Be alone in the world

Chapter 453 Ted together with the dog (, please subscribe!)

Ye Xu couldn't help but be shocked when he heard the shaking sound of chains. He thought that the dog guarding the treasure huā garden had already turned into a dead bone, but hearing this sound proved that the dog was still alive. Hearing the voice of everyone came to check.

"What kind of dog can live for hundreds of thousands of years?" Galo Mingzun's eyes widened, opened his mouth wide, and felt that his world outlook was collapsing.

Even the heavenly demon royal family, which is famous for its long life, has a life expectancy of only thousands of thousands of years. When he cultivates to the realm of the witch emperor, it is only ten thousand years of longevity, and few people can exceed this number.

As for the witch emperor in the world, his life expectancy is not as good as that of the demon witch emperor, which is only a few thousand years.

The dog in charge of guarding the treasure huā garden can actually live from the era of Emperor Yi to the present, which makes him feel messy in the wind.

There is no way to immortality in this world. It is impossible to have a long, long and endless life like ancient immortals. A dog that has lived for hundreds of thousands of years and lives longer than the witch emperor, which is enough to make everyone collapse.

The sound of footsteps and the clatter of iron lotus are still coming, and the ground is shaking slightly. Before seeing the dog, Ye Xu and others can imagine that this must be a huge thing, not inferior to the existence of ancient giant beasts.

"For so many years, this dog has probably become the emperor of witches..."

Bai Nanxuan had a cold war and muttered, "A dog that has become a witch emperor is enough to make everyone crazy. He can't wait to commit suicide "............"

Mo Sang-sang couldn't help laughing and said with a smile, "I'm afraid this is the first dog in the world to prove the witch emperor, right?"

Lu Yaojia shook her head and said, "Sister, don't joke, everyone be careful."

"Yes, if the situation is not good later, we have to evacuate as soon as possible. No matter what race is, it is impossible for us to compete with it!" Galo Mingzun's face was tense, and the cold sweat on his forehead ran down like a waterfall, wiping the sweat on his face, and said in a trembling voice.

The sound of the clenched chain was getting closer and closer, and the footsteps became heavier and heavier, shaking, like a huge beast coming with heavy footsteps. Everyone looked at the sound awe-inspiringly and couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

"The dog's sun is so heavy..."

I saw a puppy less than a foot dragging an unbelievably thick chain, panting out of the depths of the treasure garden, bypassing a rockery and appearing in front of everyone.

This puppy seems to be only a month or two in size. The dark black hair is very different from the ancient beast imagined by everyone. On the contrary, it is extremely small, and it seems that even the milk teeth have not fully grown out.

Although its momentum is strong, it is not so strong that it is ridiculously strong. It is just equivalent to the master at the peak of the combination of the three gods, and it is not the dog that proves the witch emperor in everyone imagines.

"Son of a bitch, are these two-legged guys the legendary human beings? Sure enough, he looks as ugly as the legend..."

What made everyone's eyes almost fall was that the puppy was full of swearing, sitting on the ground and scolding one by one.

"Ming Zun, this little thing, is the witch emperor?" Ye Xu looked strange and looked at Jia Luo Mingzun suspiciously.

"Cough, that, this..."

Jia Luo Mingzun scratched his head and smiled dryly, muttered, "Grandma's little guy, if it's the witch emperor, I'm the emperor of heaven. But then again, this guy has lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and he is only in the Three Divine Realm. He is really old enough to live on the dog..."

When the little black dog heard the words, he was furious. He immediately stood up and climbed to Jia Luo Mingzun. After walking more than ten steps, he was so tired that he was out of breath. He spit out his long tongue and gasped, and grinned at Jia Luo Mingzun: "You are old enough to live on the dog, Son of a bitch, you actually scold people. If it hadn't been for the fact that I was tied to the chain, I would have rushed up and nibbled you. ..."

Although the little black dog was small, it was full of dirty words, which made the dog bloody and speechless for a long time.

Ye Xu was also speechless for a while. I don't know who the dog learned a lot of dirty words from. He was simply a villain.

"Ming Zun, this puppy obviously can't have a life expectancy of hundreds of thousands of years. Presumably, the dog in charge of guarding the treasure garden has already died. I'm afraid this little black dog is the descendant it left behind. Who do you think gave it the chain and trapped it here?

Ye Xu immediately thought of the key point. The owner of the palace, the palace, had already died for hundreds of thousands of years, and the palace had long been empty. So who bolted the chain on the neck of this little black dog to the house here?

Galo Mingzun was alod person in his heart. He hurriedly looked around and whispered, "Are there any living people in the palace?"

This puppy doesn't even have deciduous teeth. Naturally, it is impossible to live for hundreds of thousands of years. Most of them are the descendants of the dogs responsible for guarding the huā garden.

"Who is so cruel to tie such a small dog to such a thick chain?" Xi Hanyue's love overflowed, and Emei frowned slightly.

The little black dog raised its hind legs again and scratched the chain around its neck. The chain and traps on his neck were terribly thick, several times thicker than its body. I don't know how it dragged such a thick chain and came from the depths of the treasure garden.

"Who can help me open this chain?"

The little black dog wagged its tail and flattered Ye Xu and others, "As long as you can open the chain and save me out, you can pick the vegetables in this huā garden, and I can even give them to you!"

Galo Mingzun's eyes lit up, strode forward and sneered, "It's just a chain. With my cultivation, what can I do about it?" Big man, don't touch it!" The little black dog exclaimed.

Galo Mingzun just touched this chain, and saw that the chain was spiritual. He rolled it around his neck, interlocked it, and locked it with the little black dog.

Ye Xu is both surprised and funny. This chain is obviously not ordinary, and it can actually tie up Galo Mingzun.

Galo Mingzun roared, spewing out a strong magic flame all over his body, attached to the chain and burning brightly.

The chain did not move at all. Jia Luo Mingzun blinked his eyes, grabbed the chain with both hands, and tore it hard. His power is unparalleled. Even the mountains in the secret place of the North Sea can be uprooted, and the gate of Xiyang can be held in the palm of his hand. However, in the face of this chain, it seems to be useless. No matter how strong he uses, he can break the chain and get out.

He roared and sacrificed the coffin green lamp and sintered it with a black fire. There was no way, and the chain showed no sign of melting at all.

"I can't even trap the bundle of fairy ropes in Sendai. A chain, I don't want to tie me to this dead dog at all!"

He sacrificed the Tianque halberd and tried his best to cut down the chain. The small Tiangong Xianque appeared around the halberd, rotating rapidly around the halberd, making the power of the halberd expand sharply and even the space of the nose palace collapsed!


The firelight splashed all over the sky and the halberd cut on the chain, leaving only a shallow white mark. The traces quickly disappeared, and the chain returned to its original state.

Galo Mingzun was shocked and angry. He grabbed the chain and opened his mouth and bit it, and his teeth were almost broken.

"Don't waste your effort. This chain is the chain used by Emperor Yi's bastard to tie the six big guys. The remaining scraps, even my ancestors can't bite it. With your cultivation for thousands of years, it can't be broken!"

The little black dog looked at him with pity and comforted, "It doesn't matter. I'm not used to it at first, but I'm used to it when I tie it. Dude, I'll show you our new home. This is the nest left for me by my ancestors..."

"I don't want to be tied up with a dog, and I don't want to be a brother with a dog. I don't want to sleep in a kennel!" Galo Mingzun was almost crazy and roared in anger.

"What is a dog kennel?"

The little black dog's face was not good, and he said angrily, "The place where you sleep is called a dog kennel. I won't sleep in my kennel for you. You can sleep outside in the future!"

"This chain can't be touched, my lord, you take a break first, and I'll come to save you later." Ye Xu picked up the hoe and walked around the little black dog with a hu basket.

Lu Yaojia also followed him with a huā basket, and everyone filed into the treasure huā garden.

Galo Mingzun watched them walk over, dejected.

"Big man, these guys want to steal our dishes. The vegetables in this garden are our rations in the future. If they steal them, we will be hungry in the future." The little black dog came to Galo Mingzun, jumped on his shoulder, and bit his ear to him.

"Don't talk to me like this, one by one, let's "I don't know you that well!" Jia Luo Mingzun almost collapsed, carrying the chain with a sad face and following Ye Xu and others.

The little black dog continued to bite his ears and muttered, "Don't be so out of sight. We are all fallen people in the world. We have to tie it to a chain until we die... Wow! They really want to steal our food! Bite him!"

Ye Xu and others walked into the huā garden and saw that the treasure huā garden was full of huāshengjin, the fragrance of medicine, and all kinds of fairy and strange grass were dazzling.

Emperor Yi and Emperor E obviously regarded this place as their own Houhuā garden and planted many rare treasures. Now hundreds of thousands of years have passed, the medicinal materials here have been withered several times, and no one has taken care of it. Many elixirs have died in the huā garden, but many elixirs still survive.

"Ts of thousands of years of medicinal herbs, even if it's a dog tail grass, I'm afraid it will increase its life by a hundred years!" Bai Nanxuan looked east and west, with different eyes.

The little black dog on Garo Mingzun's shoulder stared at him angrily.

Ye Xu frowned. Although there are many medicinal herbs around him, the medicinal herbs here do not have been good elixirs for more than tens of thousands of years.

"Ming Zun, have all the medicine kings who are tens of thousands of years old here eaten by this puppy?"

Galo Mingzun turned his head and looked at the little black dog on his shoulder. His eyes couldn't help but light up. He smiled and said, "This puppy has taken so much medicine king, and the medicine power is silted in the [body], which is simply a living elixir!" It must be a great tonic!"

"What do you want to do?"

The little black dog said alertly, "Don't mess around. We are dogs on a chain. If you eat it, I will only stay here alone and live alone!"

"How many times have I said that I'm not a dog!"

Jia Luo Mingzun was furious. He wanted to kill the puppy several times and swallowed it alive, but he held it down. His heart was very desolate. He said bitterly, "I really can't kill it. Maybe I will really be locked here all my life. It's also good to have a dog as a companion. Brother Ye, Remember to come back to see me, bring me a few more people to open the meat... Remember, come to see me once in 500 years, when I die here, I hope someone can clean up the dead bones for me, don't bury it with this dog..."

What he said was extremely miserable, Ye Xu couldn't help advising him, "Dai Zun, there must be a way to get to the mountain. Maybe we can have a way to open this chain..."