Be alone in the world

Chapter 429 Inheritance of Legacy (, Crying for Subscription)

Chapter 429 Inheritance (first update, crying for subscription)

Ye Xu couldn't help frowning. He still had time to use the soul search method in the future. At the beginning, the prince's soul flew away, which made him unexpected. The First Emperor also stopped walking, frowned, and whispered, "The soul-destroking ban... What a cruel guy actually set such a ban in the soul of his own children. Even if he let his children's souls fly away, he will not give others any chance! This guy is cruel, a hundred times more vicious than I was back then..."

After the first death of the prince, his jade tower jumped out of his body and disintegraned on the spot, but the jade tower was not completely disintegrating, leaving a six-story witch soul world!

Ye Xu said softly that there were many great witches in the three gods that died in his hands, but after death, only the prince Chu left a witch soul world.

And even after the death of Fengshan, Ye Xu had never seen his witch soul world.

The prince was able to leave a six-story witch soul world at the beginning, which shows that his strength is indeed amazing. His jade tower has been nourished by his moto god and has formed a solidified space. Even if the jade tower collapses, the space will not collapse.

Although Ye Xu has seen a lot of witch soul worlds, these people were peerless talents and amazing in their lives, so they can only stay in the witch soul world after death.

It seems that Prince Chu also belongs to such a person, which can be said to be outstanding.

"If you die now, you will probably leave a witch soul world."

The First Emperor failed to extract the memory of the crown prince. He was depressed and said angrily, "For us old guys, the little guy who can leave the witch soul world after death is a talent worth cultivating. Come on, boy! His motogami is about to decompose. You help me trap his motogami. I have a lot to do!"

"The King of the Heavenly God!"

Ye Xu grabbed the yuan god of the prince Chu, trapped the six-winged roe deer yuan god in the bright moon in his hand and sealed it. The yuan god of the prince's first time was extremely strong, many times stronger than Wei Xuan's yuan god, and his cultivation was even above the second yuan god of Wei Zhen.

Then, Ye Xu grabbed the witch soul world. With a bang, the first layer of the witch soul world was crushed by him with one hand, and he took the lead in falling down dozens of mountains, and the mountain was filled with strong aura.

"These mountains are all Lingshan. There are a hundred and ten fourth-order and fifth-order spiritual veins sealed in each Lingshan Mountain. I didn't expect the prince to be so rich."

Ye Xu did not break these spiritual mountains and pull away the spiritual veins in them. Instead, he put these spiritual mountains into his own jade tower and used them to decorate and fill his own jade tower space.

He then crushed the second floor of the witch soul world, and saw countless materials falling from the building, and the treasure was soaring to the sky. This is an amazing wealth, which is richer than the collection in the stone nebula jade building. The prince's vision was extremely high, and all the materials he collected were exquisite. Ye Xu even saw a golden mother the size of a mountain. If there was spirituality, it was thumping!

"This golden mother is so huge that it may even give birth to the spirit of gold essence!"

Then, he saw another huge wooden stake, which was thousands of feet high, and the skin was coiled with a dragon-like texture. It was a famous dragon wood, an extremely rare wood material!

Other materials are also extremely amazing. There are eternal mysterious ice that can breed the spirit of water essence, solar zircon that can breed the spirit of fire essence, and Lianshan Baojin that can breed the spirit of earth essence. These materials are iron mother-level treasures.

Not only that, Ye Xu even saw a lot of golden essence-level materials. Although these materials are not as pure as the golden essence boy's big head, they are not the same.

The material of the golden essence is extremely rare. Far above the dragon wood, Ye Xu only felt a little dizzy. So many treasures made him think that he had looted the treasure house in the Qin Palace in a trance.

Any one of these treasures can make others break their heads and set off a bloody storm!

"The prince of Daqin is really rich, not ordinary rich. With these treasures, my Jiuding can definitely be upgraded again!"

Ye Xu searched all these treasures, moved them to his own jade tower, and then crushed the third floor of the witch soul world, and several witch treasures fell from it. The dragon gun of the prince was suddenly listed!

This dragon gun is the best of the treasure of the Yuanshen. In the Panhuang Mausoleum, the prince once relied on this dragon gun to stop Ye Xu in one move. The dragon gun itself contains several primordial gods, and was first hit into the primordial gods of Murong Xue and several real dragons by the prince. There are nine primordial gods!

Among the other three primordial gods, there are also several primordial gods. Together, there are as many as 20 primordial gods, and the materials forging these witch treasures are not ordinary, but the materials of the gas level of gold essence, which are extremely powerful!

This wealth is still above the first two layers of the witch soul world!

"These yuan gods can not only make my yuanshen recover as before and reach the full state, but also make me work and practice to the Yangshen period! Of course, the premise is that I have enough evil spirit.

Ye Xu immediately crushed the other layers. Not only did he frown, but he originally thought that there was also earth-shaking wealth in the last three layers of witch soul world, but unexpectedly, the other layers of witch soul world of the prince was empty and there was nothing.

"In fact, the greatest wealth is still the twelve bronze people refined by the prince. This is the treasure of the three phases..."

Ye Xu looked at the twelve bronze men with a height of 100 feet and saw that the bodies of these bronze bodies were cracked and their power was greatly damaged by that finger. Even so, the power of the twelve bronze men was not small, far more than any treasure of Yuanshen.

He couldn't help sighing that he had different fate. The prince was born in the emperor's house. He could have inexhaustible wealth without risking around, while he and other wizards needed to run around and search for treasures.

Suddenly, a gold medal flew out of his jade tower. The first emperor controlled the gold medal and flew to Prince Chu's body, hiding in his eyebrows.

The prince stood up straight, tried to walk a few steps, frowned and said, "The weak body is far worse than my original body."

"Senior, you are..." Ye Xuhu doubted.

"I can't wait. I plan to hide in this body and rush to Xianyang Imperial Capital in person to see who stole my empire. The owner of this body is the son of that man. He will definitely not doubt me, so I can definitely find out his true face in person!"

The first emperor entered the body of the prince, and quickly adapted to this body. His mind moved slightly, which attracted the yuan spirit of the prince, which was compatible with the body of the prince's body. He said in a low voice, "I control this body with my own remnant soul. It can't last for a long time. If I have a Boy, I have taught you everything I have learned in my life. You can be said to be the heir of my mano! If I don't come back after three months, I will definitely be found by that person and die completely, and my great hatred will fall on you. I want you to swear that in this life, if you can't avenge me, you can't become a witch emperor in your life!"

Ye Xu opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. After a moment, he swore, "I, Ye Xu, swear here that if I can't avenge my predecessors, I will never become a witch emperor in this life!"

Ye Xu was silent for a moment and said in a low voice, "Senior, in fact, you don't have to go there in person. When I'm done, it's not too late to go..."

"I, Zhao Zhengyi, am not weaker than others!"

The First Emperor laughed, rose up and flew to the capital of Xianyang. The laughter came from afar: "That man dares to take my empire, occupy my body, and take away my twelve bronze people. How can I tolerate such a great shame? Don't worry, within three months, I will definitely come back to see you alive. I can even live to the moment when you inherit my will, become the witch emperor, and become the hegemon of heaven and earth!"

Ye Xu saw him leave, and his heart was heavy. If the First Emperor could really avenge himself as he said, he would not let him swear to avenge himself.

The first emperor went here and knew that he could not be spared. He was determined to die!

Moreover, his move was not for Ye Xu's consideration. Donghuang Mu Xia Dongyang and others escaped. If the princechu did not return to the capital of Xianyang, the Qin royal family would soon know that the prince Chu had died and died in his own hands.

At that time, the court was furious, and the most powerful sect in the world would show his most ferocious side, gathering all the demon sects and families in the Great Qin Dynasty to pour out and destroy the Huangquan Demon Sect!

Even the seventy-second family of the Three Palaces and Six Sects of the Demon Road may be dispatched to wipe out the Huangquan Demon Sect and Ye Xu!

However, if the first emperor drives the body of the prince Chu back to the capital of Xianyang, the death of the prince will not be exposed. Even if the sudden death of the prince three months later, it will not be regarded as Ye Xu's head.

"Brother Ye, I swallowed the old slave, and my body almost recovered!"

Galo Mingzun flew over the black coffin, stayed beside Ye Xu, poked out his big head, and said with a smile, "Look, look, my skin has grown out!"

His face was full of scales, which looked ferocious and fierce. He lay on the edge of the coffin and said proudly, "If I swallow a few more strong people like that old slave, I can return to my heyday. There are not many people in the world who are my opponents! At that time, I can eat whatever I want. Whoever dares to stop me, I will eat..."

Ye Xu shook his head and smiled bitterly. Without answering, he had a sense of urgency in his heart and wanted to urgently improve his cultivation.

The first emperor is right. He is the heir of his mantle and inherits his will. He has not fulfilled his wish, but with his strength at this moment, it is really difficult to help the first emperor fulfill his last wish.

Ye Xu sacrificed the lotus treasure mountain and flew to the Huangquan Demon Sect with the black coffin. He said to himself, "Why don't you settle the people of the Five Poisons Church under the star-watching Peak first, let them shelter them under the protection of the Holy Sect, and then I flew away and went everywhere to

Before he returned to the star-watching peak, he saw that Baihua Mountain and Liuzhou City had been transported by Huang Can and Gong Yuniang and placed at the foot of the star-watching peak.

Ye Xu had an impulse in his heart and flew straight to Baihua Mountain. He said to himself, "I don't know what's going on with Qiao Qiao..." RO