Be alone in the world

Chapter 190 You can't be insatiable (please subscribe)

In this bronze hall, it seems to have been hollowed out, and a large space has been dug out. This space should have been stuffed with dozens of arrays by the owner of the soul world, which are divided into nine types: heaven, earth, water, fire, wind, mountain, thunder, yin and yang, corresponding to nine evils, Killing.

These formations are controlled and hosted by a banner. There are a total of 72 banners flying all over the air.

Ye Xu saw the outermost array, which should be the water system array. The blue banner of the sea flew around, and rivers condensed by water were ejected from the surface of the flag. It was like a blue dragon, penetrating back and forth in the air, and the waves were surging.

This kind of water is called the heavy water of the Ganges River, which is mixed with the evil spirit of water. Each drop weighs more than a hundred catties, and a river is a mountain.

Several wizards fell into the battle and were immediately crushed to pieces, and their bodies burst into a blood fog. Even the masters of the Haoyue period and the mixed Yuan period could not resist it. They could only be avoided carefully. If they could not escape, there was only a way to die.

The blue flag of the sea, wherever you go, there are people who are killed, which is extremely fierce.

Among other formations, there are also thunderbolt "wind number, yin evil" yang evil, no more, no less, just nine kinds, one side of the big flag flying, colorful, wind rolling thunder "mountain avalanche, yin and yang rampant" killing infinitely.

Fortunately, these arrays have been in operation for many years, and the evil spirit in the flag has dissipated a lot. It is extremely thin, and the power is greatly damaged.

Xia Houshang and the extremely powerful master of the Danding period sacrificed their own Danding, resisting the bombardment of these banners, while collecting evil spirits. This kind of evil spirit is relatively pure. If it can be entered into the witch treasure, it can greatly enhance the power of the witch treasure.

At the end of these arrays" is the real internal space of the bronze hall. From afar, it is green, like a floating island, floating in the air. "You can only see dozens of bronze pillars standing on the island, and you can't see what's inside.

"Each of these banners is a witch treasure at the town and education level..." Gu Yanzhi took a cold breath," he muttered.

The other people's eyes were also straight, and they stared at these banners and couldn't move their eyes.

Seventy-two township-level witches are crazy to think about it. Ordinary small sects can have one town-level witchcrafts" has made great achievements, and there are actually as many as 72 here!

What's more, "This is just one of the bronze halls, and there are five bronze halls outside. If they are all arranged like this," doesn't it mean that there are more than 400 town-level witch treasures in this soul world?

"The local rich man" is really the local rich man..." Zhou Shiwen muttered that this is only the periphery of the bronze hall, and the bronze floating island is the real core of the hall. "I don't know how amazing the treasures inside will be!

However, although this is extremely eye-catching wealth, it is difficult to collect. Although the power of these formations is greatly damaged, their power is still incredible. Even the masters of the mixed period dare not go deep into the formation." They can only be carefully avoided.

Only masters of the Danding period such as Xiahoushang can have the strength to enter the internal of the formation to resist the attacks of those banners.

This is still because these arrays have been running for too long." Because of the evil spirit dissipating and the great loss of power, if these flags can be fully opened, even if Xia Houshang is such a master, there is only a dead end.

Seventy-two banners flew up and down, strangling waves of wizards, or I don't know how many people flocked to collect a banner desperately.

Xiahoushang and another strong man in the Danding period were also trying to collect banners, and the two sacrificed the Danding respectively to compete with the banner.

Xiahoushang is behind the "talent of Dongliga" who rely on him, while behind another strong man in the Danding period is the blood god castle Wang Yu and others. The strength of these two groups of people are similar, and they are all masters of the Danding period.

"This place is too dangerous. You all follow me. Don't get separated.

" Gu Yanzhi said in a low voice.

Before the words fell, the blue shirt flashed. Ye Xu had already rushed out and went straight to one of the hot flags. Zhou Shiwen and Fang Chen followed closely.

"You three are stunned" Do you know how to write the word caution? Stop it quickly, or I'll be angry!" Gu Yanzhi trembled with anger and hurriedly chased after him.


The Yanyang fire flag is the most powerful side of many banners. It presides over the Yanyang fire array. The flag is as red as fire, the flag shakes in the wind, and a ball of fire clouds falls, making a rumbling thunder sound.

Among these fire clouds, there is a fire snake that is two or three feet long. It swims in the clouds. When it meets a stranger, it immediately flies out of the cloud and burns the other party to ashes.

This kind of fire is a hot sun thunder fire, which is extremely powerful, and it is mixed with fire snake-like fire evils" and adds some power out of thin air.

At the beginning, on Luofu Island, Ye Xu, with the thunder and fire in the hot sun gourd, forced the strong in the Dan tripod period to die, which showed its power.

Many wizards tried to collect this witch treasure, but before they were close, they were burned into charcoal ash by thunder and fire.

Gu Yanzhi noticed that a righteous wizard who had cultivated to the top of the mixed era was fighting against this flag, but was refined by the fire flag, and his own witch treasure was also trained into the most primitive material!

"You three bastards, stop quickly, or I'll really be angry!" Gu Yanzhi saw that the Yanyang fire flag was so powerful, and the cold hair stood upside down. His face was twisted, and the fire roared.

Ye Xu and the other two turned a deaf ear and broke into the array of fire, and were suddenly surrounded by boundless fire clouds.

Gu Yanzhi's face was like dirt, gritted his teeth, and then broke into the battle. The thunder and fire of the Yanyang were overwhelmingly suppressed, twisting the space around the four of them." His heart said, "My three brothers have always been lawless. Poor me, I fell into the battle with them. It's really unluck

"Young insurance, are you sure?" Zhou Shiwen looked at the forced fire clouds, and the fire snakes formed one by one. They were eager to try.

Gu Yanzhi rolled his eyes and collected this flag? Don't even think about it. It's important to save your life now.

He said in a low voice, "Don't panic, the three brothers. They have refined a lot of insects for their brothers, and most of them can kill a bloody road and rush out of the fire. However, most of the insects that have been refined for my brother for many years will be burned by thunder..."

"Brother, what are we going out for?"

Zhou Shiwen said curiously, "I'm asking Shaozhen if he is sure to break through this formation and take away the flag."

Gu Yanzhi couldn't help it any more. He roared angrily and said, "You three little bastards, do you know how to write dead words? This fierce array, not to mention me, even the strong people such as Xia Houshang dare not break through..."

"Brother Ye broke in, he is mostly sure." Fang Chen said lightly.

The fire cloud approached, and fire snakes several feet long raised their heads from the clouds and spewed fires at the four people.

"I won't say more. Let's break out first, and then settle accounts with you three bastards for our brother!"

The bright moon appeared above Gu Yanzhi's head, and the worms were densely pierced in the bright moon. He was about to bear the pain and rush to open a road with these worms. Ye Xu smiled and said, "Brother, don't be so troublesome."

Ye Xu took out the Yanyang gourd and sacrificed the gourd. Suddenly, a suction came out of the gourd, like a whale swallowing the long rainbow, and immediately put the fire clouds around him together with the fire evil into the gourd.

This Yanyang gourd is enough to accommodate seven fire dragons that have sprayed Yanyang thunder for many years. It's not a problem to collect this thunder.

Ye Xu continued to urge the gourd to sweep away the thunder and fire in this big array. He said in a low voice, "Brother Fang, Brother Zhou, I have broken through the fierce fire array. Go and deal with that flag quickly!"

Gu Yanzhi was stunned. Hearing this, he immediately became furious and said angrily, "Brother Fang, Brother Zhou, don't go." This little bastard is to let you die. Although the formation is broken, after all, it is a witch treasure at the town level..."

Zhou Shiwen and Fang Chen have risen to the sky and went straight to the blazing flag.


Fang Chen sacrificed to the Jade Tower. A blood-stained flag in the building unfolded, and the hunting sounded. From afar, you can smell a smell of iron temptation. The real yuan of the two immediately rushed into the iron-blooded battle flag and worked together to spread the flag, which was hundreds of meters in size, and strived to

Two witch treasures at the level of the town's education encounter" The air suddenly shook violently, making an earth-shaking noise, which shocked Ye Xu and other people's blood.

After all, the fire flag is just an eye, and no one hosts it, while the iron-blooded battle flag is sacrificed by Zhou Shiwen and Fang Chen. They can barely exert their power and immediately suppress the power of this flag.

At the same time, Ye Xu sacrificed the Yanyang gourd and constantly absorbed the Yanyang thunder and fire from it, making its power completely unable to play.

The fire flag flew up and down in the formation to avoid the iron-blooded battle flag, followed by Zhou and Fang. "continuously stimulated the power of the iron-blooded battle flag, and bombarded the flame flag one after another.

There is a Yanyang gourd. They don't have to worry about the threat of Yanyang thunder at all.

The size of this flag is getting smaller and smaller, but it is suppressed by the iron-blooded war flag.

After a while, "the banner with a radius of hundreds of meters was pressed into a small flag of less than a foot by [town]." Zhou Shiwen sacrificed his jade tower and covered it down to put the banner into his jade and building.

The fire flag was taken away by the two of them, and the fire array suddenly broke itself and completely disintegrated.

Gu Yanzhi had been dumbfounded for a long time. It was not until the two of them put away the fire flag that they came to their senses. He couldn't help bursting into tears and muttered, "It's so easy to collect a town-level witch treasure. Am I that I'm out of date

When the two returned to Ye Xu, Zhou Shiwen said with interest, "Shaobao, go to deal with other banners" at least four of us!" Gu Yanzhi hurriedly said, "Brother, it's enough to get one. This time, there is this gourd to deal with thunder and fire, and it won't be so easy Ye Xu's eyes flashed and he smiled and said, "Brother is right." At most, he could not continue to receive a big flag. You can't be insatiable.