Be alone in the world

Chapter 202 The Seventy-second Family of the Three Palaces and Six Sects

Ye Xu didn't stay in Liuzhou for a long time, so he left Ye Qin and rushed to Wuling Mountain with the elders of Chunyishui and others.

When he flew out of Liuzhou, he looked back at Liuzhou City and said to himself, "I'm afraid there will be one less chance for me to come back in the future."

He knows very well in his heart that he is no longer the same person as Ye Qin, Ye Sidao and others. He stands higher than them, sees farther, and has greater ambition and desire.

If you come back often, it will only bring them trouble.

Some people say that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. In his opinion, it is just a disease-free joke, but the actual situation is that the greater the ability, the greater the ambition!

Since Ye Xu opened the second floor of the Jade Tower, his ambition has been unconsciously magnified countless times.

"I've changed," he followed Chunyishui and Gu Yanzhi steadily and muttered in a low voice.

Chun Yishui turned around and smiled, "Nephew Ye, what are you muttering about?"

Ye Xu shook his head and suddenly smiled and said, "Uncle, have you ever heard the name of the Great Demon Emperor?"

He got the forbidden book of the Great Zhou Tianxing Dou from the Jade Tower, in which the method of tempering the Yuanshen is called the true solution of the Yuanshen of the Miluo Heavenly Demon Emperor. These days, he has been puzzled why there is the mind of the demon clan in the Jade Tower.

"The Demon Emperor of Mila? I haven't heard of it."

Chunyishui was slightly stunned and said with a smile, "But I know what Mira means. Mira means Hao." Mira is Western Haotian. This Miluo Heavenly Demon Emperor must have been a Heavenly Emperor who once ruled Haotian in the West, but the demon clan has become the Heavenly Emperor. How come I have never heard of a Miluo Heavenly Demon Emperor..."

Ye Xu sighed and no longer asked. "The heart method in the jade tower should be forged with me. If you practice according to the forbidden book of the Great Zhou Tianxing Dou, there will be no mistake."

If you want to practice the Dazhou Tianyuanhua Zhenjing in the Dazhou Tianxing Dou Ban Canon, it is far from enough to rely on his own traction Zhou Tianxing. He must rely on the traction speed of the Xingdou dust array map to compare with the speed of other wizards absorbing aura.

However, in the star dust array map, the leading Zhoutian star power is the small Zhoutian star power. There are 72 starpowers in total, while the star power required by the Great Zhou Tianyuanhua Zhenjing is the star power of the Zhou Dynasty, with a total of 365 stars, five times that of the little Zhoutian.

In the Forbidden Book of Star Fighting, there is no mention of how to set up the Dazhou Tianxing Fighting Array, but Ye Xu can deduce how this Array should be manipulated according to the Star Fighting Microdust Array.

His mind moved. "The star dust array automatically emerged. Ye Xu followed the footsteps of Chunyishui and Gu Yanzhi, and at the same time mobilized the order of star beads in the array map to disrupt the array he had arranged in the past.

New star arrays are gradually forming in the array, pulling more new star forces into the array.

As long as the 365 star arrays are arranged, this array will no longer be the small Zhoutian star dust array, but the big Zhoutian star array!

The star beads needed for the Dazhou Star Fighting Chart are far more horrible than before, which is simply outrageous.

His array has originally laid a medium-sized array, with a total of 72 complete small arrays. Now, after disassembly and reorganization, only 14 large Zhoutianxingdou small arrays can be laid, which is still far from a medium-sized array!

"About hundreds of sects were looted and their star yuan magnetocrystals, and I had enough money to improve the Dazhou Tianxingdou dust array map into a medium-sized array map." Ye Xu blinked his eyes and calculated the feasibility of looting other sects." He felt that he had a half chance of winning No, I sighed: "At present, this is a joke..."

Of course, if he has this strength, it's not a joke.

This big Zhou Tianxing array map is simply a bottomless hole that can't be filled enough. Not to mention the complete large array map, even the medium-sized array does not have enough financial resources!

"I really want to rob those sects..."

The elder of Chunyishui looked back at him and praised Gu Yanzhi: "Well, you are so diligent." You don't even forget to practice on the way." No wonder you can have such a means and prestige at such a young age. If you had his heart, your cultivation would have entered the Danding period long ago and become the elder of our religion!"

Gu Yanzhi looked ashamed and nodded and said, "Brother Ye is really diligent. I can't compare with him..."

If the two knew that Ye Xu was calculating how to rob other sects at this moment, I'm afraid they wouldn't have said it.

"Shaobao, the general altar of Wuling Mountain has arrived!" Gu Yanzhi suddenly said.

Ye Xu hurriedly looked up and saw the five mountains in front of him undulating, like five giant dragons, gathered together. These five mountains came from five different directions and converged into a point in the middle.

The intersection of the mountains is the general altar of the Five Poisons. There are many caves, and there are also halls located on the top of the mountain, forming a huge architectural community together with other houses and temples.

These five mountains are not majestic and magical, but they can also be called magnificent. They are Yuechengling, Du Pangling, Mengzhuling, Qitianling and Dayuling. There are many mountains with spiritual veins, and some of them even float around in the mountains.

Seeing this, Ye Xu couldn't help but want to sacrifice his jade tower and take away all these auras. He still suppressed his idea. The place where the aura gathers below is mostly the cave of the five poisons teacher's brother.

Among the clouds formed by aura, large and small insects penetrate the edges in the clouds. The big one is more than ten meters long, and the small one is only the size of an ant, which is strangely shaped. It should be the brother of the Five Poisons Religion who is quenching the worms with Reiki.

He doesn't have much research on caterpillars." Seeing that other brothers worked so hard to cultivate caterpillars, he couldn't help but feel ashamed. If the Five Poisons Sect examines the knowledge of insects, he, as the helm, would definitely fail.

In these Wuling Mountains, I don't know how many spiritual veins there are. Occasionally, a vast and obscure breath comes from the mountain. It should be the hidden strong man of the Five Poisons Religion, and his strength is extremely profound.

Although it is also a medium-sized sect, the foundation of the Five Poisons is much deeper than that of Baihuā Palace.

The three of them went straight to the hall of the main altar. They saw a lake in front of the hall, with blue waves. Five or six strangely dressed wizards stood by the lake, leading more than a dozen turfs and throwing one head into the lake. "Little ancestor, these blood and food are all our filial piety to you."

"Is this the dragon pool of our five poisons?" Ye Xu doubted.

Chunyishui was quite proud and nodded, "That's right." This is Hualongchi."

He was a little ashamed and hummed angrily, "But the dragonfly inside is delicious and lazy. These fools use more than a dozen cows. I'm afraid they can't seduce him out." They have to use a hundred cows. His grandmother's "Last time I used a hundred cows, I couldn't seduce this bastard, which wasted my painstaking efforts!" Ye Xu was amazing and worshipped alien monsters. "It is not uncommon in many sects." An ancient alien monster can develop dozens or even hundreds of extremely powerful witchcrafts" but it has The sects dedicated to ancient alien monsters are often famous sects, and the small sects do not have this strength at all.

The Five Poisons Church worships a dragon, which is already a great achievement and has the potential to become a famous sect.

He didn't know that the dragon in the dragon pool was originally a blue-scale gray-lined python raised by the ancestor of the Five Poisons Religion, and followed the ancestor for hundreds of years.

Later, the ancestor of the mountain opened sat down, and the gray-lined python was cultivated into essence, so he stayed in Wuling Mountain to guard the mountain gate. A year later, "this big python has been cultivated into a dragonfly" is comparable to the strong man at the master level.

"The master is here!" Chun Yishui's eyes lit up, saluted Li Shangyang slightly, and then retreated with Gu Yanzhi.

Ye Xu only saw Li Shangyang's big belly poop. His big sleeves fluttered and came this way. He quickly bowed and said, "Master."

Li Shangyang nodded slightly and said with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, "I heard that you have offended the Xia family in Zhongzhou? Did the Xia family in Zhongzhou also issued a killing order? Yes, it's not bad. "It's a long time for the ambition of my five poisons religion" actually offended the oldest witch family in Zhongzhou..." He changed his words, his face was full of fat, and his heart was sad." He scolded, "You are so good at causing trouble! What did I tell you when I left Yunmen Mountain last time? Don't make trouble! In less than three months, you can make such a big disaster. Every time I hear your rumors, I have to be frightened every time. Now I worry all day long. I look up at the sky, afraid that the Xia family will fall from the sky and refine me into ashes!" Ye Xu is submissive and said with a smile, "The Xia family Deal with me."

Li Shangyang said coldly, "With a hum, he brushed his sleeves and said, "Listen to Gu Yan, you are being chased and killed in the Western Desert." There are a lot of good people. "I'm very gratified that you can come back alive"

"It's good for the master to learn that all those people have been killed by me, leaving no future trouble!" Ye Xu was awe-inspiring and waved his hand, "Disciple's move is really the ambition of my five poisons religion!"

"All of them are slaughtered, growing the ambition of my five poisons..." Li Shangyang kept jumping with a fat face" and said stubbornly, "Those people are the core disciples of all sects and sects." With so many people dead, can those sects not be painful? Son of a bitch, I can't protect you. Brother Jiao from Yunmen Mountain can't protect you anymore..." Ye Xu also felt apologetic. He didn't do much for the Five Poisons Religion, but he caused a lot of trouble. He was a little sorry for his conscience and said with a smile, "The master opened the disciples and declared that Those forces should not seek the trouble of my Five Poisons.

"Ha ha, there is no need to talk about the grass. I'm an old traitor... I'm so resourceful that Xiaofeng can't beat me.

Li Shangyang waved his hand, smiled, and said leisurely, "Stinky boy, I can't protect you. There is still a force that can protect you. With the protection of that force, even the Xia family dares to deal with you blatantly. I'm going to let you join that sect when I invite you back this time. If you can join that sect, not only will your life be guaranteed, but it will also grow the prestige of the Five Poisons.

Ye Xu was puzzled. Li Shangyang explained, "That sect will open the mountain gate recently." They chose disciples not from the secular world, but from various sects. Those who can be selected are all outstanding geniuses from all factions. Although your cultivation is weak, your strength is sloppy, and you should be selected.

"Choose disciples from the elites of all sects?" Ye Xu was shocked: "What sect has such a big handwriting?" Li Shangyang put his hands on his back and looked up in the direction of Baiman Mountain." Youyou said, "Three palaces, six sects, seventy-two families, each force has such a big handwriting. This is the top force in my devil's way." Even the Qin royal family should be afraid of them and give three points of courtesy.

"In Baiman Mountain, there is such a sect, which is the fourth Huangquan Demon Sect among the six sects of the Demon Sect. This sect is established in the hinterland of Baiman Mountain, all the way to the south, 100,000 mountains, together with the thousands of miles of sea, are the sphere of influence of the Demon Sect! Recently, "Huangquan Demon Sect has opened the mountain gate and has sent someone to send invitations, "Give me two names of the Five Poisons...",