up here and starve to death!" Ye Xu said viciously.

Xiong Yan was shocked, and then became tough and said, "How long can you shut up the master? Master, I simply hibernate, and I may not starve to death in three or five years!"

Ye Xu has a headache. He also knows that black bears, a beast, can hibernate, and it will be a winter when he sleeps, and the bear is an alien monster. He has wings and cultivates into a demon. He lives much longer than an ordinary black bear. He is afraid that it will take three or five years to starve the black man

Xiong Yu was also worried that he really closed himself for three or five years. His eyes turned and his voice slowed down. He laughed and said, "Kid, I admit that you are the master of Yunmen Mountain, but if you can't beat me, I will never give in to you. If you want to surrender to me, it's just for me to take care of the medicine. Let's discuss it. Master, I will help you grow medicinal herbs, but I want to take this amount of the obtained medicinal herbs!"

After saying that, the black bear stretched out a bear's paw, opened its fingers, and shook it in front of Ye Xu.

"Do you want 50%? But it's not much..."

Ye Xu's heart was moved. The reason why he planned to surrender to Xiong Yi was that the black bear knew how to cultivate the elixir. If he could work together, it was indeed a feasible way.

He was about to agree when he suddenly noticed the bear's paw. He suddenly turned pale and smiled angrily: "You tricky bear, with six fingers, almost tricked me into agreeing!"

"We black bears already have six fingers!" The bear said confidently.

Ye Xu was half angry with him and said angrily, "I'm the landlord of Yunmen Mountain. You have been planting my land for decades. As a peasant, you haven't paid a penny of the rent. Do you still want 60%? I only give you this number. If you don't agree, you will starve to death here!"

Ye Xu said and raised three fingers.

The bear was so annoyed that he had to agree to his terms and whispered, "Why was it seen through? Why was it seen through..."

Ye Xu moved his mind and released him from the jade tower. He said to himself, "As long as you agree, haven't you become a boy who takes care of the medicine for me? What does it matter whether it is surrendered or not? You have worked hard to farm, and 70% of the harvest is not to be given to me..."

Xiong Wei came out of trouble and cried with joy. He glanced at Ye Xu. Suddenly, he roared, stretched out a slap the size of a fan, and was about to pat Ye Xu.

Ye Xu sneered and said, "I knew you were wild and difficult to tame. How could you be unprepared?"

Before the bear's slap fell, Ye Xu's jade tower covered the black bear's head, and the dry wood dragonfly poked its head out of it, bit the black bear with a click, and dragged him in again!

Xiong Yan was released for the second time and suddenly became much more honest.

"If you are rude again, I will lock you up for three years!" Ye Xu sneered.

This bear is a master one by one, and unconsciously he can't help using this self-proclaimed name.

"I am the landlord of Yunmen Mountain, and the helmsman of the Five Poisons Church in Qingzhou. I claim to be a master! This stupid bear has nothing, can it also call itself a master?

The voice of Shi Changqing Gongyang and others came from outside. Ye Xu glanced at the bear beside him and said, "Master, when I caught you, I had already ordered my nephews to bring all the medicinal materials in the medicine in the deep valley. In the future, you can open up a medicinal field in this purple bamboo forest and grow medicinal herbs at ease.

Xiong Yan's face changed slightly, and he stamped his feet and said, "Damn! Master, I'm afraid all the medicinal herbs I've worked so hard to grow are going to die!"

Ye Xu was puzzled and said, "It won't take much time to transplant those medicinal herbs. How can you die?"

Xiong Yan was furious and said angrily, "Is it easy for you to grow elixirs? Master, I don't know how much hard work I spent on cultivating those medicine fields alone! The master kills monsters every day and irrigates them with the blood of monsters. It took four years for those plots of land to have some aura and cultivate them into spiritual fields! If you shovel the medicine pot, you will lose all the spirituality in the spiritual field! These medicinal herbs are very delicate. Without spiritual fields, they can't be planted at all!"

Ye Xu didn't know that there would be so many troubles in planting elixirs, but at this moment, Shi Changqing and others had brought all the medicinal materials from the medicine plantation. At this point, he had no other way, so he had to say, "There is no shortage of things like Reiki. Can't we re-open

"How easy is it to open up a few acres of spiritual fields?"

Xiong Yu sneered and said, "The Hundred Flowers Palace is rich and rich. It irrigates the fields with reiki, and there are thousands of acres of spiritual fields in the mountains!" However, even if you have Reiki irrigation, it will take half a year to cultivate a spiritual field. At that time, the master's medicinal herbs will be dead long ago! There are hundreds of acres of spiritual fields in your jade building, but it is impossible for the master to enter again!"

"My jade building has hundreds of acres of spiritual fields?"

Ye Xu was stunned. In addition to a jade tree, only the Yuhuayao pond and the small island in the lake were left in his jade tower. Other places were extremely flat land.

Listening to the meaning of this bear, those lands are also spiritual fields, which can be used to cultivate medicinal herbs, which is an unexpected joy!

"Brother Black Bear..."

"Please call me Xiong Batian!"

Ye Xu scolded and politely said politely, "Brother Batian, wouldn't it be a pity if I didn't grow medicinal herbs in hundreds of acres of spiritual fields in my jade building? Besides, the more medicinal herbs you plant, the more you harvest. Isn't Brother Ba Tian tempted?

Xiong Yu was indeed moved by him. After four years of hard work, he opened up a few spiritual fields, only a few acres in size, while Ye Xu's jade building has hundreds of mu, which can't be said in the same day.

He can almost see that he is surrounded by elixir piled up like a hill!

Xiong Yu turned his eyes and said, "Cough, my lord, in your jade building, you should have your own private house!"

"According to you!" Ye Xu laughed.

"Master, you can take a bath with the water in your pool. Don't let that dragon bully me!" This bear has always thought that the dry firewood dragon is a dragon and is quite afraid of it.

Ye Xu smiled and said, "It's up to you!"

"Master can come out of the jade building at any time!"

Ye Xu frowned slightly and said, "I'm cooperating with you, not your servant. Call me and go. You can go out once a day, but not more than six hours at a time!"

Xiong Yumei smiled and said, "Deal the deal!"

Although he is a little smart, he doesn't know that if he has agreed to Ye Xu's condition, he will become Ye Xu's private pet, which is more difficult than being a medicine boy.

Shi Changqing and others walked into the small courtyard of Zizhu and saw the black bear standing beside Ye Xu. He was honest and couldn't help looking at each other. They all saw the horror in the other party's eyes and were secretly shocked: "Uncle Ye did be the helmsman's position. Even this bear was obedient. It's really

Shi Changqing hurriedly saluted and said respectfully, "Uncle, the medicine yard and medicinal materials in the deep valley have all been moved here and placed outside the courtyard."

Ye Xu nodded slightly, suddenly remembered something and said, "Changqing, have you collected the souls of monsters? I'm going to open the furnace to refine a few furnaces of animal elixir.

Hearing this, Shi Changqing looked at several other people and said with a smile, "As a disciple of the Five Poisons, how can you not collect the souls of monsters? We will have as much as uncle wants, but the spirits of the monsters we collected have not been cultivated to the three real realms. I don't know if it suits my uncle's intentions?

Ye Xu smiled and said, "My cultivation is still low now. I can't refine too high-grade beast elixir, just an ordinary demon soul."

Shi Changqing and others hurriedly took out some jade beads. Ye Xu pinched one and watched carefully. He saw that the demon soul of a crane was sealed in the jade beads. He spread his wings and wanted to fly, but he could not escape. He couldn't help but be surprised.

The Five Poisons Church collects the soul of monsters to refine the beast elixir. This method is indeed a real magic way, but Ye Xu doesn't care about the difference between good and evil at all.

Today's world is not the period of ancient times. In ancient times, there were six reincarnations, and any life will be reincarnated after death.

At that time, the means of the Five Poisons were unforgivable.

Now the six paths have collapsed, and reincarnation does not exist. Any creature, whether it is a wizard or a monster, will break up and scatter between heaven and earth after death. Therefore, it is not very vicious to collect the spirit soul alchemy of monsters.

Yesterday, the number of rewards soared to seven. The pig proudly told his wife. She said that she had seen it for a long time. Today, she was still sleeping in and never saw it. There was another helmsman in this book!

Whether it's rewarding or voting, it's the heart of brothers, and I'm extremely grateful! A